A Slow Start

An Unexpected Destination

                                                                                         {Eunhyuk's POV}



"Yah! Lee Hyukjae! Get your out of bed RIGHT. NOW." Yesung yelled, kicking my still sleeping form.

"Mmmmm.... Hyuuuuung! Just leave me alone! Let me sleeeep!" I groaned. I pulled my comforter over my head, attempting to block the view of the other member's enraged face. Why is he so mad? We finally have a month off. We don't have to do anything, go anywhere. We can do whatever we want.

I'm especially excited about our trip to America. I love American hot dogs. That's why I wanted to go back so badly. In fact, we're leaving today. Our flight leaves at noon...

"OH !" I grab the clock beside my bed and I'm horrified to see the time. 11:03. Why hadn't anyone woken me up? We have less than an hour for Christ's sake! Then I look up at my hyung, flames are practically flying out of his ears.

"You bastard. If you don't get out of bed in a totally of three seconds, I swear we will leave with out you and you can book another flight to America." he growled. "Three... Two..."

I jolted out of bed and searched blindly on the floor for something to throw on. I picked up a pair of dark jeans and slid them on quickly then I grabbed a t-shirt and my black hoodie from my closet. It probably took me all of ten seconds.But then I realize... I'd fallen asleep last night before I'd finished packing... I see my open suitcase behind Yesung-hyung, a few things thrown in to it but in no way full enough for a three week trip to the States. Maybe he hasn't noticed yet?

''Hurry up! We have to leave!'' I hear Sungmin scream from the front entrance. God. Why do these guys have to be so impatient?

I turn my attention back to the man standing their, tapping his foot with an angry expression on his face. "Ready?" he asks.

"Uhh yeah... But, why don't you go on ahead? I'll only be a few seconds. Just have to find my... Favorite magazine..." I stutter, telling him the first thing that comes to mind.

His expression quickly changes from anger to disgust. "You're reading THOSE again Eunhyuk? I mean, really. Are you that ually deprived?"

I feel my whole face turn red. Why had I said that?! "Aha yeah hyung... I'll just... Be a moment..." I start moving stuff around in a drawer pretending that there's actually something to find.

"Whatever. You better be outside within two minuted or we're really going to drive off without you." As soon as I'm sure he's out the door, I start running around my room, blindly shoving things in to my suitcase.

It hasn't even been thirty seconds and I hear my bedroom door being pushed open and someone entering. I thought he said TWO MINUTES! I freeze, not daring to turn around and face even more rage. I've been caught. I hear footsteps coming closer towards me. A see a hand reaching out to me...

But it goes past my face and instead reaches in to my suitcase and pulls something out.

"Eunhyuk-ah, I don't think you'll be needing a snorkle where we're going..."

I sigh with relief and turn around to see not one of my hyungs but Donghae, my best friend, standing behind me, smiling.

"I knew it. Well, come on. Let's hurry. Ryeowook's trying to calm hyung down but he's just not listening. He's about ready to murder someone." he says, starting to aid me in the process of throwing random clothes in to my suitcase.

"Ahhhhh I love you!" I say as we both finish packing the suitcase. It's pretty full so I should have everything I need, right?

We both struggle to zip up the suitcase and when we finally succeed, we waste no time in rolling it out the door and hoisting it up in to the waiting van. We both jump in and sit in two of the empty seats in the back with Ryeowook in the middle.

"Are we FINALLY ready to go? Nobody's forgotten anymore inappropriate magazines?" Yesung-hyung asks in a too-calm voice. Everyone turns around to look at me, confused.

"Hyung, that why you were taking so long?" Ryeowook asks in an innocent voice.

"Oh, just drive!" Donghae yells at Sungmin and we take off. I looks at the clock in the dashboard. It reads 11:10. We should make it in time for out flight. The airport is only about forty minutes away. I think.

The ride to the airport is silent. Sungmin was focused on driving, Yesung-hyung was still seriously pissed, Ryeowook looked a little uncomfortable, not knowing how to handle the situration and Donghae just sat there with a knowing smile on his face.

When we finally reach the airport, we all crash through the doors, hauling out luggage behind us. We quickly hand out luggage off to some lady and rush through security and whatever else comes with being in an airport.

"Flight 161-B! Last call for Flight 161-B!" we hear a man call.

I tug on Donghae's sleeve, guiding him toward the voice while the other three follow us. "That's our flight!" I say excitedly.

We rushed towards the mad and gave him out tickets and ran to the plane as fast as we could. When we finally boarded, we found our seats and fell down in to them, breathless.

"We made it. Thank God." Ryeowook said and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

Then suddenly, Yesung-hyung burst out laughing. It was so strange be we all just follow along becaus, really? It is sort of funny. Somehow.

As we settle down and finally stop laughing, we finally have time to observe our surroundings. The plane is strangely... Empty. Except for an old Native-American looking couple and what looks like a teenage girl sitting at the far back of the plane. She'd gotten on only a few seconds after we had. She seems strange. Every part of her body is covered except her eyes, and she's looking down. Weird.

''Wouldn't you think that more people should be on this flight? And, well, isn't the plane a little small?" Donghae asks. And he's right.

"Maybe America just isn't as popular as it used to be." Sungmin says. It seems like a logical enough explanation. So we all just shrug it off.

The extremly long plane ride is filled with comfortable chatter, playing on my DS, reading for about five minutes, but then giving up and lots and lots of sleep.

When it's finally time to land, I feel a hand on my shoulder shaking me awake. It's Donghae. "Eunhyuk-ah. We're here. Wake up."

"Really?" I sit up straight and strain my neck to see over Donghae, out the window. And it's true, I can that the plane is slowly descending, getting closer and closer to the ground. I sit back down and put on my seatbelt, not wishing to anger the stewardess glaring at me any further.

All five of us let out whoops of excitement as we land, bouncing up and down as the plane is rocked because of the bumpy landing. The pilot says something through the speakers in english but none of us understand so we start packing our stuff back in to our carry-ons and stand up, ready to leave.

We get off the plane with a sense of excitement and finally, when we go throught the doors, in to the airport... It's gone, replaced by a sense of confusion instead.

Just like the plane, the airport is strangely empty except for a few old couples greeting other old couples. But we bear with the strange situation and head over to the luggage rack to pick up out luggage. But...

"Okay, seriously. WHERE IS OUR LUGGAGE?" Sungmin practically shrieks.

Donghae grabs the attention of an aged employee, inquiring as to where our luggage is. But he only speaks english and can't understand what we're asking.

At that moment, that strange girl from the plane comes up and quickly grabs the only thing on the luggage rack, a purple suitcase, and runs away. Seriously, what is WITH that girl?

"Okay," Ryeowook says. "Everyone calm down. Let's go outside and see if we can find anyone who can help us. Or at least explain this."

So we follow his suggestion and head toward the airport exit.

We step out of the warm airport in to... the freezing Summer air? This doesn't make sense. Since when does it snow in the middle of summer? What the hell?

"Uhhhh..." Ryeowook starts. "I don't know but... well, does this seem wrong to anyone else? Eunhyuk-hyung? Sungmin-hyung?"

''You think?" Yesung suddenly responds after a long pause, panic in his voice. 

And then it dawns on me. I look down on at my boarding pass and read what it says.

"Washington, DC. 12:00pm. Flight 159-C."

...Oh . We got on the wrong plane.

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this is cute :)
writemealovesong #2
please update soon. i really like your story :)
Im so confused. I mean. She agreed to be with hyukjae when she's still isnt sure of how she feels about donghae. gaa. She needs to settle those feelings, i want her to be with hyukjae. :)) oh and i loooooooooooooove evil magnae's part. i laughed soooo hard. Oh well, evil magnae is evil. we all know that. xD great story. i hope you update soon. good luck~^^ (hyukjae, fighting! lol)
Pigrabbit456 #4
Aaww, so nice to see them together! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!<br />
so sweeeeeeet~<br />
kill me right now~!<br />
it felt so....bloodrushing..
sarah10 #7
poor fishy :(
Eunhyuk is so sweet! Kyu is definitely an evil makane. >:D
@PandaDiaries<br />
Thanks so much!! :)<br />
I'll have time to update on Saturday! It's been a while since I have but I've been really busy. XD
PandaDiaries #10
Halo! New reader here! ^^ I love the story! Hahaha~~ Kyu is such an evil maknae! >o<<br />
I love your way of writing as well. It's like from a real book...<br />
Please update soon! (^-^)