Starting Over

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                                {Erika's POV}


"Breakfast is ready!" I yell as loud as I can. This is the third time I've said it and still nobody's listening.

"Oh my God, I'm coming." I see Maura walk in to the kitchen, running her hand through her messy curls, still in her frog-printed flannel pajamas. Sometimes I feel like she's never going to grow up. But I love her anyway, of course.

I'm surprised to see not Yesung-oppa following her in but a tired looking Ryeowook and a smiling Sungmin instead. Oh wait, no. There he is. He practically runs in to the kitchen, still pulling his shirt over his head. Wow, who would have thought that Yesung has abs? I see Maura blush at the sight and laugh quietly to myself. How obvious could they get?

"So, Maura," I start. "When I woke up this morning and came downstairs, I was really surprised. There was some strange, disgusting goo everywhere. I don't know where it came from. Might you have any idea?" I see Maura and Yesung pale noticeably and look down at their food, pretending not to hear me. It must have been them. When I'd come downstairs yesterday, I hadn't actually noticed the mess. I was too busy noticing Yesung on top of my poor, innocent, naive Maura. That reminds me, I'm going to need to have a talk with him.

"I thought I told you not to let her touch anything unless I was down here supervising." I scold him.

I hear Sungmin and Ryeowook snicker and whisper "Oooo you disobeyed Mom, hyung!" and "Hyung, you got caught." under their breath. I almost crack a smile but I quickly remind myself that I'm supposed to be glaring at Yesung.

He sighs and looks down at his intertwining fingers, not daring to look me in th face. "I know... But I thought that maybe if I just helped her, it'd be fine. I guess I forgot that I've never been good at baking either..." He says apologetically.

"It's my fault, Erika," Maura starts, standing up from her chair, looking me right in the eyes. "I was the one who said I wanted to make cookies. He tried to stop me, really. But I wouldn't listen." She explains.

I tsk her and shake my head. "That's no excuse. You know that you're forbidden to bake. It always ends up in disaster. As punishment, you both have to shovel the driveway after breakfast."

"What?! Sh-shovel the driveway? But Tom always comes over and does that! Why do we have to?!" Maura exclaims, and agonized look on her face. Yesung tugs on her arm, trying to get her to sit and calm down, but she won't listen. She's too horrified at the thought of actually doing work. Outside, nonetheless.

Because it's part of my plan to get you two together, stupid is what I think but what I actually say is "Too bad. You're doing it. No arguing." She's about to say something back to me but she doesn't get the chance when Donghae and Eunhyuk walk in to the room, side by side, laughing together. It makes me feel relieved to know that they've actually gotten over what happened between them.

"Doing what?" Donghae asks, smiling at me politely. I feel my heart flutter but immediately try and calm myself down. So what if he looks totally and completely gorgeous when he smiles? Or just in general... He does always look really hot... Not to mention his shoulder's really comfortable, unlike my friend, Maggie's, which is really bony...

Okay, what the hell am I thinking?

I quickly look away and focus my attention back on the fridge, pulling out Maura's favorite juice. "She's making us shovel the driveway. Donghae-oppaaa. Make her stop! She's being so mean to Yesung-oppa and I!" Maura complains. I see her grip his arm in an insistant gesture and immediately feel jealousy course through my body as I take out her favorite cow mug from the cupboard and almost drop it.

Get a hold of yourself. No need to be jealous. You don't even know this guy. He's a complete and total stranger. He just happened to walk in a few seconds ago. And it's just Maura grabbing him. Maura touches everybody, whether she knows them or not. Nothing to worry about. Just get over it.

"We can help, if you want..." Eunhyuk slowly offers.

"No. No, you can't do that hyung. This is punishment. Don't get involved in it. Just let them work it out themselves." Ryeowook quickly replies. Atleast someone's caught on.

"Oh, okay." He just shrugs it off and he and Donghae take a seat at the table. When I go and sit down to grab my own plate of food, I make sure to sit at the other end of the table, opposite from them, next to Maura who obviously won't even talk to me. She has her head turned away from me the whole time we eat, pouting. I almost feel bad for her. But this is necessary. If I don't push the two together, then who will? She's never even had a boyfriend that I know of. It's time she got one. And Yesung-oppa is a good one to start with. Not that he'll be here for long. But that's just a minor complication.

