Black Pearl 16

Black Pearl




Seeing Mia’s shocked face made Suho feel guilty of telling her this. he wasn’t really sure if his hypothesis was true but that was most possible he could think of unless Chanyeol has really fallen for Mia. But it can’t happen. Chanyeol is already married.

“But maybe I’m wrong.” He tried to take his words back but it was too late. “Maybe Chanyeol just really took a liking to you.” He told but Mia wasn’t listening anymore. “Maybe I’m wrong.” Suho said but his words didn’t reach anyone.


The two sat there in silence as Mia let every word sink in her. He wasn’t looking at you, Mia. He was seeing another person through you. Pabo.


Mia avoided Chanyeol for a month already and Chanyeol was about to lose his mind. He missed their short conversation. He missed Mia. So he decided to swallow his pride for the first time and went to apologize Mia.

He went early to work, aware that Mia had been cleaning his office before he could even reach the office just for the sake of avoiding him. He arrived 15 minutes exact and just like he planned, Mia came in with her cleaning instruments.


Mia was busy placing her cleaning utensils on the floor when she noticed she wasn’t alone in the office. Looking up, she saw Chanyeol looking at her and felt her heart beat rapidly. Both stared at each other silently before Chanyeol cleared his throat.


“Are you avoiding me?” was his first question and Mia almost pulled her hair out of frustration because, wow! Sherlock!

Heaving a heavy sigh, Mia tried to calm herself down before meeting the eyes of her employee. “I am.” she said in a flat tone.

Chanyeol frowned at her reply and stepped closer but Mia stepped back. “Why? Is it because of what I said last time? Hell Mia, that’s not what I meant. You never let me finish.” he ruffled his hair out of frustration and his plan of having a peaceful and calm talk with the woman went flying out of the window. It’s Mia and Chanyeol knew no plan can work with Mia.

“I was mad at that time because you were getting close to Junmyeon hyung. But it’s not because I don’t like you with him -- well partly -- but argh! It’s not because I think lowly of you, woman! It’s because I’m -- I was jealous!” There! He finally admitted and Mia almost gave in but then, it reminded her of Suho’s words and realized that maybe, Chanyeol was really jealous but not because of her and Suho but because of her late wife and his cousin.

Her chest hurt by the thought and her hands started trembling in pain but her face remained stoic and she mentally did her best to calm herself.

“Mia say something damn it!” she was woken up by the giant’s voice and Mia finally looked up to him. But her reaction and words only made Chanyeol freeze in his spot.


“I’m sorry, I’m not her.” she mumbled enough for Chanyeol to hear before going out of the office.


Mia sighed as she sat alone in the university’s canteen, ignoring all the fuss around her. Apparently, there’s a ‘hot’ professor that’s visiting the university to give them a special lecture about business management and whatnot. To others, it’s exciting, not because of the topic, but the thrill of having a handsome man stand in front of everyone to see and listen to his voice. Mia though, dreaded it because it will surely come with a paper work good enough to take all her sleeping time.

She has been ignoring Chanyeol after the confrontation and the employer has stopped approaching her which only hurt her more. The proof that Chanyeol only saw her as his late wife was a slap on her face and pride and it made her feel like for hoping that maybe Chanyeol really did like her as herself and not somebody else.

She felt stupid for even believing and misunderstanding her boss’ intentions but still, it’s never right to mistake a person from a dead one. She’s still upset at Chanyeol but more at herself for expecting.


“Ugh.” Mia massaged her head and tried to stop thinking about Chanyeol when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to knowing who it was and was met by a cold drink almost shoved on her face.

“You should drink something, you’re looking pale.” Kris gave her a worried glance as he sat beside her. Mia took her drink and struggled on opening the plastic bottle so Kris did it for him. “What are you stressing about? You’ve been like this for three weeks now.” he asked and Mia took a sip of the drink before groaning.

“Nothing big. Just school and the upcoming paperwork that professor visiting today will be giving us.” she told and Kris chuckled before ruffling her hair.

“Don’t stress yourself out Mia. It’s not worth it. Just take things slowly and if you ever feel sick, go home. Give me a call and I’ll drive you back.” he said before looking at his phone to check the time and gasped. “. I have to go. Mrs. Lee doesn’t let anyone in after the bell. Go home and rest kid. I’ll see you around.” he said before dashing out of the canteen.


Mia, who’s starting to feel lightheaded just shooed him with her hand and rested her head on the table. She stayed there until the bell rang and dragged herself to the lecture room.


