Chapter 32

Forever Yours~~ [sequel to Gonna make you mine!]

Everyone was staring at you when you walked in to school. Changjo tightened his grip on your hand to assure you that everything is fine because he too, sensed that something was wrong. He walked you to your class as he was worried about you. That's when you know what happened.

".." you heard people saying as you walked into class. Your table was vandalised and bad things was written all over it.

"yah! who did this?" Changjo shouted across the classroom.

"Oppa.." Soomi called out from the classroom door. You and Changjo turned to look at her while she signalled for Changjo to get out. He gave you a kiss on your forehead and whispered, "Don't worry." before going out.


"What is happening?" Changjo demanded.

"Have you seen these?" Soomi said and took out her phone to show Changjo. "It has gone viral on the internet.."

Changjo took over the phone to look and he clenched his fist when he saw what was on the screen. He took the phone with him and went back into classroom to you.

"Come with me.." he said coldly and dragged you out of the class. He brought you to the rooftop and handed you the phone.

"I want to hear from you..." He said while looking deeply into your eyes.

You took the phone and unlocked it and your jaw dropped when you saw the photos. There were pictures of you and Jonghwan but that was in the past. You were shocked at these photos and you didn't know how to react.

"what do you have to say?" Changjo said again.

You stared at him with your eyes wide open. Does he know what he is saying? "What do you mean by What do i have to say? I have nothing to say." you replied.

"what is the meaning of all these?" he said coldly.

"What's the point of asking me when you don't even believe me?" you retorted.

"You're in the wrong and you still talk to me in this tone.." Changjo shouted which made you scared but you regained your composure.

"Choi Jonghyun... I'm so disappointed in you.." you said to him coldly while looking at him in the eye and then you left and went back to the classroom.


"Oppa are you ok?" Soomi asked Changjo.

"Leave me alone.." Changjo said.

"Not when your mood is down... I'll accompany you..." Soomi said.

"Whatever... do what you like.." he said coldly.


"Yah! what happened?" Chunji asked.

"I don't know... but i heard people talking about Haesung and another guy..." Ricky said.

"mwol!? how can that be?" Niel said.

"exactly.... we all know she isn't like that..." L.Joe said.

"We have to find out what happened..." C.A.P said. "Where's Jonghyun?"

"There!" Ricky pointed out and gave a disgusted look. "that girl again.."

"Yah! Shouldn't he be with Haesung at this point of time?!" Chunji exclaimed after seeing Changjo leaving the school with Soomi.

"We should split up. Some of you go look for Changjo while some look for Haesung.." L.Joe suggested.

"Ok.. Then me, you and Ricky will go look for Haesung while C.A.P hyung and Niel will go find Changjo.." Chunji said.

And they split up and did what they were supposed to do.

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choiyadjo #1
piejacukey #2
Chapter 42: love2 ths story.,
Chapter 40: I'm getting so fed up with this drama, have em kiss and make up already!! This has been dragged out long enough!
chachu #5
Chapter 38: AWwww~!!!!
Poor l.joe!!~~~ it must be so hard for him to give advice to haesung and l.joe`s relationship!!

please update!!!
Chapter 36: Soomi you ing .