Final Decision

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                         {Yesung's POV}


We all sit in the living room. The atmosphere is completely akward.

The five of us have just learnt that there are absolutely no flights back to where we came from.

I didn't believe Erika at first. I kept insisting that there has to be at least one flight back to Korea. So eventually she brought down her prehistoric laptop and showed me the airport website herself. The only flight available within the next seven days is one to Botswana. That won't exactly do us any good.

So now we're just sitting here, staring at each other. What do we do?

I jump up from my chair. "There has to be a way out of here! We can't be stranded here for a whole week!" I yell. Erika and Maura look a little taken aback. I suppose my comment is a little offensive.

"Hyung, is it really that bad a-" Sungmin starts.

But doesn't get to finish before I slap him upside the head. Why do these people keep talking back? Do they want to get hit or something?

"Yah! Don't hit him!" Erika yells. I look at her and feel the blood rush to my face. She looks angry and more than a little offended.

"Is it really that bad of an idea to just stay with us for the next few days?" Maura asks hesitantly. She looks hopeful. I don't know what to say.

"But we really don't want to intrude. We feel really bad already. Right, hyung?" Donghae looks to me for back up. But I just shut up and say nothing.

The silence drags on and on, nobody knows what to say. Erika's angry, Maura looks sad, Donghae looks as if he wants to just run away and the other two look like they just don't know what to say.

Eventually I sigh and get up from where we're sitting. I go up the stairs and down the hall in to the room where Eunhyuk is currently sleeping. I walk in to see him bundled up in blankets, a wet cloth half on his forehead and half off. Erika must have put it there and it must have fell off when he moved while he slept.

Needless to say, he looks sick. I feel bad for the poor guy. Nobody had even noticed until it had gotten this bad. I should have noticed. They all looked up to me as the leader when things turned bad. I'm the oldest...

Am I a bad hyung?

I walk over to where Eunhyuk is sleeping and sit down on the floor, leaning my back against the side of the bed. I just kind of sit there for a while, my hands folded in my lap, staring up at the ceiling.

I notice Eunhyuk shivering after a few minutes. He'd rollen on to his side and the blankets are now halfway down his body, gathered at his waist.

I stand up and take the cold, damp cloth off his forehead, first. Then I take the blankets and pull them up to his chin, trying to make him feel more comfortable and stop his shivering.

I see him stir and his eyes open half way. "Go back to sleep." I instruct in my best leader-like tone.

"Hyung?" he asks, confused. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Eunhyuk-ah. I just came in to check on you and you looked cold is all."

He smiles at me warmly. "Thanks," he pauses. "Hyung, are we really staying here for another week?"

I think about this and finally respond with "I don't know, Hyukkie."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Do you... want to stay here?" I ask him quietly.

He seems to think hard for a moment. "Well, I don't want to stay anywhere else. Besides, there's yummy food here." he responds.

Of course. Isn't food all her ever thinks about? Our Eunhyuk is so silly sometimes. It makes me laugh and I reach out and ruffle my dongsaeng's hair gently.

"Then we'll stay here since you want to, Eunhyuk-ah. Besides, you're sick and it would be irresponsible to move you any place else."

"Thanks hyung." he says and closes his eyes.

I leave the room quickly after that, wanting him to get some more sleep.

I return to the living room only to come back to the same atmosphere as before. Things are still dead quiet, nobody's moved an inch.

"I've decided." I say. They all look up at me expectantly, waiting to here my decision...






"We're staying."

"Yaaaaaay!" Maura jumps up from her chair and immediatly throws her arms around my neck. It startles me and I step backwards, almost losing my footing. This girl is constantly surprising me and I haven't even known her for a full day yet. But that is what's so appealing to me.

She lets go eventually and goes around to the other three guys, cheering and hugging them too. Only Donghae doesn't look happy. He looks nervous. I suppose it's because of a certain girl.

I look at that certain girl and she's looking at me too, smiling. "Don't worry," Erika says. "It's not a problem at all. Maura doesn't get many chances to make new friends, living in such a small town so let's just let her enjoy it while it lasts." She smiles at Maura affectionately as she and Sungmin high-five.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

She turns back to me and says "Yep. It's really fine. And I promise that we'll get you on the next flight to wherever you want to go, as soon as possible. We even have a car so you won't have to walk back again."

I smile at her gratefully and she returns the smile for a moment but the turns to Maura who is still whooping and cheering and says sharply "Maura! Quiet down! Eunhyuk is still sleeping!"

Maura realizes her mistake and covers her hand with , eyes wide. After a few seconds, she uncovers , looks up to the ceiling and whispers "Sorry, Eunhyuk. I'll be quiet from now on."

We all start laughing at her cuteness and I finally realize that it really is okay. As short a time as we have known these two girls, I can be sure that they're good people.

And that the rest of the week will, without doubt, end up being very interesting.


                                                                            {Donghae's POV}


Oh no. Oh hell no. Oh .

What am I supposed to do now? I can't stay here any longer! What is hyung talking about! What if Erika really starts to believe that we're beggars? What if she just get's bored with us and decides to kick us out? What if I do someting that makes her angry or appalled or sad?

No! I just can't handle the embarassment! I want to jump out of my seat and smack hyung across the face, get him to wake up and think about what he has just decided.

I mean, I know we technically can't leave the Yukon for another week, but can't we at least get a ride in to another town with a hotel or something? Any place but here!

Wait. Why am I being so self conscious anyway? Erika's just another girl. I mean, she's different from other girls... But she's still a girl. And I'm Donghae of Super Junior. I impress girls daily. There are girls screaming my name, trying to catch my attention, all over the world. Granted, Erika doesn't know about that part yet. Or at least not the details.

Okay. Get a hold of yourself. The next few days will be fine. You're cool. You're hot. You've got a smile that makes girls fall for you daily. Hell, one girl even fainted once.

I've got this. That's right. I'm Lee Donghae of Super Junior and I am not going to embarass myself at all throughout the next seven days. At the end of my stay, this girl will be begging me not leave. That's how great of and impression I'm going to make.

I turn my attention to Erika as she stands up and starts heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Maura asks.

"Well, if I'm going to be cooking for and army for the next week, I'm going to need to buy more food. I'm just going to Ziggy's to buy food."

"I'll go with you!" I yell as I jump out of my chair... And accidently knock a vase off the table. It shatters in to a million pieces.

Okay, my good impression starts now. This will not get to me.

"Umm... I'm s-so sorry! I'll c-clean that up..." I stumble over my words.

I bend over to start picking up the dark pieces of the broken vase but Erika just waves her arms, signaling for me not to worry. "Don't worry. Maura will clean it up," she says, staring pointedly at the little brunette. "Right, Maura?"

Maura sighs and and replies "Yes, Mom..."

Erika looks at me and motions her arm for me to follow. "If you're coming, we better hurry."

I run to the front entrance and quickly slip on my shoes and a sweater.

As we're walking out the front door, Erika looks at me, smiling.

"So, you're part of a super hot Korean boy band called... Super Junior?"




Hi guys! I just wanted to say thanks for reading and subscribing. :)

Also, I don't really know what to do for the 7th chapter so if anyone has any requests or suggestions, please feel free to comment or write on my wall. :D

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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)