Chapter Two

Here I Am


“It’s fine, I know You have some problems. You just need to let them out.”

You looked back at him…

Jaejoong flashed you a smile.

*He…he’s smiling at…me.* ...


“Are you leaving? Its fine if you stay here.” Jaejoong said.

You sat at a corner, away from Jaejoong.

“What’s wrong with her? I won’t harm her.” Jaejoong said.

He just continued to read his book.

You looked at Jaejoong’s direction, you stared at him.

*Is he a good or a bad person? He didn’t say anything bad to me…maybe he’s a good person. He even understands my situation. He looks so calm and his face is beautiful. But, does he think I’m adopted…? I hope he doesn’t.*

You continue to look at him.

“Why do you keep on looking at me? Are you bothered that I believed those rumors?” You heard Jaejoong say.

*What?! Woah! Is he a mind reader.*

“I’m not a mind reader, I can tell by the way you look at me.” You heard him say again.

*How does he know what I’m thinking about.*

“I don’t believe those rumors, don’t worry. I confirm first before believing.” He said.

“Oh, I…I see.. But, can I ask a question..?” You asked.

“You already asked one.” Jaejoong answered as he stood up, he walked to your direction.

“Uhm, sorry for asking this, but…Who are you?” You asked hesitantly.

Jaejoong shocked by this question, suddenly stopped walking.

“You…you don’t know me..?” Jaejoong asked as he looked at you with big round eyes.

You shook your head no.

Jaejoong laughed. “You’re the first girl, who asked me that ridiculous question.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, but how many years have you been in this school?”

“Uh, three years.” You answered.

“You’ve been here three years already and you don’t know me?!”

“Uhm, no…sorry.” You looked down.

Jaejoong sat down across you.

“I’m Kim Jaejoong, nice to meet you.” Jaejoong said with a smile.

You looked at him with wide eyes and said,

“Kim Jaejoong…?”

Jaejoong nodded.

You gasped.

“You’re the Kim Jaejoong everyone’s been talking about ever since I entered this school!”

“Everyone’s been talking about me…?”

“Yeah, I’ve been hearing your name ever since I came here.”

“Really? I must be famous then.” Jaejoong said with a laugh.

“Yes, very.” You said in a low voice.

“And you are?” Jaejoong asked.

“I’m _______. Nice to meet you too.”

You shook hands.

 “Jaejoong-ah! You still here?” You heard another guy speaking.

“I’m here.” Jaejoong answered.

“Hyung, we talked to the traitor.” Changmin said.

“Ah! That’s the girl.” Yoochun said pointing at you.

“Dude, I know.” Jaejoong answered.

“Hello! I’m Shim Changmin.” Changmin bent down at your level, reached at your hand and shook it.

“Nice to meet you.” He added.

“Nice to meet you too. I’m _______.” You said shyly.

Another guy, appeared by your side.

“I’m Park Yoochun.” He said, offering his hand.

You reached for his hand to shake it. But, unexpectedly you were pulled up by Yoochun.

“It’s unfair if you just sit there and we’re all standing here.” He said flashing you a smile.

“They’re my friends.” Jaejoong said.

You smiled and said, “Thank You.”

“Why are you saying thank you?” Changmin asked.

“Because I feel better now.” You replied.

“Are you okay now?” Yoochun asked.

You just nodded in response.

“You don’t have to be affected by these things, they’re just rumors, lies.” Yoochun stated.

“Yeah, we even talked to your friend, or should I say, ex-friend.” Changmin said.

“You did? What did you say to her?”

“Doesn’t matter now, It’s fine.” Changmin answered with a smile of assurance.

“You’re…so tall..” You stated randomly.

Changmin broke into laughter. Yoochun and Jaejoong laughed too. You can’t stop to be amused.

“That was so random, are you trying to change the subject here.” Yoochun said.

The bell rang. **riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing**

“Let’s go!”

Jaejoong patted your head, and said, “I’m glad we made you feel better.” Then he smiled.

You just smiled back in response.

-At The hallways-

You heard whispers again, girls gossiping, students throwing dagger looks to you. You just ignored them and continued to walk to your classroom.

When you entered the room, you heard whispers again.


“Yeah, I saw her talking to them!”

“Damn that girl! We can’t even approach them.”

“Yeah and she got the guts to approach and talk to them!”

“The nerve!!!”

“Curse you !” Some girl said loudly, for you to hear.

You just ignored them, and then you got your iPod and earphones out. 

After playing, Here I am by ZE:A and Nothing’s Over by Infinite, Mirotic by DBSK played.

*My all time favorite! This song makes me happy!*

-At PE Time-

After changing into your PE uniforms, the students went to the school yard to play. You carried your iPod with you, since you can do anything you like during PE period. PE time in your school is just like free time. Time to play and relax.

While you were passing by, you have your earphones on, so you can’t actually hear anything.

“Yah! Are we still gonna play soccer?” Some guy asked.

“I have a plan.” A girl said with an evil smile.

