Surprise, Surprise!

Variety Love

I laid back on my cloud-like bed and felt the coldness of the sheets strangled me. It's been a heck of a long day, school and band practice... It's hard to live a music and somewhat not-so normal life. I stated at my wall filled with Miss A to 2NE1, After School to Wonder Girls, B2ST to SHINee and BOYFRIEND to INFINITE posters. My mom told me that we'll have some visitors over but she didn't tell me who'll be coming. I stretched lazily and heard a knock on my room door. 

"Come in." I crooned, getting ready to take a nap. 

The door creaked vaguely, and revealed two figures that I gazed hazily. I didn't know who are they until I did a double take and had my toothy-grin formed on my lips.

"Kwangmin-Oppa! Youngmin-Oppa!" I shrieked in happiness and jumped out of my bed, to give them a warm hug. My twin cousins, who are from BOYFRIEND. 

The two gave out a laugh. "Orenminda, Yuri!" And they released me from the hug. 

"You grew taller!" Kwangmin smiled and stared at me. "Last time you were at least your mother's height!"

"How you two been? I heard you're Japanese album is going out be released soon!" I smiled and gazed at my twin cousins. 

"Everything is good so far!" Kwangmin spoke to me, giving me the 'ok' gesture. "Plus, don't be formal! Just call us by our names, okay?" 

"Okay~" I replied in a sing-song voice. "But why are you guys here? Are the others here too?"

"They're just walking around for a bit," Youngmin answered. "Hyung has a gift for you." 

"Really?" I grinned brightly. "What is it?" 

Youngmin handed me a box that was wrapped in light blue. I thanked him as I peeled off the wrapper. I stared at the unwrapped box and flicking the cover off. Inside was a Polaroid camera I always wanted since I was 13. My smile grew even bigger. This is an absolute bliss. 

"A Polaroid?" I asked excitedly and Youngmin nodded. "Jeongmin wanted to give you A gift for saying thank you being part of the fandom and being a great friend." 

I blushed lightly. No one knew I was friends with BOYFRIEND, not even the fact I was related to two of the members. Jeongmin was my bias, so whenever I'm around him it feels awkward in a way. 

"Okay, Yuri. We have some news for you." The twins said at the same time.

News? What news? Should this be a good thing or what? Is Version 7.0 going to get their big break? Or is it something else I should be aware of? Why an I panicking!?

I gulped lightly. "A-ah, okay. What is the news?" 

Youngmin and Kwangmin exchanged looks and gave me their signature grin. Kwangmin took a breath, "How you would like it if you're going to be on a variety show with your favorite groups?" 

My eyes turned into saucers. 

What. The. . Did. He. Say? 

"C-Come again?" I stammered. 

"You're going to be on a variety show with us and INFINITE!" Youngmin shook me, snapping out of my confused thoughts that were triggering in my mind. "It's start's next week, so you better get packing!" 

"OMO! Are you freaking serious!? OMO OMO OMO!!!" I squealed and the two nodded and gave me a hug, to try to calm me down. 

"Aish Yuri, when did you start to get all hyped-up?" Kwangmin playfully nudged my shoulder and I smiled happily. This day couldn't get any better or what?

"Wait- what is the point of the variety show? I mean- is there something we have to do?" I asked, still a but confused. 

"Think of it as that American show Big Brother but no elimination. We stay at the house for a good 6 months." 

We chatted for a little while until their manager told them they have to go. After their departure, I slumped on my bed with a toothy grin on my fair complexion. Maan, I can't wait for next week. This is going to be an absolute, crazy adventure for me. 

a/n: herro! So I hoped you enjoyed :) 
Sorry if it's a little short :p
But I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! :) 
More coming up soon. 

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IAmFriendly #1
Too freaking cute >_<
Annyeong author-nim ~
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Natie2 #3
Chapter 14: 2nd woohyun!
b2uty4ever #4
Chapter 9: Really liking this story :)