I Like You

Variety Love


So much days have passed lately this summery June: Infinite and Boyfriend had been busy; but yet still found some time to film In A House With Idols and spend their free time. During the time, Jeongmin had to go under surgery due to his appendicitis acute, but right now he's feeling a lot better. Boyfriend had been preparing for their comeback which I am so excited about, and Infinite is just busy as usual. Today, is June 24th, a typical sunny day with the birds chirping and the sun burning my eyes. But only a couple of the idols have been acting different: Minwoo is helping me to rap better and whenever we have lunch, he gives me my food before he gets his and feeds me; Sungyeol has been bringing me treats when I don't ask anyone to bring me anything; Whenever I have homework from school (yes, I still receive homework ;A;), Donghyun helps me and teaches me if I need any help; Jeongmin takes me to the park and relaxes with me if I have too much stress; Dongwoo became my eating/videogame/dance buddy and Myungsoo... Well him... He acts different around me and s and Boyfriend... I wonder why...
I felt lazy to get out of my bed after waking up three hours ago, and the sun still brightly shines in my eyes. Boyfriend and Infinite are awake, probably eating breakfast and the cameras are rolling and they're wondering where I am. A knock came upon the door. “Yuri?” The voice muffled behind the door. It opened, revealing Sungjong. “Come on, get changed and lets go. The staff are waiting for you.”
I nodded and hopped off my bed, getting today's clothes and strolled to the washroom to change. After changing, I went directly to the dining and slipping into my seat, beside my cousins. “Good morning, Yuri!” Kwangmin greeted me and poked my cheek. “Someone slept in.”
“No not really,” I shrugged, taking the  plate of pancakes. “Woke up a couple of hours ago and didn't bother to go out of bed.”
“Lazy kid. You're starting to be like Youngmin hyung.” Kwangmin poked my stomach. “Don't grow like him.”
Youngmin extended his arm and hit his younger twin's head. “Yah, what's wrong with you?”
“Nothing. I ate too much sugar-covered strawberries!” Kwangmin grinned as he continued to eat his bowl of cereal. “And I'm eating another sugary treat this morning!”
“Don't go all hyper today.” 
“Yes, ma'am.”
“How was your sleep?” Jeongmin asked sweetly, passing me a glass of juice. “You look like you slept well.”
“I did, luckily.” I smiled, taking the glass and thanking him. “How are you feeling?”
“I'm feeling fine, thank you.” Jeongmin smiled.
“Any dreams?” Sungyeol asked, eating down his food like a wolf. 
“I don't know, really.” I shrugged, taking a bite out of the pancake. “Anyway, what are we doing today? Something special or were staying at home.”
“One of the noonas said something about going to a school to visit them and be in their classes for the day we're there.” Sungyeol responded. “We just don't know what school.”
“It's Yuri's school were going to,” A noona added Sungyeol's statement.
I spat out my pancake and started to choke a bit. Kwangmin patted my back to help to try to get out the small piece of pancake stuck in my throat out. Dongwoo walked over to give me his glass of water; I took a sip and coughed. “Thanks, Dinowoo Opp-ah,” *cough cough* I took a glance at the noona. “Are you kidding?”
She shook her head. “They won a contest to meet you guys.” I raised a brow, confused. “You were with Dongwoo, running errands while Sungyeol and Hyunseong filmed the video to announce the wi– oh what the heck. You went to sleep early.”
“Oh.” I nodded. “Okay then.. But, does this mean I have to bring my homework and wear my uniform?” She nodded and I groaned. “Chinja, I'm not done the third and last Physics booklet! Aish....” 
“I told you to do it last night.” Donghyun spoke up and stuck his tongue at me. “But you really had to sleep?”
“Very funny, sunbae.” I rolled my eyes and sighed. “But why my school?” I asked, complaining. “Why though?”
“A band named Tekko...? And another Version 7.0... That is the main reason, though. The other reasons were for contest reasons and your teachers need to see you.”
I facepalmed myself, hearing Zelo's band and my band as the main reason for us coming to my school. I sighed and finished my pancake. I said I'll be taking a shower and changing into my uniform. After showering and dressing into my uniform, I stared at the wall mirror in Sungjong and my room. It's been a while since I wore it. Why did I even pack my uniform? -__- aish, chinja...
“Yuri-shhhiiii!” Sungjong called, walking into the room. He was only wearing a white top and gray pants, holding the two alternate uniforms. “Which one we have to wear!?”
