Black Pearl 5

Black Pearl




Chanyeol wanted to take a video of everything happening that moment but his camera got wet yesterday. He was too enchanted by everything that moment anyways so unnecessarily looking away to get his cam would’ve been impossible.


The girl turned to Chanyeol and gave the man the folded leaf before climbing the tallest tree in that place. After settling on a strong branch, she reached her hands to Chanyeol probably to hand her the basket and gestured the boy to follow her which he gladly did. After settling himself beside her, feeling like he finally belonged, the girl took a handful of the seeds and smiled at Chanyeol.

"Give food!" She told him before throwing the seeds on the ground with the birds attacking every grain. Chanyeol followed her instructions and the two of them fed the birds as they shower them with their beautiful feathers.


After finishing feeding the birds, some of them were still on the ground while certain specie was already resting on a tree, separating their group to the others. The girl jumped off the branch having no problem because of the dry leaves and feathers to land on.


Chanyeol followed her steps stumbling on his way. Then he saw her leaning on the trunk smiling. She seemed like talking to the birds but he couldn't hear because of the loud chirping near him so he went closer and inwardly gasped as he heard the parrots talk: Each bird saying a different word or sentence.


"Althea! Althea! Ngaaa! Ngaa!" One chirped and the girl smiled before nodding. She heard Chanyeol's footsteps and turned. "Althea." She said pointing to herself, telling that what the bird was saying was her name.

Chanyeol nodded and smiled at the girl. "Your name is Althea." He pointed to the girl. "I’m Chanyeol." He then, pointed to himself and the girl quickly understood him before repeating Chanyeol's action, repeating her name pointing to herself and then pointed at Chanyeol saying the man's name. "That's right. Chanyeol and Althea." He said and the girl smiled at her. I finally know her name.


Then, the parrots said sentences like annyeonghaseyo, beautiful, handsome, thank you and more while Althea repeated them revealing on this was how the girl tried to keep her language. She said every word she knew and the parrots repeated them for her not to forget. After all, she had no one to converse with in that island until Chanyeol arrived.


In Chanyeol’s opinion, she’s really smart to have thought of using these birds as a recorder. He watched Althea talk to the birds. She must've been here ages ago. He told to himself before nodding, decided that he will teach the girl the knowledge she deserves.


After that chat with the parrots and playing around, the two made their way back to the hut and did some daily chores like picking edible fruits, bathing some animals, gathering dry leaves and woods.

Althea managed to learn how to make fire with natural resources all by herself and lived by eating fish and cooking plants but never thought of eating meat before. She didn't even know the existence of meat until Chanyeol decided to open the canned corned beef and fed it to the girl.


The next day, Althea showed Chanyeol the abandoned life in the island and got used to it. He also met the real inhabitants of the island: the family of gorillas, baboons, cheetahs, elephants and more. He even learnt communicating with them through gestures and producing weird sounds. He also got familiar with the whole island knowing the parts of it like the center of the island where the big lake of crocodiles rests, the east waterfall where their hut rests and the animal cleans up, west mountain and south underground cave, where the deadliest snakes were hiding along with the rarest stones that glow in the dark.

But not only Althea was the one teaching, Chanyeol also taught the girl how to speak clearly and showed her some of the things he brought with him like flashlight, lighter, pocket knife, smartphone and more.


Althea’s a smart girl and Chanyeol knew it. Her progress in speaking really impressed him, leading him to teach more things to her like basic things: on how humans eat, greet each other and the use of honorifics. He also taught her how to read and write which she learned in so little time. Maybe, Chanyeol thought, she already knew how to, she just forgot being stranded in this island for a long time.


The next morning, he woke up to see Althea finally knocked out from learning to write cleanly. He then took his fishing rod and went to the river to fish. He wanted to reward the girl for her hard work by serving a decent food a human should have; with salt.


Chanyeol didn't whine about anything. But he has to say that even though the fish was fresh and cooked, he still missed the ones with flavor and seasoning. Maybe it was because he's used to it.


Althea woke up only to feel a strange mark on her face caused by the pen she rested her face unto when she fell asleep. Oblivious of the sleep mark, she stood up to look for his friend but only found Toto and his sisters sleeping in the hut. Her eyes then landed on Chanyeol's back pack and saw it open.

Curiosity knocked on her mind and ended up roaming the man's bag discovering unfamiliar things. She then pulled out a plastic thingy and seeing the familiar letters, she read it on her phase. "Wet... wipes." She read before frowning and flipping the thing back and front to see what it do.

She pulled out the sticker covering the hole and put her finger in it before taking out white sheets of wet cotton. A frown made its way to her face as she stared at the cotton. She has seen Chanyeol with a thing like this and she remembered it clearly. The thing was called tissue paper. She said to herself before sniffing it and gasped.

It smells weird! She said to herself. Maybe because it's wet. She nodded to her herself. Chanyeol's tissue papers are all wet. But why is that? She asked herself before looking around and inside the bag to see if some things are also wet but found nothing. With a shrug, she took the pack outside and went at the back of the hut.


Chanyeol caught five big fat fish and went back to the hut. He found no one in it and went in search of Althea to ask where she hid the stones to make fire. Sure, he had the lighter but he found it fascinating making fire with the rocks. Call him a freak but it makes him feel like a real adventurer.

He went at the back of the hut and frowned when he saw a line of white sheets hanging on a rope, looking like some kind of street decoration for festivals. He saw five long lines of it and at the end of the fifth line, was Althea still hanging the last sheets of the wet wipes.


Althea felt Chanyeol's presence and turned to him with a smile. "Hey." She greeted making Chanyeol smile as well, his confusion over the white papers hanging slowly fading because of that smile of hers.

"Hey." He greeted back. "What are you doing?" He asked. Althea hanged the last sheet before grabbing the empty plastic of the wet wipes and showed it to Chanyeol with a smile.


"You see, I saw this pack of tissues in your bag and it was wet." She explained. "I don't know how it got wet so I decided to hang them dry so you can use it again." She said proud of her deed and Chanyeol just stared at his empty bag of wet wipes. It was his last one too.

"I'll refold them once they get dry and put them in here. So put this back in your bag for the time being so you won't lose it, okay?" She said before skipping her way back to the hut to resume her writing practice leaving Chanyeol speechless.


Chanyeol stood at the back of the hut staring at the empty plastic of wet wipes before turning to see a festival like street banners made of wet wipes dancing with the wind before laughing at the girl's innocence. She's so cute. He shook his head before going back to the hut to cook the fish he caught earlier.


Days passed and Chanyeol and Althea never had a boring time with each other's presence. With his camera miraculously surviving, Chanyeol captured every moment with Althea. Having pictures with the two of them, with Toto, the baboon gang, parrots and more instead of beautiful sceneries the camera used to have.


Normally, that camera of his will be filled in of pictures of the sceneries and animals. But this time, it was filled with Althea's picture. Some him and her having that 'couple selcas' that Althea was oblivious of and with some Althea doing her chores, playing with animals, eating, laughing, smiling, pouting, confused, asleep and more.

Chanyeol didn’t know why but this he found himself smiling widely as he looked at her face in his camera.

He was singing All of Me and the feels yeoreobeuun! TT
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting