What a Day

Variety Love

Chapter 13: What a day

June 7th 2013 — 2:30pm 

Everyone excluding INFINITE are chilling outside, since it's a good 25 degrees outside. 

“What a good day today,” Yuri sighed happily and snuggled on a chair cooly. She grabbed a notebook and starting jotting down some things. “It's nice to go out like this.”

“Who wants smoothies?” Donghyun asked, walking out with a tray of glass-filled smoothies. Everyone raised their hand and nodded. “I got everyone's favorite flavor.” He passed the glasses to his younger ones and Yuri and sat down on the patio stairs, sipping his smoothie. 

“I hope it doesn't rain,” Minwoo hoped, staring at the clear-blue sky; his eyes filled with hope. “It's a nice day, so why bother to make it rain?”

“Yah, don't say that,” Youngmin nudged him, looking at him pitifully. “Mother Nature will gladly accept your request and make it rain on this beautiful day!” His tone filled with sarcasm. “But still, you make a good point.”

“Mmm,” Yuri smiled after drinking her smoothie. “Thanks Donghyyn-Oppa for the smoothie.” She took more sips while writing on her notebook. 

“I hope you don't bother me asking,” Jeongmin asked, scooting towards Yuri. “But what are you writing?” He came on his knees and tried to take a close peek, but Yuri jerked back her notebook. He pouted. “Awww!” 

“I wish I would show you but...” Yuri shook her head, finishing her sentence in the notebook. “You would have no clue what I wrote in there.” 

Jeongmin blew a raspberry and laughed. He looked at her. “If it's Japanese, I would know what you wrote.” He carelessly took the notebook and Yuri rolled her eyes. Jeongmin opened the book and the first thing that was on his face was a clueless expression on his face. “What is this...” 

“Greek, smart one.” Yuri teased and took her notebook back. “I'm just learning how to write and read, not speak it.” She stuck her tongue at him. “I already speak four different languages and I don't want to say all four of them all together.” 

“Which languages do you speak?” Jeongmin asked, raising a brow. “O-other than Korean, of course.”

“Excluding Korean, I know Japanese, English and some of Italian.” Yuri replied, placing the notebook back into her bag. “The languages I can read and write are Greek and Chinese.” 

“You know a lot of languages.” 

“Blame Raki-Unnie [Chinese], Boyfriend [Japanese], English [Internet], the foreigner teacher who was here for at least six months [Italian] and Lara-Unnie [Greek].” said Yuri with an expressionless look on her face. 

“Yah, why Boyfriend—” Jeongmin groaned, but held a thought for a bit after realizing what Yuri meant. “Never mind.”

“Exactly.” Yuri stuck a tongue at him, again. 

“Churi-chan!” Minwoo called to Yuri with a smile on his face. “Come out to the nice, shining su–” He felt something land on his nose. Minwoo wiped it and looked at the sky. Then as the minute passed, rain started to pour down heavily and quickly. “Hey, why don't we go back inside and enjoy the chandeliers, eh?” Minwoo rushed inside, soaking wet. 

The others nodded and ran back inside, five out of the seven were soaking wet. Infinite was on the table, eating lunch and surprisingly returned back from their schedules. Sungyeol noticed them after smelling the fresh rain from outside. 

“Yah, why were you all of you outside?” Sungyeol asked, shaking his head. “You'll get sick!”

“Well,” Jeongmin began. “Maknae-yah over here–” He pointed to Minwoo. “– asked Mother Nature to make it rain. And his wish came true!” 

“Aish, hyung, not my fault! Blame the weather channel!” Minwoo pouted. “Does anyone have a towel that I can dry myself off please?” 

“Here you go,” Sunggyu tossed a towel. “Dry yourself off, Maknae-yah #2.” 

“Thank you, hyung,” Minwoo nodded and wiped himself with the towel. He lifted his shirt, exposing his killer abs and continued wiping. 

“Minwoo-ah.” Hoya called.

“Ne, hyung?”

“Nice abs. You have better abs than I do.” Hoya complimented, his eyes can't take off Minwoo's abs.

“Yah, Hoya-Oppa,” Yuri snapped Hoya from staring. “I hope you don't go like your character. Please don't.”

“What character?” Kwangmin asked, curious.  

“Well, if you watched Reply 1997...” Yuri began, taking a sigh. “His character was gay.” 

Kwangmin started laughing, so did the others. Hoya just had a blank expression on his face, regretting on what he'd say. “Sorry, I do make a good point though,” Yuri apologized to Hoya. “But still–” Hoya just gave Yuri a death stare.

