
An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                                                  {Donghae's POV}


I jump on to the bed like a child and quickly envelope myself in the warm, thick blankets. I burry my face in the soft pillow and lie on my stomach, wanting to sleep well tonight. It's been a shocking day and I'm tired as hell. It's not every day that a crazy stalker girl follows us half way across the world. I mean, usually they're just waiting at our destination.

But, of course, God has no mercy. I'm not allowed to sleep just yet.

"Hae-ah. Hae-ah. Wake up~ I wanna talk to you!" An annoying voice whines quietly while a hand shakes my shoulder.

"Ugh. Go away." I groan into the pillow.

"But Hae, it's important!" I push my body up in to a sitting position and turn my head to look at Eunhyuk crouching beside me with a sad expression on his face. I try to glare but I just can't seem to pull it off once I see his cute, pouty lips. I run a hand through my hair and then rub my eyes, sighing.

"What do you want, Hyuk?" I ask tiredly, giving up. He looks at me nervously and opens his mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. I'm alarmed when I see his eyes fill with tears. "Oh, please don't cry!" I exclaim. He blinks a few times, nods at me and straightens his mouth into a hard line.

"I will not cry." His expression is determined but his voice is shaky.

"What's wrong?" I ask, placing a hand comfortingly on his shoulder.

"Well... I want to tell you but I'm just not sure if I should... You might be angry at me..." He looks down at his hands.

"Angry? Why would I be angry?"

"Because... Well, because it involves Erika." It's like a slap to the face. What happened between the two this afternoon? What could have possibly gone on that could have made Eunhyuk cry? Well, almost cry.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"What did I do? What do you mean by that?" He huffs, insulted.

"So Erika, who's half your size and hasn't said a mean word to us ever, did something terrible to you?" I ask, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Well, nobody did anything terrible," He starts, looking down at his hands. "I just think... That I may have hurt her feelings."

"What did you say?"

"Well- brace yourself for this- we were in the car, eating ice cream and I gave her mine because she ate hers so fast and she accidentally got some on the corner of her lip and I tried to get her to wipe it off but she kept missing it so I couldn't take it anymore and I did it for her but I touched her lips and you know how a girls lips are just so soft, right? Yeah, well I guess I just lost my mind and I felt like I wanted to..." He manages to say in under 20 seconds but then trails off.

"You wanted to... What?" I ask slowly, curiously.

"I wanted to..." He lifts his head and looks me straight in the eyes. "Kiss her."

I'm taken aback by this. My jaw drops, my hands ball up in to fists, my nails cutting through the skin of my palms. I feel shock and then I start to feel rage burning in my chest, ready to explode. But before I can say anything, Eunhyuk continues.

"And so I started leaning in, you know, like how you have to do when you wanna kiss someone. And I was about to kiss her- our lips were this far apart- when idiot me hit the middle of the steering wheel, completely wrecking the moment. It got akward for a moment but then... Then she called me Hyukjae." He says quickly.

I stare at him, trying my best to contain myself. "So?" My voice is laced with uncontrollable anger that he doesn't seem to notice.

"Donghae... Isn't it just so... Strange when she calls your name? I mean, it makes me feel strange. Not like pain or anything, but it makes me react, you know?" Of course I do. "And I'm just so unused to people calling me Hyukjae. So when she called me that again, that strange feeling made me react again, but in a different way. It made me angry to hear her call me that because I just don't understand why it makes me feel weird when she does. So... I yelled at her and told her not to call me Hyukjae anymore."

He looks at me, on the verge of tears again, but he blinks them back stubbornly, determined not to cry. I take a deep breath, trying to contain myself, knowing that he wants an answer.

"What did she say?"

"Donghae, that's the worst part. She didn't say much but she just looked so hurt. It made me regret my actions immediately but... But there's still absolutely no way to take back my words. I don't know what to do. What should I do?" He asks desperately.

Why is he asking me this? I like her too. Doesn't he think that I'll take advantage of his failure? Isn't that what any normal man would do? But I can't, of course. It wouldn't be a fair fight if I played dirty. And he's my best friend. I need to give him what little advice I can.

"Well... Hyuk, all I can say is that you need to apologize. You made her sad, and now you need to explain yourself. Don't you think it would be better to tell her these things instead of me?" Is all I say.

"Well... Yeah, I guess." He mumbles.

