Black Pearl 14

Black Pearl




"You do know that she is not Althea, right?" Baekhyun asked. "And you know that she'll get away from you if she ever finds out you’re stalking her, right?" He added.

Of course Chanyeol knew that, but he just wanted to make sure that she's not her and with being with her, he thought that it might help him to convince himself that she's not his Althea. That maybe, if he sees more of their differences he might believe and accept the fact that she's really gone.


Althea was on her cleaning job at the Park’s company, cleaning the windows of the stairways in deep thoughts. “Park Chanyeol.” She tried saying the man’s name.

Ever since she met that guy and heard his name, she couldn’t get it out of her head. Damn, she even dreamt of her laughing and running on a big garden like she was playing tag with someone. She was so happy and she was wearing a white simple dress. But that wasn’t the weird part. The thing is, she was calling someone and that someone was Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol.” She unconsciously said his name for the 2nd time and her heart still skipped a beat.


Who is this man? She asked herself but all her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a loud sigh. She looked at her surroundings to see where the sound came from but no one was there and when she was about to go back to her work, she heard it again.


“Uhm. Is anybody there?” she nervously squeaked and she heard another sigh but this time, she followed where the sound was coming from and went upstairs to see Baekhyun’s assistant secretary, Suho.

“Oh.” They both said in surprise.

Suho was sitting on the stairs staring at the janitress in surprise. He has been in the stairway since half an hour ago and he didn’t even notice Mia. “What are you doing here, Mia-ssi?” he asked giving the lady a smile and Mia just blinked at him before responding.

“I was cleaning the window on the lower level when I heard your sighs.” She explained and Suho didn’t know what to do but to blush.

Great Suho. Someone just saw you in your moody mode. He said to himself in a sarcastic way as he listened to the janitress talk.

“I was worried, so I came up to see what was happening and it was just Suho-ssi spacing out.” She told and Suho shyly stood up rubbing his nape with his hand.

“Sorry, I thought no one’s going to be here. I just needed a timeout.” He said and stood up. “I better get going now. Work hard, Mia-ssi.” He told and was about to leave when Mia stopped him.

“You can stay here if you want.” She said with a smile. She knew that the man is an assistant secretary and that even though she’s not familiar of what Suho really do, she could tell that it was hard for the man. And that if she could help him by giving him space, then she’d be happy to give it.

After all, Mia has her fair share of working experience and even though her job’s different from Suho’s, to her, all jobs are the same, it requires energy, brains and of course perseverance. But they are only humans and being tired once in awhile is not a sin.


“I’ll just clean the windows and leave.” She said and Suho thankfully smiled at the girl.

“Uhm. I guess I can stay a little longer.” He said and sat on the stairs again as he watched Althea wiped the windows.


“Aren’t you tired? Studying and working at the same time, I mean.” Suho asked and Mia just smiled at him.

“I am, but this is life.” The girl replied as she sprayed the glass cleaner to the glass and wiped it. “This is the life of those who never had their parents when they first opened their eyes.” She told and Suho felt sorry for the young lady. He saw her records and knew that the girl’s an orphan. Now he felt a little bit miserable because of his thoughts of him being unlucky.

“It’s not really that different if you have parents or not, whether you’re rich or not.” Suho said making the girl turn to him. “In the end we just have to work so we can earn money, and then spend it to live.” He added and Mia took a minute to think about it before agreeing with a shrug.


“I guess so.” “But Suho-ssi.” She called and Suho smiled at him.

“Suho will be just fine.” He told and the girl nodded before continuing her words.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why were you filling the entire emergency stairs with your humongous sighs?” she asked and Suho heartily laughed before rubbing his nape.

“It’s not that serious. I was just tired.” he said. “You know, working under your cousin’s best friend after you studied abroad is not really a happy thing.” He continued and Mia just blinked at him waiting for the other to elaborate. “You might not know this since you’re new. But Byun Baekhyun, yes, my boss, the HR secretary Byun, is my cousin’s best friend. And who’s that cousin of mine you ask? He’s the one and only Park Chanyeol.” He said and the girl’s mind flew away by the sound of that name.

Park Chanyeol. Ahh. That name again. She spaced out and not noticed that Suho asked her a question.

“You must be shocked huh?” Suho laughed. “Yeah, I myself am shocked that I’m a cousin of someone like him.” He told and Mia got more curious about the man.

