Black Pearl 13

Black Pearl




After having Suho show him around the company and being told what she had to do, Mia bowed goodbye to the assistant secretary and made her way to her other part time job. She was happy about her job, but she couldn't help but wonder on how she knew the installment of the building. Even before Suho told her the name of the room was, she already knew the answer.


Maybe it was just luck. She told herself and smiled as she saw the coffee shop she works at after her classes. She could already see that there are a lot of customers judging by the people going in and out of the café.

Better get yourself together, Mia. There are a lot of people today. She told herself and ran towards her work, setting aside the thoughts of the strange familiarity of her new boss's voice and her new workplace.

It’s just luck Mia.


A week has passed and things were going very well for Mia. After that encounter with Mr. Byun and accepting the job, Mia did her best and busied herself with studies and work that made her forget about her dreams and strange habits appearing and more. Her health was getting better as well as she stopped throwing up and having headaches. Her work as the Park enterprises’ janitress was not really that bad and the pay was more than enough.


And to add in her luck, she has her Kris sunbae, a senior of hers that was mastering business who helped her catch up with her missed classes and was a great help. She met him the first minute entered the university when she bumped into him while rushing towards her first class. The rumored ice prince was nice enough to help her go to her class and since then, they have become a close sunbae and hobae. Kris doesn't really associate with other people in the uni except for Mia and she was grateful for that. She prefered not having chaotic friends or forcing herself to get along with others.


Kris' admirers though was one of her problems as they often send her glares, spread rumors about her and even send her death threats. But that was only at first because when Kris found out about it, he announced and made sure to tell the whole campus that whoever messes with his favorite hobae will face great consequences they'll never forget. And with that, everything became nice and quiet for Mia.


Mia was fixing her things in her locker when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She chuckled at her sunbae's childish acts. "Hey sunbae." She greeted without even looking at the older and she could already imagine him grinning.

"Hey yourself, how are your classes going?" He asked as he leaned on the closed lockers beside Mia's.

"Fine, I guess." The younger replied closing her locker and faced her sunbae. "Thanks a lot for your help sunbaenim. I wouldn't have caught up with my studies without you." She told and Kris just smirked.

"I know right, what would you do without me, huh?" He boasted and Mia just laughed at her sunbae's childishness. Flashy as always. She thought and started walking to the exit with Kris following her.

"I'll drive you to work." He offered and Mia didn't have the heart to decline. Kris sunbaenim would definitely make a great brother. She told herself as the two of them went on their way to the parking lot.


The drive to Mia’s work was calm and comfortable. The two didn’t have to start a conversation as the silence between them was comfort itself.

"Are you eating well?" Kris asked and Mia nodded.

"A lot." She added and Kris smiled.

"I know, you seemed to get fatter and fatter each day." He beamed earning a playful slap from Mia.

"Just drive." She told.

"Aye, aye captain." Kris obliged and drove away. I guess she’s getting better now. Don’t get sick Mia-yah.


It was only a 10 minute drive to the girl's work and having to say her thanks, the girl went into the cafe waving goodbye to the older who watched her go in. Kris sighed sadly as he waited for Mia to go into the cafe. Too bad she’s gone; you two would’ve made really good friends. He told himself before heaving another sigh and drove away.


I hate my life. Chanyeol cursed as he drove his way home. Things in the company were getting more and more complicated because of Lim and Park's merging and he was getting endless of it. It has been a week since he went back home as he was cooped up in his work these past few days.

But then a pop snapped him out of his daze, followed by his ride becoming bumpy making him curse for the nth time that day.


“!” He cursed under his breath as he parked his ruined car in front of a cafe. He went out of the car and looked at the flat tire in front of him.

"Great! Just great!" He cheered full in sarcasm as he reached his phone through his pockets to call his secretary. "Kyung, could you get someone to pick me up? My car’s ed up." He told and after stating his location, he hung up and sighed. What now? He asked himself as he stood awkwardly at the side of the street until he heard a faint whisper out of nowhere.


My heart will find a way to you.


He turned around as he heard a familiar whisper but found no one but a small cafe. Althea. He stared at the place for a second as it was strangely calling him to come in. And Chanyeol, following his senses, walked towards the cafe and entered.

But when? How?


He walked in straight to the counter and a chubby girl greeted him with a hospitable smile. "Hello sir, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Black coffee, please. Make it strong." He replied and the girl pulsed his order before handing him the ticket and the pager.

Then, he went to find a seat near the windows so he can see his car as he wait for the pager to light. He was really tired and sleepy that he ended up spacing out the moment he took a seat, not noticing that the pager was already blinking until a voice snapped him out of his daze.


"Uhm, sir. Your order." The girl in the counter put the mug on the table with a smile.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't notice it blinking." He apologized and the girl said it was okay before going back to her place. What's wrong with me? Chanyeol asked himself as he took the hot drink and was about to drink it but stopped. Wait, why is my coffee smells sweet? He asked himself and looked at the drink to see cappuccino instead of black coffee. He sighed for the nth time that day before putting down the mug. Great, now I have to return this thing and ask for my order. He ranted all to himself as he lazily walked towards the receiving corner with the mug of cappuccino.


"Excuse me, but his is not what I ordered." He told with a tiny hint of annoyance at the girl who was working with the drinks. She made the ordered drinks fast before turning to the client.

"I'm sorry sir, but I didn't hear you? Did we serve you the wrong drink?" Mia turned and froze as she saw the man who was in front of her, the drunken man at the hotel. She remembered him.


Althea. Chanyeol stood still as he looked at his supposed to be dead fiancée in front of him, alive and well.

My heart will find a way to you. He remembered what Althea used to tell him in his dreams.

"Althea." He muttered and the girl just blinked.


He said it again, that name. She thought and apologized again not wanting any drama from the man. "I'm sorry, sir. But I'm not Althea. What can I do for you?" She asked trying to sound as professional as possible. Why am I being like this? She asked her crazily beating heart.


"My coffee." Chanyeol replied not taking his eyes off the girl even a Second. "I ordered black coffee." he told and Mia nervously took his receipt and confirmed the strange man's complaints before speaking.

"I'm so sorry, sir, I will get to your order right away." She told and made the man's coffee as fast as she could, ignoring the man's stares towards her.

"Can I talk to you for a moment after I get my order?" Chanyeol asked, eager to know what was happening. This girl in front of him really looks like Althea, but she was some kind of different to her as well. Her eyes, the way she looked at him is not the same as how Althea looked at him in the past. It was like... she doesn't recognize me.


"What's your name?" He asked. Mia agreed to talk to him to make up for their mistake and they were now sitting in front of each other, she didn't know why but her body was shaking.

Chanyeol’s thoughts was confused, lost between his illusions and reality. He didn't know what’s real anymore and that what’s happening to him right now is possible.


"I'm Mia. Choi Mia." She replied shortly, avoiding the man's yes. Something was telling her that if she ever look at the man's eyes, she’ll be swallowed in another world and that made her afraid.

"I'm Chanyeol." She heard him say and her heart skipped a beat. "Park Chanyeol." He told watching the girl's reaction to his name. It's me, my love. Is it really you?


"Is this everything?" Chanyeol asked his secretary, Kyungsoo, as he scanned the files about his supposed to be dead lover look alike, Mia.

"That's all there is to know about her. She doesn't even know her past herself so it's difficult to do some research about her." Kyungsoo told. "But I gotta admit, she really looks like Althea and the chances of her being your dead fiancee are high." He added. "No memories of the past; got into an accident on the same day Althea died and a completely similar appearance that even twins can't win on. Even their voice matches."

"But then again, there are documents that are saying she's not her, and the age is completely different. If I'm not wrong; she's a year younger than Althea." He continued to expose his research about the mysterious girl.


When Chanyeol met Mia in the cafe, the girl showed him signs that she doesn't know him at all until the incident on the Lim's hotel. Chanyeol didn't force her to remember him or said that she looked like his dead lover. Instead, he observed her after saying his name to girl and to his disappointment; she didn't even flinched. No longing or guilt, no nothing.


"What are you planning on doing now?" Baekhyun asked as he sat on the couch in his best friend’s office while Kyungsoo looked at his boss who was still staring at the girl's photo. "Are you still going to keep on having her followed everyday with those men you've hired?"


Chanyeol heaved a sigh before leaning on his chair, closing his eyes due to the stress and his confused mind. No matter how much he convince himself that the girl wasn't his past lover, he couldn't make himself to do it as every time he looks at her, all he can see was Althea.

"Since she's working in my company and Baekhyun unknowingly hired her, being the best human resources secretary he is, I don’t think the detectives are necessary anymore." Chanyeol told and Baekhyun just grinned at the two who was giving him a judging look. "But I'll keep her on track myself." He added and Baekhyun raised a brow on him.

Just to make it clear, Kyungsoo is Chanyeol's secretary.
Baekhyun is Chanyeol's bestfriend who works at the human resources in Chanyeol's company ^^/
9 chapters more to edit and publish! AJJA!
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting