Black Pearl 17

Black Pearl




“She’s fine now.” Kris told Chanyeol who was waiting in front of the emergency room.  “They said she was like that because of stress and need of blood. Good thing we have the same blood type or it would’ve been bad since this hospital doesn’t have a lot of blood stock.” he said massaging the small wound on his arm.

Kris was called by one of his classmates when they saw the commotion and recognized Mia. The senior quickly went to the hospital and there met Chanyeol.

“You can visit her as soon as she wakes up.” he added. “But before everything, why are you so concern to her?”

“She’s my employee.” Chanyeol didn’t know what to say so he settled with that for now.


The doctor came out of the emergency room and got welcomed by Chanyeol in an instant. “How is she?” he asked and the doctor fixed his glasses before reviewing the records.

“Did Ms. Mia get into an accident in the past?” the doctor asked and Chanyeol didn’t know what to reply. “If she did get one, the patient might be suffering a memory loss and now, the memories are slowly going back causing her headaches and dizziness. This might happen more often when the memories comes back so she has to take pain killers until her body and memories stabilizes. For now, the patient must be under strict observation and mustn't be left alone as she could faint anytime and anywhere. Having her injured might make things more complicated so we have to be careful.” Chanyeol listened carefully at the doctor’s words. He realized he knew nothing about Mia except of her general information and decided that he’ll get to know her once they get back to being ‘okay’.

“Aside that, the patient is fine, blood pressure and other tests came out just fine. She’ll be transferred into a room now.” The doctor said and left.


“I’m sure he’ll be fine, Chanyeol-ssi. If you want, I could stay here and keep an eye of her. A CEO like you shouldn’t be staying out of his office for too long.” Kris sighed and gave the CEO a smile. “I would know because I’ll inherit our company too.” he said and Chanyeol only looked at him before shaking his head. Kris was right but he couldn’t leave Mia alone so he called his house and ask one of their helpers to bring him spare clothes and he’s staying the night out.

Kris went home for the night instead, telling him that he can look after her in day time. Chanyeol hesitantly accepted the offer. He was still skeptical about the man’s intentions to Mia but he knew he cares for her and he won’t hurt Mia.


Chanyeol held Mia’s hand as he watched her sleep. She really looked like Althea but that moment, Chanyeol never thought of it. Not once did Althea came in his mind as he only focused on the girl in front of him. He was busy watching her that he hadn't even heard the knocks on the door until he heard a voice.


“Hey, how is she?” Yoona asked as she smiled at him. “I went to your house to talk about the papers but you were gone. So I volunteered to bring your things.” she explained and Chanyeol thanked her before taking the things. Of course he’d tell Yoona about Mia. They needed to know everything about each other to cover just in case their parents ask for them.

“She still hasn’t woken up yet but the doctor said that it wasn’t because of the accident earlier. She’s anaemic and it’s a relief one of her friends has the same blood type as hers because this damn hospital doesn’t have stocks.” he told and Yoona went to take a closer look at the sleeping girl.

“When you told me she looks like her, I didn’t believe you, but now that I’m here. I still can’t believe it. I understand you though for confusing them even though I think that was rude and mean of you, Chan.” she said and Chanyeol grunted. “But I can see that you care about her too. You’re not just seeing Thea from her anymore.” she added proudly and Chanyeol gave her a smile too.

“All I need to do now is show her my feelings and know her answer.”

“But what if she say no?”

Chanyeol grimaced at the question and stared at Mia for a moment before gently kissing the sleeping girl’s hand. “As long as she’s happy, I’ll respect her answer.” he said and Yoona ruffled his hair happily.

“Aigoo. I’m so proud of you, Chan.”


Mia woke up feeling nauseous in an all white room. She tried to remember what happened and felt a grip on her hand. Turning her head to the side, she saw Chanyeol asleep, his face leaning on the bed, his hand still holding hers. His face looked so peaceful and the frown that comes and goes while he slept made Mia smile.

She remembered their fight and her dreams. She’s confused as hell but the man beside her made her feel peaceful and in doubt at the same time.


Did he really confused me with his dead wife? Does he really care about me? Why am I having dreams being married to you? Do I really want you that much to be this willing to be with you despite of knowing your feelings?

Mia admitted that having seen as another person hurt but avoiding and not being able to stay close to the same person hurting her felt worse. And when she saw her life almost slipped away from her with the accident, she realised that life’s too short to live in pain. Chanyeol might just see her as his late wife but Mia wouldn’t mind anymore as long as she’s with him.


“You’re awake?” Chanyeol’s voice broke her away from her thoughts. Blinking to get her sight stable, she was met with Chanyeol’s worried face as he checked her temperature by touching her forehead. “How are you feeling?”

