Chapter 17: Marriage?

I heard you're a player, so let's play a game

The smell of coffee and the sunlight that shined through the curtains made Donghae stir in his sleep. The brunette slowly opened his eyes and made a small jump when he felt warm air on his neck. He quickly looked at his side and saw that Eunhyuk had his arms wrapped around his waist while his head was resting on his shoulder. It was like Donghae was a human sized pillow. Not that he had anything against this.


The clock on Eunhyuk's night stand said 06:05, showing that it was time to wake up. After all, it was a school day and Donghae needed to go home to get his school uniform. ''Hyukkie wake up. Hyukkie.'' Donghae whispered while lightly shaking Eunhyuk's shoulder. The blonde boy also opened his eyes and smiled when he saw who he was sleeping next to.


''Morning Hae.'' Eunhyuk said and stretched his back. He swinged one leg over Donghae's waist and hugged his boyfriend tighter. ''Did you have a good sleep?''


''I did. What about you?''


''The best of my life. Are you feeling better today? From yesterday I mean.''


''Yeah I'm fine now. I just hate that neither mom or dad gets me at all. I mean I'm their son.'' Donghae looked down on his hand that was now plying with Eunhyuk's fingers. 


''Hyukkie I wouldn't ask this if I didn't need this but can we just stay home today? I don't want to go to school today, and I really don't want to go home.'' 


''Then what do you want to do?''


''Stay here with you. Just for today. Please?'' Donghae pouted while staring straight into Eunhyuk's eyes. The blonde only smiled while nodding his head.


''Of course. I'll go and ask Hyori to tell the school I'm sick. I'll be right back.'' Eunhyuk quickly gave Donghae a peck on his lips before going to find Hyori. When Eunhyuk was out of the room Donghae quickly went to take out his phone from his suit pocket. He had turned of the volume during the night and was surprised to see what the screen said.


There were 16 missed calls from his mom, 3 from his dad, 3 from Jessica and a text from Jessica. He was so dead. But for now he decided to ignore the missed calls and went straight to see what Jessica's text said.



Donghae chuckled and quickly typed in a quick reply about where he was and that he wouldn't come to school that day. When he was done he turned of his phone and placed it back inside the pocket.


''Hae I explained everything to Hyori and she said I could take the day off.'' Eunhyuk said as he came back to the room.


''Good. Then can we continue to sleep for a little while? I'm not ready to get up yet.''


''Sure. Come here.'' Eunhyuk placed a small kiss on Donghae's forehead before they went back to bed to get some more rest.





''Cho Kyuhyun the next time you slap my I will freaking shoot you!'' Sungmin screamed on top of his lungs while throwing a death glare to Kyuhyun who was smirking in his seat. Luckily for them it was only the two of then, Yesung and Ryeowook in the class room. The two last said boys were watching the scene in amusement and had even made a bet on who would start screaming first.


''But it's fun. Just look how much it jiggles when I hit it.'' The brat hit his fake boyfriend once again and laughed when he saw how it bounced up and down. This time Sungmin had enough and slapped the younger on the back of his head.




''Yah stop hitting me!''


''When you stop wearing too tight pants!''


''It's my uniform! I have to wear it!''


''Then loose some fat!''


''Oh so I'm fat now?!''


''Yes yo-''


''STOP IT!'' Another voice interrupted the KyuMin couple from fighting. The both looked towards the door and saw Heechul standing there with crossed arms.


''Seriously, I could hear you two all the way to the bathroom. You two always bicker like an old married couple.''


''Well excuse me.'' Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and put his hands up in surrender. ''I'm just trying to teach my wife what he should and should not wear.''


''Wife? Hell no. Do you see a ring on my finger?'' Sungmin asked and held up his left hand. ''Besides, there's no way I bottom in this relationship.''


''Oh yes you do. You have the for it.'' Kyuhyun smirked and instead of hitting, he pinched Sungmin's behind this time.






''Ouch ouch ouch.... Crazy bastard...'' The rebel cried out while rubbing the places on his body where Sungmin had bruised him up at. Sometimes martial art skills do come in handy. Especially when you have to protect yourself from certain ert boyfriends.


''I warned you not to touch me.'' Sungmin sat down beside Kyuhyun and placed a small package of ice on the youngers lower lip which would probably be the size of his head tomorrow.


''Yeah but I didn't think you would go ninja on my . A-ah don't put it there! It hurts!''


''Stay still. If you move it's going to hurt more.'' The aegyo king tried to calm the younger down. They were currently sitting in the mall and people were already staring at Kyuhyun in horror, seeing how hurt he was.


''You could at least have warned me you were so strong. Sometimes I wonder why I married you in the first place.'' Kyuhyun smirked while looking Sungmin straight in the eyes, not seeming to want to let the previous subject go. Fine. If teasing is what Kyuhyun wants, teasing is what he will get. 


''Like you're the one to talk. You don't even remember that today is our first month as a couple.'' Sungmin pouted while crossing his arms and looked away. The younger raised an eyebrow while thinking of which date it was. 


''Wait... Is that today?''


''Yes it is.''


''Oh... Sorry.'' The younger scratched his neck, not really knowing what to say. Somehow he felt bad about forgetting it when he saw the look on Sungmin's face. Kyuhyun was just about to say something when he suddenly looked at the other side of the mall, and his eyes widened in shock. 


''Holy crap!'' 


''What is it?'' Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun's shocked face. His eyes were huge and his jaw was almost hanging down on the floor.


''M-my m-m-mom!'' Kyuhyun started stammering. His mom was inside a jewelry store together with the same man Kyuhyun had seen her with when he was with Heechul.




''There.'' Kyuhyun pointed towards the store, when the man whispered something into her ear that made her laugh. The man back hugged Mrs Cho while holding up a necklace with a heart on it.


''Wow she's pretty. Who is she with?''


''I have no idea but it's sure as hell that's not my dad. Come on.'' Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin's hand and ran towards a big plant right outside the shop. The two boys hid behind it and watched as Mrs Cho continued to be in her own little world together with... Whoever the man was.


''Really? You're going to spy on your own mom?''


''Sch be quiet. Who the hell is he? Why are they so... cute with each other?''


''Maybe it's her boyfriend.''


''No way. She would have told me if she had one.''


''Come on Kyu, it's obvious. He's hugging her, whispering something in her ear and they're in a jewelry store. Look now they're even holding hands while paying for the necklace. How more obvious can they be?''


''No, I haven't approved of him yet.''


''What do you need to approve of him?''


''A lot of things. Like, does he have a job? How old is he? Does he have kids? Is he-''


''Kyu stop it. It's cute that you care for your mom but don't you think she can handle her own dating life? You already told me your parents are divorced so leave her alone.'' Sungmin said as Mrs Cho and the man left the store.


Once again Kyuhyun followed them while dragging Sungmin with him. The two boys stopped outside of a restaurant where Mrs Cho
went inside with her 'date'. 
They couldn't follow her inside because she would see them then.


Instead Kyuhyun stalked his own mom from a window and watched as she sat down across from the man, and they looked like they were having the time of their life.


''Kyu let's leave. The security guards are already staring at us and I don't want to get arrested for looking at your mom.''


''Okay.'' Was all the rebel said, but he didn't make any sign to move.


''Kyu I need to get home. Are you coming or not?''


''Yeah yeah I will buy something for you, don't worry.'' Sungmin sighed when he realized Kyuhyun wasn't listening to him. He was too immersed with being a creep right now. The aegyo king picked up a small item from his back pack and placed it inside Kyuhyun's.


''Fine I'll take the buss then. See you tomorrow.'' Sungmin walked away from the scene. A few minutes passed before Kyuhyun finally gave up.


''Aish I will ask her when she gets home later. What did you say Min?'' Kyuhyun turned around to talk to his boyfriend, only to see that he was gone. When the rebel looked around he didn't see any trace of Sungmin anywhere.


''Did he leave? How long was I standing here?'' He scratched his head. 


Kyuhyun tried calling Sungmin a few times, but to no avail. Thinking that his boyfriend was busy with something else, Kyuhyun shrugged it off and went home. Two hours later the door to the apartment opened and Mrs Cho called that she was home. 


