Beautiful Girl, There's No One Like You

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                           {Erika's POV}


I wake up to the sound of the front door slamming shut downstairs. The first thing I notice is that I'm alone in the room. Wasn't Hyukjae here when I fell asleep? Where did he go? I look at the clock to see that it's a bit passed 8. My stomach growls and I realize that I'm starving.

I get up from the bed and walk out of the room unsteadily, my body still tired and unable to fully support itself. I stumble down the stairs, hoping to find Hyukjae and then find something to eat.

He's not in the living room. Only Sungmin and Ryeowook are in the den. He's not in the front hall. He's not anywhere upstairs. And finally, he's not in the kitchen. I sigh and pull open the fridge door, hoping to find something to eat. I rummage through but I can't find much. There's left over ramen... But it's the spicy kind. I wrinkle my nose. I have no tolerance for spicy food. So I instead go for the almost empty bag of carrots. I put them in a bowl move to the living room. I sit on the couch and turn on the TV. For some reason, I feel rather lonely all by myself. Seriously, where did Hyukjae go? Maura and Yesung aren't here either... Was he abducted by them?

I listen to the news reporter guy on TV go on and on about stocks or something for a few minutes. But it's just boring. So I try to doze off but that seems impossible since I've already gotten so much sleep today. But I try and be persistant condidering the fact that there's nothing else to do.

My eyes are still closed when I feel someone sit next to me on the couch. "You're still tired?" I open my eyes to see Donghae smiling at me. I immediately smile back. My savior!

"No. I'm just bored as hell." I reply.

"Oh, well then maybe I should keep you company." He chuckles and throws his arm around my shoulders. I lean in to him, completely forgetting about how it would make Hyukjae feel if he saw us. I mean, it's just like a friendly hug.

I notice something strange in his other hand, on his lap. He's gripping on to it tightly and his hand seems to be trembling around it, as if he's nervous, despite the smile on his face. "Donghae-ah, what's that?" I ask, pointing at whatever's in his hand.

"Oh, this?" He asks, lifting the object up, his voice faking surprise. I can now see that it's something long hidden beneath a piece of fabric. "I've been working on a magic trick. Would you like to see it?" A magic trick? Well, that seems random. But at the same time, entertaining.

"What kind of magic trick?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder and looking up at him.

"Hmmm... A musical one." He replies, smiling.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that it involves a little bit of singing and dancing. Do you want to see it or not?" He's now grinning mischieviously.

"Sure, why not?" I reply. He slowly disattaches himself from me and stands up in the middle of the living room. I use the remote to turn the TV off so that it doesn't distract me. Not that some program about baby poisonous snakes really interests me anyway. I'm more interested in finding out what's underneath that fabric.

He stands there unmoving for a few seconds but eventually he begins. He starts singing a song about a beautiful girl. I'm completely captivated by his dance moves as he sings. His body moves so smoothly and in perfect time to the rythm that he's creating with his voice.

"Do you know or not, know or not that you’re very pretty, beautiful girl
Even if you call me crazy I still like you, beautiful girl
Someone tell this to my baby, to my baby that I’m here,
that I’m waiting (Baby, you turn it up now)

You’re neither yes nor no, yes nor no; say something, beautiful girl
If I had your heart, I’d just be the winner of life
This world’s logic, logic is to follow, guys who are brave,
Guys like me

Old sayings say that picking ten times Is going overboard, shrug, shrug, shrug
That girl is a powerful enemy, She’s unmoveable, pout, pout, pout
What will I do, what will I do? That girl is my only interest

Bounce to you, bounce to you, my heart is beating so fast for you
to the point it can’t be caught; Attracted to you and is beating so fast that I can’t get you
Break it down to you, down to you, if my heart
Can’t get you it’s gonna stop (Look at me)

Will you look or not look or not look or not at a guy like me
You neglect, neglect, neglect me even if you turn around
Even if you look and look, look and look, look and look, there’s no one else but me
Whether you look or not, look or not, look or not (Baby, you turn it up now)

What should I buy, buy, buy, buy as a present for you
Oh, I’m going to go crazy from your image That I’ll like even just thinking about it,"

As he sings those last few lines, he unwraps the item in his hand to reveal a gorgeous red rose. My heart starts beating fast as a speeding train in my chest. I'm completely shocked. By everything. His amazing voice, his amazing dancing skills, and the rose. He seems to be implying that it's for me, that I'm the beautiful girl that he's singing about. I can tell by the way he's looking at me, the way he's singing while staring at me the whole time. But he's not ready to give the rose up yet. He seems to be teasing me. And then his voice drifts off in to a new, entirely different song. It has a cuter, sweeter feel to it and the beat is much slower.