The whole time we eat, the whole conversation is mostly shared between the 6 of them. I'm not really in the mood to talk. When we all finish eating and the conversation stops, Maura quickly runs out of the room, leaving Yesung behind. Where is she going?

Yesung, left with no other option, follows Ryeowook and Sungmin out in to the living area to watch TV or play cards or whatever they've been doing to entertain themselves for the past three days. I get up to start tidying and I notice Donghae and Eunhyuk helping me stack the plates and put them in the dish washer. Wow. I wasn't expecting this much of a change in behavior.

"Thanks," I say. "But you don't need to help. I'm happy to do it by myself, really."

"Now, now. What kind of first impression would that be, leaving a lady to do everything herself?" Eunhyuk teases playfully. I feel myself blush and I look down at my feet, suddenly interested in my fuzzy blue slippers.

"Thanks..." I repeat quietly.

"No problem." They both reply, smiling, and leave the kitchen side by side, but not before Donghae reaches out and ruffles my hair affectionately. Great. Now I have to fix my pony tail. And once again, my heart starts beating faster.

Ohhh, just leave me alone, Lee Donghae!

But of course I don't really want that. On the contrary, I find myself hoping that they'll never leave, or at least stay longer than 4 more days. It's kind of depressing, thinking about them all leaving so soon. I've already become so attached.

I sigh. I have to do errands today. I have to go to Ziggy's again to pick up Maura's birthday present... And I should probably pay Jessie a visit. Poor girl probably thinks I'm avoiding her. Well, I am. But for a good reason. Not because I don't like her or anything... But to do all that stuff I'll probably have to take the car. It's so cold outside... The driveway will definitely have to be cleared first, though, if I'm to have any chance of actually getting out of it.

That's right! I told Maura and Yesung to do it! And that girl just ran out on me!

I check to see if she's in the living area first but have no luck. It's just the boys, sitting in a circle on the floor playing some strange game. I check the den. Not there either. That means that she mush be upstairs. I walk up the stairs quickly and quietly, not wanting her to know that I'm coming up because I know she'll probably hide from me. If she hasn't already, that is.

I knock on her door but hear no response so I just walk in. Tch. What a lame hiding spot. She's curled up in a ball underneath her comforter, head covered and all. "Maura, don't you dare try hiding from me." I say.

"Go away. I'm... sleeping." She replies loudly, followed by the sound of fake snores. This girl.

"Maura!" I rush over and grab the blanket, pulling it off of her completely. With no way of not facing me now, she looks at me, surprised and then her expression turns pleading.

"Come on, Erika! I don't want to do it! I'm no good at that kind of thing!" She exclaims.

"Well, then you'll just have to get better at it."

"Why can't I just watch Tom do it and I'll do it next time. Maybe."

"No, you're doing it now. You don't do anything around here."

"I thought I was just here to keep you company. And if you ask me, I think I'm doing a pretty good job at it."

"Maura, get up." I laugh, pulling her to her feet. "It won't kill you to do a little work around here. And besides, you'll have oppa helping you. Doesn't that sound fun?"

She pouts but allows me to lead her over to her wardrobe and pull out clothes for her to wear. She quickly dresses and then I drag her down the stairs, yelling "Yesung-oppa! Come on!" He's at the front door in a matter of seconds, pulling his sweater on.

"Let's go." He says, smiling brightly at Maura. Thankfully, this pulls a small smile out of her and I don't have to look at her pouting face anymore. It was getting a little annoying.

They're about to walk out the door, but I grab Maura's hand, keeping her back for a moment. I lean over and whisper quietly in her ear "Maura, ask him if he has a girl that he likes." Then I let go of her and skip down the hallway, swinging my arms cheerfully.

"What?!" I hear her call after me. But I just ignore her voice and sit next to Sungmin on the couch.

"You know, you're like an evil, match-making genius." He says to my, smirking.

I smile back. "I know."


                                                                                                          {Yesung's POV}


I look over at Maura. She's barely shoveling any snow each time she tried digging her shovel in. I suppose she doesn't really have much strength. Or maybe she's just not used to this. Probably the latter. No, probably both.