Mia remembered the first time they met. Chanyeol was a mess and his frown never left his face, just like now. Mia reached for the man’s face and caressed it gently with a small smile on her face.

“I’m fine Chanyeol.” she said and when the frozen Chanyeol finally got back to his senses, he held the hand that was touching his face and held it closer, afraid for the girl to pull away from him ever again.

“I was worried, pabo. Why would you run away like that without looking where you’re going? Aish.” Chanyeol started to nag and Mia smiled gently at him.

“Shhh. I’m fine.” she said and that smile was enough for Chanyeol to obey. “Sorry I made you worry. I wasn’t prepared to see you so I ran.”

“Are you prepared to see me now?”

“I don’t know. But I feel okay with you here.”

Chanyeol felt the weight lifted up with those words but he still need to explain himself to her. But it can wait. Standing up before kissing Mia’s hand, he gave her an assuring smile. “I’ll tell the doctor you’re awake. Wait here, okay?” he said and Mia nodded and watched the man walk out of the room.


Is this worth it? she asked herself in silence and shortly, Chanyeol came in with the doctor. He went back to her side and held her hand.


She looked at the man beside her who was talking to the doctor and smiled before holding his hands tightly. Totally worth it.


Mia was eating with Chanyeol on the bed feeding her. She insisted on eating by herself but the man didn’t let her which resulted on the man grinning as he fed her. They didn’t even talked; Mia was too embarrassed to do so and decided to zone out while eating. Chanyeol giggled at his daydream and little did he know Mia’s thoughts were getting farther and farther from him.


A girl was sitting on the bed together with Chanyeol. Both were smiling as the girl leaned on Chanyeol’s chest as she sat between his legs. In front of her was a guitar held by both of their hands.


“That’s A.” Chanyeol whispered on her ear making the girls’ hair stand on its end. His voice is something that never failed to  make her feel butterflies in her stomach.

It was strange because Mia felt like she was just watching but she heard and felt the same things that woman felt. And why isn’t she feeling jealous with that girl? Is it because she knew the possibilities that that woman is Chanyeol’s late fiancee? But why was she seeing these visions?


The girl strummed the strings again and a good sound resonated in the whole room.

“If this keeps up, you’ll definitely be better than me.” Chanyeol said and hugged the woman’s waist making her giggle.

“Stop playing Chanyeol. If you keep doing this I won’t be able to learn.” she whined cutely and Chanyeol could only kiss her cheeks. Mia saw how he adored the girl in his arms and for some reason Mia felt happy and she could somehow felt those touches, like it was her being touched.


The light blinded Mia and the scenery changed. They were in the same bedroom but the doors for the veranda was opened and the bed was empty. She could see Chanyeol enjoying the morning breeze outside.


“This dream is soo weird.” she mumbled to herself loud enough for Chanyeol to hear and to his surprise, Chanyeol turned around and looked at her before smiling wide and lovingly.

“You’re awake.” he beamed and went towards her engulfing her in his arms. Mia froze, not knowing what to do. What if his fiancée goes sees us?! Oh my Gosh! She panicked and found the strength to pull away.

“Wait! wha-Wha-what are you doing?!” she said in a startled voice and Chanyeol blinked at him confusedly before chuckling.

“Is this another joke, love?” he asked and wrapped his arms on his waist from behind this time, letting Mia face the mirror.


And the moment she saw their reflexion, her breath hitched, eyes wide as she stared at the people on the mirror. It was her but at the same time, she looked different. Her hair was longer and she was wrapped in Chanyeol’s embrace.


“You’re beautiful Althea.” She heard Chanyeol whispered and felt like she was about to throw up so she did.


All those images disappeared and she was suddenly back at the hospital with the panicking Chanyeol who was calling for the doctors as he tried to clean up the food he just fed Mia.


“You could’ve told me you couldn’t eat anymore. Aish this girl.” Chanyeol said exasperated before worriedly reaching out of the still panting patient. “Hey, you alright?”

Mia could only nod silently, still too overwhelmed by the visions or whatever she saw. The doctors came not long after and she was asked to take some much needed rest after cleaning up. Chanyeol held her hand until she was asleep and she looked at him, silently praying that he could explain to him what was happening to her but fell asleep before she could utter a word about it.

Chanyeol, as promised, stayed. Holding Mia’s hand as he watched her sleep. It has been an hour since she fell asleep and he didn’t have any plans on going yet despite of  his responsibilities as CEO was calling him. Mia needs him and he will be there. Besides, he still have to clear the misunderstanding Mia has of him.

The happiness od clinking the 'add chapter' and publishing a new one is surreal LoLs
I'm getting weirder day by day
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting