Confession #2

Variety Love

Chapter 15: Confession #2

“Will you... Accept my heart?” Dongwoo confessed to me, his hand intertwined with mine and looking at me lovingly.

My heart stopped a beating after hearing Dongwoo confessing to me. We only knew each other for at least three to four months and he's telling me he likes me!? It's like that exchange student from America who confessed to me last year after knowing him for two months. But the way Dongwoo confessed... Oh I don't know... It touched my heart. I am confused at this moment. In the other hand, AYYYIIIEEEEEEE HE CONFESSED TO MEEEE!!!!! SO CUTE!!!! The way he looked at me, and how his tone went so smooth with the words he said; he was even good looking today and and–

“I...” I began, starting to shake. Why am I shaking? “I-I...”

“Yuri-shi!” A voice called from far away, making Dongwoo and I startled. It was Youngmin who called my name. Thank God he called, I would have left Dongwoo without an answer. I probably think Dongwoo is thinking he [Youngmin]  ruined the moment.. But did he really ruin the moment? Dongwoo released my hand as Youngmin drew closer to us. “The teacher-nim is looking for you. We're about to do a mini fan meeting and answer questions.”

“Oh that's right...” I remembered, looking at him. “Dongwoo-Oppa, you probably should be going too. I mean, you also must have a mini fan meet, right?”

He nodded, getting reminded thanks to me. “Uh.. Y-yeah, thanks.” Dongwoo smiled and patted my head. “Tell me your answer if you thought about it, okay?” He whispered and left. 

“Is he okay?” Youngmin asked, after walking back to our classroom. 

“Oh yeah..” I said, turning a little red after his confession. “He just.. Wanted to ask me something..”

“Like what?” 

I didn't say a word after Youngmin's question. “Do you really want me to hit you?” I glared at him. 

“No...” Youngmin spoke, turning the door knob to our class. 

“Oh there you are!” The teacher exclaimed, gesturing us to sit on the table at the front of the class. We nodded and sat on the table, facing the class. “And now, let's being our fanmeet!”

The class cheered and a few hands were raised to ask us questions. Lara, was one of them of course. I chose a kid with blonde hair and brown eyes. “The blonde.” I pointed. 

“Okay.. Uh, is Youngmin really that cheesy?” He asked, shaking his head from the cringing memories. “I mean, aren't you suppose to be charismatic?”

“I find his killer smile cheap.” My lips formed a straight line and he looked at me. “Really?” He asked. “Yep, no offense.” I replied. 

This is his "killer smile":

“Hey, Lara-shi,” Youngmin called out to her, and she looked at him. “If you were a computer part, what part would you be?”

“The keyboard, why?”

“Ew, you really wanted greasy and slimy fingers touch you all over?” Jongup sounded disgusted and Lara pushed him playfully. I gave a disgusted look at him. “Dude. Do you know how Mr. Kim over there,” I pointed at the kid with the hood up and specs. “Is very erted and can put anything in a sick way? LISTEN ON WHAT YOU SAID MISTER.”

“Aah, chinja...” Jongup sighed and facepalmed.

“Okay let me ask again. Are you a keyboard?”

Lara waited for him to continue, nodding.

“Cause you are my type.” He spoke and winked at her. 

“OH SINISIYEO*!!!!!!”  I exclaimed, face palming and again, everyone cringes hearing Youngmin's cheesiness. “Yah, Woohyun #2, what are you!? Aren't you suppose to be Youngmin the Prince of Charisma!?”

“I don't get why you like him,” The blonde shook his head in disappointment at Lara. “He is cheesy, I say! Not charismatic!”

“Look I, uh,” Youngmin started. “I won't kill you for that comment, but I would enjoy reading your obituary.” He smirked with a hint of evilness. 

“OOOOOHH BURN!” Jongup stood up, clapping for his diss at the blonde boy. The class was clapping as well. The blonde shrugged in defeat. I was surprised at his comeback from being cheesy to this diss.

“Any next question! Yes, the one with the blue lenses! Female!” Youngmin pointed at the girl.

“Yuri, why you so pretty!?” She pouted at me; I felt flattered at the compliment she gave me. “Where did you get your prettiness!?”

“Uh... I got it from my twin pabos aka my cousins.” I answered sincerely while everyone gasped after hearing me saying that the twins are my relatives. “Yes, Jo Youngmin and Jo Kwangmin of Boyfriend are my cousins so what's the big deal? Anyway, it's in the genes. Although Jung-Ah is prettier aka the visual.” 

“You were suppose to be the visual, but okay,” The girl shrugged and accepted my answer. 

“Who is handsomer? Youngmin or Kwangmin?”

“Obviously, me,” Youngmin boasted and did a hair flip. I swear, he's got to be one of the most fabulous idols put there. What a weirdo. 

