Chapter 5: Being there for you

Confusing Love

Alarm rings in seventeens dorm. Mingyu gets up to turn it off.

"Hey Seungkwan wake up." Mingyu yelled.

Seungkwan was still sleeping. After Mingyu was poking his face so many times to wake up, Seungkwan finally got up. He was walking very weirdly.

"Are you ok? You are walking strangely." Mingyu asked.

"Yea I'm fine it's just..." Seungkwan fainted on the floor without finishing his sentence.

"Hey what's wrong with you? Get off the floor." Mingyu yelled.

Seungkwan couldn't get up. He looked really warm and he was holding his head. He looked like he was in a lot of pain.

"Hey! You stay here! I'll go get the nurse!" Mingyu told Seungkwan worriedly.

Mingyu was running to the nurses office. When you were going out of your dorm to get breakfast you saw Mingyu running.

"Hey! Why are you running? There's no reason to run in the hallways." You yelled at Mingyu.

Mingyu ignored you. He still kept running to the nurses office. You knew something was wrong so you went to seventeens dorm to check it out. When you entered you went straight to Mingyu and Seungkwan's bedroom. When you entered Seungkwan was on the floor.

"SEUNGKWAN! ARE YOU OK?" You said surprisingly but worriedly too.

Seungkwan ignored you because of how much pain he was in. You went over there to check his head. His head was really warm.

"You have a fever! I have to get you to your bed!" You said worriedly.

You picked him since he was struggling to walk. You were also struggling to pick him. When you finally got a hold of him you put him in his bed.

"I also need to get you a cold towel!" You said.

You ran out of the room to go get a towel but someone was in your way.

"Hey get out of my-" you looked and it was the nurse with Mingyu.

"Exuse me dear, I need to get through and check on Seungkwan and see what wrong with him." The nurse said politely.

You went out of the nurses way. And went outside their bedroom.

The nurse was checking his forehead and checking his temperature. She got a cold towel and put it on his head. After the nurse was done checking up on him, she went up to you guys to tell the news.

"Seungkwan just has a fever. He has to stay in bed for a couple of days and he can't go to school." The nurse told you and Mingyu.

"Oh ok. Thank you nurse." Mingyu said to the nurse. And the nurse left.

You were really worried about Seungkwan. You didn't want to go to school alone. You wanted to stay and help Seungkwan. But the nurse made you go to school.

After getting ready for school you went to go check on Seungkwan. He was still sleeping. You went to go change his towel before you left. You also left him some breakfast on his desk. You made him pancakes with a smiley face made out of chocolate chips. You thought he should start his day off with a smile. After all that you walked to school alone. This was your first time walking to school alone. You didn't really have anyone to talk to so you just listened to your rock music very loudly.

"I'm so worried about  going to school alone. I don't know what to do. My only friend is Seungkwan." You said talking to yourself.

As you were still walking Mingyu was walking right pass you. You wanted to walk with him to school but you guys were sort of like enemies, so you just continued to walk all by yourself.

Finally you ended up at school. As you entered people noticed Seungkwan wasn't by your side.

"Hey guys lets plan to do something to her." This random girl said to her friends.

As you were walking someone threw their backpack in front of you and you fell. Everyone was laughing and pointing at you. You were really embarrassed. You were about to run back outside but someone came up and helped you.

"Hey freak. Get up." It was Mingyu. He put his hand out so he can help you. You grabbed his hand and got up. After he helped you up he walked away to go to class. You were really confused why he helped you, but you didn't worry about it.

At lunchtime...

You were sitting alone eating lunch. You were just listening to music while eating.

While at Mingyu's table...

"Hey look at that girl! She is such a loner!" One of Mingyu's friends from his table said. They were all laughing and pointing at you. You didn't really care what they were doing and you didn't really know what they were saying so you continued eating lunch.

Mingyu got up from the table with his lunch and walked over to your table.

"Hey! Mingyu! Where are you going?" One of his friends said.

He ignored them and just kept walking to your lunch table. When he sat down across from you, you looked up. You took out your headphones.

"Why are you sitting here? Are you here to harass me so you can give entertain your friends?" You said harshly.

"Can I just sit here and eat my lunch because I want to?" Mingyu said to you.

As Mingyu was looking down at his food and eating you smiled and then continued to eat your food too.


After school you are walking all by yourself...


You put your headphones on again and listen to your music very loudly. Then all of a sudden someone walks with you. You knew who it was. You took off your headphones to ask him something. 

"Mingyu, why are you walking with me?" you said harshly.

"Because I can? Besides we are going the same way so you are going to see me no matter what." Mingyu said harshly.

"Um no were not. I'm going to the cafe to get some hot chocolate." You said.

"Oh good. I can go with you since I want some coffee for this cold weather." Mingyu said without hesitating.

"Ughh whatever. Let's go. But you better not harrass me or else I will kill you in the cafe." You said annoyed.

"Why would i harrass you? I'm not that harsh of a person." Mingyu said saracasticly.

You thought that he was very irritating. How can he think that he's not that harsh of a person? It's like he's mental and forgot about all the stuff he did to you. 


You and Mingyu are at the cafe ordering your drinks...

"Hello what would you guys like to order today?" A worker behind the counter asked you guys.

"I would like 2 hot chocolates and 1 coffee please." You said to the worker.

"Why are you ordering 2 hot chocolates? Are you that thirsty..." Mingyu said to you.


"Haha! You guys are so cute! Are you guys going out?" The worker asked.

You both scoffed.

"Psh I would never date this guy. He's too immature." You said to Mingyu.

"Thats too bad. You guys seem cute together." The worker said. "That would be 10,000 won (about 10 dollars I think?) please." The worker told you. 

Mingyu tried to give his money to the worker but you backed his arm away and paid for all of the drinks

"You owe me." You said to Mingyu.

"Pshh you offered. I didn't ask you to pay for it anyways." Mingyu murmured.

You guys got all of your drinks and sat down at a table. You guys were silent for awhile because you guys didn't really have anything to talk about. You guys were just sittiing there sipping your drinks. You were about to say something but...

"Hey look it's Minah and Mingyu!" It was Jihoom who said it.

It looks like some of the seventeen members came to get a drink too.

"Hi Noona!" Samuel yelled in your ear.

"Hi Samuel!" You said and pet his head. 


"So what are you guys doing here? It looks like you guys are having a.... date." Junhui said teasingly.


"Eww! You are being like the worker behind the counter! She thought we were together." You yelled at Junhui

Mingyu was just sitting there trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh I remembered. I can't take this to Seungkwan. I need to go to the library and research this paper I have to do." You said to yourself.

"HEY JUNHUI! Can you give this hot chocolate to Seungkwan when you guys go back to the dorm?" You asked.

"Yea no problem." Junhui told you.

"Thank You so much! I have to go to the library now. I'll see you guys later." You said and walked out.

"Hey guys I just remembered that I have a paper due too. I'll go catch up with Minah. Bye guys see you later." Mingyu said and caught up with you.

"I have a feeling Mingyu likes her or something.." Junhui said to Jihoon.

"Naah I don't think so. I just think he wants to mess with her or something. But I don't know. Who knows.." Jihoon told Junhui.

"Hmm maybe you are right." Junhui said 


You are walking to the library and all of a sudden Mingyu catches up with you.

"HEY! WHY DO YOU KEEP FOLLOWING ME?!?!" You yelled at Mingyu.

"HEY! I HAVE A PAPER TOO YOU KNOW!" Mingyu yelled back.

You were getting annoyed of how he isn't acting like his regular self today. He was actually being.. Nice to you.

You guys finally made it to the library. When you came in you immediately looked for a book about your reasearch paper. You tried to look for the right one but they all weren't really helpful. You tried to get this book on the high shelf. You extended you arm as far as you can to reach it.

"Here I'll get it for you." Mingyu said and grabbed it for you.

"Wow thanks. I guess." You said without any emotion.

"Whatever." Mingyu said and then walked away.

When you finally got the right book for your research paper you went on the computer to type it. Mingyu who was also done looking for a book sat right next to you. You guys were really focused on writing your paper. You were so bored and you felt like you wanted to go to sleep. After writing about half of your paper you fell asleep. You were dreaming about going on tour playing your instruments. You were having such a good dream, But...


"HEY FREAK WAKE UP!" Mingyu yelled at you.

You were still trying to wake up. When you finally can se you still noticed you were still in the library writing your report.

"Hey you know it's almost 6 right? I think we should head back now." Mingyu whispered to you.

"Yea sure whatever I'll finish this at my dorm or something." You said in a sleepy tone.

After you guys walked out of the library, you were still kind of sleep walking.

"You still seem tired." Mingyu said to you.

You didn't really hear what he said. You were still kind of sleepy. Then Mingyu bent down. It's like he was offering you a piggyback ride.

"Just get on my back already." Mingyu said.

You didn't really feel like walking so you got on his back without hesitating to say no. When you got on his back you immediately fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Hmph I didn't expect you to be so light." Mingyu said talking to himself.

When he finally made it to the dorm, he opened your door and put you on your bed so you can rest. Then he left after putting you down.


Mingyu and Seungkwans room...

"Hey Seungkwan how are you doing?" Mingyu asked Seungkwan.

"I'm doing fine. I still don't feel good though." Seungkwan told Mingyu.

It was silent between both of them for awhile but Seungkwan broke the silence with a question.

"Hey Mingyu. I heard you went out on a date with Minah? Is it true?" Seungkwan asked Mingyu curiously.

"WHAT? WHO TOLD YOU IT WAS A DATE?!?!" Mingyu yelled.

"Oh so it wasn't a date. Good." Seungkwan sighed in relief.

"Why are you happy it wasn't a date? Do you like her or something?" Mingyu said jokingly.

"Umm..." Seungkwan just said.

"Wait you really like her?" Mingyu said surprisingly.

"Yeah." Seungkwan said.

"Oh thats cool I guess." Mingyu said sadly.

Mingyu doesn't really care about any other girls; therefore, he only cares for you.

"Wait you like her too?" Seungkwan asked Mingyu.

"What! No! I don't like that freak at all!" Mingyu yelled at Seungkwan.

"Ok just asking." Seungkwan said to Mingyu.

"Sigh... I do like her..." Mingyu whispering to himself. 

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Oh my god! This was in 2013 !!! I bet the writer is happy SEVENTEEN debuted now!
HeyItsAshd #2
Chapter 30: OMG Annmarie!!! I'm so late, but I FINALLY read the rest of the story!! I LOVE YOU for finishing it with Mingyu and Minah being together!! Haha! I miss you so much too! :( Well, I loved, loved, LOVED the story!!!! :D
_Sona_ #3
Chapter 15: HAHA! Samuel is so Funny! XD
gabriellaangelica #4
Chapter 30: Happy ending<3 luv it
Chapter 30: Nice Ending I love it :)
andrienna #6
Chapter 30: alkdhdabjsjsasabskasilaoashqksvsmwb oh my god i love this storyyyy!♥♥♥♥♥
The ending is sho fluffyyyy~ fluff fluff fluff~
Chapter 30: skhefadlnasldiknasldikn omg
2 q for u, ok.
omfg now update tABND.
Chapter 26: I wonder what's his way would be :)
Chapter 26: errrrr...... Seungkwan you bastard .....
leave them alone.... lols
thanks for the update
update soon ^^