I Can't Believe This

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                                           {Donghae's POV}


I walk quietly up the stairs. It's been about an hour now that Eunhyuk and Erika have been alone in her room. I'm kind of curious as to what they're doing and why they've been in their so long. Has Erika not calmed down yet?

I walk down the hallway toward her room, my footsteps barely audible. I stop outside her closed door. Am I sure that I want to open it? What if she's still crying and doesn't want another person to bother her. You know, that whole 'two's company and three's a crowd' thing. I don't want her to feel pressured or anything.

But then again, why was Eunhyuk so protective of her earlier? I mean, I know he likes her and all, but she just seemed to accept it and let him watch over her. She let him drag her away without a single word. And when he'd hugged her... It had seemed like such an intimate moment. Did something happen when they went on the shopping trip? . What if something did? Have I lost my chance? That can't happen! I've barely gotten the chance to make myself look good in front of her! The only times I'd actually done something nice for her, she'd been asleep... Maybe I should try kissing her forehead when she's awake? Actually, a better idea would probably be to kiss her on the lips. That usually suggests more intimacy.

What if she and Eunhyuk have already kissed? What am I going to do if they have? I suppose I'll just have to try harder... But I only have about 3 days left... That doesn't exactly leave me with much time.

And what am I going to do when we have to leave?! If I haven't made any impression by then, then I never will! And if I have by then, what if I never get to see her again?!

Okay, Donghae, calm down. Live in the moment. What needs to be done right now is that you need to check on her.

But I'm scared of what I may find when I open the door.

My hand slowly reaches out toward the knob, trembling. I grab it gently but my hand just sits there, not really wanting to turn it. But it must be done.

I turn the door knob in slow motion and open the door just enough so that I can peek in. My heart is beating 100 miles and hour. My whole body is trembling. Somehow, I just know what I'll find.

And there it is. Right in front of my eyes.

She's on her knees on the bed, making herself slightly taller than Eunhyuk who's sitting. Her arms are around his neck and his hands grab her waist, pulling her closer as every second passes. And their lips are locked in a passionate kiss.

My heart drops in to my stomach, I feel like I'm going to collapse. But somehow my legs keep me supported and I stand there for at least 5 minutes, just watching them. The kiss never breaks for air. They just continue, pulling each other closer, which at this point doesn't even seem possible. But they manage.

She's not crying anymore either. Her eyes are only slightly puffy. How long have they been making out for God's sake? The thought disgusts me.

I want to go in there and pull them apart, replace his lips on hers with mine. See how he feels watching me kiss her. But that plan may not work out so well. So after I've had enough, I close the door as silently as I can manage, not that they would even notice if I slammed it shut, and back away from the door. I stumble and fall against the wall. I slide down until I'm in a sitting position, my hands covering my face.

I've definitely messed up this time. I shouldn't have suggested that they go shopping alone together. I should have know that I was just setting myself up for failure. But I can't lose. I won't accept this. I need to find some way to get her to look at me instead of him. I'm sure it won't be easy, but I have to try. There's still a small chance that I might win her over. People have beat the odds before, right? Miracles have happened.

My head snaps up out of my hands as I hear footsteps from inside the room. Heading toward the door which I am now sitting directly across from. I stand up quickly, almost falling again, but managing to keep my balance. I take a step toward the door but I just stand there, not really knowing how to react.

The door opens a moment later and Eunhyuk exits the room, closing the door once again behind him. He looks flustered and his lips are completely swollen, his hair tossled. He looks up at me, surprised. "Hae, what are you doing here?" He asks in a timid voice. Scared I'll find out, Hyukkie?

I force a smile and answer him in the steadiest voice I can pull off. "I was just coming to check on you two, is all. I was about to knock, but you came out before I had the chance."

"Oh." Is all he replies. He sounds completely relieved.

"Is Erika okay?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah she's fine! She's just tired. So she's going to sleep. She's had a hard day." Yeah, it must have been hard to make out with a completely willing guy.