"Good. Then I'm going to sleep." I lie back down, burrying my face back in my pillow, covering myself back up with the blankets. It's quiet for a few minutes, I notice that Eunhyuk doesn't even move. What is he doing? Is he still thinking about his problem? I already told him what to do. He should just go to sleep. Stupid Monkey, worrying for no reason. Of course Erika will forgive him.

Finally, after what must have been half an hour of him not moving, he lays down under the covers next to me. I feel his arm fall lazily across my shoulders, hugging me, the way we always sleep when it's just the two of us.

"Thanks, Hae." He whispers.


                                                                                                                  {Erika's POV}

Oh God, now he's angry at me. I shouldn't have called him that. I mean, he introduced himself to me as Eunhyuk, right? I should have stuck to that name instead of pretending like we're close and calling him Hyukjae. He obviously doesn't like it. I guess only friends and family are allowed to call him that. Does that mean I'm not a friend? I guess not anymore. But... What about last night? No. That's different. That was not 'friend' stuff that we discussed. And people's emotions change quickly.

But what about when he was leaning in toward me?

Was he going to kiss me? I really thought he was. And I was almost anticipating it, waiting for the impact that never came. I just couldn't find it in myself to pull away at that moment. Did I want him to kiss me? Maybe... Maybe it would have been a good thing if I'd let him kiss me. Maybe that would have helped me figure things out. When he accidentally honked the horn, I'd felt kind of... Disapointed. Disapointed that I hadn't gotten to kiss him? But there was relief too. If I had kissed him, what would he have thought about me? Would he have thought that I like him back or something? I don't know who I like, even if I like someone. How can I explain that to him?

I tried to explain myself but then he got angry. God I'm so stupid! I really shouldn't have called him that!

But... How would I have reacted if Donghae had tried to kiss me?

The same, I'm sure. I suppose I was just curious when Eunhyuk tried to kiss me. Curiosity must have been what kept me from moving. Yeah, that's it. And who wouldn't be curious as to what it would be like to kiss a super hot Korean singer/dancer? Not that he's hot of course! I don't look at him like that!

Who that hell am I kidding? He's so y. He and Donghae both. How do fangirls choose between them?! It must be impossible! They're both so good looking and kind!

My heart aches in my chest. Literally. It hurts. I can barely breath. This is a huge problem. I like one of them. I like both of them. How can a person be so monstrous as to like two people at once? That's completely unfair to them. I wish I'd only met one of them. Life would have been so much easier.

But life just isn't fair. Even if it had been just one of them, I still would have had the same feelings. But it doesn't matter. They'll only be here for four more days. Four days is hardly longs enough for a relationship to blossom. It takes time and energy to make one bloom. Time and energy that we don't have and never will. This is hopeless. But is it wrong to still keep hope?

"Arrrrrggghhhhhh!" I scream in to my pillow as loud as I can. This is so frustrating.

"Shut up." I hear from the next room. Oops. I guess I screamed to loud if Maura could hear. I whisper a quiet 'sorry' toward the wall.

I flip over on to my side, hoping to catch some sleep. I'm exhausted. But it's once of those nights where it doesn't matter how tired I am, my mind just won't seem to shut off. And sitting here doing nothing isn't going to help.

I quietly get up from my bed and silently tip toe out of my room, down the hallway and to the door of the guest bedroom. Oh God. Why did my feet bring me here? This is a stupid idea. I should just turn back now. What if they're awake?

But of course, my mind can't stop my body. I open the door a crack and peek inside.

They're asleep, thank God. I can't see Donghae's face as it's burried in his pillow but Eunhyuk is smiling peacefully in his sleep, hugging Donghae around the shoulders. They look so sweet together. They're both so handsome and when they're together, they create a friendly, happy aura. It gives off the feeling of curiousity, wanting to know why they're smiling, the secret behind their laughter, wanting to join in and be their friend too so that you can understand their secrets.

But choosing between the two best friends seems to be impossible.

I start when I hear Donghae groan softly in his sleep. He shifts underneath Eunhyuk's arm and turns his body in a way so that he can face the latter. He, too, is smiling in his sleep. The two look like angels. Donghae with his cute, soft face and Eunhyuk with his sharper, more intense features. I must be Lucifer to have almost split the two apart.

And I might yet.



Thanks so much to those who comment and subscribe! It always make me want to update faster. ^^

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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)