“Since its the summer, I suggest you wear the white and red uniform,” I insisted, slipping in the boy's white and red short-sleeve shirt on top of my shirt. “But it doesn't really matter what uniform you wear as long you're wearing it.”
“So it doesn't really matter?”
“Pretty much.”
“Okay! Thanks Yuri!” He thanked politely and changed in the room. I didn't bother him changing in the room unless he had something on him after showering. Sungjongie eventually changed and stood beside me at the mirror. “Omo, you look so cute~!” He complimented. 
“Hehe~” I giggled. “You look cute too.”
“Hello, Infinite, Boyfriend and fellow student, Min Yuri!” The principal greeted us in a classroom we entered. We all bowed and greeted back. “Yuri-ssi. It has been a while since you stepped in the school, am I correct?”
I nodded politely. “Yes, the atmosphere felt different the moment I walked in here.” It really did, as if a famous and legendary idol stepped in here. 
“So, all fourteen of you have missions.” He began to speak, sounding like a MC. “All fourteen of you are divided into seven teams– two in each. The teams are: 
Kwangmin and Minwoo 
Myungsoo and Hyunseong 
Sungjong and Donghyun 
Jeongmin and Woohyun 
Hoya and Dongwoo 
Sungyeol and Sunggyu 
And last but not least, Yuri and Youngmin.”
We all nodded and left the classroom; Mr.Principal told us that we need to find our classes that we will be staying for the whole day, but he didn't tell us where to go to our classrooms; we had to find it ourselves. Eventually I found Youngmin and my class and guess what? The first thing that happened to me when I opened the classroom door, a forceful force struck upon me, making me howl in pain and Youngmin jumped from being surprised. It was Lara. Obviously. -.-
“YURI!!!!” She screamed at me cheerfully and pulled me up. I really hated to do this but I slapped her right across her face. Lara gave me a surprised look. Even my cousin was surprised and the class. “What the hell was that for!?” 
“Raki-Unnie's rules,” I stated, patting her shoulder and walking in the classroom; far from the door. “Tackle a member; you get either one of your secrets exposed in public or getting -slapped.” I raised a brow. She left with the action of rolling her eyes to her desk. I looked at the teacher, with his eyes wide. I bowed apologetically and said, “Sorry, teacher...” 
“Anyhow,” the teacher tried to not make it awkward after my sudden actions, and pushed his specs up. “Let's welcome Yuri once again, and Boyfriend's Kwangmin-”
“Actually, teacher-nim, he's Youngmin, not Kwangmin...” I corrected; Youngmin sighed after becoming mistaken as his dongsaeng. 
“My apologies, Youngmin,” The teacher bowed his head and Youngmin forgave him. “They are going to be in our class for the day, but hey! This should be fun, am I mistaken or not?”
The class roared cheerfully and whistles blew the roof away. “And interesting for Lara-Unnie~” I and she blinked. “Why?” She asked. 
“Yah, Youngmin-ah, introduce yourself to her,” I spoke informally to him and he obliged and came up to her swiftly to her desk.
“You must be Lara, huh?” He spoke casually to her, making her blush and unspoken. “My name is Youngmin of Boyfriend.” He smiled deliriously. “On a scale of 1 to 10, rate yourself.” 
Lara thought for a bit and replied. “An eight....ish.” 
“In my opinion,” Youngmin touched her hand, making Lara even turn rosy red more. “You're a nine and I'm the one you need.” He winked and kissed her hand. 
Just hearing this, made everyone cringe and muttering “ogeul-ogeul”; Youngmin made all of us cringe [Exception of Lara] so bad that I'm on the floor and my body cringed up; two students fell out of their desks; the teacher face palming himself and walking back and forth; Jongup (who I saw at the very back of the class) fell off the table he was sitting on after Youngmin's cheesy moment. I thought you were the charismatic one, you pabo. 
JO YOUNGMIN YOU GREASE!” I yelled out, rocking my body back and forth, still cringing on what happened. “Don't go all Woohyun...” 
“Ahem...” The teacher faintly panted and everyone turned back to their normal states... I think. “Oh man...” He fanned himself, feeling watery-eyed. “How are things are going back to normal after Youngmin became Nam Woohyun #2?” He sighed. The atmospehere became more awkwardly more awkward...
“Do we look like we know?” All of us (excluding Youngmin and the blushing Lara with her face in her hands) said at the same time, feeling uneasy at this moment. 