“What plan?” A girl wearing the same smile asked.

“This.” The girl answered.

The girl kicked the ball hard to your direction. The ball hit the back of your head hard.

“Ouch!” You shouted. Your earphones fell, and your heard laughter everywhere.

“Nice one!” The girl said. The laughter continued.

“Hey, what’s going on over there?” Yoochun asked looking at the crowd’s direction.

Since the students can do anything during PE time, Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Changmin usually just linger around and relax, not caring much, but this time, something caught their attention.

“Aren’t they playing soccer?” Changmin said stuffing cream puffs into his mouth.

Then the laughter caught Jaejoong’s attention.

“I think they’re not playing soccer at all.” Jaejoong said.

Then his eyed widen, when he saw a figure of a familiar girl, furiously looking for something in the grass.

“Where’s my iPod? I can’t find it. Where is it?” You panicked.

“Looking for this?” A girl holding an iPod touch in his hand said.

“Give it back! That’s mine!” You tried to grab it, but the girl was just too stubborn to give in.

“Wow! This seems to be the newest Apple iPod Touch model.” The girl teased.

“Give it back please; it was a present from my dad.” You demanded.

“Oh, the people who adopted you seem to be rich.” The girl said, and laughter was heard again.

“Please give it back, and I’m not adopted.” You reached for it again, but you were pushed by another girl.

You fell and landed on the grass, fortunately there were no rocks around.

“Ouch.” You tried to stand up again.

“Please, I’m not asking for anything else, I just need that back. It’s important to me.” You begged.

“Don’t worry, I don’t take things that aren’t mine and it seems to be broken anyway.” The girl said as she just freely dropped your iPod on the ground.

The laughter grew louder. “Yah, let’s just play soccer.” A guy said.

The crowd then left and continued doing their stuff.


“It’s her!” Yoochun said.

“That’s why she was familiar.” Jaejoong said.

“Oh My God!” Changmin managed to say, with his mouth full of cream puffs.


You got your iPod from the ground, and tried to turn on the power, but it seems to be not working.

“It can’t be broken.” You said.  Then you saw a crack on the screen.

“Its…broken.” You let out a heavy sigh.

“Ow!” You felt pain on your palm, you saw a cut.

“I need to wash this.” You stood up and walked towards the sink to the left, away from the yard.

“Is she hurt? What happened?” Yoochun asked.

“Don’t ask me I don’t know anything.” Changmin answered.

“Because you were busy eating.” Yoochun teased.

Jaejoong approached you by the sink.

“Are you hurt?” He asked.

You gasped as you were not expecting this guy to appear.

“It’s fine.” You answered.

“This is serious, the LCD is broken.” Yoochun said, holding your iPod.

“You need a new one.” Changmin said.

“It’s fine.” You said.

You grabbed the gadget from Yoochun’s hand.

“You said that twice now.” Jaejoong said.

“Said what twice?” You asked.

“It’s fine.” Yoochun answered.

“It’s bleeding.” Jaejoong said, referring to your wound.

Then you noticed blood dripping from your hand.

“You need medication.” Jaejoong said.

He held your wrist, trying to help you.

You yanked your hand off from his hold.

“I said it’s fine, I don’t need medication, I’m fine.” You said.

“But, the bleeding needs to be stopped or else you’ll get infected.” Jaejoong said.

“It doesn’t matter! It’s fine!” You shouted.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Changmin asked.

“Why does it matter to you anyway?!” You said ignoring Changmin.

“What is she talking about Jae?” Yoochun asked Jae this time.

“Why do you even care?! You shouted.

“Fine! Do whatever you want to do! Why would I care anyway?!” Jaejoong shouted back.

Tears fell from your eyes, and then you ran away.

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Chapter 34: Yoochun is really a great friend. ♥him really much kekeke
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: Awwww.....nice story though, done reading this one hehe! They ended up together :D
redblossom07 #3
love love love ^^
Lovely author,i really love ur story...Its so good to read The Boss combined with DB5K in 1 story... I love it when u put Jay&Cgangmin the gluton together as eating buddy...its pretty hard for me to imagined that Karam is older than JaeJoong but i enjoyed this story so much..I'm a Cassie and Master.. My 2 ultimate bias are JaeJoong and Karam...I hope u can write another story about TheBoss&DB5K and YOU(reader) in a story about gangsters...lovely author,Fighting...!!! #AKTF
CassieJYJlhyn #5
amazing mMmm...luv it!
miakay #6
wow~they are all so innocent in this story~
luv it very much!! ^_^
mareta #7
Feeling relief ~
Finally at the end she with Jaejoong. Actually yoochun must be hurt but he`s the best friend. Thumbs up!
im re-reading this, cuz i love it so much!
Yoochun is the greatest friend one can have!:) thanks for updating^^
Superdbskjunior #10
This is the amazing story ever! Yoochun oppa is so nice and caring
I wish he was with __ ah but then he gave her to jaejoong :(
Oh well jaejoong oppa is also nice :)