Who Could It Be?

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                                               {Yesung's POV}



 "What do you mean following us?!" Eunhyuk screams. We're sitting down in the living area, once again, discussing our little... problem. And by little, I mean big.

Someone followed us here and has been taking pictures of us for the last three days. There's pictures of us on the airplane, at the airport, on Erika's front step, in the kitchen. And they've been posting all of the pictures on their blog, keeping the whole world up to date on things like 'what the witches fed the boys for breakfast' and 'what color scarf the she-devils lent Donghae today'. Can't we get any privacy?

 And the worst part of it is that we have no clue who the hell our stalker is. It could be anyone. All we know about them is that their username on their blog site is 'SuPrGrL<3'. That'll get us far.

 "Hyuk-ah, calm down." Donghae tries to comfort his best friend, but it has no effect.

 "No. I will not 'calm down', Donghae. Somebody is stalking us. And they've been stalking us ever since the airport. How could we have not noticed?" Eunhyuk buries his head in his hands in frustration.

"Hyung, it'll be okay. I'm sure we'll find out who it is and she'll be happy to stop stalking us!" Ryeowook says brightly. Eunhyuk just glares at him through his fingers. "What? It was just a thought..."

"I can't believe that whoever it is is posting such rude things about me!" Maura exclaims.

"What about me?" Erika asks.

"Well, you know Erika, you can be pretty mean to people sometimes. Like this morning, when you made me shovel the-"

"Maura. Enough. Forget I ever asked." She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

"So," I start. "What are we going to do?"

Everyone stares at me blankly, not knowing what to say. And I thought they were intelligent. "I don't know, hyung... What do you think we should do?" Sungmin asks.

"Why do I always have to come up with all the answers?" I shriek, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Actually, hyung," Ryeowook says, pointing a finger in the air. "It's usually Leeteuk-hyung who comes up with all the answers and makes the decisions, too. Along with manager-hyung, of course." I send him the most terrifying glare I can manage, which I suppose isn't actually that terrifying.

Ryeowook just tch's and says "Whatever." turning away from me.

"Well, first off, we'll need to catch her... Or he. Whatever it is." Erika says. "Does anybody have any idea about who it could be?"

Everyone mutters some variation of 'no'. Erika sighs. "Well, this will get us nowhere."

"What about the old man at the store?" Donghae suddenly shouts.

"Ziggy?" Maura looks confused. "Why would Ziggy, an old man, want pictures of you for his blog? He doesn't even have a blog. He can't do much with technology." Donghae sighs and pouts.

"What about... That creepy ice cream girl?" Eunhyuk asks, looking toward Erika. The thought makes him shudder. We all look at him questioningly. What is he talking about?

"You don't want to know..." He mutters, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down at his feet. Strange guy.

"No, not Candy. She's not the type. She wouldn't want to expend so much energy just to meet some guys. She's more like a spider. She waits for her prey to come to her." Erika responds, a disgusted look on her face. I suppose they had an... Interesting afternoon.

I lean my chin on my knuckles, thinking hard. Who could it be? Who would want to follow us all the way to Canada, just to take pictures for their blog? It's obviously someone with an obsession. Have I noticed anyone in the town who seems like the type? That old man I passed earlier? No. The Grandma who gave Sungmin a lollipop? No. The little boy who was staring at Ryeowook creepily the other day? No. The black haired guy who lives next door who is always staring out his window at us? Maybe... But no. That old fat Italian guy who lives two doors down? Definitely not. The longest time I've ever seen him out of his house was when he drove up to the store to buy more beer. I really doubt that he's interested in us.

Then who could it be? Have I seen anyone... Suspicious? Anyone who recognized us, wanted to meet us, touch us, attack us maybe? Someone who screamed when they saw us?

Oh! Could it be

"Jessie?" Donghae sounds the name out like a question.

I smile at him. "My thoughts exactly."

"Jessie?!" Erika exclaims. "Why do you think it's her? Jessie's a good person! She definitely wouldn't do something so stra-"

"Yep, you're probably right." Maura interjects. "Jessie would definitely do that."


She turns to look at Erika. "You saw how she reacted when she saw the guys for the first time! She practically attacked them! Who else could it be?"

"I saw what she did but do you really think that it could be Jessie?"

"Yes. I'm quite positive, actually."