~~ It has been four hours since the cast has been in Yuri's school, and it's already one pm. ~~
“Yuri-ah!” Jongup called casually and sat beside me at a table. “How you been lately? I never gotten a chance to talk to you for a while since you were busy with your mini fanmeet and stuff.” He smiled. 
“Everything's good,” I smiled, finishing writing a sentence. “Just been busy-ish at filming and all of that stuff.” I glanced at him. “What about you?” 
“Tekko's going to audition in a week, so we're excited yet extremely nervous.” He chuckled nervously. “In overall, I'm well and happy. So, any romantic afflictions going on lately?” He smirked and I pushed him playfully. 
“Yah, really?” I sighed bashfully and he nodded. “No romantic afflictions going on lately.” 
“On TV, when we watch it with your band, a couple of them are trying to impress you; somethin' like that.” Jongup stated, shuffling his position to face me. “Like.. Who is that... Jeongmin? Or Myungsoo? Who else... Dongwoo, Sungyeol, Minwoo and Donghyun...” I blinked at him, confused. “Have you not noticed?” Jongup questioned. 
I shook my head. “I never heard something like this ever: not even from them...” I thought and tried to dig deeply if someone mentioned something related to Jongup's saying. “Sungjong at one point said..” 
“See!?” Jongup exclaimed, proving a point that I have no clue where he sees it. “You never know! They're going to confess to you one day- what the heck; even today! They like you.” Jongup is still trying to prove a point. “You have to be careful on choosing the one you like. There are frickin' six of them. You can't have you and your other quintuplets to get each guy. I know you don't have any other siblings except for your two older sisters but: It's hard. I know a few friends of mine who been through that kind of . Be careful.” 
I was surprised on hearing Jongup's point on the six guys. “Well, okay, thank you-” I held my thought and stood up from my seat. “I gotta go take a waz. Be right back.” I rushed to the teacher and asked him if I can go to the washroom; he allowed me and I scurried to the washroom. After relieving myself and started walking back, I heard someone call my name. “Ah! Jagiya!” Dongwoo called me. And I didn't know what's going to happen next. 
Dongwoo's POV
I was walking back to my classroom, with a rose in my hand (I have no clue where I ended up getting a rose; some teacher gave it to me), about to pass by the washroom until Yuri came out from the girls. “Ah, jagiya!” I called her out, hoping she can hear me. She stopped her actions and walked to me. “Hey Dongwoo-Oppa~” 
I took a few glances to see if anyone's in my sight, lucky for me there was no one in the halls except for me and Yuri. “How you doing?” I asked sweetly.
She lightly chuckled. “Well, it was awkward at first period thanks to Youngmin-Oppa's greasy moment to Lara-Unnie.” Yuri smiled. It was the most beautiful smile I seen in my life. “You?” she asked me. 
She nodded and looked at my hands, seeing the white rose in my palm. Yuri raised a brow and asked me: “Where did you get that rose?” Yuri laughed faintly. 
“Oh this?” I showed the rose to her again in a better view and she nodded. “A teacher gave it to me because she was my Noona fan.” I smiled and chuckled. “I didn't know where I got it at first.”
“Interesting. More better than cringing.” She laughed and I laughed along. A rose in my hand plus her standing her plus no one else in sight equals a confession from me. I liked her since my assist on the Scorpion Dance... And I can't hold it in, but this is my chance. I soften my eyes and gazed at her lovingly; my smile soften and I drew closer to her. 
“Yuri...” I spoke gently, with feeling. “There is something I wanted to tell you.. I... Have taken a liking in you for the past couple of months...” Her eyes were partially widen, surprised. “The days felt so different since I have known you...” I took her hand and slightly pulled her to me. “I like you, Yuri. I lost my puzzle piece from all the years I am alive and you- that piece that made my puzzle incomplete and unsuccessful for me to move on with my life. I think... I fallen for you Yuri.. I think I did....” I placed my lips on her forehead lightly.
“D-dongwoo...” She stuttered.. 
“Will you... Accept my heart?” I confessed.

a/n:  EOMMAYA!!!!!!!!! OMO OMO!!!! JANG DONGWOO HAS CONFESSED, HE HAS CONFESSED!!! and lol, Youngmin's cheesiness xD well sorry for not updating for so long! You probably thought it was someone from Boyfriend due to the main image c:< 

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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)