Bliss Memories

Variety Love

 Chapter 7: Bliss Memories



April 20th, 2013 — 9:23am 


“So, what are you going to do today?” Sungjong asked while watching Yuri finish making her bed. 


“I don't know,” Yuri placed the pillow neatly on her bed, then turn to look at Sungjong. “Maybe just go do some dancing in the dance room, I guess.”


“Ah, you really like to dance huh?” Sungjong smiled and sat down next to Yuri on her bed. “I do too.”


“Says the one who likes dancing to girl groups.” Yuri snickered and Sungjong pushed her playfully. 


“Anyway, why you were quiet in breakfast today? Was it something?” Sungjong asked. “I mean, if you don't want to tell me I'm alright with that.”


Now that you mentioned it, Yuri thought as she slowly bit her lip not so hard. I really wish I can but... 


“It's okay, you don't have to tell me.” Sungjong smiled. “I'm here if you need anything.”


Yuri shot up and opened her drawer, picking up a white shirt with a pair of shorts. “I'll go dance for a while. Be right back, okay?”






Yuri slowly popped her head in the dance room, to see if anyone is in there. She saw no one, and slipped in swiftly like a fox then closing the door behind her. She plugged her iPod in the speaker, scrolling down her endless list of songs. “So many songs to dance to, I can't even choose...” Yuri said to herself, still scrolling. “Maybe I should just dance to Bubble Pop, for now.”


She started the song and all she did was the choreography for the next two and a half minutes. Yuri liked dancing to it but after dancing it for a while, it started to make Yuri sick. She decided to do a little stretching until the next song started to play. 


From One Shot to Troublemaker to I Got A Boy, Yuri kept going and going; she only took at least an eight-second break if she needed one. When it reached to a 2AM song, she finally stopped the song and lied on the floor, feeling the coldness fight her body warmth. It only took almost an hour to wear her put from dancing alone. She can probably do at least 20 songs until she gets tired. An hour passed and unknowingly, Yuri was taking a nap on the floor. 


Meanwhile, Dongwoo was just heading to the dance room. He felt happy today. 


“Today kicked-off with a great start!” Dongwoo said cheerfully, opening the dance room door. “Since I’m happy, I’ll dance!” Coming in the room, not bothering to check if anyone's in the room. As he closed the door and dropped off his stuff, he strolled to the speaker until he saw Yuri. She made him jump, surprising him. Slowly, Yuri woke up. 


“Dongwoo-Oppa?” Yuri blinked and sat up. “Why are you here?”


“I wanted to dance since I felt so happy today,” Dongwoo sat down beside Yuri. “You scared me when I saw you lying down.” 


“Did I scare you? I'm sorry,” Yuri apologized and Dongwoo smiled. “I danced over 20 songs then I fell asleep.” 


“Speaking of dance, do you know any of our choreographies?” Dongwoo questioned and Yuri nodded. “Really? Which one?” He sounded excited. 


“The Chaser, Be Mine, Man In Love, Nothing's Over, Paradise... I have a lot.” Yuri said, listing her list of songs. “But I like Before The Dawn.” 


“Then let's dance to that!” Dongwoo stood up, pulling Yuri to her feet and plugged in his iPod, looking for BtD. As the song started, the two were already in their positions and started dancing. It went flawless, no mistakes. Just in perfect synchronization.  Everything was turning out good until it came to the Scorpion Dance part. 


When Dongwoo successfully did the Scorpion Dance flawlessly, Yuri did it eventually but when she got up, her foot slipped and made her fall onto her front.


“Ow...” she groaned and Dongwoo quickly noticed and laughed at her, but it feel bad about her injury. At least Dongwoo helped her to get on her feet.


“So first of all, are you alright and second,” Dongwoo spoke, while turning off the song. “You can’t really do the Scorpion Dance, huh?”


Yuri sighed in embarrassment and nodded her head slowly. “One thing for sure is every time I get on my feet after I do that, one foot doesn’t have enough weight so that explains my problem.”


Dongwoo placed his hands on her shoulders. “Want me to help you, jagiya?” He asked Yuri in a soft tone.


