


Kyungsoo let out an exasperated sigh. He took a seat on a nearby bench and watched the people who were walking on the street. He observed their every movement. He wasn’t a stalker; he just had a habit of observing people closely. He would note down the little things they do in his mind and then he would try to analyze what kind of people they are.


A woman with a little child holding her hand walked past Kyungsoo.  As usual, he watched closely. He determined that the child was just like a Snickers bar. Why a Snickers bar, you might ask. Well, that’s an easy answer. A Snicker’s bar is sweet, just like the child’s smile to her mother. The caramel inside the Snickers bar is sticky and clingy. Just like how the child is clinging onto her mother.


Kyungsoo smiled to himself and he let his mind drift off. He was lonely. And it wasn’t a new revelation. Sure, he has dated tons of women and men before but none of them had made him fully content. At the end of every single day, his one and only true friend would be none other than, chocolate.


Chocolate was everything to him. Chocolate calmed him. It soothed his mind whenever he’s feeling upset. His family and friends were never there for him. As sad as it sounds, he relies on chocolate for moral support. His partners would leave him after a few months or weeks mainly because they found him boring but chocolate has never left his side.


Many people called him a player because he has had so many partners before and he still hasn’t settled down with that one, specific special person. Despite being called a player and a man-, he refers to himself as the explorer.


You see, he compares the people that he see or has encountered in life to chocolate. If a person were nice to him, they would be considered milk chocolate to him. Just like his first ever girlfriend.


He got his first girlfriend when he was really young. At the tender age of 13, Kyungsoo transferred to a new school and during the music lesson, he was asked to sing by his teacher. He sung a melody that he knew by heart and the whole class basically fell in love with him. Soon, the whole school heard about this new boy who has this incredible voice.


He got really popular really fast. Girls fawned over him. He would find endless stacks of love letters shoved in his locker daily. Sometimes, the girls would even deliver gifts to his home. He never replied any of those love letters. Not a single person has confessed to him face to face until one certain day.


He was at his locker, picking out books for the next lesson and he felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a short and relatively cute girl staring at him with a smile on her face. She told him that she liked him. He didn’t want to be rude so, he accepted her confession.


She was just like pure milk chocolate. She was nice, sweet and simple. He dumped her after a few weeks though. He realized that just milk chocolate wasn’t enough for him. He was a much more complex person.


His first girlfriend turned quite bitter after their breakup. She spread rumors about him and she bad mouthed him to the whole school. It was as if his milk chocolate suddenly turned into a big block of dark chocolate. Bitter and black.


He considers himself as a Ferrero Rocher chocolate. He was mysterious and complex. A Ferrero Rocher consists of a whole hazelnut is coated in milk chocolate, surrounded by a hazelnut filling and encased in a nut croquante.


Kyungsoo was the whole hazelnut. No one ever really knew him. One has to get through a lot of levels of trust to have Do Kyungsoo completely open up to them. Just like a Ferrero Rocher. No one has been able to achieve that trust.


Kyungsoo is still searching for the perfect partner. He got off the bench and walked into a nearby café. He sat on the barstool and ordered a tall iced Americano. He was lost in his own thoughts until a voice interrupted him.


“Tough day, huh?”


Kyungsoo snapped out of his thoughts immediately and turned to the stranger. He had milky white skin and his hair hung right above his eyes. He had dark eyes and a friendly smile was on his face.


“Not really. I’ve just been doing a lot of thinking lately.” Kyungsoo replied the stranger.


The man chuckled and said, “Well, good for you. I seem to be having just about the tiest day of my life.”


“What happened?”


“First of all, I got fired from my job and my boss decided that it would be a good idea to call my mother and tell her all about it. Then my mom calls me up and gives me an earful. She told me she’s not going to be supporting me anymore since this is the fifth job that I got sacked from. So basically, I’m broke and I’m going to be homeless, soon.”


“Oh,” Kyungsoo simply said. He was never good at conversations. “I don’t know what to say.”


“It’s alright,” the stranger chuckled bitterly. He then ruffled his hair in frustration and turned to Kyungsoo, “Hey, let’s go get a drink together tonight. Here’s my number.” He said as he took out a pen and scribbled on a napkin.


“Here you go,” the stranger handed Kyungsoo the napkin. “Listen, I’ve gotta dash now so, see you later.”


“W-wait!” Kyungsoo squeaked, “I’m Kyungsoo. What’s your name?”


“I’m Sehun. Oh Sehun.” The stranger said before leaving the small café. 

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will u continue this, Author-sshi?
jinyoungxoxo #2
Chapter 26: I love this fic! It is one of the best i have read. Update pleaseeeeeeee
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 26: Awww I love this story!!! It's so good and sad it's very interesting to read and I can't wait for you to update!!^^ hwaiting author-nim!!!!
slowbutsure #4
Chapter 26: oh Kai forgot all about Kyungsoo.. That's good then.. bcuz if I were Chanyeol, I would think the same as him. (omg I'm such a bad reader)
I hope Jongin meets Kyungsoo sooner or later and make good memories than before
update soon
Chapter 24: dandandannn..!
okay Kai forgot everything before Kyungsoo then..?
Chapter 24: eeehhh??
Kai forgot??
Boomboom111 #7
Chapter 23: kyungsoo is being an A-hole he deserved to get punched in the face.
woobuns #8
Chapter 22: Omfg why am I so reliefed the chanie just punched my bias omfglol ;u; love you bb soo
Kakaoo #9
Chapter 22: for the first time ever, i'm thankful that kyungsoo getting a punch. got that you ducksoo. hish.