
An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                              {Eunhyuk's POV}


. . I am such an idiot. Why the hell did I do this? I've been caught.

I shouldn't have lied to her. It's true that I was the one who started the fight last night. And I lied and told her that Donghae started it. I got caught. And now she hates me.

She's crying as she pushes past Donghae and out the door toward and unknown destination.

I sit there staring after her for a moment, trying to make sense of what's just happened. I feel terrible. I didn't mean to make her cry. I just can't take Donghae saying that he likes the same girl as me. I feel like a complete now, making her upset. But really, this is Donghae's fault when it comes down to it.

He's the one going around trying to impress her. And I just threw the first punch. He fought back. It's his own fault he got hurt.

So it's actually his fault that Erika's mad now, right?

"Erika!" I hear Donghae yell after her, pulling me back in to reality. He runs out the door after her. It takes me a second but I follow and catch up with him half way down the hall. We run down the stairs hurriedly together.

When we reach the bottom, we see a baffled Maura staring out the front door, Yesung behind her.

"Where's Erika?" We both ask simulateously. Maura looks at us angrily. I never expected to see the girl angry and now that I have, I'm completely pertrified.

"What did you say to Erika?" She demands quietly, rage coating her voice. Why is that her business? She doesn't need to now! She should just tell us where Erika went.

"It doesn't matter. Just tell us wh-" I start but I'm cut off by Donghae.

"I took Yesung-hyung's advice." He says. So this is his fault? Yesung sighs and looks at Donghae sadly.

"I didn't mean for you to do it so quickly! Now you've upset her. What did you say to her, Eunhyuk?" He asks the last part, staring at me.

I feel the need to tell the truth. I can't seem to work up the courage to lie anymore. "I... I lied, hyung. It wasn't Donghae who started the fight. It was me. I was mad that he liked her too. And... And just now, I confessed, too. But now she hates me, hyung." I explain, defeated.

"Wait, so you both confessed to Erika?" Maura exclaims. By now Ryeowook and Sungmin have joined us.

"You both like Erika-shi?" Sungmin asks, shocked.

"So you both confessed?" Ryeowook asks, a little too calmly. We all turn to look at him. "What? I was just confirming the situation. I mean, you never know." He humphs and turns aways from us.

"Where'd she go?" Donghae's voice pulls us all back. The look on his face is full of desperation and his voice is coated in it.

"She... She just ran out..." Maura point in to out the door in to the night. It's dark and snowing. I can feel the cold breeze from here. I notice that Erika's shoes and jacket are still placed and hung neatly next to the front door. She must have run out without them.

Donghae immediately rushes down the stairs and pushes past Maura, out the door. He, in the spur of the moment, forgets his shoes and sweater also. I quickly follow after him, not to be outdone. But I remember proper footwear and an extra layer. "We're going to find her." I tell Maura as I run out the door.

"We'll come help in a minute!" She yells after me and turns around to say something to the other three, obviously planning routes.

I catch up to Donghae and run beside him. I glare at him but he doesn't seem to notice. He just looks ahead, his face is wearing the same expression that it has been since Erika ran out of the bedroom. Bastard. He doesn't really like her. I do. Donghae's always had this habit of going for the girls that I liked. And he always end up victorious. I usually just shrug it off, and let him bask in all the glory. But I find myself unable to do that this time.

I know that it's only been a couple of days since we've gotten here, but it already feels as if it's been a life time. So many things have happened. And I know that it seems illogical for me to have fallen for this girl in such a short time, but trust me, it didn't take much. A few smiles, a couple kind gestures and I was a goner.

Why does Donghae look so desperate? There's no way he likes her! He only wants her because I do. And he must know that it's pointless. We'll only be here for another five days at the most. There's no way that anything can happen between the two of them. That may mean that it's pointless for me but somehow I just know that I'll see Erika again after this week. This won't be the only time we see each other. I can feel it. This may be the most hopeless love I've ever wanted but I find myself hoping an hoping, more and more, every day to attain it. I must have this girl.

I look at Donghae once again to see that he's red faced and panting hard, as I'm sure I am too. Looking at his expression, I start to have terrible thoughts.

What if something happens to her? What if we don't get there fast enough? What if something's already happened to her? She could get hypothermia! But most of all, I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. This is all my fault.

The snow seems to be falling harder with each passing minute and I'm freezing cold. It reminds me of when we arrived here. Except the situation we're in now is completely different.

"Ugh!" I skid to a stop as I see Donghae fall, face first, to the ground. I should keep running. This is my chance. But I can't do it. We've been best friends for over 10 years. I owe him something.

"Hae, come on. Stand up. We have to keep going." I grab his hands and try pulling him up but he can't seem to stand and falls in to a heap on the ground, coughing hard. I'd forgotten that he's never been a very good long distance runner.  "Hae, come one. We have to find her before it gets too cold." I plead. I'm finally able to pull him to his feet.

He looks at me thankfully. "Thanks, Hyuk."

We continue moving forward quickly, but not at the pace we'd been going before. I'm scared Donghae might fall again, and then what would we do?

Eventually, we reach what seems to be a dead end. A steep, dangerous looking, icy hill. Below it, I can see a large, snow covered clearing. Where do we go from here?

"Erika!" I turn to look where Donghae is looking to see a small figure sitting atop an icy boulder, scrunched up in to a ball, long strawberry blond curls visible down the person's back. We rush forward and stop immediately once we reach the boulder.

Erika turns around slowly to look at us and I see that her face is calm, no longer tear stained. "What are you two doing here?" She asks in a brave voice. I guess she's not done crying because I hear her voice shake the slightest bit and see tears well up in her eyes, once again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I apologize. "I shouldn't have lied to you. It was me who started the fight. It's all my fault. I feel terrible, really.  Please forgive me." I plead.

She looks up at me, a sad expression on her face. "But why would you go so far? Yesung told me that you guys were best friends. Practically inseperable."

"I know..." I reply. "We... We still are. I think. I hope" I don't dare to look at Donghae, fearing rejection. I much prefer to stare at Erika as she turns to look at him, than actually face him. We sit there in silence for a while, Donghae contemplating I suppose and Erika and I not wanting to break the silence until he does.

"Yeah..." He say quietly. "Yeah, we are. Of course. You're my best friend." I turn to him, suprise obviously displayed on my face, to see him smiling reassuringly at me. I lunge forward and smother him in a hug. He hugs me back and we both laugh, happy to be reunited. He reaches up to ruffle my hair affectionalty and I punch his shoulder playfully. 

We hear Erika laugh breathily and turn to see her, tears streaming down her face. Donghae immediately drops his arms from around me and jumps forward toward Erika, resting a hand on her small shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly, his other hand reaching out to wipe a tear from her cheek.

He smiles at him through her tears. "Haha, yeah, I'm fine. I... I was just so upset that you guys hated each other. That you guys hated each other because of me," She says laughing and crying at the same time. We both flinch at the memory of our confessions. "This is just... This is just such a relief." She wipes her eyes furiously, trying to rid her face of the tears that just refuse to stop flowing.

Donghae wraps his arms around her comfortingly. I walk up and hug her too, not to be left out. Now we're in a sort of three way hug, both of us with an arm around he waist.

We stay like this for a long time as she sobs and sobs. I hate seeing her like this. Crying. But I'm relieved to know that we're forgiven and that she doesn't hate me. Eventually, her sobs turn in to small hiccups and then they stop completely.

She looks up at us. "Could you guys do me a favor?" Her voice shakes the slightest bit, the only thing giving away the fact that she'd just cried her heart out.

"Anything." Donghae replies quickly, smiling down at her. She smiles back up at him sweetly and I feel a pang of jealously go through my body because of their sudden intimacy. But I manage to control myself.

