Happy Birthday! 700 Days With You~

Variety Love

Chapter 9: Happy Birthday! 700 Days with You~

a/n: legend: Purple (Slanted) = Dream World 

Appearances: Teen Top, Version 7.0, K.will c:

April 24th, 2013 — 6:50 am

In Sungjong and Yuri's Room

Yuri's POV

I walked on the fuzzy carpet and strolled to the couch, slumping on the couch in my pajamas. I wasn't in the mood to sleep or anything; I now feel like Jeongmin, who wakes up in the early part in the morning and stays up until the next day. 

“..... You awake too?” A voice called. 

I jumped and turned around. I knew the voice belonged to a male, but I cannot identify who it is. “Yeah, I'm... I'm awake.” 

“Nice pajamas,” he complimented. “Are you and your cousins wearing matching pajamas?”

How did he…? “Uh, yeah. But mine are pajama shorts instead.” 

“It looks good on you, Yuri-shi.”

The unidentified male strolled towards the couch, but was actually heading towards me. He leaned and I fell back, his body hovering mine. 

“Can I... Tell you something?”

I gulped and sweat started to run all over my palms. “Okay... Shoot.” 

He drew slowly to my face, I can almost feel his lips touching mine. But, his lips aren't. “I think...” When he spoke, I can feel the friction of his lips.

“You think what?” I asked softly. 

“I think... I'm falling for you, Yuri.” His soft tone echoed my ears repeatedly. “I think I am...” And I obviously knew, his lips were paired up with mine. And unknowingly, I kissed back.

But who on earth, from all the 13 idols, this be? 

“Yuri.... CHURI...”

I jumped up, blinking a couple of times before I can get back to reality. “Wh-what?” I crooned, my voice sounding a bit cracky. 

“Your clothes are in the washroom, go get yourself cleaned.” A woman's voice told me. “And meet me down at the dining hall.” 

I did what the woman told me, and even I have no clue who she is and carefully fixed my bed and snuck out of the room, heading to the washroom. After a good fifteen minutes of taking a nice shower and changing plus fixing myself, I adjusted my Pikachu hat and walked out, wearing this:

(a/n: Yuri doesn't have short hair shown in the picture.)

I quickly ran down the stairs, heading to the dining hall, meeting up with the woman who ended up being my.... Mother. 

“M-M-MOM?????” My brown eyes, which are now in blue-grey contacts. “M-M-M-MOMMY!!!!” 

I ran to my mom, giving her a bear hug. “Mommy!” My voice cracked. Am I sick?

“Sshhh! Go eat and be quiet! You might wake the others up!” My mom commanded me and pulled a chair out for me. I nodded in silenced and she gave me a bowl of ramen. I thanked her quietly and started eating my food. As I kept eating my food, I asked my mom, “First, why did you wake me up so early and second, why are you here?” I coughed. 

“Sweetie, are you sick?” My mon placed her hand on my neck, checking if I feel hot or not. I shook my head and I coughed again. “Well, it's Youngmin's and Kwangmin's birthday today, correct?”

I nodded. “Yeah?” My voice cracked. 

“So, since their manager called me and their mom to help set up the party,” She said in a low voice. “It would be perfect if you bring them to the mall for the day during the set up for their surprise party.” 

“Where is Mrs. Jo?”

“In the kitchen, preparing today's breakfast for the others.” My mom replied. “Anyway, change of topic. Have you ever gotten in a relationship with one of the idols yet?” 

I gulped. “No...” 

“You gulped. I can tell something's up.” 

I sighed in resignation. “You got me, Omma. But it's not really a relationship... More like a...”


“Yeah... Myungsoo and Jeongmin.... They kissed me during the days we were all here. Jeongmin once and Myungsoo twice.”

“What about the others? Except your cousins, of course.”

“Sungyeol, Dongwoo, Minwoo and Donghyun were flirting– not really flirting but... You catch my drift, yeah?”

“Not Hyunseong, Hoya, Sungjong, Sunggyu and Woohyun?” 

I shook my head and coughed. “Are you going to wake up the twins by any chance or...?”

“In an hour,” My mom replied, taking a seat beside me. “Yuri, you know where you're going for this experience?” 

“No...” I answered, finishing the bowl of ramen. “I don't know, to be exact.”

“You're going to get into a lot of twist and turns; ups and downs for the next couple of months. You might even have to know what love really feels like.” My mom replied, my face. “There are six idols, who are falling for you and you know you can't choose one, right?” 


“Love is a decision, it's up to your heart what you decide. You can't pressure yourself. You need to decide.” My mom said to me, patting my shoulder. “It's up to you, not anyone else.”

“Thanks Mom.” My voiced cracked, again. I sighed after I head my voice cracked. “I think I lost my voice.” 

“Don't talk a lot. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything.” She planted a light kiss on my forehead and left with the empty bowl of ramen. And I'm alone in the dining hall. 

“Omma?” I called. 


“I can... Tell Youngmin and Kwangmin about the whole thing, right?” I never just wanted to tell Sungjong. I worry he might get too jumpy after hearing more events that happen to me, making everyone else suspicious. 

“Unless they don't tell.” My mom answered back. “They aren't just very handsome, I trust them.” 

“And does the other members know about me being...”

“I forgot to tell them.”

“And... Can I have some medicine?”

“Sweetie, just take some lozenges. They're some in your bag.” My mom told me. 

“Ne, Omma.”

An hour have passed...... 8:10am 

I waited on the front steps of the house for my twin cousins, who are taking a heck of a long time. I stared at my phone, then placing away in my bag. Then, I felt something pulled my hat off. 

I turned around and stood up. Kwangmin took my hat and now wearing it and doing a dance. “Oi! Why did you take my hat!” 

He stuck his tongue at me. “Heehee~” 

I pouted and took my hat back. “Anyway... Happy birthday to you two!” 

“Thank you, Yuri!” Youngmin and Kwangmin thanked. 

“Where are we going?” Youngmin asked.

I winked. “You'll see. Come on!” I grabbed their hands and pulled them to the van. “Today, I will be treating you in the mall!” My voice squeaked. 

“Are you okay?” Kwangmin asked, concerned about my voice. I nodded and just told them that I sort of lost my voice.

“I will be buying stuff for you, so you CANNOT buy in your own money.” I said, after the van picked up speed, heading downtown. “Enjoy yourselves, okay Oppa?”

“Ne.” They replied,nodding. 

Oh man, this is gonna be the best birthday they had (I hope)! But, I wonder if today will be a good time to tell them about everything.

At the mall — 10:39am 

“YAH! YURI-SSI!” Youngmin yelled in his normal voice while I dragged him to one of the men's wear store. “WHY ARE YOU SO HYPER?” 

“Why? Problem with my energy?”
I asked. “You two. Sit.” I pointed at the comfy bench that was in the store. The two followed my order, still confused why I've been acting like this today on their birthday. 

It's been two hours since we arrived in the mall and we came from this store to that store, and I can't find anything for them. Right now, I've been looking and LOOKING for something for the two to wear for their party. 

“Yuriiiiiiii~” Kwangmin called cutely. “When are you gonn-PFFFT.” I tossed each of them a pile of clothes I found. I told them to go to the change room and try the clothing I handed them. 

While they are gone, my phone started ringing. 

~ Hey yo, Andwineunge ddak hanaitseo mot chamneunge ddak hanaitseo ~

I picked up and answered in Japanese. “Moshi moshi?” 

“Yuri-chan!” It was Sungjong on the line. “Eh, you don't have to answer in Japanese you know that?”

“Ah, sorry. I always answer in Japanese.” I said in Korean. “What's up?”

“How are the twins?” Sungjong asked. “If you're wondering, we're doing just fine here.”

“They're changing into a couple of outfits I picked for them,” I answered, heading to the change rooms waiting for them to come out. “It's for the party.” 

“Okay good to know. I'll call you later. Sungyeol just covered my face with icing. YAH HYUNG!” Sungjong said, complaining to Yeollie. “Bye bye!” He then hung up.

I put away my phone and I heard one of my cousins calling me. I politely yelled back that I'll be coming and it was Youngmin who came out first, wearing one of the outfits I gave him. 

“How do I look?” He raised a brow and looked at the wall mirror, perfectly reflecting his image. I went to him and adjusted his uneven collar that was blankly sticking out of place. 

“Wow, it's suits you. Charismatic and uh...” I complimented but I drifted off, thinking off the missing word. 

“What? y? Come on, Yuri,” Youngmin crept up a smirk on his face and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “You can tell me. I know I'm y.” He winked playfully.

“I got it. Manly.” I finally said the word. “I hope your satisfied, Oppa.” I smiled. 

“Well, manly is y. So close enough.” Youngmin was satisfied with my answer. He went to his brother's change room's door and knocked lightly. “Ah, Kwangmin-Ah. You okay there?” 

