Black Pearl 21

Black Pearl




It has been three months since the incident happened and their lives turned to be quite peaceful. Mrs. Wu’s birthday was coming up and Mia decided to cheer her still moping sunbae by accompanying him to buy Mrs. Wu a present. Mia also ‘forced’ Kris to celebrate his mother’s birthday with a small celebration that was going to be supervised by her.

Kris was a bit reluctant about it because the last time they celebrated his mother’s birthday, cake and shards of the glasses scattered on the floor as Mrs. Wu hysterically cried for a present no one could ever give her: her daughter. But Mia assured him that this time would be different and that his mother has been getting better and better.


“You should’ve stayed at home. Chanyeol will kill us once he gets to my house and you’re not there.” Kris sighed but Mia pretended she didn’t hear a thing and kept on looking on the catalogues she brought in the car.

They were on their way to the mall to buy Mrs. Wu’s present and the young lady was excited. She never had a mom before as long as she remembered and having Madam Wu by her side made her feel like she was given a mother she never had.


“What do you think about buying those bubble bombs? Mama really loves taking baths. She’ll love this.” She said with gleaming face and Kris sighed wondering why he even bother trying. Mia has been calling the old lady ‘mama’ due to the lady’s request. She didn’t have the heart to say no and she liked the feeling it gave her whenever she calls her mom.

“The possibilities of her throwing all of them in the pool are high and I’ll only agree to buy it if you’re cleaning the pool afterwards.” Kris snickered and Mia stuck her tongue at him before continuing her search. Living in the Wu mansion didn’t only give Mia a mother, it also gave her a loving and annoying older brother. Sure, Althea will always be his precious little sister but Mia also has an important place in his heart.


“So what are you going to buy for him smartass?” She shot back and Kris cleared his throat.

“I already have it bought. We just need to pick it up.” He replied making Mia gasp before sending him teasing glances.

“What were you saying about ‘it’s better not to have a party’ again?” she grinned and Kris could only roll his eyes.


Both of them got to the mall and Mia ended up buying knitting kit for the old lady. They bought ice cream too before Kris insisted that they should go home before Chanyeol finishes his work.


“We should’ve bought the one with the glitters. I’m sure mama would love that.” Mia said and Kris just shook his head before going to the other side of the car to unlock it. Mia went to the other side and was about to open the door to the passenger seat when they heard a motorbike rapidly coming their way.


“MIA WATCH OUT!” Kris shouted the moment he saw the man holding a gun and Mia immediately ducked down making the man miss the hit. “GET IN!” Kris instructed and Mia, beyond startled did what was told. Kris went into the car and started the engine before driving out of the parking lot.

He reached for his phone and quickly called Chanyeol as they went their way back to the mansion. Chanyeol picked the call on the fourth call with an unimpressed voice but it all quickly changed when Kris’ first words were shouted at him.


“CHANYEOL THEY’RE CHASING AFTER US CALL THE ING POLICE WE’RE ON OUR WAY TO MY HOUSE. WARN THE SECURITIES. TELL THEM LEVEL 5! THEY’LL KNOW WHAT TO DO.” He told and couldn’t answer let alone comprehend what Chanyeol was shouting back at him because he was focused on escaping the man on the road. Kris looked to his side only to see Mia curled and covering her ears with her eyes closed. Then, he looked and the rear mirror to see the man was still following him and he failed to notice a pedestrian crossing the road and almost hit him if he hadn't turned the wheel in the last second.


The car turned harshly to the side of the road hitting a street lamp. The impact almost made the two fly out if it wasn’t for their seatbelts. The man in the motorcycle stayed for a minute to look at the ruined car before going away thinking both were dead. Kris, feeling dizzy, heard the motorcycle go away and looked to see Mia who was unaware of what was happening around her. She was trembling and there was a wound on her forehead.

Kris ignored at his own pain and struggled to get out of his seat to help Mia out of the car. He managed to carry her out and with the help of passers bys both were away from the car before it exploded.


The explosion made Mia jolt in fear and all of a sudden, a wave of memories came to her. The car accident, Dasom helping her out, her getting out of the river, and a certain madam saying something she couldn’t hear as she looked down on her before she passed out.


Kris and Chanyeol were all waiting outside the emergency room for the news of Mia’s condition. Kris, had his arm in a cast as he explained what happened while he was receiving further treatment. Now, everyone knew that whoever it was was after Mia.


Both were sitting quietly when they heard hurried footsteps coming towards them. It was Suho who came to them with trouble breathing due to hurry.

“H-hey. There’s a news.” he said and tried to catch his breath before looking at Chanyeol. “Rei’s awake.”


This news made Chanyeol stand up, all of his attention was with Suho. “How is she? Does she remember?” he asked and Suho only shook his head.

