

"I'm really glad that we're finally meeting up, I've been waiting for this moment for so long. It feels great to see you in person and admire your face upclose," Jongin said into the mirror at his own reflection. After that fateful day, running into Kyungsoo at the public library, he had been practicing what to say when they finally go on their date. He hasn't received a call from Kyungsoo yet but, he was hopeful and positive that he would get one soon. 


He tried doing his hair in so many different styles to find one which suits him best and he rumaged through his closet to find some decent enough clothes to wear on a date. He still called Chanyeol daily to check on how Kyungsoo is doing and also to find out what Kyungsoo likes. He wanted to be perfect for this guy.


"Oh my god..." Jongin said as he took a closer look of himself in the mirror. "Is that... a pimple?" He squinted his eyes even more. He turned to inspect the other side of his face and saw a couple of small bumps. He literally gasped and jump. "Oh my gosh! My skin! What the hell? Why do you have to get pimples at a time like this!" he whined. He fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed Chanyeol's number... again.


"Dude. What on earth do you need now? I've already told you everything that I know about Kyungsoo. You just have to be patient and wait for him to call you, okay?" Chanyeol said in an annoyed tone as soon as he picked up the phone.


"No! No! This isn't about Kyungsoo!" Jongin freaked out, "I mean, it might partly be for him but anyways, my point is.... What do you do when you get pimples?"


"Pimples?" Chanyeol sounded surprised, "Err... you continue washing your face and wait for it to go away? You could pop it if you want to... If you have acne medicine, use it and it'll be gone in a few days time."


"A few days?" Jongin exclaimed, "I don't have that kind of time! For all you know, Kyungsoo might call me after this and say that he wants to go out tonight! I can't go out with disgusting pimples on my face! Especially when it's a date with Kyungsoo! I'm going to die of embarrassment. Help me!!!"


"You could pop it... but then it would leave an ugly scar there..." Chanyeol said.


"Are you dumb? Why would I want a scar? I don't even want pimples!" Jongin screehed.


Chanyeol thought for a moment and then said, "You could always try wearing makeup to cover up..."


"Makeup..." Jongin said as he looked at himself again in the mirror, "Doesn't sound too bad. What brand do I get? How do I put it on? And... where can I buy makeup? Oh my god, this is so terrible! Help me, Chanyeol! Where are you right now? Come over to my place, I really need your help!"


"Err... sorry Jongin, I can't exactly go to your place right now..." Chanyeol said, "I'm um... in a very important meeting..." he lied.


"Meeting? Since when did you even get a job that needs meetings?" Jongin asked skeptically.


"I um... just got the job yesterday! It's like... at a um... office, yeah. I have to go soon but... um... I think you can get makeup in the drugstores and stuff. From what my friends told me, they use something called foundation to cover up their face... or was it concealer... hm... I'm not sure... but I think any one of those would do! You could just ask the people working there to help you. I gotta go now, bye!"


"Wait!" Jongin shouted into the phone but he was too late because Chanyeol had already hung up on him. "." he cursed. He put on his jacket and went out of his apartment to go to the nearest store in hopes of finding some makeup to cover up his 'flaws'.


He found the nearest convenience store and walked in. He looked around and scanned the whole place. When he saw the cosmetics section, he literally sprinted over to it. The racks and shelves were filled with tons of products that he has never seen before in his life. There were in all sorts of packaging and colours. There were so many words on the different labels that he couldn't tell what was what. He felt a slight tap on his shoulder and he snapped his head to the side immediately.


"Would you like some help?" the salesgirl asked him nicely.


"Oh," Jongin straightened up a bit and said, "I'm looking for um... what do you call it... foundation? That stuff to cover up... you know... pimples." He said the last word of the sentence as if it was poison or something. "I really need it, I might be going out with someone really important tonight and some random pimples just decided to pop out."


The salesgirl nodded and looked at the aisle for a little while. "Ah, here we go," she directed Jongin to a section where the face products were kept at. She picked out one of the bottles from the shelves and showed him, "This one is good for evening out your skintone. It has light coverage an-"


"Light coverage? Do I look like I want light coverage?" Jongin snapped, "Girl, I need more than light! These pimples can't hide themselves!"


