Evil Maknae

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                     {Sungmin's POV}


I sigh for about the ten millionth time this morning. And it's only 8 AM. "Go fish." I say to Ryeowook. For God's sake, this is the hundredth time that we've played this game since arriving! All we do is sit in the den all day playing board games and card games and any other games we can think of. I'm pretty sure that we've exhausted all the options that this small room is presenting us with. When are we going to get out of here?! Well... It's been... 5 days already? Yeah, we're on our fifth day. So we'll be gone the day after tomorrow. Why can't we just leave sooner? Don't get me wrong, I love Erika and Maura but it's not like I even get to talk to either of our gorgeous hostesses. Maura's always with Yesung doing who-knows-what and Erika is always being trailed by Eunhyuk and Donghae, but mostly Eunhyuk recently. Seriously, it's like I'm barely able to breathe around that girl. They're always with her! I want to talk to her too! I like her too! Probably not as much as Eunhyuk though. I suspect that there's something going on between those two. I just know it. And Donghae seems to like her a lot too... I guess that means that they're in a love triangle? Great. There's a love triangle going on as well as two fools in love and all I've got is Wookie. He's adorable but he can only be entertaining for so long.

"Okay." He replies happily and picks up another card from on top of the deck. I guess he's not as tired of this as I am. I'm completely home sick.

"Wookie~" I whine in my best baby voice. He looks up from behind his cards and raises an eyebrow at me questioningly.

"Yeah Minnie-hyung?" He asks. I smile at him sweetly, trying to work some aegyo on him.

"Wookie, aren't you bored? Don't you want to go home?"

"Hmm..." He thinks for a second. "Not really. This is a nice break from our crazy schedules. Besides, I love Erika's cooking. Oh, and it's your turn."

I groan and look down at my cards. "Don't you at least want to go anywhere with me today? I mean, we're grown men. We should be able to get around town by ourselves." Ryeowook hasn't wanted to leave this house in days. It's killing me.

"No! It's cold outside hyung! Let's wait for a warmer day. Maybe it'll be warm tomorrow." He says. I throw my cards down in front of me in frustration and stand up, balling my fists.

"Kim Ryeowook, do you know how far north we are? It will not be warm tomorrow!" I shriek at him. He looks up at me surprised.

"Okay, hyung! We'll go outside today! A-after... L-lunch." He stutters. I sit back down and smile, slightly satisfied. At least now I won't be stuck inside the whole day. I'll be a little less bored. "H-hyung..." Ryeowook starts nervously. "Can you go now? It's still your turn..." I sigh again and pick my cards back up. Just as I'm about to ask him if he has any 8's, I hear Erika from the kitchen.

"Breakfast!" She yells. Finally. Ryeowook and I forget about our card game, throw our cards down and run to the kitchen where breakfast is waiting for us, steaming hot on the table along with Eunhyuk, Yesung and Maura seated at the table. That's strange. Where's Donghae?

Ryeowook and I sit down in our chairs and start shoveling food on to our plates as fast as we possibly can. "Slow down there..." Erika cautions us, taking the seat in between me and Eunhyuk. I swallow what I have in my mouth and smile at her.

"I'm hungry. And I'm a guy. Do the math." Eunhyuk snorts and rolls his eyes but I notice that his plate has twice the amount of food mine does. Hypocrite. He tries looking all innocent and nobody suspects him because he's so skinny but the guys eats like a horse. Erika should be warning him to slow down.

"Hey, where's Donghae?" Yesung suddenly wonders out loud. Erika shakes her head and looks down at her food.

"I don't know. Why don't you call him?" Her face seems to have gotten redder. Strange.

Ryeowook turns in his chair and cups his hands around his mouth as if creating a megaphone. "Hyung! Erika called breakfast!" He yells as loud as he possibly can causing all of us to cover our ears. And people think he's quiet.

At that moment Donghae calmly strolls into the kitchen, a confident and cool smile plastered on his face. "I heard Wookie. You don't have to yell." He says to Ryeowook.

"Oh. 'Kay." Ryeowook responds.

Donghae takes the spot across from Erika and smiles at her, trying to get her to look up at him but she doesn't budge and refuses to look his way. He chuckles as if it's some sort of joke and just starts spooning food on to his plate.

"So, what's everybody doing today?" Maura asks. Strangely, when she asks the question, she only looks at Erika. A lot of attention seems to be on that girl this morning. Erika finally looks up from her plate and stares at Maura. But I answer before anyone else can.

"Wookie and I are going out today." I state proudly.

