
Variety Love

Chapter 8: Sports

April 23rd, 2013 — 11:20 am 

“Kwangmin-ah and Youngmin-ah,” Woohyun called to the twins, who ware sitting on the staircase. “Have you seen your cousin?

“Let me guess,” Youngmin glanced at him. 

“You just want to see her in shorts and a tank top and drool on the floor.” Kwangmin finished off his brother's sentence. 

“No, L is looking for her.” Woohyun denied the twins' guess. “He has something to ask– well not really ask – but borrow something.” 

“I don't remember seeing her around here,” Kwangmin rubbed the back of his neck. “She must be somewhere, Sorry.”

“Aish, I told L go look for her himself but he didn't want to, so now I have to do it.” Woohyun sighed. “I mean – are the two dating or what?” 

“Yuri is allowed to date until she turns 18*,” Youngmin said, drinking his water. “So right now, she can't date.” 

“But if you notice, everytime L's around her, she doesn't talk much or turns red.” Woohyun pointed out. “I've been watching the two for the past three days.” 

Now it made the twins think. “Now that you mentioned it...”

“See!?” Woohyun exclaimed.

“Hey Kwangmin and Youngmin-Oppa!” Yuri came down the stairs. “Hi Woohyun-Oppa!”

“L's looking for you by the way,” Woohyun said. 

“I know, I already gave him the thing he needed.” Yuri says, playing with her hair. “Um, we're filming today right?”

“Yep!” Jeongmin popped out of nowhere, along with Donghyun, Dongwoo and Minwoo. 

“Ah, Youngmin-ah,” Donghyun called his dongsaeng. 

“Yes Hyung?”

“One of the staff Noonas need you for something, Including you Kwangmin.” Donghyun responded. “They're on the fifth floor.”

“Okay.” The two shot up from their sitting positions and rushed to the fifth floor. When the two left, the others came and formed a circle. The cameramen were starting to film them, for the third episode. 

“You know how it's their birthday tomorrow right?” Donghyun spoke and the others nodded. “Were going to throw them a party.”

“How are they not going to know about this and how are we going to hide it from them if they ask?” Jeongmin questioned. “And when are we giving them their party?” 

“Jeongmin-Oppa, we're giving the party tomorrow?” Yuri replied, a bit disappointed of him not thinking properly. 

“Let's talk about this later,” Sunggyu said. “We have time to talk about the birthday planning.”

“Anyway,” Sungyeol stretched. “What are we doing today, writer Noona?”

“We are going to do some sports,” She answered, hearing a couple of yeses from voices and a couple of groaning. “Since summer is almost near, we'll be doing at least five sports today that are based on the summer season.”

“Like what?” Sungjong asked, sounding a bit disappointed for today's activity. 

“Beach Volleyball and Water Races  are examples of what are we going to do today.” The Noona said. Everyone groaned except Yuri, who was cheering.

“Why are you cheering?” Dongwoo whined. “I hate beach volleyball!”

“Are you kidding? I LOVE BEACH VOLLEYBALL!” Yuri exclaimed in excitement.

“Well, someone has an advantage.” A voice echoed from their near right, the voice coming from L. “Sorry I'm late. Here you go, Yuri-Chan.” He tossed Yuri a pen that he borrowed from her.

“Thanks L,” Yuri stuffed in her pocket.

“So, I suggest you go change in your swimwear since it's required for the two sports,” The Noona annouced, making everyone go to their rooms and change. They followed the order, leaving the place empty for now.

10 minutes later....

“Where is everyone?” The twins asked themselves, arriving in the main floor after helping the staff do some work. 

“One thing is, why are we in our swimwear? Is it for something?” Kwangmin looked at his red board shorts, and fiddled his black shirt hem. “Are we swimming, Hyung?”

“I guess...” Youngmin replied, his voice sounding a bit fearful. “I feel weird being in a tank and board shorts... Why are you wearing a shirt and I'm not?” He whined helplessly, feeling exposed. 

“Becuase you're older and you need to show charisma, remember?” Kwangmin answered, not even looking at his brother. “And older brothers need to show some toughness. Just saying...”

“I'm here–Woah Youngmin-Ah! Since when did you start wearing tank tops?” Donghyun was surprised, looking at Youngmin. “You look-”

Hoya gave a wolf whistle, after going down the stairs.“y~! You have nice arms.”

“Different.” Donghyun finished his sentence, his lips forming a straight line. 

“Hi guy– WOAH YOUNGMIN YOU LOOK DIFFERENT.” The others walked in, but was also in Donghyun's reaction to Youngmin, who felt disappointed. 

“Don't worry,” Woohyun walked beside him, wrapping an arm over his shoulder. “Me, Jeongmin and Hoya are wearing one too, so you don't have to feel alone.”

“But... But I feel exposed!” Youngmin whined and the others laughed at his remark. “Plus, Sungjong-Hyung, Sungyeol-Hyung and Dongwoo-Hyung are wearing one too!”