J-­jagiya? Why is every guy I know addressing me as if they were my girlfriend? Including the nicknames as well... Yuri thought, feeling her face to bright red. “Y­-you don’t have to you know...” Yuri stammered.


Dongwoo just laughed. “Tsk tsk, jagiya... You need all the help you can get. Maybe one day when Version 7.0 does a dance cover in public, you don’t want to mess up right?”


That’s true. Raki­-Unnie does want us to be a successful girl group in the future... Yuri thought again, thinking about the leader of Version 7.0’s lectures. “Yeah... you do make a pretty good point.”


Dongwoo smiled, giving Yuri his signature smile. “So, I’ll help you, okay? You don't have to be afraid. I'm here for you.”


The words echoed in Yuri's head, repeating itself endless counts. She did snap out immediately and nodded. “Okay. Let's get to work.”


Thirty Minutes Have Passed…


“You almost got it, Yuri!” Dongwoo encouraged her. “Remember add all your weight to your legs so you can keep a good balance.”


Yuri, whose face was half-covered in sweat. All she can do now is get it over with, so she can have lunch with the others. She adjusted herself and as the second she did it, nothing happened to her. No fall nor slipping. It turned out perfect. 


Yuri grinned and jumped up and down, happy. “Yes! Yes! I finally did it after all those weeks!” She turned to Dongwoo, who is smiling also. “Thank you do much, Dongwoo-Ah!” Yuri walked to him and gave him a hug, even though she's almost drenched in sweat.


Dongwoo hugged back, and the two rocked side by side. He sniffed, smelling her hair and then whispering, “Your hair smells really nice.”


The comment made Yuri's cheeks tint red. “Thank, I guess.”


“What?” Dongwoo pulled away, looking at Yuri with a slight confused look on his face. “It really does.”


“I didn't take a shower this morning,” Yuri said, picking up her IPod and her water bottle. “I only took one last night.”


“Well, it smells good.” Dongwoo smiled, taking his stuff and headed to the door. “Come on, you don't want to starve to death.”


“I know,” Yuri followed along to the door. “Thanks for helping me for the Scorpion Dance.”


Dongwoo angled his head and placed a peck on her cheek. “No problem.” 




“Ah so you came back,” Sungyeol saw the two dancers coming back, while eating his food. “What took you two long?”


“I was teaching her—Well technically helping her— To do the Scorpion Dance.” Dongwoo said proudly. “It took us 30 minutes. That's why it took us long.”


“Ehhh~ I was suppose to help her!” Hoya whined, having a cute pout on his face. “I was the originator for it!”


“Please don't act cute,” Sunggyu demanded the rapper. “Or you'll have to do aegyo with L and I'll be recording it and posting it on my Twitter. AND I MEAN IT.”


“I know, she was there in the room anyway,” Dongwoo sat down, while Yuri decided to sit with Sungyeol. She wanted to get along with the INFINITE members, since she knew Boyfriend for a long time. 


“How was dancing?” Sungjong asked. “Was it nice to dance again?”


“After doing 20 songs,” Yuri sighed and grabbed her chopsticks, starting to eat her noodles. “I don't think I'll be dancing for the next two days.”


“Why?” Sungyeol asked, facing Yuri. “I heard you can dance to most to our choreographies.”


“Yeah but after it reached to a 2AM song, I ended up falling asleep on the floor for an hour. Then I scared Dongwoo-Ah.”


“I thought she was a ghost,” Dongwoo said, remembering the faint memory. “She was lying down on her stomach so her hair was sorta all over the place and she was wearing white as well.”


“She's referred as the ‘Ghost Idol’ to her other members (Version 7.0),” Hyunseong noted. “Because she scares everyone and I didn't mean it in the bad way.”


“It's either I pop out of nowhere from a corner or people just don't see me until a while later,” Yuri sighed, being laughed at Sungyeol. She slapped his arm. “Hey, don't you laugh at me.”


“I'm sorry,” said Sungyeol, eating his Kimchi.


“Churi-chan!” Minwoo called out to his dongsaeng. “Can you please do the Scorpion dance? I wanna see if you improved!”