"Well then, who's going to make lunch?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going, not wanting to let on to how upset I feel.

"Luuuuunnnnch!!" I chuckle. I hear Ryeowook's voice answer my question.

Eunhyuk and I hurry downstairs. I notice him rubbing at his lips and fixing his hair, trying to get rid of the evidence. Too bad he's already been caught. But I suppose he doesn't know that yet.

In the kitchen, Maura and Yesung are already seated, eating their lunch which seems to be... Ramen. Of course.

Ryeowook is at the counter, wearing a floral apron, spoon in hand as he scoops noodles in to four more bowls. Sungmin's standing next to him, waiting impatiently.

When Ryeowook's finally done filling the bowls so that each has the exact same amount of both noodles and broth in them, we all grab our bowls and sit at the dinner table. The meal is almost silent. Maura seems extremely confused, Yesung doesn't want to agitate her, Eunhyuk is obviously trying to hide something, Sungmin is too busy eating and I'm not exactly in the mood to talk. So we all just listen to Ryeowook chatter about how his cooking is so amazing, about how the apron suits him perfectly, about how he would make the perfect housewife if he weren't a guy.

Honestly, all his talking is hurting my head. But he gives up eventually, pouting in to his soup, when he realizes that nobody really cares for anything he's babbling on about.

After we're done eating, I head up to my temporary room, trying to ignore Eunhyuk hurrying in to Erika's room. I lie down on my bed and start to plot how I'm going to steal Erika's heart.

There's got to be a way.


                                                                                                               {Terry-Ann's POV}


I hear the door slam shut and get up from my seat on the couch beside the old man, hurrying to the front door. There stands Jace looking more than pissed. He kicks his shoes off and whips his jacket on the floor, muttering to himself the whole time. Once he's done he turns to the wall and punches it hard. His fist goes right through the wood.

He's not exactly the guy he came off to be.

At first I'd thought that he was just an average guy with above average looks. But I'd quickly come to learn that he's cocky, selfish and has a serious temper. Which just makes him an even more lethal weapon.

A few minutes after hearing that he's that she-devil's ex, I'd quickly explained to him my situation. Well, I tweaked it a bit but it was basically the same.

I told him that my boyfriend, a guy who looks a bit like a monkey, is staying in that house with 'Erika'. I told him that my boyfriend doesn't know that I'm here and that I'm afraid he may be cheating on me. With Erika (not that that would ever happen, of course). At the mention of Erika possibly being in a relationship with someone else, he practically exploded with rage. So I told him that we're going to have to band together to get our lovers back. Thankfully, he quickly agreed. So I told him the plan.

He was to go to the house and get his girl back. That simple. He looked a bit unsure, making me suspect that there was more of a problem than Erika just being his ex, but he eventually gave him. So I sent him there. And now he's back, throwing a temper tantrum.

Guess it didn't go well.

I cross my arms and stare at him. "What's wrong with you?"

He turns to me. "Sorry, chick. It looks like your guy's cheating." His voice is practically seething with rage.

My heart stops. What? That was just a made up story! Eunhyuk's not actually with her! "W-what do you m-mean?" I ask, stuttering.

"I even tried intimidating the pip squeak but he was all over her, defending her and whatnot. It was disgusting.''

"That's impossible!" I shriek.

He shoots me a strange look. "You're the one who suggested it. Why are you so surprised?"

"Oh. Um... I guess it's just a lot to take in. What are we going to do now?" I feel tears threatening to fall. But I won't let them. I'll free my Monkey from her spell.

"Well... We'll just have to try harder." He grins devilishly.


"We'll just have to keep striking, going back again and again until she can't refuse me anymore. I swear I'll have that girl back. She was mine to begin with." I shudder at his possessivness. Seriously. Some people are just so obsessive to a point that it's creepy.

"Okay... So when do we strike again?"

"Tomorrow. And if that doesn't work, the next day. And if that doesn't work, I'll just have to go back again."

He's laughing as he leaves the room, touching my shoulder before heading up the stairs.

Seriously. How creepy.

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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)