“Huuuuul,” I poked and rolled my eyes. “You're prettier than Kwangmin, but Kwangmin is handsomer than you. There's a difference between pretty and handsome. So don't go all Sunggyu-Oppa on me.”

“Good enough.” Youngmin smiled, sounding satisfied.

“Yuri and Youngmin: who's better at dancing?”

“We're both lead dancers so were around the same level.” Youngmin answered. “And if you want us to battle, a week ago Yuri sprained her ankle so she's just recovering right now. We can't, sorry.”

For the past hour, we've been answering questions. I was happy to do something like this since it's a good time to talk to other people and strike up a story or something like that. More of Youngmin's cheesiness came out again for example: 

“Do you have any raisins? How about a date?” To Lara and the other girls -___-

Or this: “If I followed you home, would you keep me?” To the female teacher who came in here to talk to Jongup for something. 

Ugh, when will his cheesiness stop? ;A;


“Ugh, finally!” I groaned in resignation and threw my bag in the main hall. A producer, who was suddenly walked by us picked up the bag and started to go to my room, to bring my bag. “No more of Youngmin-ah's cheesiness!” 

“Okay,” Myungsoo tugged my shirt and pulled me towards him. “What happened?” He asked.

“Well,”  I began with some sarcasm. “The charisma pabo over there-” I pointed to Youngmin. “Began to become Nam Woohyun #2 since this morning by telling Lara: 'You're a nine and I'm the one you need.' Then, he flirted with Lara again this afternoon saying a pick up line like, 'Do you have any raisins? How about a date?' I almost fainted after having to experience more of Youngmin-ah's cheesiness.” 

“Eh, why are you addressing me informally?” Youngmin complained and flicked my forehead. “And hey, that's for Lara; I didn't ruin my image. I acted like I was cheesy.”

“Some kid called you the worst charismatic idol that ever existed.” I said, telling him a fact. Myungsoo had his eyes widen, surprised he heard that. “He's a hater, by the way aka Lara's brother.” 

“Well I would enjoy being in his funeral.” Youngmin dissed and stormed off to the dining room to eat.

“I feel bad for him, he must felt very mentally abused when he heard that.” Myungsoo said, sighing about Youngmin's hater. “What kind of kid would say that he's the worst charismatic idol?”

“Lara's brother.” I spoke, leaving L alone and dashed off to my room. 


“So how was it returning back to your school?” Sungjong asked, while taking off his socks and putting aside on his bed.

“It was fine, but awkward at first,” I answered, flipping over at the polaroid snapshots that were taken today. “It was Youngmin's cheesiness that started the day.”

“I heard,” Sungjong chuckled. “Must been too cheesy.”

“Well no , Sherlock.”

“Anything interesting happened today? Excluding Youngmin's cheesiness.”

“I...” I started, began to blush like crazy again. Should I really tell him? But he knows about my accident kiss with L. He knows things that I said to him and he was kept his mouth shut. 

"Youre blushing!” Sungjong squealed like a girl and hopped onto my bed, sitting next to me. “Did someone confess to you!?” He sounded excited to hear this. I nodded, still blushing and he squealed even more. “Who is it? Is it Zelo again?”

“Zelo's dating someone else now, and we're good friends.” I managed to speak. But my red cheeks are still colored red. 

“Is it someone you know?”


“Do I know this person?”

“For quite a long time...”

“Who is he?”



“He confessed to me today....” 

“Omo, OMO!!! He likes you, HE LIKES YOU!!!”

Then, the door bursts open, revealing Sunggyu. “Who likes who?” He sounded a little pissed at us. Sungjong, why you shout? 

“Uh....” I started, trying my best to wing this situation. “Sungjong told me that...”

“Youngmin likes Lara! Yes! He likes her.” Sungjong faked his cheerfulness and lied. But it's the only way to get out from Sunggyu's terror. I mean, no offense but he can be scary. “I ran into him at the school and he likes her.” 

“Okay... Behave well..” Sunggyu glared and closed the door for us. We let out a deep sigh of relief. 

“Youngmin was just teasing and flirting Lara, but Lara likes Youngmin.” I stated, scratching my head. 

“I thought she likes the twins?”

“Nah, I guess Kwangmin didn't suit her taste. Feel bad for the guy.”

“Anyway,” Sungjog started to speak about the main topic. “Dongwoo actually confessed?” 

“He did, yes... But I'm not quite sure how to respond to his confession. I mean, I might break his heart. And he likes me, and I'm good friends with him so I'm either going to friend zone him or go out with him...” I said, fiddling my fingers and looking down. “But he's my bias aka my current favorite of INFINITE. And I like who he is. It's just that... I don't know how to react to the whole thing.” 

“Current?” Sungjong questioned. “Who was your first?”


“Well,” Sungjong spoke; taking a sigh. “I wish you a lot of luck if there's other people who is confessing to you. Love is love. Maybe you might see people differently just like the ones who have taken interest in you. But you can't change that. They like you, they like you. It's only you who needs to figure out who do you like.” He patted my back and left me in the room. I wonder how am I going to be comfortable with Dongwoo now ._.


Its already 2am in the morning (I know right? Time flies so fast) and I'm in the kitchen, making myself a cup of hot chocolate with whip cream and sprinkled chocolate powder on top. I faintly yawned, and took the mug taking a sip of the hot chocolate I made.

I never really had a chance to explore the house, so I decided to take this time and wander around. But right now I'm making a second cup of hot chocolate. Who am I making it for anyway? I might run Into someone who's still up, so it's a good thing to carry another cup at least. After five minutes, I'm climbing up the stairs, heading to the fifth floor of the house (my room is at the third floor). 

The last time I've been up here was the hide and seek game, and that was around three months ago, March; Late March. The rooms up here have large windows, so I can see what's in the room. In the rooms, I actually found out that this floor is for the staff who stay here and the cameras and PDs and most staff live in the fifth floor. I kept wandering around the fifth floor until a certain sound ringed my ears: Bubble Pop by Hyuna. Why on earth this song would be playing in the middle of the night? 

I started to walk, listening to the song that grew louder every step I take. The room that had the song playing had the lights on, so I carefully tip-tied not to get caught. I tilt my head and peeked at the window. What the heck did I just see? For some reason an ahjussi, dressed like an ahjumma but dancing to the choreography to Bubble Pop and singing- oh my goodness is that man drunk? I had a weird look on my face, just seeing the ahjussi dance and yelling out "Potatoes" in the middle of the night, but something else ringed my ears. 

“Oh, baby, you are such a dancer!” A woman's voice perked my ear. I coughed, just hearing that makes me eager to cringe. “Why don't you dance on me; since you are such a good dancer.”

“What the did I just hear?” I mumbled to myself. “Why did I bother to come up here?” I started to tip-toe/power walk all the way to the most distant end of the hall way. I felt violated now after hearing that. I sat on the staircase, placing one of the mugs beside me and taking a sip out of the hot chocolate. At least there's still a warm feeling in the drink.

“You still up?” A voice nearby perked my ears. I was startled and glanced at who spoke. Donghyun? 

“Donghyun-Oppa... Why are you up?” I ask, while watching him take a seat on the opposite side of the second mug. 

“I can't sleep, no matter how hard I try to,” Donghyun answered, taking a sigh. “I guess you can't sleep too.”

“Yeah,” I replied, nodding. “Want hot chocolate?” 


I handed him the extra mug and he thanked me for giving him hot chocolate. We had a moment of silence until Donghyun spoke, “Hey, want me to tell more about Rika and Jay Chou's story?” 

Omg. I never heard anything about them since he first mentioned the two. “Okay; sure.” I smiled. 

“Okay, here I go.” 


“Yah, Rika-shi!” Jay called out to her, waving his arms crazily. “Can I talk to you?”

Rika noticed her best friend waving at her and smiled. She strolled up to him casually. “What is it, sunbae?” She teased. 

“Am I really a sunbae?” He cocked a brow.

“You look like one. Look at you! Dressed sharp and clean.” She punched his arm bashfully. “Haha, anyway, what is it?” 

“It's our 3rd frienniversay, today,” Jay smiled, making Rika gasped. “Omo, I forgot all about it!” Jay shook his head. “It's okay. I planned something for us.” 

“Ah chinjayo?” Rika squealed and jumped excitedly. “What are we doing?” 

“You'll see.” He winked. Rika's complexion had a streak of red painted on her face. Jay Chou then took her hand and started to walk to the station that was at least twenty minutes far from Rika's school. Arriving and hopping on the train, it made Rika curious on where they're going for their frienniversay. After hopping off the train and taking a taxi, Rika finally realized where they were going after arriving to the destination: Grand Children's Park in Seoul.

“Isn't this the first place we met?” 

“Yep! For the rest of the day, we're going to spend some time here! Like before~” 


“Ah, today was fun.” Rika smiled and took a bite out of her corn. “Thanks for taking me, Oppa.” 

“No worries,” Jay patted her head and flung an arm around her."It was nice, re-incarnating memories just like back then." He hummed and walked her to a bench. He took a seat; Rika taking a seat beside him. "So, since it's the beginning of your summer vacation at this moment, any plans?"

Rika huffed. "Well, not really. My parents are going on their uh, fifteenth anniversary in two days so I'm going to be all alone with my annoying sisters for a week. But, in two weeks, I'll be going to Jeju Island with my best friend and her family." Rika thought for a bit. "I'm not sure what I'll be doing after the trip. What about you?" She took a bite out of her corn.

"Actually…" Jay spoke in a sad tone. "I'll be going back here by tomorrow to continue my job as a trainee…"

Rika spat out her corn. "WHAT????"

"For a while, I've been a trainee for a while now but I didn't want to tell you because you flip. And you did." Jay explained his reasoning. "I'll be staying after you're mother picks you up, not at the park though."

"Well, so this is our goodbye then?"

"No it's never! We'll keep each other's hearts and-"

Rika's eyes are wide like saucers extended her eyelids. "Did you just say 'we will keep each other's hearts'?" She again thought for a bit. "Were you confessing to me!?"

"I-I" Jay hesitated, but sighed in resignation. "Well, you got my tongue there, Rika. I like you.." He blushed. "Sashireun cheom bwasseul ttae buteo geudael joha haedago
mara giga naegen cham eoryeo watdeon geojyo~" He began to sang; this making Rika blush.

Meonjeo yeonrak haji aneunmyeon geudael nochil kkabwa

geuljareul sseugo ddobogo ji ugil banbok haetjyo

gipeo jimyeon sangcheo ppunil georaneun saenggake

duryeo umi apseon geon sashiri jiman

ganjeoran mameuro gido hago baraetdeon sarami

geudae rago nan mideoyo

Ooh~ I’m in love Ooh~ I’m fall in love

duryeobjin andeyo geudaewa hamgge ramyeon

sesangeun neomu areum dabjyo

I thought I never gonna fall in love, but I’m in love

Cause I wanna love you baby

sashireun cheom bwasseul ttae buteo naemam sogeuro buteo

geudaen pado cheoreom ilyeo deureo ontong haru jongil geudaeman tteo ullyeo

I can be a good lover, wanna be your neip clover

sesange seo gajang haengbokhan yeojaga dwen geotman gatayo

geudaen gotta believe me, make you never gonna leave me

eushim hajin anheullaeyo geudael mideul kkeyo

Ha~ aah I’m in love (with you my baby) Ha~ ahh I’m fall in love

duryeobjin andeyo geudaewa hamgge ramyeon

sesangeun neomu areum dabjyo

Ooh~ I’m in love, I’m so deep in love Ooh~ I’m fall in love

duryeobjin andeyo geudaewa hamgge ramyeon

sesangeun neomu areum dabjyo

geudaeneun neomu areum dabjyo

"I've been in love with you since. Will you allow Oppa to steal your first kiss?" Jay smiled sweetly. Rika kept blushing and approved his request. As the blasts of fireworks began to ring people's ears, Jay brushed his lips against hers, stealing her kiss ity.

End of Flashback

"WAAAH~ SO CUTE~” I squealed, in awe after hearing about another story about the two. “So is Jay, like, I dont know- famous now?” 

Well, I'm right here. I am Jay Chou. “It's been a while since I heard about him... So not quite sure...” 

“I had my first kiss at 13, but I just forgotten who it was.” I sighed, feeling bad on who stole my kiss ity. 

Donghyun chuckled at me. “Why would you forget? The first kiss is always special.” He smiled. There was some whip cream around the top line of his lips, all the way to the corner of his mouth. An eager feeling rushed up my spine: I wanted to kiss him. WHAT ON EARTH AM I THINKING? I, MIN YURI WANT TO KISS THE LEADER WITH THE MILKIEST-SMOOTHEST COMPLEXION AND THAT HAS A MAN'S FACE OF BOYFRIEND WHO WAS ORIGINALLY MY FIRST BIAS??? But, it looked like he forgotten to take out his makeup, with that guy liner and foundation and his hair that makes him look so y- ooh man I am so eager to kiss him. But why, though? Why? ;A; 

I wasn't thinking so I ended up putting my lips on his, making him shock by my actions. Donghyun was surprised indeed, but I felt his soft lips relax. I slowly pulled away, flushing in colors of red. “Mianhae... Oppa... I wasn't thinking..." 

Donghyun faintly chuckled and smiled. “It's okay. I wasnt thinking as well.” He grabbed my chin, for me to face him. “That action you did just a moment ago, it made me think you like me.” Donghyun smirked.

I blushed hard. “What!? What made you think that!?”

“Well, let's see...” He began, still with a smirk on his face. “I like you?” 


“Yeah, I like you.” Donghyun confessed, giving me a smile on his face. He leaned in closer... 

We were only a centimeter away...

The touch of our noses to the touch of our lips, we kissed the night away with no regret. 


FOR A PLOT TWIST ㅋㅋㅋㅋ *evil smirk*

*: Sinisiyeo means something like "Oh my God"; similiar though.

In case you want to know what the members of Version 7.0 look like, here you go:




Jae-in (Cherry)






Anyway, hope you enjoy this chappie~ ^^


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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)