Chanyeol was guided by the university’s director to the lecture hall. He has been doing this for the past three years in place of his dad. He was planning on cancelling but realizing that Mia was studying in the same university he’s going to teach at, he went.

The students, as always, were ogling at him but he paid them no attention and started the lecture. Everything was going perfectly and he had almost everyone’s attention on him except one student who looked like half asleep, Mia.


Ever since that confrontation they had in his office, Chanyeol has stopped bugging the girl. He focused in his own thoughts and felt guilty for hurting Mia with his previous thoughts about the girl. He won’t deny that he did saw his late wife in the young lady but that didn’t mean that Chanyeol have never felt something for Mia. In fact, with all that self reflecting, he didn't know when it happened but he stopped wearing his wedding ring and stopped drinking every 14th of the month too which is Althea’s death monthsary. He also stopped having hallucinations of Althea and his dreams of her lessened.

Chanyeol had a hunch on why but he wanted to wait for both of their sakes.


Chanyeol knew Mia was avoiding him and decided to give her time before he could talk to her again and clear things up. And if things go his way, he’ll confess and tell him what he really feels about her despite of the knowing Mia’s liking of Suho.


He continued with the lecture, checking Mia from time to time discreetly. He was worried because she looked really pale and he fought the urge to scold her for not taking care of herself. He knew Mia tends to skip meals because of her jobs and college work that’s why he has been insisting her to eat with him in the past but since she wouldn’t even show herself to him, the joined meals have stopped too.


The lecture ended and Mia was woken up by her classmates and went out of the room. She didn’t even look at him and she never knew that Professor Park was the same Park she was avoiding all these weeks when she walked out of that door, listening to her classmates giggle  because of the professor’s ‘hotness’.


Chanyeol wanted to go out and follow the girl to ask what was wrong with her even though he doubt she’ll tell him , but he couldn’t because some of the professors who decided to attend his lectures wouldn’t stop asking him questions. He answered them quickly and in half an hour after the lecture ended, he was out of the building looking for Mia.


He was running, eyes crazily roaming around the campus in search of the pale girl who was sleeping in his lecture earlier. She really looked sick and Chanyeol just wanted to assure if she was okay.

He was waiting in front of the gates when he saw Mia wobbling her way out. She was holding the side of her head with one hand while the other held her school supplies.


“Mia!” Chanyeol called her worriedly and made his way towards her but when Mia saw him, she went to the opposite direction right away. She was in a rush that she didn’t see the black car driving out until Chanyeol shouted a desperate ‘WHATCH OUT’ but it was too late. The car screeched violently to stop and it almost hit Mia.

Mia though was too shocked and was shaking in fear before collapsing on the ground.


The water was rapidly getting into the wedding car and she was half conscious, her head bleeding and her body felt numb. Chanyeol. She called but her thoughts was cut when someone shook her weakly.

“Althea! Wake up. P-please!” it was Dasom’s voice.


When they met, and made up. Althea offered Dasom a ride to the wedding ceremony. She knew that Dasom was a really big fan of Royals and that it would be great if her friends get along as well. And with that, Rei, her and Dasom rode the wedding car.


“D--om.” Althea weakly turned and gasped as she saw her friend bathing in her own blood.

“You have to get out, Althea.” Dasom said and opened the door where the water hasn’t reached yet. Althea, still shocked just followed her friend’s words and got out of the car. She was about to turn around to reach Dasom’s hand but the girl pushed her into the water, away from the car.

“DASOM!” Althea shouted and was about to swim towards the car but Dasom stopped her.

“No! swim away! Please!” Dasom pleaded but Althea didn’t listen. “Just swim to the shore and get help, Thea. I’ll be here waiting!” Dasom told her and Althea, panicking did was told and swam as fast as she could to the shore with Dasom dizzily watching her.


Please be happy and take good care of Chanyeol for me. Dasom cried as she waited for the gasoline to flame up. Goodbye. The girl closed her eyes with her last tears rolling on her cheeks and felt nothing within the next second as her body got burnt and exploded with the car.


Althea fainted as soon as she got to the shore. She was bleeding heavily and has a lot of cuts and bruises. She was lying numbly on the grassy ground when a madam followed by several men came towards her.


“Get her into the car.” The madam told and the men picked the girl up.


Six chapters more or less and this story will finally end
OMG! This is getting so boring IDEK why I'm still writing T^T
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting