

"So you're telling me that you don't remember anything at all," Chanyeol said to Jongin for about the millionth time.


Jongin nodded his head furiously, his outgrown hair bouncing up and down. "I don't even know why I'm here. I feel so itchy everywhere. And shoot, I need to go out tonight. When can I leave the hospital?"


Chanyeol shook his head. This was definitely the Jongin he knew before Kyungsoo came into his life. Chanyeol was both relieved and scared at the same time. He was relieved that Jongin did not remember Kyungsoo but he was scared that all his 'lost' memories might come back to him eventually and he would be hurt, again. "Hello? Chanyeol? Did you even hear me? I really wanna go home now. I don't feel very comfortable here. Where did the doctor go?"


"I don't think you will be able to leave that easily..." Chanyeol said slowly.


"How did I even get myself in a coma in the first place?" Jongin asked.


Chanyeol froze and his eyes looked up at Jongin. Jongin seemed to be genuinely curious but he was not sure if he should actually tell him the truth. It's not like Chanyeol's gonna just tell him, "Hey, you met a guy called Kyungsoo. He basically ed up your life and you tried to kill yourself because of him. He won't even come back to visit you at the hospital," because that would just be terrible. Who knows how Jongin's going to react? What if he remembers and falls back into depression? What if. 


The room door opened and the doctor came in with a smile on his face. He had his clipboard and some papers in his hands. "Hello there, you two," he greeted the both of them and then turned to look at Jongin, "How are you feeling now?"


Jongin ignored his question blatantly and proceeded to ask, "How did I get into a coma? How did I get here? I want to know everything!"


The doctor raised his brow questioningly and looked at Chanyeol. "Chanyeol didn't tell you anything?" he asked.


"No, I just asked him but he seemed to have gone paralysed. I just really want to know how I got in here," Jongin said, "If it's because a car hit me or something, I wanna kill that driver 'cause I really want to go out tonight but I can't. I'm stuck here in the freaking hospital and I can't even call my date to tell her I can't make it."


"Are you sure you have a date tonight?" The doctor asked, "You haven't been conscious for a really long time. I'm sure the girl has been stood up and forgotten. She probably moved on already."


"Whatever," Jongin rolled his eyes dramatically, "Now, you're the doctor assigned to me, right? You must know why I'm here and how I got here. Just spill everything. I'm sure it won't be hard for me to handle."


Chanyeol stood up from his seat abruptly and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Erm... I'm gonna... go out and get some fresh air for a while... You guys can talk and fi... figure out... stuff..." He nodded at Jongin and the doctor then shuffled his feet out the door and closed it shut.


"Well, I don't know what's wrong with him and I don't really want to know but, I want to know what happened to me," Jongin said.


The doctor went next to Jongin's side and sat down. He started to tell Jongin about how he got into the hospital. The doctor said it was just like any other ordinary day at the hospital and he just happened to be at the Accident and Emergency area. The ambulance arrived and the paramedics rushed in with a stretcher. He said he saw a young man's body lying there, lifeless and bleeding profusely.


The doctor said he went over to inspect the situation immediately and the paramedics told him the young man's name was Kim Jongin and he attempted suicide. Several nurses came over and cleaned up all the blood. The doctor stitched up Jongin's deep and terrible cuts on his wrists. The medical team put Jongin into the intensive care unit because he was still so unstable and unconscious. He did not wake up for days and the team transferred him to his own private room.


Jongin was shocked when he heard what the doctor just told him. It took him a few minutes to fully absorb what he was just told. Why on earth would he want to kill himself? He had everything that he needed. There was nothing missing in his life. He had all the fun in the world. Why would he suddenly want to end his own life? 


The doctor left the room and let him to figure out things himself. The doctor did not tell Jongin the reason why he attempted suicide nor the fact that another young man called Kyungsoo came around the first few days looking for him but instead got punched in the face by Chanyeol. 


Jongin glanced out the window. He wanted Chanyeol to come back in so that he could ask him what happened. Now he understood why Chanyeol was hesitant to tell him. The two of them had been good friends for such a long time, a suicide attempt like that must have broke his heart and hurt him deeply.


Hot tears stung Jongin's eyes and he blinked them away instantly. He stood up from his bed slowly and went over to the mirror which was hanging on the wall. He almost didn't recognize himself when he saw his own reflection. His hair was seriously outgrown and his cheeks were sunken in. Dark circles rimmed his eyes and he looked rather pale. He looked down at his wrists and finally understood why the bandages were there. 


The door suddenly opened and Chanyeol walked in. Jongin saw the sad expression on Chanyeol's face and it he could feel his heart hurting. Chanyeol looked depressed and he might have looked even worse than Jongin. Chanyeol looked so much skinnier than before and his hair was flying wild everywhere.


"So, I guess the doctor told you already?" Chanyeol laughed awkwardly, with teary eyes.


"I'm so sorry..." Jongin said.



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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.