''Right... this is it.'' Kyuhyun mumbled to himself and went out from his room. He went to hug Mrs Cho and followed her to the kitchen.


''Kyuhyun have you eaten anything?''


''No I was waiting for you.''


''Oh you didn't have to do that, I have already eaten. I'll just make something quick for you then, okay?'' Mrs Cho smiled her angelic smile and started looking for something she could cook for her hungry son.


Kyuhyun sat at the dining table while watching his mom run back and forth. Maybe Sungmin was right. Mrs Cho was still pretty young for having an 18 year old son, and no one could deny that she was beautiful. It wasn't weird that men still wanted to date her, but it felt so weird. Ever since the divorce a few years ago Kyuhyun hadn't seen her with any man.


Maybe it was time to let her move on. Kyuhyun wasn't going to be around forever. He wasn't at home that often now either. Being in this apartment without anyone else around must be lonely. Too lonely. But he couldn't jump to any conclusions. He had to make sure she really was seeing someone.


''Mom are you dating?'' The words slipped out of Kyuhyun's mouth as if that was the normal question to tell your mom.


''W-what? Who do you think that.'' Mrs Cho asked with her back turned to her son. Her ears became slightly redder and she did her best to sound normal.


''You don't have to act mom. I've seen you with him twice now.''


''You... have?''


''Yeah, I have. So just tell me the truth. Are you dating him or not?''


''Fine.'' Mrs Cho sighed as she turned around. ''Yes I'm dating him.''


''Why haven't you told me anything?''


''Because I didn't want to let you meet him before I knew it was serious.''


''Well is it serious?''


''Yes it is. I was going to let you meet him, but I didn't know if you were ready.''


''If you like him then I'm ready. You don't have to hide things from me.'' Kyuhyun said as he went to hug his mother. ''But I have to approve of him first.'' The rebel added, making his mom laugh.



''Of course you have to. Thank you for not throwing a fit.''


''How can I do that? I understand if you need someone, you're not going to be young forever.''


''Yah.'' Mrs Cho snapped and playfully his her sons shoulder.


''I'm just kidding mom. Hey I got my math test beck today. Want to see what I got?''


''Of course. Go get it while I continue here.'' Kyuhyun did as he was told and went to his room to find his back pack. He poured everything out on his bed and started looking around for his report card, when a special item caught his eye. It was a present wrapped in a pretty yellow gift wrap with small bears on it.


He immediately ripped it open, and it was a small box. When he opened it he found a chocolate bar and a game he had looked at for weeks now. The was a card inside that said: To Kyu


''Happy first month Kyu! I hope you like the presents. It isn't much but I know you wanted this game.
Hope you like it!
// Sungmin ^^


''...'' Kyuhyun muttered under his breath. Even though their relationship wasn't real Sungmin had at least bothered to pend his money on a present, while Kyuhyun had forgotten the whole thing. He quickly looked at the clock around his wrist. 19:43. The mall would close soon, but if he hurried off then he would still have a chance to make it.


Without any further hesitation Kyuhyun stormed out from his room and to the hallway to grab his shoes.


''Mom I have to go! Leave the food in the fridge for me!'' Kyuhyun ran out from the apartment as soon as he was done and cursed himself for being so ignorant.


'' me! I'm the worst fake boyfriend ever!'' He yelled into the air while running as fast as his legs could carry him.




''Oppa the doorbell is ringing! Oppa!'' Sunny yelled as she stormed into Sungmin's room. The aegyo king was sitting on his bed while fixing his guitar. ''Oppa can you go open it the front door?''



''Can't you?''


''No I'm going to shower. So, go now before they leave.'' Sunny said and went back to her own room. Sungmin sighed while rolling his eyes before putting his guitar aside and went downstairs. The doorbell rang again, making him groan.


''I'm coming I'm coming!'' He said and opened the door. When he looked out he couldn't see anyone. All that was outside was a small bag in the door step. Curious of what was inside, Sungmin stepped outside and grabbed the bag. He looked inside and his eyes started sparkling when he took out the item. 


