


Kyungsoo was having one of his many chocolate dreams again. This time, he was taking a stroll beside a chocolate filled lake. He glanced at his surroundings, everything was amazingly beautiful.


There were trees with chocolate coated leaves and the flowers smelt like freshly brewed hot chocolate. He was in the middle of plucking out flowers from the ground before his dream was rudely interrupted by the ringing of his phone.


Kyungsoo groaned and reached over to his night stand and grabbed his phone. He clicked the answer button and brought the phone to his ear. “Hello?” he mumbled sleepily.


“Hey, it’s me Chanyeol!”


“Huh? Who are you?” Kyungsoo asked, still half asleep.


“Erm…I’m Park Chanyeol…we met earlier at the park? Wait…you’re Kyungsoo, right?”


“Oh, you!” Kyungsoo exclaimed, slapping himself. “I remember now! Sorry, I just woke up.”


“Did I wake you? Sorry if I did…I just really wanted to talk to you…” Chanyeol said slowly.


“No, no. It’s completely fine! I was gonna get up anyways.” He lied.


“If you say so,” Chanyeol chuckled, “So, I went home and my roommate was waiting for me…he actually apologized and asked me to forgive him. I can’t believe him!”


“What else did he say to you?”


“Apparently him having with my girlfriend wasn’t a one-time thing…it’s been happening for months already. Four months to be exact. I don’t even know how he can still come home every night and lie to my face. Doesn’t he feel guilty or something? And he actually blamed my gir-ex, girlfriend. He said she seduced him!”


“Four months? Are you serious?” Kyungsoo gasped.


“Yeah, exactly!”


“Have you talked to…your ex yet?”


“No, but I’m planning to go to her place right now. Even though it’s almost midnight. I swear to god both of them are so heartless. I am so done with them.” Chanyeol scoffed. “I don’t ever want to see my roommate ever again. After so many years of being best friends, how could he lie to me like that?”


Chanyeol sighed while Kyungsoo kept quiet. He wasn’t quite sure of what to say. “Ugh, I wish I could just snap my fingers and the two of them can leave my life for good. I wish I’ve never met them!” Chanyeol screamed in frustration.


“Calm down, Chanyeol. It’s not worth it to get mad at them…” Kyungsoo said softly.


“I’m going to go to her place now. I’ll call you later and tell you how it goes.” Chanyeol said before ending the call.


Kyungsoo laid down on his bed and sighed. He felt like such a bad friend for not knowing what to say to Chanyeol. Even though they had just a few hours earlier, Kyungsoo was incredibly concerned for him. He shut his eyes and waited for Chanyeol to call him back.


Chanyeol shoved his phone in his pocket and his feet in his shoes. He grabbed his keys and saw that Baekhyun’s shoes were missing. “That bastard must’ve gone out again.” He thought.


Chanyeol made his way to his ex’s house. When he got there, he rang the doorbell. Once, twice, three times, no answer. He tried knocking on the door but there was still no answer. He reached down and pulled out the extra key that was always under the doormat. The only reason there was a key there was for Chanyeol if he ever wanted to visit.


He unlocked the door and called out, “Yoona! Are you home? It’s me, Chanyeol. I need to talk to you.”


He looked around the dark house and thought maybe there was a possibility that she was asleep. He crept up the stairs and headed towards her door. He saw that the lights were on and he heard faint noises.


“Baekhyun-ah!” a familiar voice moaned out. Chanyeol’s eyes widened when he heard that. There was no mistake that it was her that was calling out Baekhyun’s name.


He felt a surge of anger rush through him and he opened the door abruptly. His eyes bulged out at the scene present in front of him. It was all too familiar. His roommate and the girl that he loves, . On a bed, together.


“Chanyeol!” Yoona screamed, “You didn’t tell me you were coming over! What are you doing here?”


“I wanted to talk to you.”


Baekhyun scrambled off the bed and quickly grabbed his clothes on the floor and ran into the bathroom. Chanyeol flinched at the sight and bit his lip, looking down at the floor.


“I’m so sorry, baby. What you saw…it was all a mistake. I can explain everything,” Yoona pleaded as she buttoned up her shirt, walking towards Chanyeol. She touched Chanyeol’s cheek lovingly but he smacked her hand away rudely.


“How could you do this to me?” he hissed.


“I told you, I can explain. I love you, you know I do-“


“Then ing explain! Stop with all the ‘I love you’ crap! If you really love me, you would’ve never slept with him!”


“It was just once, I swear!” She pleaded, again.


“Are you sure it was just once? ‘Cause I talked to Baekhyun earlier, he told me you guys were doing it behind my back for FOUR months already! FOUR freaking months!”


“But, I love you! And you love me, can’t you give me another chance?”


“I came over here to end things with you. And I didn’t expect to see him, in your room, on top of you! What the hell were you guys thinking? Don’t you ever consider how I feel?” he screamed.


“I do, I think about you all the time!”


“THEN WHY DID YOU DO IT?” Chanyeol was screaming so loud that Baekhyun was afraid to come out of the bathroom even though he was already dressed. He pressed his ear against the door and heard Yoona sobbing.


“The f-first time,” she choked, “I only did it because I was d-drunk…I didn’t know what I was doing. And then the n-next day I-I realized what I did wrong, I wanted to tell you immediately b-but he…he wouldn’t let me!” she cried, “He seduced me again and again!”


“Is that the only excuse the two of you have? Just because he seduced you doesn’t mean you must have with him. You can resist it, you know?” he sighed, wiping away the tears that were flowing down his cheeks. “But all of that doesn’t matter now, I’m leaving. And for the record, we are done. I don’t ever want to see you or Baekhyun anymore. Tell that that I’m moving out of our room as soon as possible.”


Chanyeol turned his back on Yoona and walked out the door.


“Chanyeol! Don’t leave me!” She screamed, pulling on his arm. “I love you so much! I need you!”


“Who needs me when you have Baekhyun?” Chanyeol laughed bitterly and pulled his arm off of Yoona’s hands. He ran out of her house, tears endlessly streaming down his face. He headed back to his dorm to pack all his things up.


He took out his phone and punched in Kyungsoo’s number. Kyungsoo immediately picked up after the first ring. “Hello? Chanyeol?”


“Kyungsoo,” he cried, “I…really need your help. Can I go over to your place now please?”


“Of course, I’ll text you my address.” Kyungsoo said quickly.


“Thank you,” Chanyeol said. He hung up the phone and grabbed all his clothes and things and stuffed them in his big overnight bag. Once he was done packing, he stormed out of the dorm with no regrets.

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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.