


Jongin went back home that night feeling light-hearted and happy. It was a surprising thing for him, considering he’s always been cranky and unhappy after meeting new people.


The way the corners of Kyungsoo’s eyes creased up whenever he smiled or laugh, the way he ran his fingers through his hair suavely, the way his eyes widened at things that surprised him, it made Jongin go crazy inside.


Although they just officially met and the time that they spent together wasn’t very long, Jongin has already managed to memorize Kyungsoo’s flawless face.


He washed his face, changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed, thinking about Kyungsoo.


“Wait a sec…” Jongin suddenly sat up on his bed and said to himself, “I haven’t even got his number yet! How are we supposed to meet up?”


Jongin immediately reached over to his night stand and grabbed his phone. He punched in Chanyeol’s digits quickly and pressed the call button.


“What?” Chanyeol said groggily through the end of the line.


“What’s Kyungsoo’s number?” Jongin immediately said.


“What the hell?” Chanyeol huffed, “Who’s this?”


Jongin rolled his eyes. “It’s me, Jongin.”


“Oh, right… Jongin…” Chanyeol yawned, “Hey, Jongin, you know what? I have a friend also named Jongin… maybe you guys should meet sometime…. I’ll introduce you…” Chanyeol slurred.


“C’mon, Chanyeol! I don’t have time for this! I need to sleep and I also need Kyungsoo’s number!” Jongin said impatiently.


“No, no you shouldn’t miss this chance! Jongin’s a really great person! I like to make fun of his skin, though. I mean, his whole family is so fair and he’s like… BOOM! Sometimes, I think he’s adopted… but he just doesn’t know it yet,” Chanyeol laughed to himself like a little kid.


Jongin’s forehead creased and he sighed. Chanyeol takes a very long time to wake up and to be fully aware of his surroundings. “Chanyeol, I am your friend Jongin. And no, I am not adopted.”


“Oh, what?” Chanyeol said, “This is Jongin?”


“Yeah,” Jongin said sarcastically.


“Oh,” Chanyeol laughed nervously, “You didn’t hear anything earlier, right? I mean, if you did just pretend that you didn’t! Un-hear everything!” Chanyeol exclaimed.


“Um, sure thing, Chanyeol,” Jongin rolled his eyes, “So, what’s Kyungsoo’s phone number?”


“Kyungsoo’s phone number?” Chanyeol asked, sounding more awake.


“Yeah, Kyungsoo’s phone number. Kyungsoo as in your friend earlier,” Jongin said.


“Um… I don’t exactly remember his phone number right now but I’ll send it to you via text later, will that be okay?” Chanyeol asked.


Jongin pumped his fists in the air and did a little happy dance. “Yes! That would be absolutely okay!”


“Why do you need his phone number anyway?” Chanyeol asked straight-forwardly.


“Oh… um…” Jongin muttered, “I… um needed to… discuss… some… s-stuff wit-with h-him…”


“Discuss, ehem,” Chanyeol teased.


“Chanyeol! You know how I feel about him, okay! Don’t tease me just give me his phone number!” Jongin said.


“Okay,” Chanyeol sang, “I’ll give you his number later but I can’t promise that I won’t tease you.”


“Ugh, Chanyeol! You are so terrible! I hate you so much!” Jongin huffed.


“What? Did I just hear that right?” Chanyeol pretended to be mad, “Did you just say you hate me? Well, fine. In that case, I won’t give you Kyungsoo’s phone number, ever. And I’ll tell him that you’re secretly a child but somehow you are extremely attracted to him and you want to him, too. ‘Cause only children ain’t enough for you.”




Chanyeol started to laugh uncontrollably at Jongin’s ‘threat’. “Wow, Jonggie, you are soooo scary! I am so scared!” Chanyeol mocked him.


Jongin growled, his face red from anger. Chanyeol knew exactly how to push his buttons. “I swear to god you are the only person that can piss me off through the phone. I hate you!” Jongin hissed.


“I love you, too Jongin. And I need my beauty sleep so I’ll call you tomorrow or something. Good night!” Chanyeol said.


“Wait! Don’t forget to send me Ky-“ before Jongin could say the rest of his sentence, Chanyeol had already hung up the phone.


Jongin let out a long sigh and slid down the covers on his bed.




The next day came, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo made plans (without Jongin) to go out for some breakfast.


“Hey, Kyung!” Chanyeol smiled as he took a seat.


“Hey, Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo replied happily.


“So, what did you think about Jongin last night?” Chanyeol asked.


“Oh, Jongin! Your friend!” Kyungsoo exclaimed, “He seems rather nice. His face looks so funny when you’re embarrassing stories about him, though! I almost died of laughter!”


“Heh,” Chanyeol let out a satisfied chuckle, “that’s what I do to all my friends when they meet new people. I embarrass them, to the core.”


Kyungsoo laughed. “But I’m pretty sure you didn’t need to be so intense with it! Jongin looked like he was going to die, or maybe his face was just gonna explode ‘cause his face last night, looked like lava.”


“Dude, that’s like the best comparison, ever!” Chanyeol exclaimed, “I’m so gonna tell Jongin that! Oh and, I’m not sure if you noticed but it was pretty damn obvious, he’s totally interested in you.”


Kyungsoo raised his brow at Chanyeol’s statement. “I know,” he chuckled lightly, “He basically asked me to have with him at the café where we first met earlier yesterday. But, you know me, I’m not very easy, at all.”


“Exactly!” Chanyeol said, “After dinner last night, Jongin actually called me in the middle of my sleep and asked for your number!”


“Oh my god,” Kyungsoo laughed, “Did you give it to him?”


“Nah, I didn’t. I told him I would, though. I said I would text it to him but I never did.” Chanyeol smiled cheekily.


“Oh, now you’re evil,” Kyungsoo teased, “but good move!”


Chanyeol grinned widely. “I guess the next time he’s gonna hear from you is the next time you guys meet. If fate is on his side, it’ll be soon.”


“True that,” Kyungsoo nodded, “honestly, I don’t exactly feel like being in a relationship right now. After all the Sehun and Luhan drama, I’m just really… afraid, you know?”


Chanyeol’s smile faltered as he looked in Kyungsoo’s big eyes, filled to the edge with sadness. “I know how you feel, I really do. But, maybe you should try it out with Jongin. He’s actually a very great person if he likes you, and from what I’ve heard, he likes you a whole ton!”


Kyungsoo chuckled sadly. “But it takes more than a like to not get hurt. And we don’t even know each other very much yet. I don’t know the real him and he doesn’t know the real me. What happens if he’s a whole big bar of dark, evil black chocolate?”


“Listen, Jongin is actually dark,” Chanyeol laughed at his own joke, “but he’s a very good person.”


“Well, I trust you when you say he’s nice but, I still have to see for myself,” Kyungsoo said, “You should give me his number and not give him mine. I’ll call him whenever I feel like it. And like you said, next time we meet, it’ll be fate.” Kyungsoo smiled.

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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.