Lights off pt.1

Chances are Thin When Falling for the Biggest Jerk

"Dongwoon why did you leave me here." I wailed on the couch. Dongwoon said he was going at his friend's house named Key? Something like that but who would name their kid Key!?

Well anyway I'm mad at him now because now I have to deal with the ert here. That ert is now leaving somewhere too.

I sat up and watch him put on his shoes. "Where are you going?"

He looked up and smirked. "Going to miss me?"

I roll my eyes and lay back down. "Please don't flatter yourself I'm just wondering."

"Date." He said.

"Huh?" I sat back up again. Kikwang open the door and steps outside closing it slowly. "I'm going on a date if that answers your wondering." He disappeared.

Nothing new ….of course.

It was dead silent now. I'm screwed. I have nothing to do. I can't out yet because I'm not familiar with the neighborhood yet. WAHHHHH!

Sighing, I close my eyes and all for I know I had fallen asleep.


The door slams, knocking the daylights out of me. I rub my eyes and sat up alert. It was already dark. Did I slept that long? Kikwang angrily took off his shoes as water drip from his jacket causing a puddle on the floor. He threw off the wet jacket and pace in the kitchen. Oh boy...

"Hey is everything all right?" I slowly peek my head in the kitchen. Kikwang was seriously dripping wet as a matter of fact it was raining hard outside. He stopped when he saw me and bangs his fist on the table.

“Does it looks like it? I’m freaking pissed! A shower yeah that’s what I need some good shower!” He storms out of kitchen almost knocking me over as he passes by me. With a big slam he disappeared in to the bathroom.

I stared at bathroom door. What the?! Kikwang is actually mad! What is wrong with this guy? He was seriously happy when he left but when he came back he looks like the complete opposite! Like crap!

Anyway I do not what to interfere before I get on his bad side and just let him take his anger on me but perhaps it already happened.

Why did I have to open my big fat mouth? If I stayed quiet and just crept into my room I wouldn’t have to see all of this. So as planned I went into my room and no doubt I will not be going out there until the next day.

I decided to sleep again since there’s nothing to do and plus it will a life saving decision for myself. I lay on the blankets and covered my whole body with it. But my throat had this feeling for thirst.

I groan. You so want me to go out there do you!? I shuffle out the blankets and quickly made my way over the fridge. Luckily Kikwang was still showering.

I pour myself some water and drank it. Finished, I walk back to my room when all of sudden a loud boom struck causing the lights in the room to flash off.

Oh crap! It’s so dark I can’t see! I gulp and back away that I end up hitting something hard. I turn around frighten but a hand grabbed mine.

“Shh it’s me! Kikwang.” Yeah who else is in the house? And yeah he’s not angry anymore? Guess the shower helped.

“Kikwang?” I whispered.

“This always happen when it storms. The house is too weak to handle the heavy rain and thunder.” He said.

I felt water travel down my arms. Kikwang just got of the shower and…and he has no shirt! Horror!

“C-Can you put a shirt at least.” I said nervously. For real as you can see I’m like pretty much against him since I frighten.

He chuckles lowly. “That’s not the situation right now although is it really bothering you? Just think of it as a free sneak peek but in the dark.” I can imagine him grinning like an idiot right there.

“Can you turn back on the lights?” I asked.

“No. Usually all of us would just sit here until it comes back.”

“And when is that?”

“Uhh maybe morning.”


“Is not that bad? We sleep through it to even notice. Come on.” He took my hand. I let him lead me to where we were going. I was pushed onto a soft cushion.

“Where am I?” I felt him sat beside me. The livingroom. “In my room.” Maybe not.

My eyes widen. “For what reason?!” This ert trying to use this moment as an advantage!

“Relax I’m not going to do anything to you if you’re wondering.”

“I was wondering why am in here but okay I was wondering that too!”

He laughs. “You’re so weird.”

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still here guys just need time to sort my thoughts about the story!


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Chapter 31: please update i love it
kpophoe #2
Chapter 31: Omg your story is wonderful. I love it so much I can't wait for more chapters
Chapter 31: AHHHH!love it so much. It's such a cute story. I love Hyunseung's character the most. He makes me smile.
weownourmouth #4
Chapter 30: Update! I love this! :D
luvramen530 #5
I'M a new reader too, so please don't delete it!!
i love this fanfic!!! </3
Chapter 29: NONONONONONONO dont delete
lol new reader here!
hey do you still need a poster? i can make you one :)
SHINeeluvsME #7
Chapter 29: *love it!! I would be very upset if you did delete it
SHINeeluvsME #8
Chapter 29: Don't delete!!!!!!! I still read this and l
MissKiki #9
Chapter 29: Dont delete >:D im still gonna read~ PLZ UPDTE FORRRR MEEE~<3 thanks ^^ xD
I hate sohee!taeyang annd her need more time together!