


Another week passed by boringly and Jongin was getting more jaded by the days. He was supposed to go to the library and return some books for his friend who was out today but he felt so lazy that he just lazed in bed.


“I’m sure he won’t mind…” Jongin yawned, “I mean, how bad can library debts be, right? It’d probably just be a few cents or something.”


“Oh my god,” Jongin said, “I think I’m going crazy! I’m talking to myself now. What the hell is going on in my brain?! I need to see Kyungsoo!”


Jongin got his phone and dialed Chanyeol’s number for the millionth time. Chanyeol seemed to be always avoiding his phone calls. He would never pick up or just text him back saying how he’s ‘busy’ and can’t take any more calls.


“Stupid Chanyeol,” Jongin cursed under his breath.


“Since I’m already out of bed… might as well go out and get some ice cream and return those stupid books…” Jongin groaned.


He got dressed and left his home a couple of minutes later. He made his way to his favourite ice cream stall and bought the usual. That place was filled with happy, smiling kids. Jongin was the odd one out. Jongin looked like a depressed, emotionally challenged individual. He rolled his eyes at the children who were giving him strange looks and staring at him.


Jongin made his way to the library next. He sat outside for a few minutes to finish his ice cream before entering. “Damned libraries, no food and drinks allowed. How the hell do they expect me to survive without food and drink? Scumbag morons.” Jongin cursed.


He threw his ice cream wrapper in the trash and walked entered.


“Kyungsoo…” Jongin whispered as he walked into the public library and saw someone from the corner of his eyes. That someone had the same brown hair, big eyes and fair skin that Kyungsoo had. Jongin’s heart accelerated furiously and his face blushed feverishly. He inhaled a sharp intake of breath and walked over to him.


Jongin tapped on the guy’s shoulder. “Kyungsoo?” Jongin asked. When he turned around, Jongin’s heart stopped beating. He almost dropped all the books he was carrying in his hands.

Kyungsoo raised his brows; he was rather surprised to see Jongin at a place like the library. “Yes?” he replied.


Jongin tried to talk but his mouth went completely dry and he was speechless. “Uh… uh…” he stammered.


“Shush, no talking in the library,” the librarian warned the two of them, “if you want to talk, go outside.”


Kyungsoo stood up from his seat and whispered to Jongin, “Let’s go outside.” Jongin nodded and followed Kyungsoo out of the library. He couldn’t believe his luck.


“So, I didn’t know you went to the library,” Kyungsoo said once they were outside.


Jongin blushed even heavier. “Er… I don’t… u-usually g-go here… I was just… um returning some books for my friend…”


“I see,” Kyungsoo replied, smiling calmly, “I’m surprised that you still recognize me after so long. You know what? I actually saw you the other day on the street. I was going to say hi to you but then you just walked past me like you don’t even know me.”


“When did you see me? What? I can’t believe it! I swear I didn’t forget you, I just didn’t see or something…” Jongin exclaimed.


Kyungsoo chuckled. He found Jongin’s humiliation amusing. “It was just about a week ago before I had lunch with Chanyeol.”


“You met up with Chanyeol?” Jongin almost screamed.


“Yeah, and I still do. In fact, we hang out almost every day,” Kyungsoo said.


“That bastard…” Jongin cursed, “He never gave me your number! He said that he would ask you to call me but that never happened either!”


Kyungsoo laughed. “He did give me your number, I just never called you.”


“Why not?” Jongin’s forehead crinkled in confusion.


Kyungsoo shrugged. “Well, to be honest, I don’t want to get hurt again, you know? The amount of pain and betrayal that I went through my whole life is overwhelming. I’m tired of chasing people that I like and people who I don’t like chasing me. I just want fate to work its way into my life this time.”


Jongin remained silent for a second. “So… is this considered as fate?” he asked Kyungsoo, “I mean, I honestly had no idea that you would be at the library. I was actually quite reluctant about helping my friend return his books. I never thought that I would run into you here.”


“It’s a good thing you did come here though,” Kyungsoo smiled, “I have to admit, I actually thought about you quite a bit.”


“You did?” Jongin’s heart fluttered at the sound of Kyungsoo’s voice.


“Yeah,” Kyungsoo looked down at his hands nervously, “I was thinking… that maybe we should go out on a date. What do you think?”


“T-that would be so great!” Jongin spat out in a rush. He couldn’t believe his ears, Kyungsoo was asking him out!


“Well, it’s settled then. I’ll call you later with the plans, I promise. I need to go now, though. I’ve got a test coming up later and I need to study. See you soon.” Kyungsoo smiled at him.


Jongin nodded happily and bid good bye to Kyungsoo. He was so over the moon that he literally hopped in happiness back home.a

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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.