
An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                      {Terry-Ann's POV}

Why did they get on this plane? I thought they were going to Washington! Or maybe that was just a scam to throw me off? Maybe every time I'd stayed up late, following them from schedule to schedule, listening in on their conversations, they'd just been telling lies? That must be it! They just didn't want me to know! Well too bad. I caught them. But... How did they know I was listening?! Have they actually caught me? No. It can't be. There's no way they noticed me. They were just telling lies to throw off some creepy stalker girl, I bet. And I bet that girl even got on the flight to Washington! Some people are just so stupid.

Anyway, I spend the whole flight observing them. I almost jump out of my seat when Eunhyuk falls asleep on Donghae's shoulder. So incredibly adorable! I snap a picture, subtly, of course, with my camera phone and post it on my blog with the words "Eunhae must be real!" beneath it. But in the end, the stupid pilot has to actually land the plane and poor Eunhyuk is shaken awake by Donghae. Why couldn't the idiot pilot just circle around or something and let the poor guy sleep for a little longer? Talk about insensitive.

The pilot mutters something about being so happy to have us on his plane or whatever. I was mostly paying attention to Ryeowook who was standing already, looking excited while bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet. Snap! Another photo for my blog.

Once we finally get off the plane(me following about a hundred metres behind them, of course) all five Super Junior members look around with confused faces. But they seem to just shrug it off and start heading towards the luggage rack.

That's when I notice that the airport is almost completely empty. Except for, like, old people. Well, the boys had surely picked a good place to vacation. No stalkers around to follow them... Or are there? I quickly look around to see if there are any strange girls following them. Nope. Thank God. I wouldn't want them to feel uncomfortable or anything on their vacation.

So I look back at them and they're all staring, once again confused at the luggage rack. I guess they didn't bring any luggage or something because all I can see on it is my suitcase... Should I go grab it? But that would break my hundred metre rule! But what if I go really quick? That wouldn't really count, right? Just ten seconds. Okay. I'm going to do it.

I crouch down in to that funny position people do before they start running in the Olympics and stuff and give myself a mental countdown. 3, 2, 1... Go! I race toward the luggage rack careful not to bump in to any of the members. But I swear I came this close to Sungmin. Maggie is going to freak out when I tell her. She'll be so jealous.

I snatch my luggage quickly off the rack and bolt away, throwing it over my shoulder as I run. Did they see me? No. Of course not. They probably haven't even noticed me. Not now, not even on the plane ride here. Because I, Terry-Ann, the non-stalkerish follower of the world's most genius boy band, Super Junior, am just that subtle.



                                                                  {Donghae's POV}

"Wr-wrong flight?" Ryeowook stutters. He sounds like a lost boy. And maybe he is. I certainly don't know where we are.

I double check my crumpled up boarding pass to check the flight number again. Nope. It definetly hasn't changed since I last checked it about ten seconds ago. So I once again try to remember the flight number that man was calling before we got on the plane. It was definetly different from the one we were supposed to board.

I look up at Yesung-hyung. He'll know what to do. He's the oldest. But when I see his face, I can see that it's completely devoid of emotion. Hyung has finally cracked. He's passed angry. He's numb.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Really! I'm sorry! I could have sworn that that was out flight number! We were in a rush! I... Just wasn't thinking straight." Eunhyuk pleads. But we all just stare at him. What's the point in getting mad? Seems it won't fix anything now.

"Just be quiet." Yesung-hyung sounds exhausted. Exactly how I feel.

Suddenly though, Sungmin's face looks hopeful. "Maybe if we find a sign, or a poster or anything we can figure out where we are!" It seems like a good idea so we all start walking around, trying to find something with words written on it. Except for Yesung-hyung of course. He just kind of stands in the same place, looking completely dazed. But I'll just save that problem for later.

"Oh!" I hear Eunhyuk exclaim. "I found words! Umm... Welcome to ssa Yukone..." I'd never really realized how terrible his english pronunciation was until now, when it matters most. "Yukone? What's that? Is that a-"

"The Yukon, idiot." We all twist around, shocked, to see Yesung-hyung standing there, staring at the sign. "You've landed us in Canada, you stupid anchovy."

"Canada?!" we all scream at the same time. It's followed by a string of voices.

"But how is that possible?"

"I'm sorry hyung!"

"Is that why it's snowing?!"

"Do they at least have hot dogs here?"

With that last comment, hyung explodes and start slapping Eunhyuk repeatedly over the head. "You bastard! You woke up late causing us to rush, when we finally got there you got us on the wrong plane and now that we're here, in Canada, you want to know if they have hot dogs? Go die in a hole!"

