
That One Nerd

As days passed by you started to get stressed out due to over thinking. Rumors that Gi Kwang and Leesa are dating is spread all around school. Your schoolmates didn't know that you were Gi Kwang's real girlfriend. Someone even put their photo under your desk to make you feel jealous and just break up with him. But you stayed strong. You know that Gi Kwang won't cheat on you. 



At the same time Eun Hee was also busy managing her club booth, you left so lonely in class. You felt relief because at least Ji Yeun is there to keep you company during recess. After school you wanted to get a frozen yogurt but Ji Yeun had to go to tuition. So you had to go there alone. 

While you were on your way you met your primary school friend, Hyun Seung.

"Byun Seo Rim? That's your name right?" he said.

"Yes, that's me." 

"Don't you remember me? I'm Jang Hyun Seung. We went to the same primary school before. I sat behind you in class. But then I moved when we were in 4th grade."

"Um.." you murmured while trying to recognise his face. "Here, here, let me show you something." he took out his wallet and showed you a photo. "Look carefully, this is you right here, and this is me." he pointed out our faces in the photo. "This photo was taken during sports day." he explained. 

"Ah, Hyun Seung, yes, yes, now I remember. Wow, I can't believe that you still kept this photo. It has been a very long time since the last time I met."

"Of course I would still keep this photo. You were my only friend back then."

you giggled a little as you remembered that Hyun Seung was quite nerdy back then and now he has turn into a good looking boy.

"Ah, Hyun Seung you've have changed a lot." you said while patting his back.

"Haha, it's nothing really, I just worked out a bit and changed my hairstyle, that's all. By the way, where are you heading to? Are you on your way home? If so I would walk you home." he said with a smile.

"Oh, no I'm not. I'm heading to the frozen yogurt shop. Do you want to join me?"

"Ah yes, I'd love to. And I'll pay." 

You accepted his offer and went straight to the frozen yogurt shop. As you arrived both of you grabbed your own cup, pick your own yogurt flavor and toppings. And as promised Hyun Seung paid.

Both of you sat at the table provided in the shop and had a conversation about their current life. After both you of you finished eating, you head to the door and bumped into...



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A story of a normal school girl who hates her deskmate but ended up falling in love with him.


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Chapter 28: I love it !!!!! I can't wait till the next chapter and I am a big fan of this story
Chapter 27: finally you updated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pouting
sallymin #3
Chapter 27: no not breakup please...
Chapter 2: poor kiki . He tottaly a good son . Kukuku~
Chapter 26: Omg where's kikwang I miss him
Chapter 25: yay you update and it was awesome , can't wait to see what happen
Chapter 24: aw kikwang
Chapter 24: I really love this story... ^_^ <3 So cute and lovely.
Chapter 24: i love your story and i would like to see what happen to both of them on christmas even though it not christmas yet
Chapter 22: keke kikwang i love him he so innocent