

"So you're saying that this is where I lived before I somehow managed to get myself admitted in the hospital?" Jongin cringed slightly at the sight of the small apartment with wallpaper which was gradually peeling off every day, dirty dishes piling up on the kitchen counter and a hint of foul public toilet odour.


"Erm... yeah..." Chanyeol answered awkwardly, unsure of what to expect from Jongin. He scratched the back of his head anxiously and looked down at the ground constantly, wishing that he had cleaned up better before taking Jongin home.


Jongin nodded at the response and continued looking around. He propped himself on the couch and put his legs up on the coffee table, looking unimpressed. "Hey, Chanyeol, where did you hide my phone? I really need to call someone," Jongin yelled over his shoulder.


Chanyeol replied quietly, "I don't actually know where it is but... I think you should really get some rest before calling someone on the phone."


"Are you serious, man?" Jongin scowled, "You used to be so fun! We used to party all night and now all you want me to do is take some rest? Dude! I can do that like tomorrow morning when I'm hungover. Seriously, get a grip of yourself!"


Chanyeol looked down to the ground again, unable to contain the violent tears that were forming in his big round eyes. He sniffled a bit before replying Jongin as calmly as he could, "Jongin... you just got back from the hospital. You were just in a coma. Do you seriously think that you should be partying tonight? I don't think so. I don't want you to get hurt again. Watching you lie so lifelessly in that hospital bed for so long... it just the life out of me. I don't even dare to risk it again. Please, just listen to me."


Jongin cocked his head to the side and almost burst out laughing. "Please, Chanyeol. You don't have to get so emotional over this. I get it... I get it... I was in a coma, so what? The whole point is that I'm awake and healthy! I need to get some human contact aside from you! This is my life and I want to have fun!"


"Whatever," Chanyeol rolled his eyes. He walked over to where Jongin was sitting and pushed him off the couch with his hands.


"Hey, what the hell man! What was that for?" Jongin yelled angrily.


"Just go to your room and get some freaking rest. Just for this once, do it for me," Chanyeol pleaded.


"Fine..." Jongin hissed through his gritted teeth. He got up and headed toward where Chanyeol had told him was his room earlier. He opened the door and sunk down onto the small bed. He stared up at the ceiling, wondering why Chanyeol had become such a control freak over time. He closed his eyes and imagined himself partying and having a great time at the club with hot girls surrounding him...


Until a ringing sound sounded and Jongin's eyes shot open almost instantly. He sat up straight on the bed and looked at the table. There was a house phone on the table and it was ringing. He quickly jumped off the bed, took the phone in his hand and clicked the answer button.


"Hello? Who is this?" Jongin demanded through the receiver.


"J-Jongin...? Is that you?" An unfamiliar voice said through the phone.


"Um... yeah it's me, Kim Jongin. Who are you and how do you know my name and this phone number?" Jongin demanded.


A sigh came from the other end of the line. "Are you seriously going to play this card?" The person replied Jongin.


"What card? What are you talking about? I don't even know who you are! And you haven't even answered my question yet," Jongin said angrily.


"It's me... Don't you remember me?" The person said with an extremely sad tone in his voice, "Chanyeol wouldn't let me see you when you were at the hospital and I have to admit... I really miss you a lot. I wanna come over and see you right now... would that be alright with you?"


"Hold on a ing minute... Just who the hell are you?" Jongin screamed through the receiver once again, "And why on earth didn't Chanyeol let you see me?"


"Ugh... forget it. I'm coming over straight away, okay? Just wait for me," the person said before hanging up the phone.


And right at that moment, Jongin's bedroom door opened abruptly, revealing a rather frantic looking Chanyeol-whose face was sick with worry. "What was that all about...? You weren't talking to yourself... were you?" Chanyeol asked Jongin with wide eyes.


"Oh yeah totally, because not only did I get into a coma but I've gone totally crazy!" Jongin replied sarcastically.


Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowed and he loosened his grip on the door handle. "I'm not kidding. Did someone just call the housephone? Because no one ever calls here... like ever."


"Well, yeah someone called... but the thing is, I don't know who the it is! He didn't even tell me his stupid name!" Jongin wailed, "He just mentioned that you wouldn't let him see me when I was at the hospital and he also said how he was gonna come over because he misses me so much! What the actual ? I don't remember being gay!"


"Wait... what..." Chanyeol was stunned. There was only one person who could have called the house. The one person who caused all of this. The one person who hurt Jongin so terribly that made him hurt himself so badly. The one person who still dared to show up at the hospital. That one person was Kyungsoo.


Chanyeol shook his head and let out a loud grunt of frustration. How could Kyungsoo actually have the guts to call Jongin and expect everything between them to be A-okay? Chanyeol's face turned red with anger and disappointment and hate and loathe and everything negative that he felt about Kyungsoo.


Jongin sat down on the bed cluelessly, wondering why Chanyeol had reacted that way after he told him what happened on the phone. "Erm... dude... are you okay... or something...?" Jongin asked Chanyeol slowly. "Do you need me to get you and icepack or something? Because your face is pretty red right now... must be burning up, huh?"


"This... is not the time for jokes, Jongin," Chanyeol hissed, "This is a serious matter. You can't let that guy on the phone come over. You can't answer his phonecalls or have any contact with him. I'm dead serious about this."


"Come on, I don't even know that guy's name! Are you gonna make me give up the one chance I have of making a new friend? It gets quite lonely and annoying when all you do is nag and bark orders at me! I'm not your freaking son!" Jongin shouted.


"Trust me on this one!" Chanyeol said, "You don't even wanna know what he did to you..."


As if were a scripted movie, the doorbell rang right after Chanyeol finished that sentence and his blood ran cold because he knew exactly who was at the door.

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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.