Don't Be Stupid

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                                    {Ryeowook's POV}


"Haha!" I exclaim. "I win again!"

This is our fifth round of Poker and I still haven't lost once. I reach in to the middle and pull all of make-shift money (pretzels) toward me. Yum... I love pretzels.

"Okay, this is not fair," Donghae says. "Did you rig the game or something? How can you win every time? This just doesn't make any sense."

"Nah, Wookie's just always been good at Poker." Sungmin interjects. I smile at him gratefully. I really am just good at Poker. Just because I'm one of the maknaes doesn't mean I'm good for nothing.

"Sorry hyuuuuuung. But you get no pretzels todaaaaaay." I sing. He just gets up from his spot on the floor and moves instead to the couch beside Erika who's watching some English show on TV. While eating pretzels... Those are my pretzels! Why is she stealing them? Ahhh!

"Erika-shi! My pretzels! Don't eat them all! I want some!" I plead. She just looks at me and smiles tauntingly.

"Too bad." She says. I give up, pouting, and just gather the rest of my pretzels, walking out of the room. I start heading toward the kitchen, but when I turn around I notice a human sized ball on the floor, leaning against the front door. A human sized ball with dark brown curls, tinted red and small hands hugging its knees.

I walk over slowly and quietly and then lean down next to Maura. I notice she's trembling and I can't see her face. I place one hand on her shoulder. "Maura-shi... What's wrong?" She jerks her head up suddenly and stares at me, surprised. I now see why she's trembling. There are fresh tears on her cheeks. Could this be because of Erika making her shovel the driveway? Or maybe it's because of...

... PMS?!

I jump up from my position, dropping all my pretzels on the floor, but i don't care. I run the short distance back in to the living area yelling "Erika? Erika! Hurry! Help!"

She looks up at me, clearly confused. "Ryeowook... What's wrong?"

"MAURA'S HAVING LADY PROBLEMS." I yell at the top of my lungs. "You have to help her!"

It gets completely silent. Everyone looks up at me, a mix of expressions on their faces. "W-What?" Erika stutters.

"Maura, she... She's crying. It has to be PMS. God, you women and your mood swings are so hard to deal with sometimes!" I explain.

"Maura's crying?!" Erika immediately launches herself out of her chair and out of the living area, to find Maura leaning against the door. We all stare after her, Eunhyuk and Donghae with worried expressions and Sungmin just looking confused. Then Donghae-hyung turns to me.

"Ryeowook..." I hear him start. "You know, you-"

"I know, hyung. I did the right thing. And you're proud of me." I cut him off with a smile.

"No.... That's not what I was going to s-"

"Ah, it's okay, hyung. I got it." I move over to the couch and sit down in the spot that Erika was previously occupying, with a sense of pride.

Kim Ryeowook of Super Junior definitely knows how to handle women.


                                                                                                    {Erika's POV}


"Come on, Maura. Tell me what's wrong." I plead. I've finally gotten her off the ground, upstairs and into her room but when she hot here, she just fell on her bed and resumed the same position as before. She's still crying and I don't know what to do except beg her to let me know what's wrong. Maura almost never gets upset. A little angry, maybe, but she only ever cries when she's really upset about something.

"Maura, please? I can't help if you won't tell me why you're sad." I try once again.

She continues crying for a while longer but eventually replies "I'm not sad." Her head is still between her knees and she refuses to look at me.

"Yes, you are. Or else you wouldn't be crying."

"I don't... I don't know why I'm crying." She stutters, finally lifting her head.

"Well... Why don't you start with telling me what happened and maybe I can help you figure it out. I know this can't just be PMS, like Ryeowook thinks."

"Maybe he's right!" She suddenly looks hopefull but her expression quickly changes back to sad when I shake my head at her.

"What happened?"

She takes a deep breath, attempting to stop her hiccups. "I... I was outside... Well, you already know that... Yesung-oppa and I had a snowball fight. And I was cold. And then I asked him what you told me to ask him-" She breaks off as her hiccups quickly turn back in to sobs.

It finally hits me. "Oh, Maura. What did he say?"

"He... He said..." But she can't spit it out because she's sobbing too hard.

So I let her wait it out while I hug her and rub her back comfortingly, like my Mother used to do when I was sad. She leans in to me and continues sobbing, still not even knowing why she's crying. But I think I know.