“B-But! I'm eating this delicious banchan!” Yuri whined, pointing to her food, “Come on, Mickey Woo~”


Minwoo nodded. “Okay, okay, Churi-Chan..”


This made Woohyun look at her, weirdly. “Since when did you call Minwoo, 'Mickey Woo'?”


“He likes Mickey Mouse,” Hoya said. 


“How did you-”


“I'm his roomie, Woohyun.” Hoya replied. 



Three Hours Later...


Sungyeol and Yuri were in the game room, playing Tekken 6 on PS3. They were playing for at least almost two hours, an hour after they ate lunch. 


"HA! I BEAT YOU!" Sungyeol jumped from his seat, cheering himself happily. He started doing his victory dance. "WHO'S THE WINNER NOW?"


"Fine, you win." Yuri rolled her eyes, standing up. "You're such a six year old. And I meant it in a good way." 


Sungyeol grinned, satisfied. "Thank you, dear."


"So now what?" Yuri sat on another chair, while watching Yeollie turn off the PS3 and putting away the controllers. "There's nothing else other than these colouring books I found on the table…"


Sungyeol immediately turned around after hearing what Yuri said. "Colouring books?"


Yuri nodded. "Yeah." She opened up a crayon box and pulled out a crayon. "There's also a box of crayons and markers here, too."


Sungyeol raced to the seat across from Yuri, sat down and opened a colouring book. He took the crayon out of Yuri's hand. 


"Hey! That was my crayon!" Yuri pouted while whining. "That's why you're the choding!"


Sungyeol smirked and kept colouring. Yuri grabbed the book he was colouring in. Now he had to react, "Oi!"


Yuri smiled and gave him a heart. "Saranghae, Yeol-Oppa." 


"Oh so want to play it that way, huh?" Sungyeol arched an eyebrow. He pulled off the cap of a marker and grabbed Yuri's chin for her to face him, and drew a pair of whiskers and a nose on Yuri. He stuck a tongue out to Yuri. "Saranghae, dear."


"Meow!" Yuri imitated a cat and grabbed the marker out of Sungyeol's hand and drew a moustache and wrote 'I love you' in Korean on his face. Sungyeol looked at his phone screen as a mirror. He glared at Yuri, who was now doing aegyo at him. 


"Yah, why are you acting cute~" Sungyeol whined while staring at Yuri. "You remind me of Sungjong!"


"Well, I am the Maknae of Version 7.0 after all." Yuri pointed out, smiling.


"Speaking of which, is your band coming to visit you by any chance?" Sungyeol started colouring in the book again after drawing on Yuri's face. 


"I don't know," Yuri shrugged. "I told my mom to tell them that I'm with 13 other idols after today."


"So they don't know?" 


"If they notice I've been gone for the past few days, I think I wouldn't be alive soon." said Yuri, also started colouring. "They're at least 1-4 years older than me so they take good care of me. And they can be protective."


"Oh I see," Sungyeol taking interest in the conversation. "Um.. how did you all meet?"


"I already knew one of the members, Lara since we went to the same high school together," Yuri began her story. "R.K, Jung-Ah, SooYuni and Cherry were seniors while us two were juniors."


"What about the leader? Was she already out of high school?" 


"She was in college during the time being," Yuri explained, fiddling with her crayon. "Raki-Unnie was a student teacher, so it does explain how all of us met her."


"Did you already know each other, I mean, other than Lara? Also, how did you all meet in general?"


"I only knew Lara, not the others." Yuri replied. "It was a bit weird on how we met and formed Version 7.0." 


Sungyeol was now definitely interested hearing Yuri's story. "What was?"


"One day when they had an event occurring, an hour before the event, they needed six more volunteers since the other six were either sick or had an appointment. I was chosen including R.K, Jung-Ah, SooYuni, Lara and Cherry to replace the volunteers." Yuri began. "But what we didn't know is that the event was musically-based and the teachers told us whoever were the volunteers were actually have some music talent in them."


Sungyeol scooted near Yuri, wondering what happened next.


