In the eyes of a dongsaeng




I’ve really dropped myself in it now.

“Why would Jinyoung care?” Gongchan asked, furrowing his eyebrows. What do I say to that? “I’m sure he’d be supportive and nice to Sandeul, I mean, he’s his friend and everything.”

“Uh...” I trailed off. Quick Dong-Woo! Think of something to say!

I guessed maybe it was too late to make up an excuse when I saw the dramatic change of Gongchan’s expression, he had clearly realised who Sandeul’s ‘problems’ were about.



Gongchan’s P.O.V

The realisation hit me and I was overcome with so many emotions. Sandeul is gay?! Sure, that would make me happy, but he likes Jinyoung! And that just... Well... it crushes me.

I felt my heart sink; maybe it would have been a good thing that he’s gay, if he didn’t like Jinyoung. I never thought I would be so devastated to learn something I’ve always wanted to know.

Why couldn’t Deulie love me the way I love him? Is it really that hard for him to feel the same way?

Should I be happy that I might have a chance with him, or sad that he might never give me that chance?

Hold on. Jinyoung? But he has a girlfriend!

I let my eyes travel around the room before they landed on Jinyoung. He was on his phone, clearly texting his girlfriend. I could tell by the huge grin plastered across his face.

Anger and jealousy took over as I watched him. What does he have that I don't!? I looked over at Sandeul who was watching Jinyoung with a sad expression on his face. I felt my heart sink again.

Ok. Maybe this time it broke.

I don’t want him to feel like this. After all I do love him.

I look over at Jinyoung who is still texting his girlfriend. He’s hurting my Sandeul... Ok, not mine... But still, I feel sorry for him, I know the feeling…..


He doesn’t love me. So why do I feel sorry for him?! He doesn’t care about me. So I shouldn’t care about him!

Not at all.

All the feelings of sympathy I felt toward Sandeul were now gone. He doesn’t know it, but he’s broken my heart.  He might as well have ripped it from my chest, shredded it to pieces, and stomped on it.

After all these years of hurting me, maybe it was time he should learn how it feels.


Jinyoung’s P.O.V

So that was that sorted.  I’m sure Sandeul won’t mind cooking. I looked over at him again. I wonder what’s wrong with him? He looks upset… should I ask?

No. I’m sure if he is upset he won’t want me to interfere.

I let my eyes skim around the room, the others looked happy enough. Except Gongchan. Wait. Was he looking at me?

I looked round to see if anyone was behind me. Nope. No-one there. So he must be looking at me. What’s wrong with him, he looks mad?  Did I do something wrong?

Locking my phone, I got up to put it back in my bag. I could feel his eyes on me as I did so. What is his problem?

When I turned back around he was moving towards me. God he looks fuming! When he reached me, he managed to compose himself.

“Can I speak to you outside hyung.” He said, his voice very controlled.

“Umm... Yeah... Come on.” I replied, slightly confused, ushering him out the door.

“What the matter?” I ask when we are out of the room.

“You.” He hissed bitterly.

ME?! What have I done?! 

As if he could read my thoughts, he went on.

“You… hurting MY Sandeul.” He spat.

Hurting San….. Wait did he say his Sandeul? No, I must have heard it wrong.

“M... Me... Hurting Sandeul?… How!?” I asked, I wouldn’t hurt Sandeul, he’s done nothing wrong!

“Yes. You and your girlfriend.” He hissed again. Me and… But we’ve done nothing wrong!

“Gongchan, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said, trying not to sound so confused.

“Sandeul… He … He LIKES YOU and you’re too busy with your girlfriend to notice.” He eventually shouted.

“WHAT!!??” I screamed back. “HE LIKES ME!?!?!?!”

I didn’t even wait for the answer. I stormed into the dance studio; I could see my expression mirrored throughout the hall.

My eyes skimmed the room till finally they reached their target. Sat on the floor.

“SANDEUL!” I shouted. He jumped slightly. “You LIKE me!?” I shouted once again, my blood boiling. He knows I have a girlfriend!

I saw his mouth drop open, he couldn’t even speak.  Even from where I was, I could see tears forming in his eyes.  

He just stared at me, speechless; before I heard the door close gently behind me and Gongchan walk back in. Before I could say anything else, Sandeul was running out of the same door. I couldn’t help but notice the tears streaming down his face. But I didn’t care, I was angry and confused. Why would he like me when he knows I have a girlfriend?


Ok guys we hope you liked it!!!

They'll be getting a little longer soon, and badeul will be in it soon xD

Heres the teaser image for next chapter!!

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Myungyeol_lover #1
Chapter 38: I'm a new reader and saw this because of the trailer, and I swear... THIS SHOULD BE A K-DRAMA WITH THE TRAILER. I love it~!
Before I start reading this, can someone tell me if it's really angsty? 'Cause I'm not to good with angst, so I'll need to mentally prepare myself... >_> (But I really want to read a longer Badeul story, so please help me out!) (Fast!) (Please!)
China801 #3
Chapter 32: What is panual?
China801 #4
Chapter 8: Did Jinyoung actually killed him? Of course I'll keep reading but I feel like badeul is never ever gonna show. This Jinyoung is very new I like how u changed his personality but he would've actually killed Sandeul. The only thing I don't like is that Gongchan and CNU did NOT do a single thing to help Sandeul I'm sorry but WHAT THE HECK?! Are they just gonna watch Sandeul die? Sorry I'm bursting I should keep reading but I feel really hurt.......
soojinnie-3- #5
Chapter 40: Ooh yay!
I'd love to talk more but I don't have a younow.
I'll try and download it but I'm at my aunt's house because my house doesn't have wifi..
Her house has wifi but we're leaving in about thirty minutes or so and I won't have wifi until Monday.
I liked this :3
Chapter 39: Cny is mine es XD I love you guys you guys are so pretty :o Jealously XD But I ING LOVE YOUR BIASES AND CNY IS MINE *SOBS*
soojinnie-3- #8
Chapter 38: ok i read this really late but wow.
that was one..uhmmm..nice.chapter