“She just woke up Chanyeol. Nothing seems wrong aside from her grave but healing injuries but she’s still not out of the ICU. Tao promised me he will let us speak to his wife once she’s out of the ICU and is able to talk. Chanyeol sighed in relief while Suho smiled at Kris.

“Rei is one of Althea’s friends who was in the wedding car when the accident happened. She’s the only witness of what really happened except for Dasom who’s still missing and the number one suspect of what’s happening now.” Suho explained and Kris could only nod.

“No one told me about this Dasom girl.” Kris said and gave a judging look at the two. Chanyeol didn’t even care at the moment while Suho just gave him an apologetic smile. During the wait, Suho explained to Kris the whole details of Dasom and their old conflict with her too.

“...Unfortunately, Dasom disappeared without a trace after the incident and don’t ask if we tried hard enough because Chanyeol threw away the company just for that case but all came to nothing.” Suho ended with a sigh and Kris could only blink. Then, the sound of the door opening made them stand up and walk towards the doctor’s way.


“The patient’s previous trauma got triggered again and it seems like her memory loss is healing. She might be unstable for the next few hours because of the past memories coming back but with further observation and control, she’ll be alright. She’ll be confined to one of the rooms. Can someone come to fix the paperworks at the counter?” The doctor told them. Chanyeol was the one who went to fix the papers while Suho waited for the room where Mia will be confined in. Kris went home to check on his mother and give her the present. After all, it was still her birthday even though celebration was definitely held up.


Chanyeol sighed as he made his way to Mia’s room. Mia’s lost memories were going back and her life’s in danger and he felt hopeless. His hands were still trembling from the fear and panic he felt earlier. His love was almost taken away from him from the second time around and he still haven’t caught Dasom who was the reason of it all.

His hands turned into fists as he thought of Dasom laughing right now and swore to catch her whatever it takes. He took a turn and checked the room number before opening the door only to find the bed empty and Suho unconsciously lying on the floor.


“HYUNG!” Chanyeol ran to his cousin’s side and shook him awake. Suho winced at the pain at the back of his neck but was quickly ignored when he saw the empty bed. He turned to Chanyeol with wide eyes before reaching out for him.


“Chanyeol! Mia! They took her away.” He said and Chanyeol’s world fell apart.


"Why are you doing this, mom?" Mia cried as she tried to free herself from the ropes while Mrs. Park looked down at her with a big smile on her face. The old woman walked over and slapped Mia harshly before laughing.

"Don’t you dare call me mom you filthy thing.” She scoffed. “It’s obvious my dear.” Mia felt the familiarity of that nickname and it made her hair stand on its end because of how cold her voice was. “It’s because I don't want you for my son. I never did. But why do you have to come back and ruin it all? I regret not really killing you. But that time, I was scared, I didn't want to be a murderer. But if it is going to be worth it then I will do it for the sake of my son." Mrs. Park said looking at the girl without any mercy."For Chanyeol's happiness. "


Mia cried. Not only for the betrayal and the overwhelming events happening but because she knew Chanyeol, her love, would be heartbroken once he knew the truth about his mother. "Do you think Chanyeol will be happy if he knows about this?" She asked and the old woman glared at her before throwing a smirk.

"Well, he doesn't have to know, does he now, Althea?" Mrs. Park laughed and the young lady found herself glaring back.

"You cold blooded person!" She shouted and all the old woman did was laugh at the girl’s misery.


"Those men called Mia ‘Althea’. I'm sure of it." Suho told as Yoona held the icepack steadily on his nape for him. The police have been informed and Kris was with them through the search operation. Chanyeol was there to assure that the hospital will face the consequences of not having a tight security and to hear his cousin’s testimony before joining the search.


They were in the lounge when Tao came in with his wife who was on the wheelchair, ready to tell them what happened. They didn’t even had the time to ask how the idol was as Rei began talking directly of what happened that day.


“There were four of us in the car. Althea was sitting between me and Dasom and the chauffeur in the front.” She told and the ones listening frowned. They never knew Dasom was in the car with them. “That time, we were happily chatting with Althea when Dasom took Althea's bouquet to practice on how to catch it for the after wedding’s program. Then, the driver shouted. Then, everything went too fast and I felt myself being thrown out of the car when it flipped, too much pain and shock was too much for me back then but I was still conscious. I saw Althea from the shore of the river and how she struggled to go to me. I saw her reach land and the car exploded and I lost consciousness.” The idol told and leaned on her husband, still to weak to even show emotions.


“T-then… If Althea got out of the car, then who was the one we found inside the car?” Yoona asked and Suho whispered Dasom’s name.

But if Dasom’s dead, then who’s after Mia? And why? was the million dollar question.


Last chapter coming up next! I feel like screaming hahahahaha
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting