Super Junior?!

An Unexpected Destination


                                                                   {Terry-Ann's POV}


I stare throught the window of the small house. I can see that the boys are eating breakfast.

I followed them here last night, of course. It was terrible watching them suffer as they braved the cold weather and just kept walking until they finally found shelter. They're just soooo manly.

I was surprised when they skipped the first house they saw and instead opted for the next house. And who opened the door? A she-devil. Actually, there are two of them. Earlier the shorter one even touched Yesung. How dare she?! He's a God. And she is hardly worthy.

I feel so bad for the guys. I can't believe that they're actually eating that food. The ginger probably drugged it or something. I bet they're planning to do something terrible to the boys. Obviously I need to come up with a way to save them.

I almost scream when I see the brunette touch Sungmin's shoulder. That is my shoulder. How dare she touch him? Yesung first and now Sungmin?!

Oooooh they must be so uncomfortable having to stay in this hideous house with those even more hideous she-devils! I'm much prettier than either of them! And the boys like me much more. I just know it.

I can't watch them suffer anymore so I stand up from my crouching position next to the small widow and start pacing. How am I going to save them? And how did we end up here? Did they perhaps plan this? Do they know those girls?! Did they maybe... Not mean to end up here? No. That's impossible. I'm going crazy. There's no way they could get lost or, say, end up on the wrong flight or something.

Not with Eunhyuk there. I hear he's a great leader. Not as good as Teukie, of course. That would just be too much to ask.

I start walking back to the house I was staying at. I definitly picked the wrong house. I was currently lodging with some fat, old, balding Italian man who did nothing but drink beer and watch sports. But I suppose it could be worse. At least he was letting me live with him. Although I don't even think that he's ever sober enough to care or to even notice my existence.

I head in to the house and slam the door behind me, hoping to get a reaction from the fat man. But his eyes don't leave the TV screen for a second. I think he's drunk already. And it's only 9:00am.

Once I reach my room, I sit down on the bed and open my notebook to a blank page. I title the page "How Terry-Ann Saves Super Junior". Of course I add the date too.

As the first point on my list, I write "Poison the es". Now all I need is to find some poison.

That might be a problem.


                                                               {Erika's POV}


It's hard cooking for so many people. And they eat so much.

But I couldn't leave them out in the cold. They were practically frozen when they showed up at the door last night. I had to let them in. As long as Dad doesn't find out about it, I'm sure it'll be fine. He would kill them if he knew.

I look around the table at the people eating.

Eunhyuk is completely focused on his food. I'd noticed last night that he seemed to enjoy his food the most. I watch as Sungmin reaches out his fork, attempting to steal a bite, but Eunhyuk covers his plate with his arm and hits his fork away, not allowing him any. Sungmin gives him one of those cute pouts. It doesn't make any sense. How can somebody his age be so cute?

I look at Donghae who looks tired and is barely paying any attention to his breakfast, listening to Maura chatter animatedly. I think I hear her say something about strawberries. She's funny. She's always been like a younger sister to me. Even though she just happens to be older. It just doesn't make sense.

I notice that every time Maura looks at Yesung, he looks down at his plate and turns bright red, but she doesn't seem to notice and just continues talking to someone else who will pay attention to her. I think he may have a crush on her. And why wouldn't he? She's extremely pretty and bright. And despite the fact that she... does things her own way sometimes, she's ridiculously intelligent. She's just a babbler.

I'm surprised to see that Ryeowook is even talking back and forth with her. When he'd gotten here last night he had seemed like the quiestest, most timid of the lot. Plus the fact that Maura had practically attacked the poor guy last night. But it's a relief to see that the two seem to have already become friends.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I hear a voice ask. It's Donghae. I turn to him and give him a smile that I hope is reassuring.

"I already ate." It's a lie. The truth is that I'm just not hungry. I was up all night worrying. What if they had been serial killers or something? Thank God they aren't. They just seem to be normal, sweet men who are really in need of a place to stay.