"There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you, a gift good like you
How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me, a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me
Your two warm hands get cold when I’m cold, your heart which used to be strong gets sensitive when I’m hurt
To silently take my hands, to silently hold me, I only wish for those small comforts
You don’t know this heart of mine, which always wants to do more for you,"
He puts the rose in between his teeth and winks cutely at me. Then he finally holds it out to me, with the sweetest, most sincere look I've ever seen on his face. I take it gratefully and then look down at my hands, blushing hard. What am I doing? Should I really be listening to him sing these songs? Should I really take this rose? I don't have time to think it all through as he continues on with the song.
"My heart, say it out loud, my free soul
The days left are even more than the time when I came love you with a heart which always felt like the first time
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you, a gift good like you
How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me, a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me."
He ends the song kneeling in front of me, his hands holding mine which are still gripping the rose. I look up, surprised, my face flushing even redder, and see him staring at me, with a dreamy smile on his face. "Did that entertain you?" He asks me.
"You were... V-very into i-it." I stutter, looking back down at my fingers. But that doesn't help. They're still intertwined with Donghae's.
"Of course I was. Those are my true feelings. How could I be more sincere? Don't you understand?" I feel his hand under my chin and he lifts my face up to look at him. His emotions are practically jumping off of him. I can see them in his eyes, as he gazes in to mine, in his body language, I can feel them in his touch.
"Donghae..." I whisper breathily.
"Don't you understand?" He repeats his question. This time his voice sounds a little more desperate.
"Donghae... I can't..." I find myself still whispering. I can't seem to find my full voice.
"Why not?!" His voice breaks and I see tears forming in his eyes. Oh no, please don't cry. Tears are my weakness. "Is it because of Hyukkie?" My breath hitches in my throat. Does he know something? But... Hyukjae and I had been so careful not to let anyone find out!
"Donghae, I just can't." I'm surpised to hear that my voice sounds sad, too. Heart broken, actually. Why am I so sad? I shouldn't be sad. I just need to reject him and get it over with.
"Yes, you can. You can't completely ignore me just because of him. You haven't even given me a chance yet. Don't you like me too?" He whispers softly.
I hesitate for a second, at loss for words. "No..."
It turns out to be a second too long.
He smiles angelically through his tears. I see pure relief is shown on his face. "Yes you do. Don't lie to me."
"No, Donghae, I don't. I like Hyukjae." My cheeks are now wet from tears. How could I let this happen to myself?
"Are you sure? Then lets test that theory." He quickly leans his face closer and crushes his lips on to mine. I gasp but it sounds muffled against his mouth. What should I do? What if Hyukjae walks in? Should I be encouraging this? My head is filled with those kind of thoughts. But it's dominated by one; Kiss him back.
So I do. I wrap my arms around his neck and his body presses mine against the back of the couch as we kiss. His kisses are gentler than Hyukjae's. His lips are thinner that Hyukjae's. His hair is softer against my fingers. His hands don't roam my body but rather remain in one spot, on my waist the whole time. His body is heavier against mine than Hyukjae's.
All I can do is compare the two while Donghae kisses me. I'm trying to remember that I shouldn't be kissing Donghae, that I should be kissing Eunhyuk, but at the moment I only want what's right in front of me. I should feel guilty. But I instead want more of this terrible, sinful pleasure.
I even miss the feel of his lips against mine when he pulls away.
He kisses my nose gently and then leans his forehead against mine. I close my eyes, savoring every moment of his touch, even if he's not actually kissing me anymore. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer. I still keep my eyes shut, fearing that if I open them, I'll have to face the consequences of my actions. "Be mine. Be my girlfriend." He whispers softly.
My eyes fly open and there they are. There are the consequences. There's that guilty feeling. There are those thoughts of Hyukjae. How am I going to tell him about this? "Donghae..." My voice sounds strained.
"It's okay, calm down," He says while my cheek with his thumb. I should really hit his hand away. But my body does nothing to defy him. "I don't need an answer right now. Sleep on it." He pecks me tenderly on the lips once more.
"But Donghae, I like Hyukjae..."
He chuckles quietly. "That may be true sweetheart, but why would you kiss me back if you didn't like me too? Why aren't you pushing me away right now if you don't feel the same as I do?"
"I-I don't know..." I mumble, feeling upset.
"Think about it, beautiful girl. I don't mean to rush you." He says lovingly. I'm overwhelmed with emotions.
"Donghae... Why do you like me?" I ask timidly.
He laughs once again. "Haven't you already heard my reasons? Those songs summed it up perfectly. I only want you, Erika. 'Your two warm hands get cold when I’m cold, your heart which used to be strong gets sensitive when I’m hurt, To silently take my hands, to silently hold me, I only wish for those small comforts, You don’t know this heart of mine, which always wants to do more for you.' You make me happy." He replies. My heart practically jumps out of my chest and all I can do is stare at him.
He eventually removes his arms from around me and gets up to leave. He kisses my forehead gently and the starts walking out. As he exits the room, I hear him say; "Remember beautiful girl, there's no one like you and there's no one happier than me whenever you're around."
He leaves me sitting there, staring after him, regretting the loss of his company. I'm still sitting there, dazed, when I hear the front door open.
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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)