“So since we can't go outside,” Donghyun began. He stared at the window, reflecting his image and revealed the heavy rain. “What should we do?” 

“I feel like singing.” Minwoo pouted. “But I'm a rapper so...”

“SO RAPPERS CAN SING.” Dongwoo stated, with a mouthfull of chicken. He gulped down the chicken and cleared his throat. “If I can take the pain away, and put a smile on your face~ Baby I would, baby I would~” He sang.

“Pffft, I knew that.” Minwoo rolled his eyes. 

“I'm going to take a nap.” Yuri said, leaving the thirteen men alone in the dining hall. “Behave well.” 

“Sleep well.” Myungsoo wished her good sleep. “I'm going to thegame room to play videogames. Anyone want to join me?” 

“I would but I want to cook,” said Sungyeol, who hopped off the table and walked to the kitchen. 

Kwangmin, Sunggyu, Hoya and Hyunseong raised their hands, meaning that they wanted to play some videogames with Myungsoo while the others decided to do something in their own time. 

Three hours later.... 5:30pm 

With Myungsoo

“I'm finished playing for three hours,” Sunggyu threw the controller down on the floor, rubbing his temples. “My eyes feel sore.” He walked over to the TV and turned off the PS3. “What should we do now?”

“I don't know,” Kwangmin shrugged, staring at the window glossed in rain drops. He sighed heavily. “Rain does really get you in a mood, huh?”

“Just staring at it, makes me feel a bit down.” Hoya crooned, sounding like he just woke up from a nap. “The angels are weeping, I think.”

“They can't be,” Kwangmin spoke sofly. He adjusted his sitting position. “When I see rain... It reminds me of Yuri. I just can't find a good reason why it does remind her.”

“Each raindrop presents a piece of her?” Myungsoo asked, his voice sounding a little husky. 

“No, it's something else. I can't get the words out from my mouth.”

“You talk about Yuri­-shi a lot, huh, L?” Sunggyu looked at him, with an arched eyebrow on his face. L was hesitant to say something, but nothing came out from his mouth. He sighed and nodded shyly. “Why?” L asked. “Is there a problem?”

“No, nothing bad happened, hyung,” Kwangmin spoke, zipping his hoodie up. “It’s just that.. You know how Yuri isn’t allowed to date before she turns 18, correct?”
“Yes. Why?”

“She lied. She dated before once and she’s been single for around nine months.” Kwangmin sighed. “I hope you aren’t mad.”

“Why would he be mad?” Hoya asked.

“Well,” Hyunseong, Kwangmin and Sunggyu’s voices cracked. “About that...”


“I like Yuri.” Myungsoo said, having a slight smile on his face. He must have felt proud to say that. “But, I can’t tell her. I only known her for two months and I probably think it will become awkward if I tell her early.”

“I suspected you like her. I’ve been watching your glares when for example Dongwoo hangs with her and happiness when you’re with her. So I got a drift already.” Hoya smiled, patting his dongsaeng’s back. “Have fun winning her heart.”

“I tell you, it’s not easy to win a girl’s heart over if five other men like her.” Sunggyu gave a plain pout and shrugged. “Don’t be cocky now, boy.”

“I don't care if she dated before.” He raised his voice. “But I like her, that's the point.”

“You being cocky, boy,” Sunggyu said in a Western accent and blinked.

“Don't act all coo-coo.” He stared at L. 

L sighed and rolled his eyes. “Okay, I may overreact but she's mine."

“Naekkeo haja, naega neol saranghae, eo? naega neol geokjeonghae, eo?” Kwangmin and Hyunseong sang happily receiving disappointed looks from their hyungs. “Well then, you are just jealous that we are singing.” Kwangmin did a hair flip and stuck his tongue at his hyungs. “HA.”

Sunggyu, Hoya and L just shook their heads with a bland expression on their faces. 

With Sungyeol

Sungyeol carefully poured the batter in each muffin hole and placed the bowl down beside the pan. He flicked open the chocolate container and sprinkled in each one. He opened the oven and carefully but swiftly slid in the pan filled with batter and closed the oven door. Sungyeol sighed in relief as he sat down on a high stool. 

“Ah, I smell like I came from the bakery,” Sungyeol sniffed his shirt. He took a piece of paper and a pen; starting to write things on it. “We need more meat and fruits. We're running low.” Sungyeol stared at the ceiling, thinking on what to buy. “Chicken... Beef...” He jotted down on the piece of paper. “What else...”