Someone like him, huh? What is Park Chanyeol like? Is he the same Park Chanyeol in the coffee shop or is he someone with the same name?  She asked herself as she listened to Suho’s thoughts and more things about Park Chanyeol that somehow, Mia was willing to hear.


Firstly, to her surprise, she learnt that the almighty Park Chanyeol is the CEO of the company she’s working at. She couldn’t believe it at first and prayed that the name was just the same from the Park Chanyeol who she talked to in the café.

After all, Park is a common surname and she just believed that the same name was a coincidence. But then, when Suho began to explain how tall and how every female worker adored the CEO, Mia wanted to just hide in the corner. He’s the same Park Chanyeol, that weird drunken, stalker man.  She thought.

Despite of learning something shocking, Mia chose to be calm about it and listened to Suho’s stories. She didn’t tell him about her encounter with the CEO himself since she thought it wasn’t that important. She just hoped that the CEO and her won’t cross paths in this large building or everywhere ever again.


The two spent their time on the stairway, talking about their responsibilities and how work could be pain in the sometimes. They also learned a lot about each other and to Mia’s surprise, Suho really can nag. His rants about his parents telling him to work hard and how he was always being compared to his cousins was his main stress and Mia could only feel sorry to him.

She also learned that Suho actually studied in America and just came back to take his part of responsibility in the company. He didn’t want to go back though and he wanted to start his own business in the foreign land but like what he was saying, his parents won’t make it possible for the man.

Apart from telling each other what’s bothering them, they also decided to become friends and be comfortable with each other and ever since that day, the two would spend their breaks at the stair way and there talk and laugh about something that happened to them during work. They became really close that they even talk to each other when they bump at each other in the hallways and start some conversations here and there.


Mia was busy wiping the handrails of the escalator when he saw Suho walking to the hallways. He gave her a bright smile and she waved at him before mouthing a ‘good morning’. Suho chuckled at the girl and mouthed ‘work hard’ to the girl before he went to his boss’ office.


On the third floor though, stood Chanyeol with his hand curled into fists. He saw everything and of course, he was aware of the two getting closer each day which was really bugging him to the bones. He didn’t know why he was feeling pissed about it when he knew the girl wasn’t his late love. He was just bothered by it and Park Chanyeol won’t have any of that.

The CEO went to his office and slammed the door shut. He sat on his chair and closed his eyes only to have his mind rewind what happened earlier. The way the two mouthed each other things and smiled made something inside him crack.

He then opened his eyes and took the stack of blank paper on his table and began ripping them and throwing it everywhere in his office. Satisfied with the mess he made, Chanyeol hit the call button to connect him to his secretary’s office.

“What?” Kyungsoo answered with an annoyed tone. The secretary was busy himself and this boss of his won’t make life easier for him. “My office is a mess, Soo. Send the cleaner in my office. Now.” The boss said and the secretary only sighed. He knew what his friend was doing and he didn’t like it one bit. Chanyeol should move on and finding his late lover’s look alike wasn’t helping.


”You’re being stupid right now. You know that, right?” the secretary told and Chanyeol responded with “It’s none of your business.” making the secretary sigh for the nth time. “Just don’t do anything stupid and be careful.” He told before hanging up only to make another call.


“Baek? It’s me. Can you send Mia to Chanyeol’s office? The boss wants his office clean.” Kyungsoo told and the HR secretary muttered with an unimpressed ‘idiot’ before telling him he’ll send Suho to do the job.


Baekhyun ended the call and sighed at his paper filled table. He has a lot of work to do and their boss, best friend, was worrying him. Why won’t you realize that she’s not Althea? Just move on, idiot.


With a nervous heart, Mia knocked on the CEO’s door. “The cleaner, sir.” She told with a shaky voice. Aish! Why are you being like this, Mia?  She was finishing her job when Suho called her, asking her to clean the CEO’s office. She whimpered at the thought but still said yes to her friend. And now, there she was, nervously standing in front of the CEO’s office.


“Come in.” she heard him say and with her sweaty hands, she reached for the doorknob and took a deep breath. It’s okay, Mia. You’re just here to clean the office and then you go. Relax.  She told herself and opened the door only to gasp at the mess that greeted her. What happened here?  She asked herself as she scanned the mess until her eyes landed on the CEO’s back.


Park Chanyeol. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath hitched. Why heart?

No idea brain.

Godbless Park CY and soundcloud!
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting