The Ultimate Game... OF HIDE AND SEEK? Part 1

Variety Love

a/n: so just a reminder that when you see someone's POV title colored in red, that means the day in the chapter is recording day (or filming day). Enjoy ^^

Dongwoo's POV

"....Dongwoo-ah.... Wake up...."


"Why aren't... Waking up....?"

"... Rise and Shine... Hyung...." 



I jumped and I glanced to Sungyeol, who had been screaming my name this past hour. It's already morning? I rubbed my eyes hazily and got off my bed, taking a stretch. 

"Aish, Dongwoo-Ah, I've been calling your name for the past hour... You have ten minutes before we are LATE." Sungyeol told me and left the room. Ten minutes!? 

I quickly opened the closet, looking for the easiest yet comfortable clothes I can wear; then setting off to the shower. Seven minutes have passed and I'm already in my boxers. My water-drizzled hair glimmered in the sunlight as I struggled to get in my jeans. I buckled my belt and took off, shirtless and rushing to the dining room while holding my shirt. I have only one minute left. As my nose sensed food in the midst corner, I dashed as fast as I can and finally grabbed a chair, not bothering to sit on it. 

"Morning, Dongwoo!" The others greeted me. 

"Morning." I greeted back, panting.

"Good mofning!" Woohyun greeted, with his mouth full. 

"Dude, manners." Donghyun poked Woohyun's arm with a fork. He glanced at me, "Uh, should I ask why...?"

"Ah, this Choding here," I glared at Sungyeol, who was happily eating his food, ignoring my glare. "Woke me up and said I have ten minutes left." 

"Put on your shirt," Sunggyu demanded. "Do that now or Yuri will see you like-" 

"Good morning~" Yuri happily greeted us, walking into the dining hall.

"Morning, Yuri!" The others greeted.

"Morning, L-ssi~" Yuri waved to the visual. He waved back, shyly.  

She sat next to her cousins, who are telling her a good morning. Yuri then noticed that I wasn't sitting yet. "Dongwoo-Oppa you should sit d-" After noticing me, she bit her lip and positioned herself to not look at me. 

"Ah," Youngmin poked her, teasing her. "Someone's red this morning." 

"Is it because of Dongwoo?" Kwangmin whispered into her ear, making her redder. "Or is it something you read on the Internet?"

"Is she okay?" Jeongmin looked at her, somewhat a little confused. "She was calling you two Eonnie yesterday and now what?" 

"She told me last night that her favorite of INFINITE was Dongwoo, before it was Sungyeol." Sungjong spoke up, before any of us can get into more utter confusion. "Yuri never told me her reason, though." 

So that's why she's acting awkward... I thought and I smirked to myself. Heh, this should be interesting. "I'll now put my shirt on." I told her and she turned around, her eyes still averted from me. I put on my shirt and finally sat down. She looked at me quickly and after seeing me with a shirt on, Yuri started to eat without saying a word. 

Ten Minutes Later....

"So today all of you are going to play a game for today's episode." one of the producer hyungs began. We only film twice a week; one on how our day goes and two our challenge(s). We filmed yesterday's [last chapter] episode or the first one and today is the second one. 

"Yah, what game?" Sungyeol asked lazily. Typical Yeollie.... 

"What do you think Yuri?" Donghyun asked the 18-year old girl. 

Yuri shrugged. "It doesn't really matter. Whatever it is, we'll have fun right?" 

Everyone was impressed by her words. Myungsoo asked her, "Do you think it might be a game of hiding?" 

Yuri smiled at him. "You make a good point; I mean this place is huge." 

"I think so," Myungsoo gave a small smile. 

"Today you guys are playing...." The producer Hyung announced. All of us were anxious and eager to know what the challenge/game is. "Hide and Seek." 

Hide and Seek? 

Myungsoo's POV

"Today you guys are playing hide and seek." 

Everyone's reaction was confusing because it went from 'are you kidding me or what?' reaction to 'what the heck are you talking about?' reaction. In overall, we can do a scavenger hunt or something else but hide and seek? What the heck? 

Suddenly, I felt something painful went across the back of my head. I turned around, it was Sungyeol who did it. "YAH! WHAT THE HELL!?"

"Did you tell them that you want Hide and Seek? Cause it looked like you did!" Sungyeol shook me hard that I can barely feel my legs. "It was you!" 

"YAH! It was a guess! Ask of the noonas or hyungs!" I shouted, trying to stop Yeollie from shaking me. 