“Oh yeah, Hyung! I'm coming out!”  Kwangmin said, opening the door and revealing himself in his that-aren't-his-but-it's-from-the-store clothes. He spun around childishly. “How do I look?”

(a/n: remember, they're hair never changed. xD)

There was a silence between the three of us until me and Youngmin blurted out happily, “WAAAAH! KAWAII!!” Youngmin pinched his brother's cheeks. 

“Woah, woah, WOAH HYUNG.” Kwangmin tried to calm down his overreacting hyung. “Yuri-shi picked these clothes, not me!”

“It suits you completely!” Youngmin was still overreacting. “Yaaah, why you have the cute image and I don't!!!!”

“Aish, Youngmin-Oppa!” I sighed. “Please stop! You're making a scene!”

“A-ah, ne...”

“ANYWAY, Kwangmin-Oppa... You look very cute and y.” I told him my review about his outfit and he winked, but failed cutely.

“Oh so, you say I'm manly and charismatic but you tell him he's cute and y?” Youngmin gave a look at me. 

“Hey, don't act foolish, mate.” I warned. “It's just that the outfit made him look y in a way, even though he has a cute image. Your outfit made you look manly while you have a charismatic image.” I explained and he nodded. 

“Now, can we go back into our real clothes?” Kwangmin whined and I nodded. 

It took them five minutes to change back, it was pretty quick and I paid for it and the minute passed, we were already heading to the arcade. 

While strolling to the arcade, Youngmin tapped my arm and asked if they can have some snack to eat despite the fact the only thing they ate was breakfast. We were lucky we found a nearby food place that only sold pastries and some drinks. 

“What do you two want?” I asked while walking up to the line. 

Youngmin shrugged, telling me it doesn't really matter unless it's food and something to drink. But Kwangmin asked if he can get the Pikachu-shapped cookie, two cookies and a blueberry smoothie. When it became my turn to order, I ordered the cookies and smoothie Kwangmin wanted, a sandwich and a water for myself and a cupcake and another water for Youngmin. 

Meanwhile back in the House.... 10:46 am

“Ah, morning hyung!” Sungjong greeted L, who was the last one to awake. “Mrs. Jo has some things for you to do.”

L nodded sheepishly and headed to the dining hall, where Mrs. Jo was painting on a long sheet of paper, spreaded across the table with Hyunseong and a man with a cap and sunglasses on he did not recognize.

“Ah, Myungsoo,” Mrs. Jo immediately noticed him walked by. “Come help myself, Hyunseong and C.A.P design/create the twins' birthday banner.” 

“C.A.P-nim from Teen Top?” L asked curiously and C.A.P waved at him. “I thought its just INFINITE and Boyfriend doing the birthday preparation?”

“We actually needed more help than we thought,” Hyunseong answered, while sketching a Pikachu on the paper. “So the manager decided to call Teen Top and K.will Hyung over for some help.” 

“Yuri's mom knows our manager since the two were friends before so that does explains a lot.” C.A.P added. 

“Ah, so where do I start?”

“Um, start drawing some doodles as the border line for the banner.” Mrs. Jo said, handing L a pen and a paintbrush. “Paint is just over there if you need it.” 

“Thank you.” 

“Ah! C.A.P Hyung!” Chunji came rushing down the other hall. “Have you seen Niel or Sungyeol Hyung anywhere?”

“Uh, last time Niel was outside preparing the tables and chairs and Sungyeol is somewhere.” C.A.P replied. 

“I checked outside and Niel wasn't there!” 

“He must be finished with his work,” Hyunseong suggested, shrugging. “Check in the dance room, he may be having some free time in there.” 

“Okay, thank you!” Chunji thanked and ran to the dance room. 

“Speaking of which, where's Yuri?” L asked, while sketching. 

“She went out with the twins in order for them to not know about the birthday preparation and to spend more time with them.” Sunggyu answered while walking past him, heading to the main hall. 


“Um, what's Kwangmin's favorite color?” Hyunseong asked after a worth of silence. 

“I don't know, even though they are my sons,” Mrs. Jo answered. “Just do a various pattern of colors. It wil turn out well.” 

“C.A.P!!!!!” Ricky called his name loud. “I have something to tell you! And it may NOT BE pretty!”

C.A.P rolled his eyes. “Yes, Ricky?” 

“Uhm, the paint that you gave Niel, L.Joe, Woohyun and Minwoo?” He stammered and C.A.P nodded. “Well, it's now in the pool..... PLEASE FORGIVE US HYUNG IT WAS AN ACCIDENT-”

“Sure, an 'accidnet'” L said with his words full of sarcasm. 

“Aish... Be right back.” C.A.P said, his tone filled with disappointment, leaving the dining hall and following Ricky.

“Anyway,um, can I ask you two a few questions?” L spoke out and the two nodded their heads. 

“Fire away.”

“What do you want to ask us?” 

“Is it true... That Yuri had met Donghyun before his Boyfriend debut or trainee years...?” L asked softly and the two exchanged looks to each other, then glanced at L. “I'm just asking, I don't know anything.”

“I,uh,” Hyunseong said nervously, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “Even though they look as if they know each other for years, they're just close.” How did he... 

“Well, how do I put this... Oh yes. Donghyun is just close with Yuri, like what Hyunseong said.” Mrs. Jo repsonded shyly.

“So in overall, they never met until Boyfriend's debut.” L said casually. 

“Ne.” The two responded in a calm tone. 

“And also, does Yuri like anyone?” 

Why all the sudden questions? “Uh, no?” Hyunseong squeaked.

“Okay. I'll be going to the washroom.” said L, leaving the two in an awkward presence. 

“Omo, does he like Yuri?” Mrs. Jo said, surprised by L's sudden questions. 

“Now that you mentioned it...” Hyunseong mumbled. 


“Uh nothing!” 

“I wonder how would Yuri feel if L likes her,” Mrs. Jo hummed and continued working. “I remember when she was in highschool, there were six different guys who had a major crush on her.”

That might happen to her, but with idols instead... Hyunseong thought. How is she going to handle this? I wish her luck for this. 

Six Hours Later.... 4:30 pm

“Kya, why are we in the hair salon?” Kwangmin pouted as I opened the door of the hair salon. 

“Cause,” I headed to the reception desk, checking in for the two's apppointment (that I booked for them). “You two will be here for at least an hour and a half, and after you're done, go change into your clothes I bought for you. I already removed the tags while you two were in the washroom.” I told them.

“Yah, Yuri-shi, why are you doing this?” Youngmin asked, sounding a bit confused. “I mean, you don't have to do all of this just for us.”

“It's your birthday gift from me,” I smiled. “Come on, you two are the most iest twin cousins.” Man, it took me a lot of confidence to say that. “And you're in Boyfriend. So, accept it please, Oppas?” 

The two looked at each other, then smiled. Kwangmin raised a brow while smirking. “Do you really think we're the most iest twins, ever?”

“Hey, it took me a LOT of confidence to tell you that, so don't have your hopes too high.” I said. I checked my time. “I'll be leaving you two for a while, just going back to the house to get some stuff.” 

“Ne, Yuri.” The two waved to me as I left the salon. 

I strolled the roads of the mall, heading back to the parking lot with their manager (who brought us here and back, plus stayed with us), turning on my phone and popping an earphone into my ear. I decided to listen to some songs, since it's been a while. As I scrolled down the list of songs, I received a text message from Minwoo.

Mickey Woo: Ah Churi-chan! Where are you~ Bogoshipda! 

I laughed at the text and replied to him. 

You miss me? ;) I'm comig back at the house in about twenty minutes. Don't worry. 

Mickey Woo: Okay! Fighting~ 

I smiled at the text, them placed my phone away while listening to music. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and it was the manager. 

“Yuri?” The Manager said and I turned. “There are six girls calling your name?”

“Eh? It can't be fangirls or anything, right?” I don't mind fangirls going up to me unless it's a big crowd. 

“No, they sound like they know you.” 

Know me? Who would it be? And I knew, one of them threw me into a tight hug, so tight that I could barely breathe.

“YURI-SHI! YOUR UNNIE MISSES YOU!” I heard Jung-Ah's voice riding my ears. “WHERE WE'RE YOU FOR LIKE THE PAST WEEK?”

“Ehhhhh, don't tell me you've been skipping!” Raki's voice echoed. “Your leader wants you to have a good education!” 

“Were you accepted in a exchange progam? Is this the week you're flying?” Lara shook me after Jung-Ah released her hug. 

“I hope you haven't been doing anything bad!” R.K. exclaimed and gave me a hug that I can breathe properly. “Awww sweetie, Unnie worries about you~”

“Hey! I'm bac- AHHHH YURRIIII!” Cherry came from somewhere and hugged me as if she hasn't seen me for ages. 

“Where have you been exactly?” SooYuni asked, raising a brow.

Exactly. My members are overreacting. Again. 

“Ahem.” The Manager cleared his throat and the six stopped. I had a blank expression on my face.“Uh, Yuri? Who are they?” 