The girl looked a little bit taken aback but remained her calm composure. "Sorry about that then. Here you go," she picked out a different product from the shelves, "this one has really high coverage and a lot of good reviews."


"Okay good. I'll take that," Jongin said, without even bothering to look at the price. "I just have one more question. How exactly do you put it on?"


"It's actually very easy," she said, "All you have to do is pump a small amount on the back of your hand and then slowly apply it to your face. Make sure you blend it out evenly. If you have oiler skin, you might need to set it with some powder but if you have dry skin it's fine."


"Set it with powder?" Jongin asked, everything seemed so foreign to him, "I don't even know what my skin type is!"


"In that case, I think you should get some powder as well," the girl suggested.


"Alright, fine. Whatever. Just give me one that's good. I have to run to somewhere. Hurry up!" Jongin ordered.


The salesgirl picked out a compact for him and then rang up his purchases. Jongin paid quickly and dashed back home. He took out the products and read all the labels. He did not understand a single thing written there. And he seemed to have forgotten everything the salesgirl told him earlier. "Dammit! Short term memory !" He cursed. He took out his phone and called Chanyeol for the third time that day.


"What?" Chanyeol's impatient voice sounded at the end of the line.


"I took your advice and bought makeup!" Jongin said excitedly.


"Err... congrats?" Chanyeol said in response, "Are you at home now? I'm actually almost at your floor."


"Oh my gosh, yes! Perfect timing! I need you to help me with this crap!" 




Chanyeol arrived at Jongin's doorstep just a few minutes later. He was greeted by a frantic Jongin. Jongin pulled him in immediately and showed him the foundation and powder that he had bought earlier. Chanyeol looked amused and chuckled, "Wow, I can't believe they actually made stuff in your colour! I mean, you're so dark!" he laughed.


Jongin eyed Chanyeol and glared at him. He hated when he made fun of his skin tone. "Do you really think I'm that dark? Should I get whitening products? Oh my, maybe it can help me lighten up these acne stuff growing on my face!" he mused.


"I don't think you should get ahead of yourself," Chanyeol said, "Slow down a tad, okay? Kyungsoo hasn't even called you yet."


Jongin pouted and sighed. He checked his phone quickly and there were no missed calls nor new messages. "You're right... when is he even going to call?"


"I dunno, soon maybe. Kyungsoo's a rather complicated person." Chanyeol shrugged.


And right at that moment, Jongin's phone rang. He almost got a heart attack from the sudden intense vibration in his back pocket. He fished out his phone and an unknown number flashed on the caller ID. "Holy ! It's probably Kyungsoo!" He squealed in excitement and immediately pressed the answer button.


"Hello?" Jongin squeaked.


"Hey, Jongin?" Kyungsoo's familiar voice said. Oh, how theraputic that voice sounded to Jongin.


"Yes, it's me." He replied dreamily.


"Oh okay, good," Kyungsoo said, "So, are we still on the date thing?"


"Of course! I'm really glad that we're finally meeting up, I've been waiting for this moment for so long. It feels great to see you in person and admire your face upclose," Jongin said the lines that he had practiced earlier on. He felt proud of himself for nailing it. He even used his y voice. 


"Err... you know we haven't exactly met up yet so... you can't exactly admire my face upclose... yet..." Kyungsoo said awkwardly.


Jongin's head snapped up and his face instantly redened. He realized the big mistake he made and slapped his own forehead. "Um... I was just joking! I swear! I didn't go online and save pictures of you or anything creepy like that! I'm totally normal!" Chanyeol was listening to Jongin talk and he burst out in uncontrolable laughter.


"Is that Chanyeol laughing at the back? I can tell that idiot's laugh anywhere," Kyungsoo said.


"Yeah... it's Chanyeol... we're um.. bonding..." Jonging replied, "So, about the date!"


"Oh yeah, the date. I reserved a table at a restaurant for us tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at six tomorrow evening, okay? Just text me your address and I'll be there. See ya," Kyungsoo said before hanging up.


"OH MY GOD HE ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE!!!" Jongin screamed at the top of his lungs.



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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.