Black Pearl 7

Black Pearl




Days passed and the two spent their time together just like those love birds in the jungle, being the Tarzan and the Jane in their own world. Chanyeol never failed to show Althea his affections and so was the young lady. She would always say her thoughts out loud and Chanyeol would sometimes be taken aback by how honest and straightforward his woman was.

Even the animals and the whole jungle supported them, happy for the sole human being in the island to have finally found her pair.


But all good things always come to an end as Chanyeol’s days on the island ran out.


One night, Chanyeol was woken up by the noise coming from the radio he set inside the hut. He carefully got out of the bed without waking the girl sleeping beside him and immediately turned it off. He stared at the radio like it was the most foreign thing he’s ever seen in his whole life before turning his head to glance at the sleeping beauty behind him.

I’ll tell her tomorrow. He told himself and went back to bed wrapping his arms around the girl’s petite frame.


The next morning, Althea woke up in the cold bed alone. She lazily sat up and scanned the hut to find her Chanyeol but found none.

Maybe he’s off fishing. She told herself and went to wash up in the waterfalls. Chanyeol taught her about personal hygiene and she immediately adopted from it and did it when it’s due.

Afterwards, she tied her long dark chocolate colored hair and smiled to herself. She never thought she’d ever put an effort into looking pretty for someone. Feeling confident at herself, she smiled at her reflection on the water and went back to the hut to see Chanyeol already there. But something was different.


He didn’t bring any fish. And why was he packing his things?


“Chanyeol.” She called and he turned to her only to give her a forced smile. She felt it. Something’s wrong, but she couldn’t pin point it out.

“Hey.” He replied and stopped at what he’s doing as he went towards his lover to give her a morning kiss. “Good morning.” He chimed making Althea smile.

“Good morning.” She responded but those bags really poked her curious mind. “Where are you taking those bags?” she asked and felt Chanyeol stiffened.

“Althea.” He called her name but she felt the way he did so was different. “Can we talk?” he asked and of course the girl nodded.


The two were at the beach sitting on a dried trunk silently with the waves trying to calm their uneasy hearts.

“Love?” Chanyeol broke the silence and Althea looked at him, encouraging him to continue. “Do you want to go to the city with me?” he asked and Althea froze on her seat.


Yes, she has heard Chanyeol talk about the place where he came from, but she never thought of going there. She was contented on where she was especially now that she has Chanyeol with him.


“You want me to go with you? To your home?” she asked and Chanyeol nodded pulling her closer to his chest.

“I want you to discover more things; to meet my parents, and to show you the things you should’ve known ages ago. But of course, we’ll only stay there if you like it there. We can always go back.” He told. It’ll be difficult but he’ll make it possible. All for her. I’ll leave everything for you, Althea.


Althea stayed quiet for a few minutes to think and Chanyeol let her do so. Of course she was curious of how and what her lover’s home looked like. By the way he described it to her, it was like the most amazing thing and the most foreign in her ears and going with him will really help her get to know herself and also Chanyeol; starting with knowing his family that he dearly spoke of. The mother of his that’s so kind and caring and the father who was well respected and most disciplined. She would like to meet them because she couldn’t imagine having them, let alone imagine another person beside Chanyeol.

What if her kind is like the lion family? That they could only have one male on the group but in Chanyeol’s case, what if they only need one female in the circle? What if Chanyeol won’t like her anymore when he goes back?


But then, it all came to a halt when she felt his warmth wrapped on her body. She tilted her head to see Chanyeol looking at the sun rise with a nervous expression, obviously thinking the possibilities of her coming with him and otherwise. A smile crawled on her face as she reached his face, looking at him lovingly. Chanyeol met eyes with her, making everything click on its right place.

They may not like her or the other way around. But to Althea, if Chanyeol’s going to be happy if she comes, then, she will. After all, how can she survive without him here now that the man has already took a big part of her heart? It might get difficult and sad that she has to leave her home, but with Chanyeol by her side, she’ll get through everything. Chanyeol was her home now.


And with that, giving a peck on Chanyeol’s chin, Althea smiled gently. “I’ll go with you, Chanyeol.” She told.


Althea felt like inside her ear being out and she was almost close to going crazy with the horrible noise the big tadpole-shaped machine they were in was making. Chanyeol called it something like helopeter or something similar but it didn’t matter to the young lady as she was feeling really suffocated by the noise. And don’t get her started on how startled she was when the ‘tadpole’ lifted itself in midair.


When Althea said she was coming with him, Chanyeol wasted no time and called the helicopter to fetch them up. The pilot of the said ride was really surprised when he saw the girl and looked at his boss with a confused face but chose to say nothing. After all, he was the one who left his boss in the island and was sure that he didn’t take him with any girl. The girl is beautiful. The pilot thought. She has this innocent and sweet look on her face and he salutes his boss’ taste of women.


Chanyeol held the startled girl tight, securing her through the journey. And after hours of travelling, they reached the Park’s rooftop and there, landed. Mr. and Mrs. Park were already waiting for their son and greeted the man with a big hug the moment Chanyeol walked out of the ride.


“MY SON!” Mrs. Park cheered as she hugged her son tightly. “I missed you so much my son.” She said with such longing making Chanyeol smile and hugged her back. “I missed you too, mom.” He said happily.


“Welcome back, son.” His father gave him firm taps on the shoulder as a welcome. Chanyeol broke the hug and beamed at his parents. “I’m back, mom, and dad.” He said and the parents smiled at him. “Welcome home, Chanyeol.”


The family bonding was such heartwarming for the eyes but before Chanyeol forgot about something very important, he gave his parents an excited smile, the widest he has ever given them ever since he arrived. “Mom, dad. I want you to meet someone.” He told raising the confusion of his parents. How could he introduce someone to them when he just arrived home from a sole journey in an inhabited island?

He excused himself before running back to the helicopter and opened the door to reach his hand onto something, or should I say, someone.


A graceful hand reached out to their son’s and Chanyeol helped the girl hop off the ride. The Parks gasped in shock as in front of them revealed a beautiful girl dressed in their son’s oversized clothes. She has natural porcelain like skin and everyone could tell that she was a real beauty. Anyone could mistake her easily for an angel. Who’s this beautiful lad? Was the question floating around their heads.


They watched their son the girl towards them and with a smile. “Mom, Dad. Meet my girlfriend, Althea.” He said and the two gasped inwardly.

Her name is beautiful too! The mother eyed the young lady with interest. Good work, Park Chanyeol.

Just where did Chanyeol find an angel like this? Both parents asked themselves as they looked at each other and then to the girl who greeted. “Annyeonghaseyo, Althea inmida.” The girl bowed politely, her voice sounded oh so clear and nice to the elder’s ears.


“Oh, annyeonghaseyo.” The two greeted back before giving the girl a welcoming smile. “I’m sorry about that, you see our Chanyeol never really takes a girl home.” Mrs. Park said before looking at Chanyeol. “We should go in, I’m sure you’re both tired.” She told having in mind to talk to her son later on.


As they walked to the main manner, Althea’s eyes were roaming on each of every corner of the place. Everything was so different and foreign like she has entered a whole different world. Her hands grasped tightly Chanyeol's and the man watched in amazement of how amused his girlfriend was about everything. Her amusement was seen in her eyes while she was looking at the cars, windows, mirrors and wondering what its use or its purpose. Chanyeol let her be knowing that it was probably the first time the girl has seen them.


They reached the living room and there planned on having some chit chat and try to get to know Chanyeol's girlfriend. Althea managed to impress the Parks with her table manners that Chanyeol taught her back in the island. Of course she was a little bit foreign about the new things such as cups, pots, teaspoon, sugar, and the tea leaves itself and she didn't even bother hiding her fascination at the things making the Parks raise their brows at her. But all those curious looks ended when Althea finally took the hot tea and spat it at the same moment giving Chanyeol a frown as she sticks out her burnt tongue.


"Thanyoe, ith hoth." She told in un lady like way that made Mrs. Park look at her son but shrugged it all when she saw the stain on the girl's or should I say, Chanyeol's oversized shirt.

The Madam of the house then snapped her fingers making everyone turn to her, including, Chanyeol who was attending his girlfriend.


"Give Althea clothes to change to and help her clean up." She told the maids. "Tell Gemma(the head maid) to buy her clothes right this instant, ones that fits this young lady." She added and the maids bowed before turning to Althea. Chanyeol told his girl to go with the maids and that they will help her clean up along with a sweet kiss on the forehead. Althea nodded at Chanyeol before standing up and politely excused herself to the elderly before letting the maids lead her to clean up.


The moment the door closed, Chanyeol was greeted by his parents waiting for an explanation. "So, mind explaining on how you got yourself a girlfriend when you were staying in the isla--" Mr. Park was trying to say until it hit them both.


Mrs. Park's gasp was heard before she spoke. "No way." She muttered in shock. Chanyeol took a deep breath before reviewing on how he'll say it to them and then started to talk.


OHO! I'm still recovering with that All of Me and Chanyeol thing
Welp me OTL
Love me well <3 ~
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I can't download this story OTL


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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting