Alternate: Crash

Variety Love


Hoya took a sip out of his bottle of ice cold water as he pushed the door of a nice, clothes store in the streets of Seoul. Closing the lid, he browsed through various colored shirts, pants, jackets and pastel-colored accessories, he felt as if he's been there for days. 


As he stared at a golden graphic shirt, a girl with cherry red hair accidentally bumped him by his hip. He turned to her while she spoke, "Omo! I'm sorry! I didn't noticed you there!" She blinked through her specs. "I've seen you on In A House With Idols- You're Hoya!~" She tried to squeal as quietly as possible.


"Haha, I didn't expect a fan to see me," He smiled. "You look familia- Cherry of Version 7.0?"




"You don't really need to buy me that new shirt I always wanted," Cherry poked him as she took a sip out of her ice coffee. "I had the money."


"Since you are Yuri's bandmate and we met once, I felt like treating someone today." Hoya smiled.


"Hey," Cherry spoke after a little silence between the two. "Have you noticed how Donghyun's trying to be very close with Yuri during broadcasts?" 


Hoya thought for a bit. "I haven't been really paying attention."


"I guess you don't know."




"Are there times when you seen Yuri in the dance room and you see her only in a sports bra and short shorts and her hair is in a bun?" Cherry asked and Hoya nodded. "Did you notice three faded scars behind her neck, her right triceps down to her forearm and one on her right thigh?"


"I did."


"So you were paying attention."


"Not to Yuri and Donghyun."


"Do you want to know the real story behind those three scars?"


"I do want to know, please. Go ahead."



The real story of Kim Donghyun and Min Yuri's past


Excluding myself, Lara and her cousins know about it. I don't know if Donghyun told anyone else, but here I go. 


About five years ago, when Donghyun was 19 and a trainee while Yuri was 13 back then, these two were in love. Although the in Yuri's point of view was insanely wide, age didn't matter to them. If you're in love with that person, you're in love. On August 25, 2008, something tragic happen that affect not Yuri alone, but everyone in her family and her friends- especially Donghyun. 


In the morning, Yuri was currently on antibiotics since she had the cold. One of the side effects to this certain antibiotic were slight chances of headaches. Everyone can handle a little headache but Yuri can't. Yuri's chances of dizziness and probably passing out are from headaches, especially little headaches. Remember, Yuri didn't know about the side effect. 


As the day went on towards the afternoon, Yuri and Donghyun were suppose to meet when Yuri's schooling was done. But due to him being a trainee, he needed to postpone the date for tonight. Yuri didn't mind since this is his dream to become a singer. So as she started to walk home, a group of freshmans (all were boys) from a high school, started to hit on her. One of them was Donghyun's rival's younger brother. They followed her until Yuri asked them to stop. One of them tried to kiss her, but failed to do (thanks to the martial arts). Yuri did run from them after giving them a kick on the crotch, but something turned out to the main point:


A jeep, filled with seniors drunk + speeding on a school zone was coming around the block with two small kids crossing the street. 


The two kids did look left and right and crossed the street, but didn't hear the jeep coming since the two were caught up in their conversation. The senior on the jeep was literally blind without his glasses,but he was asked by the other seniors to drive since he was the only one with a driver's license. Yuri noticed the jeep coming close to the two kids and guess what she did?


Taking a risk and saving the two kids while the jeep hit her.  


Having three scars from the shattered glass, she also went into severe coma while also suffering amnesia and loss of blood. The seniors did remember what happened (even though they were drunk) and were charged. After being in a 72-hour coma and waking up, Donghyun was talking to her while crying, 


"Rika-shi, I wish I didn't tell you to go home right away, I wish I've could said take the bus to go home-" He sniffed. "Now look at you, covered up in bandages, and taking blood transfusions. I really am a bad person. I wanted to reverse time and make things the way it should be. I'm a bad boyfriend. I can't accept reality. Please tell me, Rika-shi, what should I do to make everything the way it was."


But all what Yuri just said to him was;


"I'm sorry, but how are you my boyfriend?"

a/n: final alternate chapter~ i didn't want to write another one cuz i want to get back to the storyline so bad TT.TT

so here's some Kris aegyo

and Kris and Amber dancing 

and my face everytime i see pictures of my biases/favorite groups

okay~ hope you have a good day/afternoon/night~ :D
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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)