We Have A Problem

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                                   {Eunhyuk's POV}


"So why was she upset?" I ask when Erika returns to the living room half an hour later. She smiles to herself and walks over to the couch, shooing Ryeowook away, and reclaiming her spot.

"I told you, hyung. It's PMS. All girls go through it." Ryeowook responds instead. Erika playfully hits him on the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You're clueless. She was sad because... " She ponders her response for a moment, obviously wondering whether she should tell us or not.

"Because of Yesung-hyung." Donghae finishes for her.

"Well... Yeah." She smiles weakly at us, looking guilty. Donghae reaches over and rests a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. She flinches at the contact but immediately thinks better of it and looks up at him, still smiling that same smile. There's that jealousy again.

"Don't worry. We won't tell her that you told us." He says to her.

"We promise~" Sungmin holds his pinky up in a cute gesture.

"Uh... Yeah." I say, tearing my jealous eyes away from Donghae's hand, still on her shoulder.

"But how could I have been wrong?!" Ryeowook shrieks. "No! This has to be a mixture of hyung and PMS!" We all look at him and laugh. I notice, relieved, that Donghae's hand finally falls from her shoulder.

"What's a mixture of hyung and... Umm... That other thing...?" Yesung's voice quiets our laughter. We all look up at him, standing there akwardly. None of us know what to say, not wanting to reveal Maura's secret.

"Ummm... Nothing." I cover, not so smoothly. "Hyung! Why were you outside for so long?" I try to switch topics. Erika sends me a grateful look and I immediately smile at her. It's nice to see her eyes on me for once, instead of Donghae.

"Huh? Oh, I was just finishing up... And then I ran in to a girl. She said she was your cousin," He says, looking at Erika. "She told me to give this to you." He pulls a small box out of his pocket and throughs it across the room, to Erika. She catches the little box and turns it around in her hand, inspecting it. She looks up and gives hyung a confused look.

"Did you say cousin? I... I don't have any cousins... Maybe she was Maura's?" She asks in a strange voice.

"Unless Maura is hiding fair hair, I'm positive that she meant you." He replies, shrugging.

"I don't have fair hair... I swear I'm a natural brunette," Maura walks in, making out group complete. "And my only cousins live in Australia." She smiles at us all, even Yesung, seemingly confusing the poor guy. Her eyes are a little bit red and puffy, but otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell she's been crying. She's even smiling happily, her voice cheery as ever.

"Well, do we know anyone who would drop off a gift for us and just leave?" Erika asks her.

"Hmmm... Nope. That's not polite at all. She could have at least said 'hello'." Maura walks across the room toward Erika and snatches the box out of her hand. She takes the lid off and inspects what's inside. She pulls out a two small, heart shaped chocolates. "Who gives only two chocolates?"

"She... She just said that they were for you two..." Yesung reponds, looking down at his feet.

"Huh," Maura brings it closer to her nose and smells it. "It smells like... Windex. And Lysol. What kind of chocolate is this?" But she just shrugs her shoulders and moves it closer to .

"Maura! Don't eat that!" Erika yells, grabbing the latters hand, just as she's about to put the chocolate in . "We don't know who gave that to us! And if it doesn't smell like chocolate, it probably isn't. We'll just throw it out."

"But Erika-" Maura starts.

"No buts," She takes the chocolates from Maura, puts them back in the box, and throws the box to me. "Throw these out, would you?"

I nod and get up, walk in to the kitchen and throw them out. What's with these strange chocolates? Why do they smell like household chemicals? It seems like a child tried poisoning them or something. Wait. Does that mean that someone is trying to... Poison Erika and Maura? Haha that's impossible. Who would want to do that? I quickly dismiss the idea.

As I'm walking back to the living area, I hear the six of them talking. "I should probably go now." Erika says.

"Where are you going?" Sungmin and Ryeowook ask at the same time, causing Maura to giggle.

"I have to do some... Errands." She explains.

"Well then, why don't one of us come with you?" Donghae suggests, smiling. Damn it! He's trying to get more one-on-one time with her? Didn't he go last time?

"I'll go!" Maura sings, her hand shooting up in the air.

"No, you can't," Erika replies immediately. "You have to... stay here. Donghae can come if he wants." Damn.

"Actually," Donghae starts. "I was thinking Eunhyuk could go with you." He looks up at me, frozen in the doorway, smiling. What did he just say? Me? Why is he doing this?

"Huh? Okay, sure." I tell myself that I'm just imagining the disapointment in Erika's voice when she says this. "Let's go, then." She gets up from her seat and motions for me to follow after her toward the front door.

I guess this is my big chance.


                                                                                                     {Erika's POV}


That was close, I think to myself while getting in to the car with Eunhyuk, who insists on driving. Maura had almost come with me. What if Donghae hadn't intervened? I don't want Maura to figure out what her birthday present is. But then again, I can't tell any of them that it's her birthday soon... It's the day after they'll be leaving. She's probably upset that they won't be able to celebrate it with her. And if I tell them, I'm sure that they'll feel bad about not staying. But they'll leave anyway, whether they know or not. So it doesn't matter. I'll just keep it a secret. It's not like I can move the party up a day or two. My family and her family are already flying in from Ontario to help celebrate. Not to mention Jessie will be there. I don't want another situation like before.

"What are you thinking about?" Eunhyuk's voice pulls me out of my thoughts as he backs out of the driveway. I look up at him with a dazed look in my eyes.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Ummm... So I'm only going to Ziggy's to pick something up quickly and then I need to stop off at Jessie's house to... Talk to her." I say.

"'Kay, no problem. Which way is it to the store?"

"Actually, Jessie's house is closer... Why don't we stop off there first?" He shrugs his consent and I give him the directions. Since the ride is short, it's mostly silent, neither of us really knowing what to say to each other. I can tell that Eunhyuk is still hanging on to what happened last night. He and Donghae, who's acting completely clueless about it, seem to have opposite personalities.

When we get there, he's about to get out of the car but I stop him. "You probably don't want to do that. Jessie's the one who practically attacked you the other day, remember?"

He freezes for a few seconds and then sits back in his seat. "Oh. Her."

"Just wait here. I'll be back in a couple minutes." I reassure him before quickly hurrying up Jessie's icy driveway, almost falling twice.

I reach the pink door (Jessie's sort a pink maniac) and knock hard. Within a few seconds, it's pulled open reavealing Jessie, still in her pink pajamas. She looks at me fleetingly and then her gaze quickly falls behind me, obviously seeing if I brought anyone else with me. Her eyes register the car and open wide when she sees who's in it, sitting and waiting patiently. She jumps out the door and tries to push past me but I grab her, shoving her back inside and closing the door behind me.

"What did you do that for? I just wanted to say hi!" She yells at me, disapointed.

"It's great to see you too, Jess." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Hi Erika! How are you?" She greets, faking enthusiasm. "Now can I go and see Eunhyuk?"

"No. I came to talk to you about something different, more important."

"What could possibly be more important than that amazingly hot asian sitting in the drivers seat of your car?"

"Maura's birthday, idiot!" I yell, trying to get her mind off of my companion.

"Oh. Oh. That's right! Her birthday's in like... Five days! What are we doing? Are we riding in to one of the bigger cities again?"

Finally. She's listening.

"No, I've already asked Mrs. Lanister if we can rent out the restaurant for the night. She said yes. Not surprising since she doesn't get a lot of customers. Anyway, we're going to have dinner there. Both of our families are coming."

"What time?"

"Probably around 7 or so."

"Should I wear something nice?"


And finally, she asks the one question I was expecting. "Are they coming?" She says the 'they' as if she's speaking of some superior beings who deserve worship.

"Whoever do you mean?" I ask innocently, feigning incomprehension.

"Oh pshaw. Don't play dumb with me, Erika. Those five Gods who are currently in your care. You know, the ones you won't even let me meet? Yeah. Those ones." She says back.

"Sorry, no idea what you're talking about." I turn around, done with this conversation, heading for the door. Usually I love being with Jessie, she's one of my closest friends, but not when she's in this state. Obsession.

"Super Junior!" She yells, running after me. "Erika, I know Siwon! He's one of their members! I know him! I swear! I know Siw-" She's cut off by the sound of the door slamming, coming in between us, and I jog out the door, down the driveway and get in the passenger's seat of my car.

"Drive." I instruct Eunhyuk, before she has the chance of following me. He obeys compliantly and we get the hell out of there while Jessie waves at us from her front step. I sigh. Will she ever give up?

"Ziggy's now?" He asks me, smiling. I nod and give him the directions.

"What happened?" He questions me after a couple of minutes have gone by.

"Umm... Let's just say she's crazy." We both laugh and the akward atmosphere disapates.

"I know. Trust me, I deal with crazy fangirls almost every day. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but some of them are just so damn insistant." He chuckles.

"So you guys really are that popular." I say it as statement instead of a question, finally accepting the fact that I have real Korean idols living in my home with me that I hadn't even heard about before a few days ago.

We keep up the comfortable chatter until we reach the small store. I let him come in with me this time, being that there is no crazy asian fangirl waiting for us inside. Hopefully.

Thankfully, we're greeted by Ziggy instead. He notices us and then gives me a suprised look.

"Erika! How many boyfriends do you have? I never took you for the kind of person!" He exclaims in English. I feel myself flush red but thankfully Eunhyuk can't understand what the old man just said. He just stands there, looking indifferent.

"Ziggy! It's not what you think! They're both just my friends! Friends!" I insist.

He gives me that same smug smile that I recieved from Maura a few hours. "Suuure they are." I sigh frustratedly and turn to Eunhyuk.

"Just stay her for a few seconds. I'll be back after I grab something." I instruct, switching back to Korean.

"I can come..."

"No, it's okay! Just wait! I'll only be moment." Before he can protest and further, I run away, heading toward the back of the store.

I browse the aisles thoroughly until I finally find the section I'd explored with Donghae a couple days ago. I search through boxes and racks until I find what I'm looking for.

Yes! One left!


                                                                                                    {Maura's POV}


"Really! We're popular!" Sungmin insists.

"I don't believe you," I argue back. "If you're so popular, then how haven't I ever hear of you? That just doesn't make sense!"

"We really are. You have to believe me."

I sigh. "Fine. We'll see about that." I reach in front of me and pick up Erika's old laptop. I wait a few minutes for it to load. This thing is so slow. She should just get a new one. One that has better games. But noooo. We've got to pay the stupid bills. Tch.

Finally, I open the browser and Google pops up immediately. I click on the search bar and type in "Super Junior". I press enter and when the stupid comuter finally finishes loading, I click on the first link at the top of the page entitled "Super Junior In Canada".

I turns out to be some persons blog. I scroll down the page...

...And I'm shocked at what I see.

There are pictures of the five boys in identical clothes to what they're wearing now. There's one where they're standing in the airport, one where they're walking through the snow, one where they're playing cards... And even one from this morning where they're eating breakfast while Erika serves them. I see myself sitting there next to Yesung-oppa in the picture.

I turn to Sungmin who looks triumphant, having not actually seen what I've seen yet.

"Ummm... Sungmin? I think we have a problem..."


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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)