Chapter 13: Back Off

Confusing Love

You woke up for school again. You did your usual and then went to meet Seungkwan and Mingyu. You were still kind of mad at Seungkwan for not saving you. You couldn't let it go. I mean it's only been yesterday since it happened.

"Hi Minah!" Seungkwan said happily and tried to hug you but you backed up.

"Cough, cough someone's still mad at you." Mingyu said.

"Shut up." Seungkwan said and punched him.

You crossed your arms.

"You can't still be mad at me. I said I was sorry." Seungkwan said.

You were just standing there mad in silent.

"Come on Mingyu let's go to school." You said and wrapped your arm around his and you guys walked away.

Seungkwan walked behind you guys.

"Aish. This girl." Seungkwan said irritated.

You were sitting with Mingyu's group while Seungkwan was sitting alone. You felt bad but you weren't going to hang out with him until he apologizes correctly.

"Mingyu..." You said sadly.

"Yea what is it?" Mingyu asked you.

"Do you think I'm overreacting about this?" You asked.

Mingyu didn't know what to say. All he wanted was you. He didn't want you to leave him, but he knew he had to do the right thing.

"To be honest, you are just overreacting. It wasn't his fault he couldn't help you. He was really busy slee- I mean singing and making a new song." Mingyu said and let a breath out.

"Really?! I didn't know that. I thought he was just sleeping and was too lazy to answer my call." You said.

"Oh you think so right..." Mingyu muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" You asked politely.

"Oh nothing... You should just go apologize to Seungkwan now." Mingyu said sadly.

"I will!" You said and stood up to go apologize to Seungkwan, but you froze and saw him talking to another girl.

They were both sitting down and talking to each other. You looked at both of them and sat back down.

"What's wrong?" Mingyu asked.

"Look." You said sadly.

Mingyu turned around and saw that Seungkwan was talking to another girl.

"What the hell is he doing talking to other girls?!?" Mingyu yelled.

You were too busy being sad that you didn't hear him.

"I'm going to talk to him." Mingyu said and clenched his fist and got up.

You pulled his arm.

"No Mingyu! Don't!" You yelled.

Mingyu didn't quite hear you and tried to get out of you but you came up and hugged him from the behind to beg him not to go.

"Please don't. I'm begging you not to do anything." You said innocently.

Mingyu was shocked but he turned around.

"Sigh. I would do anything for you." Mingyu said and smiled.

You and Mingyu walking...

Since you were really sad about Seungkwan talking to another girl you decided to hang out with Mingyu today. Mingyu didn't mind because he knew how you felt.

"Do you want to do something today?" Mingyu asked you.

You were silent. It's like you were in your own little world. Mingyu snapped you back into reality.

"Oh sorry what was it?" You asked Mingyu.

"You are still thinking about Seungkwan are you?" Mingyu asked.

You were silent because it was true.

"I'll tell you what. Both of us will go together and talk to him about it. Ok?" Mingyu said politely.

Mingyu was sad about it, but he just wanted you to be happy.

You smiled and just gave him a hug.

"You are such a good friend." You said.

Mingyu just smiled.

"Let's go back to the dorm so we can talk to Seungkwan about it ok?" Mingyu said.

You just nodded and walked with him.
You and Mingyu just walked in the dorm....

Samuel sees both of you guys entering.

"NOONA! Did you break up with Seungkwan Hyung and finally went with Mingyu Hyung?" Samuel yelled.

"What did he say?" You asked Mingyu and took out your earphones out of your ears.

"He said nothing! Right Samuel?" Mingyu looked at him.

"Yea Noona! I didn't say anything!" Samuel said and gave Mingyu a thumb up.

"Hey Samuel. Do you know where Seungkwan is?" You asked him.

"I think he's in the studio." Samuel said and pointed where the studio is.

"Thank you Samuel!" You said and patted his head and left with Seungkwan.

You and Mingyu went to the studio and saw Seungkwan  sitting down and putting his head down.

“Seungkwan?” You said and you and Mingyu entered.

“Minah!” Seungkwan’s face lit up.

“Um I need to talk to you about something. Actually Mingyu and I need to talk to you about something.” You said.

When Seungkwan saw Mingyu with you, his face went down.

“Why is he here…?” Seungkwan said harshly.

“Oh because we both needed to talk to you about something.” You said cheeringly.


You were standing there really confused. You didn’t know what he was talking about.

Mingyu just rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to start anything.

“Whats going on Mingyu?” You asked him confusingly.

“Nothing. Seungkwan is just getting jealous that I’m hanging out with you today.” Mingyu said.

“Im going to leave now before Seungkwan starts a fight with me.” Mingyu said and left.

“What are you talking about?” You asked Seungkwan.

He really wanted to tell you that it was Mingyu liking you but he knew if he told you, you would have a change of heart.

“Nothing. Sorry for that. I just get really jealous when you are with other boys.” Seungkwan said.

“Oh now you know how I feel.” You said quietly.

“What?” Seungkwan said.

You didn’t want to tell him without Mingyu. But you just had to come out and say what was bothering.

“Sigh…. I saw you talking to another girl during lunch today.” You said.

“Oh her! That was a friend of mine trying to help me with a song. Don’t worry. She’s like a senior. I would never cheat on you.” Seungkwan said.

“Promise?” You said teasingly and put out your pinky for a pinky promise.

“If you don’t cheat on me, then I promise.” Seungkwan said and wrapped his pinky finger around yours.

You both chuckled.

“Oh Im sorry for overreacting about how you didn’t save me yesterday.” You said and then looked down.

“No don’t apologize. I should apologize for not saving you. It’s my job to make sure your safe and I didn’t do that.  If something happened to you my life would be over.” Seungkwan said seriously.

“It’s ok. Don’t worry. Nothing will ever happen to me.” You said and gave him a hug.

You guys hugged for a little bit then Seungkwan heard your stomach growl.

“We should get going now. Im hungry and want food!” You said.

“You are always hungry. That’s why you are so adorable.” Seungkwan said.

“Shut up. Let’s go out for soup since its cold outside.” You said.

“Shh! The other members might hear us! They always have to go with us everywhere.” Seungkwan said.

“Don’t worry. I don’t think they will hear us.” You said.

“Yeah we did and were coming with you guys!” It sounded like Seungcheol.

"Crap." Seungkwan whispered.

"It's fine." You said.

"Hey go tell everyone to get ready then!" Seungkwan yelled at Seungcheol.

"We are already ready!" Seungcheol said.

"Let's go then." Seungkwan said and put his arm around you.

Then you both walked out and met with the other seventeen members.

Seventeens dorm...

Mingyu is sitting and using his laptop. Samuel comes in.


"Hyung! Are you going with them to get soup?" Samuel asked Mingyu.

"Nope, I dont feel like getting soup." Mingyu said.

"When is Noona going to break up with Seungkwan Hyung?" Samuel asked innocently.

"I don't know really. It's ok with me as long as she's happy." Mingyu said.


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Oh my god! This was in 2013 !!! I bet the writer is happy SEVENTEEN debuted now!
HeyItsAshd #2
Chapter 30: OMG Annmarie!!! I'm so late, but I FINALLY read the rest of the story!! I LOVE YOU for finishing it with Mingyu and Minah being together!! Haha! I miss you so much too! :( Well, I loved, loved, LOVED the story!!!! :D
_Sona_ #3
Chapter 15: HAHA! Samuel is so Funny! XD
gabriellaangelica #4
Chapter 30: Happy ending<3 luv it
Chapter 30: Nice Ending I love it :)
andrienna #6
Chapter 30: alkdhdabjsjsasabskasilaoashqksvsmwb oh my god i love this storyyyy!♥♥♥♥♥
The ending is sho fluffyyyy~ fluff fluff fluff~
Chapter 30: skhefadlnasldiknasldikn omg
2 q for u, ok.
omfg now update tABND.
Chapter 26: I wonder what's his way would be :)
Chapter 26: errrrr...... Seungkwan you bastard .....
leave them alone.... lols
thanks for the update
update soon ^^