"Stop, Stop Hyungs! We're in the middle of the show!" Sungjong tried to break us apart but Sungyeol still kept shaking me. Sungjong eventually pulled us apart, finally as I tried to maintain my balance. 

"But it's an alternate version of hide and seek." The producer told us and we were a little surprised from what we heard. "It's a game of chase; you have to find your target but still remain hidden from your chaser." 

"We can move and look for them right?" Sunggyu asked and the producer nodded. 

"After you find your target, you need to go find your target's target and so on." 

This just reminds me of the Brain King challenge. Memories, not really helping at all. The producer told us more instructions and we were now given a piece of paper, folded so no one can see including a water gun so we can capture our targets plus, make them wet. Before we can begin the game, we needed to go hide first. We have a 2-minute head start for each person. After the producer blew the whistle, we all dashed in endless directions. I hid in a storage room, that was quite small for only me and the cameraman to fit. I opened my piece of paper and it read:

Hello Myungsoo. Your target is Yuri. Good luck. 

It also included a picture of her. 

My eyes widen a little bit. Yuri is my target? I then smirked thinking, this should be a fun day. I showed my target to the camera and I whispered, "Yuri-chan, I'll come and get you." 

I gave a wink at the camera. 

[a/n: okay, here are everyone's targets: Myungsoo >Yuri> Minwoo> Woohyun> Sungjong> Hyunseong> Kwangmin> Sungyeol> Dongwoo> Hoya> Youngmin> Jeongmin> Donghyun>Sunggyu ]

Sungyeol's POV

Ah, my target is Dongwoo. I wonder who got me... I hope it isn't Kwangmin [you fool, it is him!]. I quickly opened the door from my hiding space, glancing at both sides if anyone was there. I opened the door, gesturing the cameraman to come and follow and started to walk. This might take forever to find Dongwoo. He can be a genius or and idiot, so there's a disadvantage and an advantage to me. 

I ran up the stairs and went to me and my target's dorm just to hide for a little while. I locked the door after the cameraman went inside. "Wait..." I spoke to myself. "If someone's checking in here, they'll be suspicious of who's inside..." I unlocked the door and opened the closet, to find Hoya who is hiding in my closet. I jumped.

"YAH!!!!" I threw a ball at him that was on the floor. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CLOSET YOU PUNK?" 

"Aishh! Shut up! People might find us!" Hoya shushed me and got out of the closet. "Okay, who's your target? I'll tell you mine." 

Should I trust this guy? "I shouldn't tell you." I answered. 

"Mine is Youngmin, see?" Hoya opened his paper and showed me it. He was right, it was Youngmin. "I think yours is Dongwoo?"

"How did you-" I clasped my mouth after I said my words. "Fine. You got it out of me." 

Then after a small silence, the door creaked open. Me and Hoya jumped, and I felt my palms sweat. Is it my target? Or is it my chaser? 

The door revealed Minwoo, to our relief. Minwoo saw us and waved "What are you doing here? Oh wait- am I interrupting a moment?" 

"Nah, that's for Sungyeol and Myungsoo." Hoya snickered and I hit him on the back of his head. He looked at me, rubbing his head. "Yah, it's true! Once I came inside our new dorm, L and Sungyeol were doing the Pepero game all alone!" I hit his head even harder. I felt red and Minwoo just stared at me as if I was crazy. 

"Awh man, are you nuts?" Minwoo glared at me. "Dude, you're like my Hyung and you're acting like this?" 

"He's the Choding all right." Hoya rolled his eyes. "Should we leave? I feel like we're going to drag the others in your room." 

We all agreed and parted our separate ways. 

Yuri's POV

Ah, Minwoo-Oppa is my target? Oh well. I was hiding underneath a desk that was in a library (yes, they have a library) with my cameraman also hiding across from me. It's been already 12:00pm, 20 minutes after we ate and went to begin the game and I want to go out. I carefully slipped out of the desk and gave a gesture to the camera saying 'i'll tell you when to get up'; slowly popping my head to see if anyone's there. 

As I was about to stand up, the door creaked and I quickly as possible hid under the desk again. "Give me your camera and pretend that you're one of the staff." I asked the cameraman and he obliged. He slowly slipped out from his place, giving me the camera with full care and I switched his hat with a bandana that was wrapped on my wrist. He tied it around his head and I whispered, "Okay, act like you're one of the staff. Oh and by the way, you can keep the bandana." 