"But we've known her for years! Jessie's not that kind of person!" Erika stands up for her friend.

"Too bad." Maura sticks her hand up, palm facing Erika. "All in favor of suspecting Jessie, say 'aye'"

I hear aye's called all around the room, including one of my own.

"Then that's it. Jessie is officially a suspect. And therefore, we must suspect her." Maura says.

Erika snorts. "What is this, court? If so, you're probably the worst judge ever."


                                                                                                            {Terry-Ann's POV}





She did not just do that!

What did she put in his ice cream? He must have been drugged! He even looked like he was about to kiss her for a second!

My poor Eunhyukie!

I'll find another way to save him and the others. Sadly, Plan A failed. That stupid girls through the chocolates out. It took me hours to find those household chemicals that I covered them in! They were in a box under many other boxes in the garage labeled 'Useless Cleaning Thingies'. I guess he doesn't clean very often.

I trudge toward the house which the boys are currently occupying. No need to mention thoses stupid girls.

I have to check up on the boys to make sure that they're still alive. If not, I guess I'll just have to put Plan H in to action. Grab a chainsaw and go on a rampage. That's sure to get rid of those witches and make the front page.

I crouch down next to the kitchen window only to see that they're not there. But I can see a foot through the arch leading to the living area. So I quickly switch windows, not wanting to miss a thing, but trying to be discrete at the same time.

I crouch next to the corner of the window, careful not to show myself. I see them all sitting and standing in a circle. Thank God Yesung is on the other side of the room, away from the Poodle. Hopefully he's realized that she's bad news.

But the ginger is on the couch, sitting a little too close to Donghae for my liking. I notice that she seems to be avoiding eye contact with Eunhyuk. She caused it. So why does she look so scared of him?

They're all talking back and forth, confused and distressed looks on their faces. The boys must be begging for freedom! But those stupid girls won't let them leave! No! Where's my chainsaw?

Okay, calm down Terry-Ann. You'll think of something else. You can leave now and go plan some more. The boys seem to be okay. For now. You have to leave so that they'll be safe soon. Sacrifices must be made.

I get up and walk back to my current lodgings quickly, running as fast as I can up to my room as soon as I enter. I grab my notebook once again and quickly tear out all the used pages, getting rid of all my passed plans.

I need a new one. One that'll get rid of those girls for good.

I start scribbling on a blank page when I hear the sound of the front door opening downstairs. Huh? That doesn't make any sense... The old man just went to get more beer last night!

"Dad!" I hear a man's voice call. "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Huh?! Jace! W-what are you doing here?" I hear the sound of that old standing up, hear the clatter of beer cans falling to the floor. Jace? I hurry out the room and to the top of the stairs to see what's happening.

I see a tall man, probably about 25 or so, with curly blond hair and tawny eyes. His body is perfect, chiseled and tanned, as if he's been living in some exotic, far off place for the passed couple months. Wow. He's hot. He turns to see me at the top of the stairs and starts, but quickly recovers.

"Who are you?" His golden eyebrows scrunch together and he looks at me questioningly.

"Tha's our new guest!" The old man slurs, slinging an arm around his sons shoulder. "I hadda take 'er in. Do... Doesn she look jus' like Erika?"

Jace pales visibly and he looks at his Dad, shocked. "Erika? Dad... She looks nothing like Erika..." His voice sounds sad when he says it. Who's Erika?

"Maura then! Yeah, 's gotta be Maura..." The old man shouts.

This time Jace laughs. "Dad, you've had too much to drink. Sit down."

I suddenly find my voice and ask "Did you say Erika? And Maura? Who are they?"

He looks at me and smiles weakly. "Uh... Well, they're our neighbors. You know, the strawberry blond one and the brunette? Yeah, them."

The witches!!! "They're just... Your neighbors...?"

"Well, yeah..." Jace paws at the back of his neck, obviously uncomfortable. "Actually, you see... Erika's actually my ex and Dad really likes her... I guess he was hoping that we'd get married. Didn't happen, obviously. So now I guess he's so disapointed that all he has left is alcohol..." He chuckles nervously, looking anywhere but at me.

Omigod. "E-ex?" I stutter. "As in... Ex-girlfriend?"

"Well, yeah..." He replies akwardly.


I've found the weapon for my next plan.

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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)