Chapter 19

One Roof, 2 Group Gangster, 6 Boyfriends-To-Be


‘Did you see that girl? She’s sure a beauty, I would have gotten more of her if it weren’t for those guys’ The boy previously on the bus snickered to his friend. Before he could say anything more, a hand grabbed him from the back and slammed him against the wall.

‘What the h-’ his group of friends turned around furious to see who the culprit was but the minute they saw Kris, they turned weak.

‘W-what do you want? Hands off me’ the boy struggled as Kris had his hand on the boy's neck glaring hard at him. Behind him were Luhan, Lay, Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun glaring dangerously at the rest of the boys.

One of the boy’s friend gained courage and stepped up against Kris, ‘Hands off him’ he tried to pry Kris’ hand away from his friend. Luhan took the boy’s hand and smirked dangerously at him, ‘Know why we’re here?’

‘W-why?’ The boy stared right back at Luhan while his friend continued to struggle against Kris. Luhan kicked him in the stomach and said in the dark cold voice of his that contradicted his pretty face ‘To make you regret ever taking that bus’

With that say, all hell break loose. Lay, Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun captured the rest of the friends that tried to escape.

‘Hear that, today’s your doom day’ Kris smirked as he released his hand on the boy’s neck but landed a hard punch on the boy’s face the next moment without giving him time to catch his breath.  

Chanyeol caught the boy who tried to run away threw him onto the wall. The boy crashed onto the wall and slipped on the floor. Before he could even stand up, Chanyeol went over and stepped onto the boy’s leg ‘Trying to run away? You just anger me more’ Chanyeol stepped harder onto the boy’s leg while the boy shouted in pain.

Kai grabbed a boy’s collar and punched him on the face, ‘How dare you stared at Reina’s leg, shall I make you blind so that you can never do that again?’ Kai smiled as he suggested to the boy shivering under his hard glare.

Sehun kicked the boy he caught hard on his gut. The boy dropped to the ground pained from the hit.  Sehun bend down and whispered into his ear ‘Dont worry, after all this, I’ll make sure you wouldn’t feel any pain anymore.’ He grabbed the boy up and slammed him into the wall.

Lay walked towards the boy that slowly backed away. ‘Why are you backing away?’ Lay coolly strode towards him. ‘I didn’t do anything’ the boy shook his head as he continued to back away from Lay.

‘You feel the fear now? Reina was as scared as you when she was backing away from you guys. Didnt you guys think about that when you all decide to play around and molest her?’ Lay’s jaw clenched, his fist tightened.

‘Please, let me go’ the boy pleaded. ‘Sure,’ Lay replied, for a moment, the boy was relief but stiffened when Lay continued ‘after I get you to feel 10 times more than what Reina had felt’ was what Lay said before he punched the boy again and again.

When the 6 of them were done with the boys, they walked out of the alley, leaving all the 6 boys that had molested Reina on the ground, barely surviving.




‘Bye Reina’ Jieun waved and Reina waved back. It was Monday and they had just come out after school. Reina turned to walk home but she stopped in her track when she saw someone leaning against the school wall walking towards her. Her eyes widened when she saw him. Her heart pained again upon recognising the person. How could she not when he hurt her so badly.

‘Hey Reina, its been a long time isn’t it?’ Baekho said as he walked towards her, like a predator catching its prey. Reina walked away instantly but Baekho was fast as well, he quickly blocked her way to prevent her from leaving.

‘Not so fast’ Baekho smirked as he blocked her way.

‘Let me go,’ Reina said without looking at him. She was about to turn to go but he grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her back.

‘Is this how you greet your ex-boyfriend?’ Baekho asked as he caressed her cheeks. His grip on her wrist tightened as she struggled to get out of his grip.

‘What the hell are you doing here?’ Chanyeol snarled and punched Baekho on the face. Baekho landed on the ground. He smirked and wiped the blood from his lip away before he stood back up again, not affected at all.

‘Oh its Chanyeol.. hyung?’ Baekho said with a raised brow and smirked at him.

 Students coming out of the school stopped to watch what the commotion was about.

‘Im here to see my girlfriend of course’ Baekho said as he walked towards Reina.

‘She’s not your girlfriend anymore’ Chanyeol spat and glared at Baekho.

‘Oh really? Then I’ll make her be my girlfriend again. Lets go Reina’ Baekho simply said and grabbed onto Reina’s hand.

Chanyeol stopped him immediately. ‘Don’t you dare! Where do you think you’re taking her to?’ he hissed, wanting to kill Baekho anytime now.

‘Im going to have a chat with my girlfriend of course. Why does it concern you? You’re just her-’ Beakho was about to speak when Reina cut him off ‘I’ll go with you’ Reina said, not wanting to catch anymore attention. Baekho smirked and grabbed Reina to go with him. Reina just followed even if she doesn’t want to.

‘Take your dirty hands off her, she’s not going anywhere with you.’ Chanyeol grabbed Reina’s wrist and pulled her back to him, his eyes glaring deadly at Baekho.

‘Whats going on?’ Exo-K came over from the school gates and watched the commotion. Kai and Sehun were at the back of Exo-K glaring at Baekho.

‘You don’t have the right to stop me.’ Baekho hissed and pulled Reina back.

‘I have. I love her and she’s mine, so stay away from her unless you have a death wish’ Chanyeol threatened, glaring at Baekho all the time without turning to look at Exo-K. Chanyeol grabbed Reina and pulled her away from school, leaving Baekho behind.

‘What’s the relationship between them?’

‘That , I knew it’

‘How dare she seduced Chanyeol oppa?! We warned her.’ all sorts of murmurs can be heard by the students. Kris, Luhan, Lay, Kai and Sehun watched as Chanyeol left with Reina. They had heard everything when they walked out of the gates.

Chanyeol angrily pulled Reina behind him as they walked. Reina was staring into the blank space in front of her as she numbly followed behind.

‘Why didn’t you run away when you saw him? You should have asked for help. Where is the damn friend of yours?’ Did that bastard do anything to you?’ Chanyeol stopped rambling and turned around when he realized Reina wasn’t replying.  Reina was staring into space, tears were forming in their eyes as he looked at her. Chanyeol felt his anger disappear instantly and replaced with pain as he watched her tears that were about to fall.

‘Forget about that bastard, he wasn’t worth your tears.’ Chanyeol said as he wiped the tear that fell.

‘Home, I want to go home’ Reina spoke without looking at him. Chanyeol just compiled and took her hand before they walked home.

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Chapter 64: Aww so sweet. I think Reina will choose Chanyeol in the end coz they got a lot sweet moment but this story ended up with harem. I really love it. Why you didn't put the harem tag one ^^
Chapter 64: waaaa my feels~~~ i want 12 boyfriend too lol
LeeMinJi #3
Chapter 64: Omg this was adorable.
krisxhan #4
Chapter 64: I can't believe she got all of them
Aeria32 #5
Chapter 64: KKKKYYYYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! OMGeeeeeeee>.< Soooooo Sweeetttt....Kris I love you...
Chapter 50: Omgeeee! Yeollie is so cute >.< #melts
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 64: I love it!!! Especially at the end!!! She got all of them KYAAA!!! I know how you feel, I would not be able to choose either!!! XD
Chapter 64: OMOOOO... authornims Biases ryt.. thats ryt coz all of them is your bias that's why you can't choose either hehehehe.. well I just can't get enough of this.. I love this story...
Chapter 64: Awwww I didn't want to end just yet
I like you're fic sooo much author-nim
Krystal_Kim #10
Chapter 37: AWESOME!!!! so far *wink wink*