He rose up and acted as if he was here all this time. I didn't know how it was apparently, but he did sound suprise who he saw. I wonder who... 

"Ah, you were here?" L's voice echoed and I shivered. "How come I didn't see you?" 

"I was looking for my bandana and I was crawling around the desks to look for it." The cameraman or I'll call him Jake for now told L. "And I found it! Why is Kwangmin here?"

"I'm Youngmin," Youngmin chuckled at the embarrassed Jake. "Have you seen Jeongmin by any chance?"

"Nope I haven't, he's your target?" 

Youngmin nodded. "Hyung's target is Yuri." 

I froze. Myungsoo IS my chaser? Oh man! I started to feel my palms to sweat like crazy and I started to feel hot. "Myungsoo is my chaser!?" I said to myself, VERYYY quietly. I fanned myself because it was hot and I'm wearing a black knitted sweater and shorts. I was happy I'm wearing shorts but the worst part is the knitted sweater and how I'm wearing high-knee work socks along with high tops. , if he finds out I'm here, I am dead. 

"Have you seen her?" Myungsoo asked Jake.

"No I haven't, apparently. But I did hear from Jeongmin he ran into her but only for a little while." Jake lied, but he didn't sound like he wasn't lying. And they believed it. 

"Bwoh!?" L's eyes widen in front of Jake. He had a grin on his face. "Where?" 

"Last time, he was on the fifth floor of the house when he ran into Yuri." 

"Thank you!" The two thanked Jake, who was very good in acting. 

"Yuri-chan, I'm coming." Myungsoo snickered and left the library along with Youngmin. I blushed when he said 'Yuri-chan.'.Five minutes after the two left and out of sight, Jake returned to me and I stood up. 

"Nice acting." I complimented. "Okay, we need to go on the main floor, but we have to take the stairs. And find our hiding spot." 

I started to take a run for it from the third floor. This isn't any ordinary hide and seek game. 

Jeongmin's POV

I lazily sat on the stairwell between the fourth and fifth floor, thinking of my next plan or strategy, which was kinda hard to figure out. What if I go down ad my chaser if just right there? If I go up, will my target will be there? Ideas and strategies were flying all over the place. I chewed on my lower lip, still trying to think of a plan. I stood up and started to go downstairs, not caring what's going to happen. But what I didn't know as I arrived on the fourth floor, Donghyun and Sunggyu were talking. 

My target. He is just right there. 

I casually walked in and called out, "Ai, Hyung!" 

Donghyun and Sunggyu did notice me. "Oh, hello!" 

"Have you seen Minwoo?" I lied, pretending he's my target. "He's my target and I can't find him." 

"Last time he was on the third floor with L," Donghyun answered, believing me. "They were looking for Yuri and you." 

Wait what? "Me? Who's target am I?" 

"Youngmin's." Donghyun answered me. "Myungsoo's Yuri." 

"My target is Sungyeol." Donghyun spoke. But something's not right.

Hold on. Since Donghyun's my target, isn't Sunggyu his target? Hen looked like he was lying because he was utterly close to Sunggyu at the moment. If I can fire at Donghyun, I can fire Sunggyu. This is a good plan. But I need to wait. I asked Sunggyu, "Who's your target?"


"Wait, lemme check who's my target again. I don't think it's Minwoo." I opened my paper, just looking at it for a bit; then I looked up. "Oh yeah, it's not Minwoo." 

"Then who is it?" Donghyun asked me.

"You, Hyung." I shot the water at him. And now, I shot water at Sunggyu. "You too, Hyung." 

There was an awkward silence between us. Until I started to laugh. 

"Wait- I was your target!?" Donghyun shouted at me and I laughed hard. "And Donghyun's was my chaser!?" Sunggyu shouted at me, as well. 

"I'm sorry! I had to do it!" I apologized to the two hyungs, who are apparently a little mad at me at the moment, but I hugged them and pulled away quickly. "So, L's my new target right?" 

The two nodded. "We'll follow you and thanks for ruining my yellow polo shirt." Sunggyu nudged. It did look nice, but there's that one wet stain that was on the torso of the shirt. Donghyun's shirt did easily show a wet stain on the sleeve. My plan worked perfectly. 

Time to chase the Visual of INFINITE.

a/n: Donghyun and Sunggyu are out!
Jeongmin is that sneaky...
Who do you think who will win the game? 

Lol, this is like the Brain King Challenge :3 
Thanks for reading! C: 
Updating soon! ^^

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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)