"We were saying 'you chose the wrong person' or 'I don't have any singing experience' but the teachers showed a video of us individually singing or rapping when we think no one is there or listening." Yuri continued. "We kept denying it telling them it was just for fun until our parents sent in videos of us doing the same thing, even dancing."


"Then what?"


"Next thing we knew that we had only one and a half hour to perform a cover of Infinite's The Chaser, and we didn't even know each other. After they left us in the music room, Raki-Unnie came in and told she'll be joining us since it wouldn't make sense if six people were dancing to a Infinite song." Yuri stopped and took a breath. "So what we did in the next while was plan who sings who and do the choreography since we all knew it."


"Is that how you met or formed?" Sungyeol asked. 


"After the event happened, a week later, Raki decided to bring all of us to a little treat, since we did good in the event. And we gotten to know each other and… that's how we formed and met." Yuri finished, Sungyeol giving  her an applause. 


"You're really talented, you know that?" Sungyeol beamed and Yuri laughed. 


"Thanks, you are really talented too." Yuri complimented back.


"I am in Infinite, after all." 



A couple of hours later… 9:30pm


Yuri was heading back to her room, after eating dinner until seeing L in their hangout spot they promised to hang out in. But ever since the accident kiss, they weren't really talking despite the fact it was a bit tad awkward. 


L did eventually notice her and called out to her, "Yuri-chan."


She took a look and waved. "Hi L."


He gestured her to come and stand beside him. "It's been a while, since we talked huh?"


Yuri eventually came to L's side and nodded. "Yeah.." 


"I'm sorry on what happened, I didn't mean to affect our friendship," L said, letting out a sigh. 


"It's alright," Yuri glanced at him. "At least were okay, right?" 


L nodded. For the next ten minutes or so, L and Yuri weren't talking due to their current awkwardness. L decided to say something, so he blurted "Uh, how was the weather today?"


Yuri didn't reply, but coughed out a laugh. "I was inside the house the whole day." 


The statement made L red in embarrassment. "O-Oh, right…" 


"H-how… Was your day today?" Yuri asked shyly. 


"It… It went alright…" He responded shyly. "I heard that you told Sungyeol about how you and your band met, r-right?"


"Y-eah," Yuri stammered. "I did." 


"So… what are the names of your mates?" Myungsoo asked. He did really wanted to try not to make them awkward, so the only thing he can do is talk to her. 


"Raki, SooYuni, Jung-Ah, Jae-In or Cherry, R.K and Lara," Yuri responded. 


"Is one of them listed me as their bias?" Myungsoo asked. 


"Jung-Ah is," Yuri stated. "You two are the same. Both like photography, born in the same year, even the Visual of the Group." 


"Oh really?"


"Yeah pretty much," Yuri replied with a small smile. 


"I have a question," Myungsoo says, facing Yuri. "But please be honest with me."


"I'm always honest." Yuri turned to L.


"Did you…" L began.

Where is this going....

"Like the kiss in any point?"


Yuri's orbs widen, in shock on what L said. The kiss? Did I even enjoyed… "Uh… I, um…"


"Because… At one point…" Myungsoo came close to her ear and whispered in a husky voice. "I ended up liking it." He softly blew into her ear, giving Yuri chills down her spine. Yuri turned red, redder than Cherry's hair. 


"You.. You what?!" Yuri exclaimed and L smirked and nodded. 


"After that accident I," L started Yuri's cheek. "I wanted to kiss you again." He gazed at Yuri's lips. "But I knew that, it can affect our relationship that we had."


"I only knew you for at least three days and you say you like the kiss?" Yuri can't even tell how she feels, and not accepting reality right now. 


Myungsoo came close to her, about an inch away from her lips. He stared at Yuri, smirking seductively. "Just remember," His hot breath touched her lips. "Anything can happen." He touched her lips. After pulling away in two seconds, he left. 


Yuri skimmed her fingers on her lips, getting the feeling of L's lips on hers for just two small seconds. 


"Yeah…" Yuri whispered to herself. "Anything can happen."

L strikes again, huh? Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter! c:
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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)