"Well, okay then." He smiles at me almost a apologetically. That's when it hits me. He's really handsome. My face immediatly flushes red. I'm relieved that he doesn't notice when he turns and starts paying attention to Maura again. She's talking about the cookied she made last week, praising herself for how good they had tasted. Truth is, they were terrible. We hadn't had white sugar so she'd just added extra brown sugar. The result had been sickly sweet, pasty dough. I told her never to make them like that again.

My attention is drawn elsewhere when I hear a loud sneeze. Even Maura pauses to look at Eunhyuk. He look terrible. He's rubbing his forehead as if in pain. His lips are pale and his eyes are half closed as if he can't bare to keep them open.

Maura gets up from her spot at the table and starts maneuvering herself around it, reaching out toward Eunhyuk. "Are you okay?"

He seems surprised and more that a little uncomfortable. He tries to stand up but instead ends up falling backwards comically out of his chair. "Uhh, I'm fine. Really. Really! No need to worry!"

Maura seems a little upset. I've notice that he's been avoiding her all morning.

I head towards him. Yesung's already helped him up of the ground so I stand on my tip toes (he's a lot taller than me) and reach my hand up and touch his forehead gently. I notice him go bright red and drop his gaze.

No wonder he looks sick. His forehead is burning hot. "You must have caught I cold. You were out in the harsh weather for too long," I say. "You need more sleep."

I start pushing him from behind, urging him up the stairs and back to the bedroom but he resists completely.

"Nooooo. No. I'm fine. Really. I can't go back to bed. And I can't be sick. We need to leave today."

I feel bad for him. I suppose he isn't aware of the situation.

I laugh nervously and say "I don't think you'll be going anywhere today. I checked flight times this morning and there aren't any flights to either Korea or Washington for quite a while."

"What?!" they all exclaim simultaneously.

"For how long?!" Yesung yells the question and I shrink back, surprised by the explosion.

"Ummm... Not for another week or so..." I reply.

"Oh..." is all any of them manage to get out, shocked.

"I guess you'll just have to stay with us a while longer!" Maura exclaims happily.

"We couldn't poss-" Donghae's words are cut off by the sound of a knock on the front door. Thank you whoever you are.

I rush to the door and pull it open, only to see...

"Jessie!" I exclaim throwing my arms around her. "You're back!"

She laughs and hugs me back. Jessie's my Vietnamese neighbor (and yes, she's taller than me). "I missed you too!" she says.

"Jessie?" I hear Maura ask from the kitchen.

"Maura!" Jessie yells and starts rushing toward the kitchen...

Only to stop dead in her tracks upon seeing our guests.

"Oh. My. God." she says quietly. And then exclaims "Why is Super Junior sitting at your kitchen table?!"

This confuses me. "What? Super Junior?"

She looks at me as if I couldn't have said anything stupider. "Yes. Super Junior! Yesung, Ryeowook, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Sungmin," she points the all out, one by one. They all laugh nervously. "They're all members of only the hottest Korean boy band ever!"

Just as she is about to reach out and grab poor, sick Eunhyuk's hand, I grab on to her and quickly lead her out the door. I feel bad as I say "Okay! That's enough! You should leave! I'll talk to you later!" and then simply shut the door in her face.

The boys look uncomfortable so to spare them from even more uncomfort, I just leave the many questions hanging in the air for later.

I drag a shocked Eunhyuk up the stairs and bring him in to the small bedroom, forcing him to lie down.

"Really," he insists. "I'm not tired..." but his words trail off and his eyes shut. He's asleep within seconds.

I leave the room and wet a cloth, returning and putting it on his warm forehead. I notice that he looks much more peaceful when asleep. He's just as handsome as Donghae. I once again feel my face flush. And then I feel like a creep, watching him sleep.

So I leave the room once I'm sure he'll be fine and head back downstairs, walking passed the still shocked boys along with a confused Maura and just start cleaning up the dishes.

We'll talk later.

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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)