“We have sweaters, water proof sweaters. We don't wanna get too tanned.” Sungyeol corrected the whining twin. “And man up! Hoya ripped his tank top before in front of THOUSANDS of fans! Multiple times, I think!”

“Yeah, you make a good point...” 

“Did that make you feel better, Hyung?” Minwoo patted his Hyung's back and Youngmin nodded. 

“Where's Yuri?” Kwangmi asked, after looking around to find his cousin. 

“I'm right here, Pikwangchu-Oppa.” Yuri replied, who was behind Kwangmin and giving him a bit of a jump. 

“You really are the Ghost Idol,” He sighed. Yuri shrugged and moved, to stand beside him. All of the sudden, everyone can hear Woohyun giving a wolf whistle. 

“Damn, you have nice legs.” Woohyun scanned Yuri, his lips. “It's been a long time since I've seen legs like yours.” 

Doesn't this idol met any girl groups lately? Yuri didn't say anything. She just felt somewhat a bit uncomfortable from his comment.

“Woohyun” Sunggyu called out.

“Yes, Hyung?” 

“Please, don't be a-” 

“ERT!!!” The others (except Yuri and Woohyun) shouted. 

“Alright, aish..” Woohyun muttured, and rolled his eyes. 

“Yuri, this is the first time I've seen you in board shorts and a sports bra – you don't even wear a sports bra in public.” Donghyun said, kind of shocked to see her clothes. “But you look good in it. It suits the weather, today.” 

Yuri felt a little red. “T-Thanks, Donghyun-Oppa.”

Donghyun just smiled. “Are you going to wear anything on top?” Jeongmin asked. 

“Just a tank top, no big deal.” Yuri said casually.

“Then, take mine!” Youngmin pleaded and Yuri looked at him, raising a brow.

“Dude, then you'll have no shirt on?” 

“I-I'll keep mine on then!" 

“Okay guys, meet me outside. Your court will be waiting.” The Noona commanded and the others nodded. 

“She's making it sound like we'll be going to court,” Jeongmin mumbled.

When the others start to head outside, Sungyeol caught up to Yuri's side without her noticing and scanned her quickly. But for some reason, he started to feel something stuck in his throat. He gulped and started to intertwined his fingers with Yuri's. Yeol never felt a weird, awkward feeling in him, ever. 

Am I in... He thought. No, no, no. We're really good friends but why am I going to join hands with her? Is it because... 

Yuri felt something warm around her fingers, so she jerked her hand back and looked at her left, noticing Sungyeol. 

“Sungyeol?” Yuri questioned. “What were you-” 

“Aaannnd were outside!” Sungyeol placed his hands on her shoulders and pushing her to the volleyball court, trying to make it less awkward. 

“Since there is 14 of you,” The Noona spoke after everyone's make way to the court. “There will be seven teams. The list of teams shall be posted at the nearby post down there. Team 1 vs. Team 2 are going first for thee games.”

Everyone walked to the post, gathering around to see which team they are on. The list read:

1. Donghyun & Minwoo
2. Dongwoo & Sungjong
3. Sungyeol & Youngmin 
4. Yuri & Jeongmin 
5. Sunggyu & Hyunseong
6. Kwangmin & Myungsoo/L
7. Hoya & Woohyun 

Everyone is pretty satisfied with their teams, no complaining can be heard anywhere from their voices. 

Jeongmin wrapped an arm around Yuri and looked at her. “Want to kick some ?” He gave her a smirk. 

Yuri smirked back. “Let's go beat it out there.” 

He went closer to her ear and whispered, “I'm sorry for my sudden actions three days ago.”

Yuri blushed, remembering the whole kiss. “I-It's okay.” Jeongmin smiled and pulled her closer to him. 

Minwoo saw what Jeongmin was doing with Yuri, sweat drops streamed on his face. 

Donghyun and Sungyeol saw it as well, with tension filling their eyes. 

Dongwoo raised a brow, suspicious on the two's actions.

And Myungsoo, who bit his lip and glared hard at Jeongmin. 

I think I'm falling for you, Yuri. I think I am. 

Two Hours Later.... 1:30pm 

Everyone had their volleyball games finished and the victorious team was Dongwoo and Sungjong, which turned out strange since they don't have experience in beach volleyball at all. Everyone was now in two vans, traveling to the beach nearby. It only took them less that twenty minutes to get there and they were lucky not a lot of people were on the beach. Everyone went to the designated area, where the Noona waited for them to come. It was very warm today, almost 28 degrees outside. 

And it was obvious, everyone was fanning to themselves. 

“Aigoo, why is it so hot?” Hoya complained and tried to fan rapidly. “I feel like I just came out from a volcano.”

“I suggest wear alot of sunscreen today,” Sunggyu suggested, also fanning himself. “Or by the time we get back, everyone will probably have tan lines.”

“Who has sunscreen?” Minwoo groaned due to the hot weather. He touched his face that was covered in sweat.

“Here you go,” A Hyung behind the Noona tossed Minwoo a bottle of sunscreen. “There's A LOT in there. Enjoy yourselves.”

