

"What do you think?" Kyungsoo asked Chanyeol about the outfit that he had on.


"I think you look cute in that." Chanyeol laughed.


The two of them had decided to go shopping the next day to buy an outfit to wear to Luhan's party. And here they are, Kyungsoo was trying on the millionth outfit. He insisted that he wanted something nicer even thought Chanyeol has assured him multiple times that he looked fine.


"Ugh, I think my looks HUGE in this outfit." Kyungsoo cringed, "How can you even stand looking at me?" He asked Chanyeol.

"I'm sitting down." Chanyeol reminded him, making him roll his eyes.
"You know what? We should just leave this store right now." Kyungsoo said, narrowing his eyes, "Or maybe we should just go home and rest. It's been a long day."
"Dude! You NEED to buy something! You've tried on more than a million outfits! At least pick one!" Chanyeol pleaded.
"Okay, okay, if you insist," Kyungsoo said, "Hey sales lady over there! I'm taking this outfit, alright?" He pointed to the clothes he was wearing.
"I don't think she heard you," Chanyeol chuckled.
Kyungsoo did one of his trademark eye rolls again and said, "Employees nowadays. Sigh, they never learn."
"Wait, aren't you an employee too?"
"Yeah! But not at this freakin clothes shop!" Kyungsoo exclaimed, "I work at the cafe, I serve drinks to people who are friendly and nice. I'm quite a nice employee, I must say."
"Are you sure about that?" Chanyeol asked playfully.
"Erm, duh! I totally got promoted to barista."
Chanyeol laughed, "So is that code name for CEO of the cafe?"
"No, you prune. Stop laughing."
"Alright, alright. I'm sorry." Chanyeol chuckled.
The two left the store after purchasing Kyungsoo's clothes. They went to get food to eat and chatted like two suburban housewives.
New Years' Eve day came. Kyungsoo woke up with a bunch of butterflies in his stomach. Although he and Chanyeol had just met for a few days, he couldn't deny the things that he felt.
Chanyeol on the other hand, woke up happy and jumpy. He was excited to go to a party. He hasn't been to a party since...6th grade, maybe? Oh wait, that was his own birthday party.
Chanyeol was an incredibly awkward child growing up and he claims that he still as awkward as he was before.
During high school, when all the wild parties were going on, Chanyeol would be at home either reading his manga comics or watching Pokemon.
"Aw man I'm so excited!" He shouted to himself a little bit too loudly. He immediately covered his mouth and blushed. He was afraid that Kyungsoo may have heard that and maybe get creeped out or something.
"Morning, Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo greeted as he walked into the living room, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and nothing on.
Chanyeol turned his head and his mouth dropped right open. Kyungsoo's body was G O R G E O U S. 
"Oh my god, he looks so hot I just wanna those abs," Chanyeol thought to himself, "He would look so much better and sweaty and all over the place..."
"Wait. What am I even thinking?!" Chanyeol suddenly exclaimed out loud, Making Kyungsoo give him a weird look. 
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Erm..yeah totally... I can't wait for t-tonight..." Chanyeol stuttered.
Kyungsoo gave him a warm smile and said, "Me too." 



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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.