“Hey, Yeollie!” Sungjong popped in the room, waving to him. Sungyeol waved back and continued writing on the paper. Sungjong sniffed heavily and smiled. “Wow, what are you baking? It smells really good in here.”

“I'm baking a batch of shortbread cookies, a loaf of lemon meringue bread and a half dozen of chocolate chip muffins.” Sungyeol grinned to himself, proud on what he has baked. “I've been here for two hours and a half.” 

“Hold on, does cookies and loaves and muffins have a different baking time?” Sungjong raised a brow, staring at the oven door. “If you know what I mean...”

“No, the muffins are the last thing left. The cookies and load of bread are cooling.” Sungyeol corrected the maknae. “You want some?”

Sungjong shook his head. “Nah, it's okay. I'm not really hungry right now.” He took a quick peek at the tin-foiled covered cookie tray. “Since when did you start baking so well?” 

“Ever since we did the filming of Man in Love.” 

Sungjong nodded and sat across from him. He took out his phone and started to play games on it. After a silence, he bursted out without thinking, “Do you like Yuri?” 

Sungyeol blinked and gazed at the maknae. “Sudden questions much?” 

“Answer the question, will you?” 

“Okay, I like her.” Sungyeol smiled and folded the paper, putting it aside. Sungjong's eyes widen. “YOU WHAT?” 

“I like her!” Sungyeol confessed. “She's talented, her personality is great– she's even very beautiful.” Sungyeol sighed in happiness just by the thought of Yuri. “I can't stand her perfection.” 

“You sound like you really like her..” Sungjong faked his chuckle and faced the other direction, with his eyes wide and a surprised look on his face. So it's Myungsoo, Jeongmin, Donghyun, THEN HIM????? He faced back to Sungyeol and faked again his chuckle. “So, um, how are you gonna win her, uh, over?” 

“By my charms, of course.” Sungyeol replied, with a smirk on his face. “I kid, I kid. I'll find a way how.”

YOU'LL FIND A WAY???? WHAT ON EARTH IS— “Okay... Uh, I'll get going now.” Sungjong hopped off the chair and quickly ran out of the kitchen, making his hyung confused. 

“What is wrong with him lately?” Sungyeol asked himself, with a clueless look on his face. “You have been acting strange, Lee Sungjong of Infinite.”

With Minwoo

“Aigooo, my back.” Minwoo streched his back, feeling the unstreched muscles. He stared at the wall mirror, seeing sweat drops come down his face. Minwoo took the collar of his shirt and took it off within one motion; wiped his back with his sweaty shirt. A click came from the door and it was Youngmin who entered the dance room. “Hi, Minwoo.”

“Hi, hyung!” 
“Over fifteen songs, it can wear you out a lot.”
“Yuri does more, just saying.” 
“I know. She's very skilled in dancing. I'm impressed.” Minwoo smiled and took a gulp on his water bottle. “Something you need?” 

Youngmin walked to Minwoo and sat down beside him. “Nothing really. But I have a few questions.”

“Okay, fire away.” Minwoo slipped on a new shirt, which is not drenched in sweat and Minwoo odor. 

“Do you like Yuri? Just asking, you don't need to–”

“Yep! I do, actually...” Minwoo said, with red cheeks. He must been embarrassed on saying that. “I only realized it last night...” 

Youngmin blinked and gave a look at Minwoo. “Are you actually serious? How and why?”

“Well, hyung, it's kinda a long story..” Minwoo blushed, averting his eyes. “But since we been good friends for two years... I dream about her often these nights and think about her whenever herself is around or her name is mentioned.” He paused as he looked at Youngmin. “I hope you aren't mad at me for liking your cousin or anything.” 

Youngmin snapped out from spacing out and blinked many times. “Oh, no no I'm okay with it no problem.” His lips formed a straight line. “Uh so, let's say...”


“If there are five other men...”


“After also falling for Yuri...”


“How will you win her heart?”

Minwoo thought for a bit. “It can be hard competing against those men, but I have to wait for her to choose. If she chooses, she chose the man she likes.” 

“Well I got to go now. Enjoy yourself in sweat.” Youngmin stood up and left Minwoo in the dance room.


a/n: been a while since i updated ^^; taking the balme for make this chapter short -.-
I may not be able to update for a bit due to my finals ;A; wish me luck? ^^


 sending love to my readers~ ^u^

 Dongwoo being Dongwoo cx

 saying hi to my new readers/subbies~



 Readers: what on earth is this authornim's problem? o.o

Well thats it for today! Be amazing~ Updating soon! ^^


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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)