“Oh, they're my members I mentioned in the house.” I said, sounding a bit happy yet casual. 

“So you six are Raki, SooYuni, Jung-Ah, Jae-In or Cherry, R.K. and Lara?” 

The six girls nodded. 

“Oh man, Minwoo's gonna kill me if I don't come back...” I muttered. “He's expecting me to come back in twenty minutes. I'm late-ish.” 

“Woah, Yuri,” SooYuni hold my words. “Who's this Minwoo?”

“Uh....” I gulped. Mom didn't tell them yet so I worry a lot.

“Hwang Minwoo? No Minwoo?” Jae-In asked suspiciously. Obviously, she would ask her bias.

“J...just a friend.” I finally managed to speak.

“Mmmhmm.” My older ones raised a brow.

“Just tell us, we're not going to freak out or anything.” Lara spoke. “Even you've been hiding it a long time.”

I whispered something in the manager's ear, then replied back into my ear. I took a breath and said this as slow yet quickly as possible. “I am on a variety that will be airing in two weeks with INFINTE and Boyfriend and,” I pointed to Lara. “I am the cousin of your twin bias. Including your biases Jung-Ah and R.K! Bye bye! Have a great day!” Then I faced the manager. “Let's gooooo, I wanna go back!” And then, I took a run for it. 

30 minutes later.... Back at the House.

“Oh man!” I opened the front door and hanged my jacket at the hook. “I am tired of the-” I saw two guys that I wasn't familiar with until I realized it was Ricky and Chunji of Teen Top. “Since when Teen Top lived here?” 

I followed them, leading me to the dining hall where my mom and L.Joe noticed me. They were setting up the table with plates and utensils. L.Joe noticed me and called out, “Ah, Yuri!”

I quickly turned around after hearing my name. “L.Joe Oppa?” 

“Yuri, you here early.” He replied, smiling and gesturing me to come to the table. “I thought you three will be coming back in another like two hours.” 

“No, the twins are in the salon getting themselves pampered.” I corrected. “And I just came here to check if everything's turning out good.” 

“We just finished the cake,” Sungyeol came by and placed it on the table. He did noticed me and waved at me. “Hi, dear"!” 

“Dear?” L.Joe raised a brow at me. “Don't tell me you're–”

“I can't date, stupid.” I playfully punched his arm. “Until I turn 18 yes. He just calls me that for fun.” 

“Ah, sweetie,” My mom faked smiled and pulled me towards her, tilting her head and whispered, “Why does Yeollie call you 'dear'?”

“Did I just said he calls me that for fun?” I whispered back. 

“Oh right. But it sounded like he meant to say that as if you're his girlfriend...” My mom pointed out. 


“Mrs. Min,” Niel came back in the dining hall. “Where do I... Yuri?”

“Oh hey Daniel.” I smiled and waved. 

“How are you? And where do I put my gift for the two?” Niel asked. 

“Um, just put it on that table down there.” Sungyeol directed Niel. 

“I'm doing good Niel, thanks for asking.” 

“Anyhow, how are the boys? Are they looking good?” Hyunseong asked, climbing down the ladder since he helped Chunji and Sunggyu put the banner they created on the wall. 

“They're alright, just confused why am I doing this and they're looking y.” I replied and crept up a smirk on my face. My phone buzzed. I received three messages. 

Prince Charisma: Yuri! Come back please! We're getting bored-ish :P

Pikwangchu: Aah Yuri, can you get my book in my room? The City of Bones? Kamsamnida~ 

Leader Rakee: YAH!! WHY YOU DIDN'T TELL US BEFORE!?!?!?!

I sighed after reading Raki's message, so I didn't even bother to reply back. But, I did reply to my cousins.

Maknae 7.0: I'm coming back, Youngminnie anyway in about five minutes, I'll leave. 

Yurichu: Eeh, you haven't read it yet? I'll get it, Pikwangchu. 

“Omma~” I called. “Can you go to Jeongmin's room and get Kwangmin's City of Bones please? I have to leave soon.” 

She nodded and did what I asked.

"Churi-Chan~" Minwoo's voice ringed my ears. "Chrui-Chan!" He gave me a hug. What a good older brother. 

"Aha, hi Minwoo." I hugged back. 

"I just want to see you. See you later!" Minwoo said cheerfully and left me.

Jeongmin strolled to me after hearing his name. “You're leaving? Weren't you here five minutes ago?” 

“I know, just checking things around. Everything looks very creative.” I complimented the newly created house, transformed into a party house. 