Donghae finds this funny for some reason and almost chokes on the orange juice he's drinking. "What? Like on a date?" He finally manages to cough out. I feel blood creeping up my neck toward my face. Wookie's jaw drops and he stares at Donghae.

"H-hyung! No! I'm straight! I swear!" He exclaims, his face red as a tomato. This causes everyone to start laughing.

"Sure you are." Yesung adds himself in to the converstion.

"Hyung! B-but-" Ryeowook starts stuttering but I cut him off.

"Well, he may not be but I'm definitely straight." I say calmly. "I am completely confident in my uality."

I still have no idea what's so funny about that but they start laughing all over again. "Hyung! Me too!" Wookie whines. I just pat his shoulder comfortingly and tell him to ignore all of them.

It's just as they stop laughing when everyone pauses to listen to a twinkling sound. It's the 3 bears song. And it's coming from my pocket. Wait. Is that my cellphone? That's not possible! I haven't been able to get any reception since I got here! I've been calling home for days and I had only one bar one time but nobody picked up! So I left a message... Maybe someone's calling me back?

I whip my phone out of my pocket as fast as I can and check to see who's calling. It's a long distance number.... Could it be? I bring it to my ear and press 'talk'.

"Yobuseyo?" I say quickly.

"Sungmin-hyung? Is that you? Why'd you call? I don't have much time so get to the point." My savior.

"Kyu! Thank God!" I exclaim. Everyone turns to look at me.

"Is it Kyuhyun? I miss him! Let me talk to him!" Ryeowook screams like a little girl, grabbing for the phone. I shove him away.

"Not now, Wookie... Kyu! Oh my God! I'm so glad you called me back!" I shriek.

"Yeah, mmhm. And why is it that you called? I'm resting hyung. I'm on vaction too, you know." He yawns.

"Yeah yeah. Well Kyu, you'll never guess what happened!"

"Ryeowook got a boyfriend? I predicted that." He laughs evily.

"No! Shut up for a second, will you?! We're stranded, Kyu! Stranded!" Erika turns to look at me, offended. I mouth 'sorry'.

"Where exactly? Any hot girls?"

"Um, well, yeah but that's not the point. We're in Canada in some tiny town called 'Old Crow' and we've been staying at a couple of girls' house for the past few days-"

"Lucky. How old?"

"Kyu. Listen. There's no flight back until the day after tomorrow and we kind of have to get out of here."

"That's nice."

"Cho Kyuhyun! You have to help us!"

"How do you suppose I do that?"

"Well, can't you talk to Soo Man sunbae-nim and ask him to fly the jet out to get us? Anything!"

"Hmmm..." He pauses to think a while. "I suppose I could do that-"

"Excellent! Kyu, I love y-"

"But I don't feel like it."

My jaw drops. "What do you mean you don't feel like it?!"

"By that I mean that I do not presently have the motivation to do anything else but sleep. So I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Minnie-hyung. Love you."

"Cho Kyuhun! You better not hang up this phone! Let me talk to Leeteuk! Or Heechul. Actually, don't let me talk to Heecul-hyung. Let me talk to Siwon! Or Shin-" I hear that sound indicating that he's already hung up. Damn it! I try calling back but I've lost the signal. I groan and lay my head on the table. After a few seconds, Ryeowook hesitantly touches my shoulder.

"Hyung, are you alright?" He asks softly.

I suddenly jerk upright in to a sitting position and throw my hands up in the air. "He's the devil! The devil I swear! Why did it have to be him? Why?!" I scream.

"Calm down, would you?" Eunhyuk says to me angrily. "What's your problem with staying here anyway?"

"I'm just so tired of being locked up with Ryeowook while everyone else is having fun!"

Ryeowook looks at me, tears forming in his eyes. "Hyung... Am I not fun?"

I suddenly start feeling bad for what I said. "What? Of course you're fun Wookie! I love you!" I hug him and wipe the tears from his eyes. Everyone else stands up to put away their plates.

"Good, then you won't mind spending a couple more days here. Erika and I are going out today so you'll just have to bear it." Eunhyuk says.

Donghae's head suddenly snaps up to look at them, seemingly shocked. "What?!"

"Yeah..." Erika replies quietly, still not looking at him. "We probably won't be back until dinner so you guys will have to take care of lunch."

"That's okay!" Maura exclaims, seemingly delighted. "You two go! Now! I'll clean up! Don't worry!" She shoves them out of the kitchen, not giving them time to respond while Donghae stares sadly after them. I groan inwardly.

This is going to be a long day.

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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)