Minwoo immediately took off his shirt and asked Donghyun, “Hyung, please rub sunscreen on my back.”

Donghyun just stared at him and sighed. He grabbed the bottle out of Minwoo's hand and squirted sunscreen on his palm and starting rubbing it on his back. “Don't forget my neck hyung~” Minwoo reminded. 

Everyone else received sunscreen bottles, rubbing it on their arms, legs and back including neck. Dongwoo tapped Yuri's shoulder, who was already finished putting sunscreen on her, asking “Yuri-shi, can you please put sunscreen on my back?”

“Okay.” She replied and told him to remove his shirt so she wouldn't have a hard time spreading around with the shirt bugging her way. 

Dongwoo was surprised by her words. “Are... Are you sure? I mean, uh, last time when I went shirtless–”

“No it's okay. I've seen Hoya, Hyunseong (many times), Minwoo (couple of times) and Woohyun shirtless so this isn't a big deal.” Yuri shrugged and Dongwoo swiftly took off his shirt in one swift movement. He turned to focus on Yuri, handing her the sunscreen bottle. 

Yuri shyly nodded and did what Dongwoo asked her do. Man, even though Minwoo has abs better than Hoya's (no offense), Dinowoo looks y! Ugh, I should be comfortable around him now, especially with him now. Aigoo, why why WHY!? 

“Yuri.... Yuri!” 

She blinked after being lost in her thoughts. “Y... Yes?” 

“Are you okay?” Dongwoo faced her and put his hands on her shoulders. “You blanked out. Everything alright?”

“Oh yeah!” Yuri faked her cheerfulness. “I'm alright.” 

“Yuri-shi, if you need to tell me something, I'll be here for you, jagiya.” Dongwoo pulled her into his embrace. He nuzzled in her neck. “Remember, if you need anything..”

I know. You’ll be here, Dongwoo. Yuri thought as she wrapped her arms around his bare waist. First time hugging a shirtless idol... Feels different.

L was putting on his shirt after Sungyeol rubbed sunscreen on his back. He turned his head and saw Dongwoo hugging Yuri and whispering something into her ear. He let out a heavy breath and glared at him without his hyung noticing. Why does he have to do this to her? First Jeongmin and now HIM? L just shook his head and walked away.

10 minutes later...

“You guys will be on your same teams, like your beach volleyball partners.” The Noona told the 14 people. “So we will be doing Water­based races as I mentioned earlier. It will involve swimming for the first one.”

Everyone never liked swimming, even Yuri. Sunggyu shot his hand up and asked, “What happens if you can’t swim?”

“You will be using a square-­like floating device you can either sit or swim with if you don’t know how to swim,” she replied to Leader Gyu’s question. “If you choose to sit, you must use your hands as your propellers.”

“Yah! That’s not fair! What happens if you can’t move around?” Sunggyu, who isn’t satisfied with his answer.

“Then your team will fail miserably.” The Noona said numbly, her voice sounding cold.

“This event will be so interesting,” Sungyeol laughed at his leader. “I can just imagine Sunggyu hyung sitting on the floating device and paddling like a dog.”

Sunggyu just glared at Sungyeol, who was laughing at him. 

“I shall continue. You need to swim to reach the boat and swim underneath it, to grab as many gold cards in one breath. This challenge may be a difficulty to the ones who can't swim. But, there is a way. If you can't swim, you can have one chance to get on the boat and find gold cards, also you have a time limit. The team with the most cards receives 

“So, which teams are going first?”

"Team Yuri and Team Sungyeol." 

"Well, shall we kick your buttocks?" Sungyeol said, in an English accent.

"Most likely yours." 


Everyone had finally finished their Sports Day, tired and sweaty. It's been a long day for all of them, especially L. Myungsoo had been staring at Yuri for almost the whole day and never had the chance to go talk to her due to the fact she's been talking to the Boyfriend members and the INFINITE members (excpet him). When he and Hyunseong arrived at their dorm, L immediately threw his water bottle at the wall.

"Woah, L," Hyunseong was shocked by L's sudden actions. "What's have gotten into you today?"

"It's nothing," L said coldly and slumped on his bed. "You shouldn't care."

"Something is up, L." Hyunseong sat at his bed. "What's up? Is this about Yuri?"

L's eyes widen at Hyunseong. "H-How did you-"

"I caught you staring at her for like the WHOLE DAY." Hyunseong answered. L just sighed. "You jealous?"

L just nodded. "I mean, I feel like I wanna punch Minwoo on the face or whenever she's with someone. Do you know how I feel?"

"You're in love."


"We all know you're handsome and have a personality, but I noticed you're probably falling for Yuri."

L raised a brow. "You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! If you need to tell me something that has been bugging you, I'm right here." 




QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHO DO YOU THINK HAD THOUGHT: I think I'm falling for you, Yuri. I think I am ?
(Hint: It didn't say who thought the thought)

I hope you enjoyed this chappie~ Saranghae to all my readers~ *sends hearts*

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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)