It was a pink polo shirt with white stripes on, with the exact same fabric he usually wore. The shirt was so pretty that Sungmin couldn't take his eyes away from it. While the pink lover was in his own world a certain someone hugged him from behind, making Sungmin jump in surprise.


''K-Kyuhyun you scared me!'' Sungmin laughed as he held a hand over his racing heart.


''I'm sorry. Do you like the shirt?''


''I do, it's so pretty.''


''Good. I'm sorry for forgetting about what day it was today.''


''Oh don't worry about it. It's fine.'' Sungmin smiled at the younger, making him feel even more guilty. Normally people would have been ignored if they forgot a day like this, but not Kyuhyun. Instead Sungmin was smiling at him and acting as if it was fine.


''No it's not. You remembered this day and you even bought a present. I didn't do anything.''


''Kyu I said it's fine. And you bought me this, right? You did at least something and I'm grateful for that.''


''Thanks. And I have something else for you, but you have to close your eyes.''


''What is it?''


''I will show you after you close your eyes.'' 


''Okay then.'' Sungmin did as he was told. To make sure that the older really had his eyes closed Kyuhyun waved his hand in front of his eyes a few times first. When he knew the it was clear he grabbed Sungmin's left hand and lightly squeezed it.


''What are you doing?'' Sungmin laughed when he felt how Kyuhyun started playing with his fingers. 


''Wait and see.'' Kyuhyun said and continued to play with them for a while. ''Okay. Now you can look now.'' Sungmin immediately opened his eyes and raised his hand. He was shocked to see a silver colored ring on it.

''K-Kyu what is-''


''It's a couple ring. I'm wearing the exact same one. Look.'' Kyuhyun said and held up his own hand. It was true. He was wearing the exact same ring, but his was black. Sungmin was at loss of words. He didn't know what to say because this was so overwhelming to him.


''Don't you like it?''


''Y-yes I do but... W-why?'' Sungmin's eyes had confusion written all over it. Kyuhyun let out a small chuckle and hugged Sungmin closer.


''You said that you weren't Mrs Cho is you didn't have a ring on your finger. Now you do.''


''I was just joking. Kyu this is really sweet but...''


''No butts. This is my present for you so just enjoy it, okay? Happy first month Min.'' Kyuhyun whispered the last sentence before placing a small kiss on Sungmin's cheek. 


The older was frozen in his place. A strange feeling was spreading in his stomach, together with a feeling of... warmth. It felt so strange he couldn't explain it. At the moment he didn't know if he was happy or not. It was like a bomb of different emotions was going around inside him and somehow he found himself blush. 


Was this?... No it couldn't possibly. NO! He was not falling for Cho Kyuhyun! Or...



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Guys I'm sorry for not updating but I will soon T.T


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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 29: I loved your story!! Thank you for sharing it!
Chapter 29: I really enjoyed this story! KyuMin is just too cute ~
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 29: I dunno why there was tears in my eyes.. This was just so sweet.. i started reading several days ago because some ing so this story really grows in to me..
Chapter 29: aw. myprecious kyuminbabies. i really love this! thank you for writing this one!
Chapter 29: I have read this story over a short period of time, and it entertained me a LOT! :D
It was really cute to see Kyu falling first, though it was probably not that visible to those around them.
Some of those pick-up lines were such a disaster! xD
Let's just hope no one EVER uses them towards any of us!

Thank you very much for writing all of this ♥︎
kimjonginssi #6
just wanna say thankyu ..i read it year ago but never left comment ..u are such a talent in writing...this is so beatiful!! one of my fav fanfic!! hope you can read more ..especially : KH~~~ ~^^~ :-*:-* <33 hehehe ^^V
fonamiJOY #7
Chapter 29: i've done read this story in 3 days.. i think.. hihihi
its really an amazing story.. i love it... ^^
but i am curious about one thing. in the early chapter when sunny know that sungmin have a boyfriend i think she said that she have no idea if her brother is a gay.. but then i know that she know about sungmin and kangin a year before.... so? am i wrong? ><