Finally, when she's ready, she manages to cry "He... He said that... that... there... is someone that he... likes! Likes likes!" 

"Did he tell you who?" I ask.

"N-no." She whimpers. Well, that's not exactly what i was expecting. I was expecting her to say the he said he likes someone else. But it's so obvious to me now that when he said he likes someone, he was referring to her.

"Did you give him a chance to tell you who?"

"No. He just asked me if there's someone I like." Silly girl.

"And what did you say?"

"I said that I don't know... And then I ran away.''

"What do you mean when you say that you don't know?"

Her tears have finally stopped now and she replies "I just don't know."

"Is there someone that you have in mind?" I ask catiously.

"I don't know."

I groan inwardly. "Maura, that doesn't make any sense. You have to know something about yourself."

"I'm just so confused..." She mumbles.

"Is it him?" I ask bluntly, right to the point. She looks up at me, shock clearly displayed on her face.

"You mean Yesung-oppa?" She shrieks. I nod my head in response. "But why do you think it's him?!"

"Maura, don't lie to yourself. You know you like him."

"No I don't! And besides, he probably likes you! Just like Eunhyuk and Donghae do!" I flinch at her harsh words.

"What?" I ask, shocked.

"I bet that when he said that he likes someone, he meant you!"

"Maura! That's not true! It's definitely not me who he likes!" I yell back.

"How do you know?"

"Because I know who he likes. And you're just too blind to see it!" I scream at her.

It gets completely silent, the atmosphere becoming akward as we each stare at each other. I can't believe I just said that to her. But does she even understand what I mean?


"Who is it? Won't you tell me?" She asks hopefully.

I sigh. "Nope. You'll just have to figure it out for yourself."

"Fine." She pouts and looks down, obviously done with crying and yelling. I'm relieved that she's finally calmed down. I get up to leave but her voice pulls me back.

"Erika... Which one do you like?" She asks me.

I stop dead in my tracks. "What?!"

"Eunhyuk or Donghae?" She's looking at me curiously now. She can't be serious!

"Maura... Maura, I don't like anyone! Really!" I exclaim, but it sounds like a lie, even to my own ears. Truth is, I'm not sure which one I like or if I even like one of them. I'm really just as bad as Maura.

She giggles to herself and gives me a smug smile. "Suuuuuuure you don't."

My face turns red and I turn on my heel, stomping out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

That girl just drives me crazy sometimes!


                                                                                             {Yesung's POV}


I stand there for a while, not knowing how to react. Why is she upset? Did she maybe read in to my words and figure out that I was talking about her? No, that's impossible. Does she maybe like someone? Someone other than me? And she doesn't want to tell anyone?

....Yeah, that's probably it.

I fall back in to the pile of snow that I'd been using minutes ago as a snow fort. That is, before I'd gone and upset Maura. Now I just feel terrible. Should I go inside and see if she's okay? No, I should probably let her cool off first. I'll just stay out here for a while.

I'm deep in thought, not fully aware of my surroundings, when I feel a hand tug on the sleeve of my sweater. I startle and look up to see a tall girl, maybe 18 or so, with short, straight, light brown hair and eyes of a matching color, staring down at me, smiling a little creepily. She seems to be shaking a little and boucing on the balls of her feet, as if excited.

"Oppa... Are you okay?" She asks. How many people in this small town speak Korean, anyway?

I jump up on to my feet, pulling myself away from her grip. "Wh-who are you?" I yell the question.

She looks a little hurt. "Umm... I... Are you okay?" She asks again, not answering my question.

"I'm fine." I reply quietly.

"Good!" She exclaims, doing a little hop and clapping her hands together.

"But who are you?" I repeat my question.

"I'm... Um... The fair haired one's cousin!" She must be talking about Erika. "Yeah, that's it! I came to visit but I'm in a bit of a hurry so I don't think I'll be able to see her. Would you mind... Giving this to her?" She pulls out a small box and holds it out to me."It's for her and that poodle-haired girl to eat!"

I shrug and take it from her, showing it it my pocket. "Okay."

"Oooh! Thank you so much oppa!" She yells, even going as far as throwing her arms around me. And then she just runs away, in the direction of some other house.

What a strange girl.


                                                                                              {Terry-Ann's POV}

Yes! I did it!

And I even got to hug Yesung!!!







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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)