Sungmin and I lunge forward together and both grab an arm, pulling our hyung off of Eunhyuk.

"I said I'm sorry.'' the younger man falls to the ground, rubbing his forehead, finally defeated.

"It doesn't matter. We're already here. And it doesn't look like we have an option to fly home because the airport just closed." Sungmin says. Always the voice of reason.

"Wait, hyung. Since when do airports close?" Ryeowook points out. But clearly, there's no way back in to the building because I can see an old man, maybe about 80 or so, in a security guard's jacket, bolting the doors, locking us out from the inside.

"No! Wait!" Eunhyuk yells. He pushes himself off the frozen ground and throws himself against the glass doors. "Let us in!"

But the security guard only gives him a confused look and points at his right ear, indicating a hearing aid. Are you kidding me? He can't hear us? Is he blind, too?! Because we obviously need help! But he just smiles kindly at Eunhyuk, crashing and banging in to the glass doors that just seem to be unbreakable, waves his hand at him as if saying goodbye, turns around and walks slowly away, leaning on a cane. We just stand there staring after him until he disapears out of sight. Eunhyuk once again slumps to the ground, an exasperated look on his face. This was unbelievable.

What were we going to do now? It was getting dark and the snow was falling ceaselessly. It was freezing cold and we didn't even have any extra layers to put on because we didn't have our suitcases. To top it all of, we were left alone. All the old couples had seemingly disapeared and that creepy girl was nowhere to be seen either.

"Well..." Yesung sighs. "We better start walking."

"Walking?" Eunhyuk shrieks. "Where are we walking? There's no civilisation anywhere near hear as far as I can see!"

"Well then, we're going to have to find some. Do you have any other ideas? Or would you just rather freeze?"

We all sigh and nod our heads, defeated by his words. There's no other option. So I go to Eunhyuk and pick him up off the gound, urging him to start walking alongside me. And that's what we do. Walk. We just pick a random direction and walk.

With each step we take, it seems to be getting colder, the snow falling harder. We must be pretty far up North.

I'm glad for every layer I wore today. An undershirt, a long-sleeve t-shirt and my thick grey hoodie. Thank God I hadn't opted for the muscle shirt.

I pull up my hoodie and reach out to Eunhyuk to do the same with his sweater. He smiles at me weakly. To be honest, I feel pretty bad for him. It's not like he meant for this to happen. But on the other hand, I'm enraged. How could he put us in this situation? Why doesn't he ever think?

But it might be our fault, too... It's not like any of us double-checked the flight number, either.

"Hyung! I see lights!" I feel Ryeowook tugging on my sleeve and pointing up ahead. There is what seems to be the outline of a small, brick house with lights shining brightly in the windows. We all pick up our pace in the excitment of finding civilisation. As we get closer to the light, we can see more lights, behind the original. More houses! Finally! We'd been walking for what seemed like ages. Our faces and hands we numb, our shoes were soaked through and our heads were covered in what seemed like an inch of snow.

Finally we gave up on the dreadfully slow pace and started running toward the light. We stopped at a big sign that seemed to be the entrance to the small looking town.

"Old-uh C-uh-ro." I read. Old Crow? "Pop-yu-rae-shi-on 253." Population 253. What does that mean?

"There are only 253 people in this town? How tiny!" Sungmin comments. I guess he's better at english than I give him credit for.

"Stop marveling over it! Let's just get to the nearest house!" Yesung yells.

We start running again. We stop at the first house we'd seen from so far back. But now the lights were turned off. How rude it would be to wake the poor people up. So we settle for the next house, slightly bigger. We run up to the door, trying to escape the cold wind blowing in our faces. Finally, in what seems like slow motion, I reach my arm out and knock hard on the wooden door.  We wait about 30 seconds and the the door opens.

A small girl- No, she's definetly a woman- opens the door. I can barely see her through the snow that's blowing in my face, practically blinding me but she seems to be tiny, maybe about 155cm at the most. I can just make out pale skin, fair hair, and big, inquiring eyes.

"Can I help you?" she asks.




Hi everybody! AhRahn here!

Wow! 2 subsribers in less that 24 hours! Haha lucky me. :P

So, do you guys like the story so far? It may not be the best because it's my first fanfic EVER but I hope you guys are enjoying it. :)

Are you excited to find out who that girl is? Will she even let them in her house? Well, I'm guessing she will. Who wouldn't let five, amazingly attractive men in to their house? ;)

ANYWAY, just wanted to say thank you to my few subscribers. And if anybody has any suggestions or anything, I DO love comments!

Thanks for reading! :D

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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)