"Can we... Can we start over? Pretend like none of this every happened? Like you're just two guys who are staying with me for the week? I just... I just don't think I'll be able to live with this on my chest for the next five days."

We both stop smiling. Pretend like none of this ever happened? Start over? How can we do that? We've gone through so much to get to this point!

...How can we just pretend like we never confessed?

Donghae recovers his good grace and smile quicker than I do. "Of course. This is all just a dream. When you wake up tomorrow, none of it will have happened and we'll just be two guys that happen to be living with you. Complete strangers." He says soothingly, brushing a stray curl behind her ear.

She looks at us both slowly, taking us in. "Thanks guys. But can we go home? I swear my toes are frostbitten." We both chuckle at her request and comply.

Just as we're about to leave, though, I stop her, pull off my sweater and wrap it around her shoulders. She grins at me. "Thank you... Hyukjae."

I swear my heart almost stops. She just called me by my real name. Usually I hate it when people call me that, preferring Eunhyuk. But when she says it... It sounds just right.

"Looks like we won't be walking." We both look up from each other and turn our head in the direction that Donghae is pointing to to see a pair of headlights and a worried Maura hurrying toward us.

When she reaches us, she throws her arms around her best friend. "Erika! Are you okay?!" She exclaims.

Erika laughs and hugs her back. "I'm fine."

"But Erikaaaa. You're so cold! Come on, let's get you in to the car and warm you up." She starts pushing Erika toward the car. We have nothing to do but follow after them.

It's strange seeing Maura act as the motherly one but I'm glad to see that she has this side to her.

Relieved to know that Erika will always be in good hands.


                                                                                                   {Donghae's POV}


Maura and I sit in the back seat, Erika between us, a blanket wrapped around her along with Eunhyuk's sweater, while Yesung and Eunhyuk sit in the front, Yesung driving.

It seems that we'd run through the whole town in our hurry to find Erika and ended up at a dead end. It'll be a while until we get home, Maura informs us.

I can feel Erika trembling next to me and look at her to see her shivering violently. I subtly slide my arm around her waist, offering her my body heat. She immediately accepts, surprising me a bit, and leans in to me, shutting her eyes. I lean my head on top of hers and sigh. I'm relieved to have found her safe and in no immediate harm. I'm so happy that she's forgiven us. This silly girl hadn't even been mad for personal reasons, but because Eunhyuk and I were mad at each other. How can she be so selfless? It just makes her seem more perfect in my eyes.

I close my eyes along with her and drift in to sleep, not realizing we've reached home until I feel someone shaking me away. The first thing I notice is that Erika's shivering has subsided.

The second thing I notice is Maura smiling at me, a smug look on her face. I feel as if I've been caught but don't move my arm from around Erika's waist. I look up front to see if Eunhyuk's noticed, but it doesn't seem he has as he gets out of the car. "Come onnn. We're home." Maura sings.

I hear the car door open next to me and reluctantly let go of a sleeping Erika. "Come on, get inside. I'll carry her in." Says Yesung-hyung. I obediantly get out of the car and watch as he reaches in to pull her out of the car. She looks tiny in his arms.

I follow him in to the house and up the stairs, in to her room, wanting to be there until I see that she's safely in bed, asleep. I notice that Eunhyuk doesn't follow and heads in to our room, to sleep I suppose.

When hyung finally lays her down on the bed, he turns to smile at me and leaves the room quickly. I notice him trying to conceal a chuckle as he leaves. What do these people think I'm going to do?

I walk over to the bed and pull the covers up to her chin, wanting to make sure that she's safe and warm. When I'm satisfied that she's covered enough and that she's definitely asleep, I reach my hand out and push the hair back from her forehead, gently. I bend over and kiss the smooth skin there, careful not to wake her. Then I whisper something quietly to her;

"When you wake up in the morning, it'll be like none of this ever happened. We'll start over... Then my real impression will finally begin."




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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)