

"Today is a good day, today is a good day," Jongin repeated the same mantra in his head over and over again, "Tonight will be even better! The two of you are finally going out on a date together. You've got everything prepared. Chanyeol will help with the makeup application and everything will be perfect. He will fall in love with  me tonight and we are going to get married on the beach with tons of white flowers and-"


"Err... Jongin, you should really stop. It's just a date. You don't know where it will even lead you to," Chanyeol sent him another friendly reminder.


"Could you stop being so negative?" Jongin pouted, "He obviously likes me back so of course we are going to get married one day. Oh my, when we get our own house together, I want all the decor to be vintage themed! It's all so cute! I can't wait for tonight. I hope I'm gonna look perfect."


"Dude... I know you're into guys but... since when did you become so... so... fluffyly gay?" Chanyeol squinted his eyes and examined Jongin from head to toe.


"What fluffy? I'm just excited for tonight!" Jongin exclaimed, "You know what? It's already 3pm. You should get started on my face make up now."


"But it's still so early!" Chanyeol pleaded.


"Well, duh! That's the whole point. If you're early and you mess up on something, you still have a heck load of time to correct and perfect it!" Jongin preached.


"Ugh, fine." Chanyeol agreed reluctantly. He stood up from the couch and dragged his feet over to the kitchen counter where the cosmetics that Jongin bought yesterday were placed. He rumaged through the store plastic bag and took out a bottle and looked over the label, "Hey, this says foundation... what am I supposed to do with it again?"


"Put it on my face, duh!" Jongin rolled his eyes dramatically, "Where else do you think you should put it? My ? I don't think so."


"Sorry I'm not a professional make up artist. You should've just booked one to do your make up for you! I mean, all this stuff is so foreign to me!" Chanyeol exclaimed, "And how much did it even cost?"


Jongin waved his hands in front of Chanyeol's face to shut him up. "Just get on with it already. The salesgirl just now said it's really easy to use. Just don't use too much of it, okay?"


"Sure..." Chanyeol replied, unsure of what to do. He tore open the packaging and twisted the bottle cap open. "This looks rather easy..." he said to himself. He tipped the bottle to the side a little to pour out the product but his hands were trembling tremendously and it spilled all over his hand. 


"What the hell, Chanyeol!" Jongin screehed, "Get yourself together! Or else I'm gonna send pictures of you to all those girls online!"


"The ? You have pictures of me?" Chanyeol was taken by surprised and almost spilled everything in his hand onto Jongin's clean, new white shirt.


"God! Watch where you're putting that stuff to! Your eyes are already so huge? Are you freaking blind?" Jongin screamed, "And for your information, we are best friends and of course I have pictures of you. I took a few when you were in the shower just to test my new camera out."


"Delete those, NOW!" Chanyeol shouted.


"Not unless you wash that off you hand and pour it again properly! I need to look perfect for tonight. If anything goes wrong, anything at all, it's gonna be all your fault. And I will never forgive you ever again," Jongin pouted. Chanyeol said nothing and only rolled his eyes in response. He had no idea that Jongin could be so.... sassy. He walked over to the sink and washed his hands clean. Chanyeol then tipped the bottle slowly and carefully. This time, he got a really small amount and he was rather pleased with himself.


"Close your eyes!" Chanyeol ordered and Jongin did as told. He slabbed on the foundation to Jongin's face and rubbed it in. It looked way messy at first and he got worried. He kept rubbing and rubbing with his fingers and eventually everything blended in with Jongin's skintone. "Err... you can open your eyes now!" Chanyeol said. 


To Chanyeol, Jongin looked rather strange with make up on. The foundation seemed to have made Jongin's forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, basically his whole face, a lot... shinier. "Hmmm..." Chanyeol thought, "What do I do after putting that on?"


"Oh!" Jongin hopped out of his chair, grabbed a compact from the counter and shoved it into Chanyeol's empty hands, "The lady told me to put it over the foundation. She says it will make it look a lot better and stay a lot longer."


Chanyeol nodded silently and tried to figure out how to open that thing. When he finally got it, the compact almost flew out of his hands. He picked up the puff and pressed it onto Jongin's face. "Hm... looks a lot better than it did before... at least he doesn't look like his face is drowned in grease." Chanyeol said in his own thoughts. 


"Yeah, I think we're done here," Chanyeol closed the compact shut and told Jongin.


Jongin flew out of his seat and dashed to the closest mirror. He inspected every single inch of his face and touched his skin. "Wow, Chanyeol. I actually look very good! All my pimples are gone. Holy crap this stuff is like magic! Why haven't I ever thought of buying this!" Jongin cooed to his own reflection. "Oh, would you look at the time! Bye, Chanyeol! I'm gonna go downstairs and wait for Kyungsoo to arrive." With a wave of the hand, he fled the room.


Chanyeol just stood there, confused. It wasn't even four in the afternoon yet. Jongin and Kyungsoo's date was supposed to be at 6pm. Oh well, guess Jongin's gonna have a great time waiting. Chanyeol shrugged.



After about two whole hours of waiting outside his building, Jongin rubbed his hands together and hugged himself tightly. He wondered when Kyungsoo was going to show up. He was just wearing a white dress shirt with no jacket or coat on. And the weather isn't exactly being very friendly to him. The cold wind blew onto his foundation-caked face and he shivered. A car pulled up around the corner and the window rolled down. Kyungsoo's head poked through the window and he grinned at Jongin widely.


"Kyungsoo!" Jongin exclaimed excitedly. He quickly hopped into the car and was all flustered just like a teenaged girl on her first date with her crush. 


"You look cold. How long have you been waiting outside?" Kyungsoo asked him.


"Err... not very long," Jongin lied through his chattering teeth.


Kyungsoo let out an amused chuckle and extended his arm to the back seat. He pulled out a black jacket and handed it to Jongin. "Here you go, you can wear this. I always carry around a spare jacket. You never know when you might need it." He said.


Jongin looked at him with a surprised expression. He felt embarrassed to accept it but it was no little secret that he was freezing to death. Albeit his cold body, his face was burning up like fuel. "Sure... thanks so much, Kyungsoo." He took it from Kyungsoo's hands and immediately put it on. His nose could detect the faint scent of manly-smelling cologne on the jacket. He inhaled the scent and smiled to himself meekly.


They reached the venue after a short drive. They went in, ordered their food and made small talk. Actually, it seemed like Kyungsoo was the only one who was speaking. Jongin just spent his time looking at Kyungsoo's perfect face. "How the hell does his skin look so good without make up? Oh my god, what if he's actually wearing make up like I am... that would totally make us the coolest couple ever. Ugh, I love him so much already."


"Kyungsoo, can I ask you a question?" Jongin asked and Kyungsoo nodded, "Are you like... wearing foundation?" Kyungsoo raised a brow at his question. He seemed surprised to hear it. Jongin obviously noticed; since he was staring at his face closely, "Oh, no! Don't be shy if you did! I mean, I have a confession to make. I'm actually wearing foundation, too. And powder. Chanyeol helped me put it on. I really like how my skin looks with it on! I mean, all the acne is just poof! Gone! But how did you make you foundation so natural looking?" Jongin cocked his head to the side and asked innocently.


"Foundation?" Kyungsoo laughed, "I'm pretty sure there's nothing on my face right now. It is my natural skin."


"You're not wearing make up?" Jongin asked. He felt so humiliated that he just wanted to throw himself out of the window and never reveal his face to any living organism ever again.


Kyungsoo shook his head and laughed lightly. "I'm not, but thanks for the compliment about my skin. I just wash it with face wash every time I shower."


"I see..." Jongin replied, slipping down his seat a little more.


"So, you wear make up?" Kyungsoo raised a brow and teased, "What came about to that?"


"!" Jongin cursed under his breath. He was dreading this question but he couldn't just ignore it. Especially when he is on a date with his dream guy; who happens to be the one asking him that particular question. "I just... wanted to look good! My skin... um it has been really... bad lately... all the pimples and stuff, you know? It's totally natural for me to want to cover 'em up to look good for a date, right? Please, don't think I'm weird! I'm so sorry I should not have even mentioned your skin!"


"It's alright," Kyungsoo said gently, "I think it's rather cute that someone would want to look good just for me," he smiled, "Oh! You better eat up because after dinner isn't the end of the date, yet. I wanna take you to somewhere special where we can talk without people staring at us."


Jongin blushed furiously under Kyungsoo's gaze. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't not tear his gaze away from those chocolate brown eyes. He nodded and continued eating his meal. 




"So, where exactly is this secret location that you've been talking about for the whole date?" Jongin asked. Kyungsoo had put a blindfold over his eyes. Kyungsoo simply smiled and told him that he would see very soon. He held his arms and guided him where to walk. 


"Here we are," Kyungsoo said, after a few minutes. He took off Jongin's blindfold. Jongin looked around. They were at a beautiful park. There was a lake and a whole lot of pretty flowers. Jongin's eyes widened. The park was always crowded in the mornings and afternoons that it was a beauty to see it completely empy and deserted at night. Kyungsoo smiled, watching Jongin's reaction. Cheesy, yes we all know.


The two of them took a seat at a bench, overlooking the whole park. Ducks were calmly swimming in the pond without any children or angry drunkmen disturbing them. The cool breeze was a perfect excuse for the two of them to cuddle up closer to each other. "What made you take me here?" Jongin broke the silence and asked.


"I always liked to come here," Kyungsoo said, "I used to come here in the mornings but dogs were just barking everywhere and it didn't help me clear my mind at all. Then one day, I decided to come here late at night. It was so peaceful and beautiful. Ever since, I've just been hanging out in this park whenever I have something to think about. So, it's a very special place for me."


Jongin smiled and even felt some tears well up in his eyes. He has never been so touched by a simple gesture before. He carefully slipped his hand over Kyungsoo's and linked their fingers together. The both of them felt their own heartbeats accelerating. Kyungsoo just knew that he had to do something even more. He turned to look at Jongin with doe eyes. Kyungsoo used his other free hand to pull Jongin's face closer. He leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. 


Jongin almost screamed in happiness.

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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.