“It's all thanks to Teen Top, especially C.A.P,” Jeongmin smiled. “It was your mom's idea to bring them here for some help. It did work after all.” 

“Was there anyone else other than Teen Top that came here today?” 

“The Sistar Noonas really wanted to come but they were busy,” He replied. “But K.will Hyung is here.”

My eyes widen. “Omo, really?”

“Oh yeah, he was helping Sungyeol, myself, Chanjo and Dongwoo were preparing the cake.” 

“I hope you haven't exploded anything in the kitchen.” I teased.
“No ma'am.” 

“Churi!” My mom called, giving me the book. “Jake is waiting for you in the van. You better get going.” 

“Ah, right!” I exclaimed and turned to Jeongmin. “Bye! I have to go now.”

“Have a safe trip.” 

“Kamsamnida!” I yelled happily and went to grab my jacket and walked out of the house. 

My mom stood beside Jeongmin, who had a sweet smile on my face. 

“You really like her, do ya?” 

Jeongmin nodded and glanced at my mom. “Do you mind if I can court her?” 

She just giggled softly.

An Hour Later.... In the House 6pm

“Here. Wear this.” I handed them both a blindfold and they blindfolded themselves. “Jake Oppa, help me guide them inside.” 

Today has been a very long day. And it wasnt just the twins' birthday. It was also Boyfriend's 700 days together. 

Jake opened the door and I guided Youngmin inside, which did have the lights on but dimmed and went to the dining hall; where I see Boyfriend, INFINITE, Teen Top and all the staff including K.will, my mom and their mom. I mouthed to Jake, 'okay. We'll take it off. 1,2,3—” We pulled off the blindfolds from them swiftly and they opened their eyes. 

SAENGIL CHUKHA HAMNIDA~!!!!!!" Everyone cheered as they applaud for the twins. "Happy Birthday To You~" Then, they started singing. 

"There's something else too," I sang and everyone looked at me. Jake came out from the hall with six mini cupcakes on a plate with candles. "It's not just their birthday~"

"THEN WHAT IS IT?" Dongwoo asked cheerfully.

"It's Boyfriend's 700 days!" I cheered instead of singing. "Happy 700 days Boyfriend!" 

"Oh right!" Donghyun remembered and everyone else did cheer for them. 

"Ah, my boys are growing up," K.will said and sobbed, while everyone laughed at his comment. "What? It's true." 

"So, what do we celebrate? Birthday or Anniversary?" Sunggyu asked. 

"BOTH OF COURSE!" Boyfriend answered at the same time. 

"Hey," I nudged my cousins. "Make a wish. Happy Birthday, Oppas." I gave them a warm hug, and I felt tears being soaked in my shirt. Youngmin cried the most than Kwangmin. 

"Aish, Yuri! You ruined my makeup!" Youngmin cried, wiping his tears from his wet cheeks. "Ahhh, come here!" He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you Yuri. I love you." 

"I love you too, Youngmin." 

"Yuriiiiiiii," Kwangmin croaked and I came to him and he pulled me into a hug. "Thanks. I love you lots."

"I love you too, Kwangmin." I patted his back.

"Awwww~" The others said in awe. I noticed L had his camera and was taking pictures. 

"Now sons, tell each other 'I love you' too!" Their mother demanded and came close to them. She had tears. "Aww, my baby boys are growing up. I love you." She gave them a bearing hug. 

"I love you too, Mommy." Youngmin and Kwangmin replied, sniffing.

"Psst. Happy Birthday Kwangmin. I love you." Youngmin whispered.

"Heh. Happy Birthday, Hyung. Saranghae, Youngmin Hyung." Kwangmin whispered back. 

The rest of the night, everyone just ate, laughed and talked about everything. It was fun, taking them out for their birthday and also celebrating Boyfriend's anniversary. They also recorded their messages to their fans about their 700 days since their debut. I'm really proud of them. I really am.

"Ready?" I asked the Boyfriend members.


"Okay! One, two, three~!" I took the picture. I ended up taking two. 


But it was memorable for them. That will be forever. 


a/n: hello readers! This is a long chappie just for you guys! Thank you for all the new subs! Saranghae~ <3 

I hope you enjoyed! :D (isn't this a long chapter, am i right?) 

And again, thank you all for your support for this fan fic! c;

Picture of Boyfriend's 700 days edit goes to its rightful owner  (I needed to use an edit instead because the original was not found = n =) 

Well, I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night! Updates coming soon ^^


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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)