Her dark brown curls are shadowing her face, falling across her forehead and her expression is passed mad. Probably at Erika, I supposed. She seems to be mumbling something to herself in English that sounds like "Stupid ginger..."

I leave her to her work, which can barely be called actual work, and shovel hard, trying to get the task done quickly for the both of us. She's really not enjoying this and the atmosphere is pretty akward considering that she doesn't seem to want to talk. What's happened to the normal talkative, naive Maura that I can never seem to shake? Or maybe she can't seem to shake me... Either way, we're always together and she's always talking non-stop. Since the moment we met, it's never actually been akward.

"Ow!" I yelp as I feel something cold hit the back of my head, hard. I turn around to see Maura, her shovel up in the air, as if she's just launched something from it. A snowball, perhaps? "Yah, are you trying to start a fight?" I ask, a smile teasing my lips. She looks back at me, faking intensity.

"Maybe I am."

"And maybe you're not?"

"No, I'm definitely trying to start a fight. What are you going to do about it?"

"Well," I bend down, molding a snowball in between my hands quickly. "Maybe I'll fight back." I say, launching the snowball at her, careful not to throw it to hard. It hits her shoulder and she yelps and then bursts in to little giggles. She picks up another snowball and throws it back at me. I duck behind the pile of snow I'd just been shoveling, blocking the shot.

Before we know it, it turns in to a full out snowball war. We duck behind our makeshift forts and whip snowballs at each other. Most of the time our aim is off, but that's part of the fun. Everytime one of us hits a spot far away from our target, we each pause and start laughing. Until the first person stops laughing and throws another snowball, of course. It's tiring, I find, trying to keep up with her energy, but fun nonetheless.

Eventually, we're both collapsed behind our snow forts, which are really just piles of snow, holding our stomachs, laughing, cold, and drenched from the snow.  But it doesn't bother us. We just keep yelling back in forth, although we've given up on throwing snowballs. We'd both gotten more wet from just crouching in the snow than we had from the actual snowballs themselves. It quiets down all of a sudden and I can practically hear her thinking. It just went from extremely loud to dead silent. She's got to be thinking something over.

"Oppa..." She starts hesitantly.


She pause for a while and the silence drags on. "Oppa... Is there someone you like?"

What? "What do you mean? Of course there's someone I like. There are lots of people I like."

"Oh." Her tone sounds a little surprised.

"I like Donghae, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, all the rest of Super Junior, Erika, you, I even like my SHINee dongsaengs!" I say.

I hear her laugh at me. Why is she laughing?

"No, oppa. Not like. Like. Is there anyone that you... like?"

Ah. So that's what she means. She wants to know if I like anyone. I don't know what to say. How would she react if she knew it was actually her?

"...I might." I say at last.

"What do you mean you might? You either do or you don't." Her tone sounds annoyed.

"Why does it matter?"

"Because it does! Just answer the question, would you?"

"Yes." I whisper.

She pauses. "Yes? Yes you'll answer the question... Or yes there is?"

"Yes... There is." I admit, much louder this time, gaining unexplicable confidence.

...Oh God. Why is it so quiet again?

"I see..." Her voice sounds shaky. Why?

"Is there anyone that you like?" I ask her back.

"I... I don't know..." She replies immediately.

"What do you mean? You either do or you don't." I say annoyedly. I really want her to answer the question.

"I just don't, okay?!" She screams, suddenly. I turn to see her standing up, biting her lip, her little hands balled in to tiny fists. She looks upset. But I don't understand.

"Maura... Are you okay?" I walk forward and reach my hand toward her, trying to comfort her, but she evades me and instead runs into the house quickly, slamming the door behind her...

...Leaving me to stare at nothing but a wooden door, completely confused.


                                                                                               {Maura's POV}


I fall back against the front door, to the floor and put my head in my hands, yanking at my bangs. I feel tears begin to fall and my body start to tremble violently. Why am I crying, anyway? And why am I so upset at what oppa said? It's not like it affects me. I mean, I don't like him. He probably likes Erika, too. What's with it with her and all these guys? But I guess I can't blame them. Or her.

Wait, the reason why I feel like this...

I can't...

...Like Yesung...


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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)