Chapter Twenty-Eight

Here I Am


You noticed Jaejoong have been driving for an hour and 30 minutes. *Where are we headed? It seems far. I overslept and haven’t eaten anything yet… I feel hungry…*

“Are you bored?” You heard Jaejoong suddenly asked.

“No. I’m okay, but is it still far?”

“No, we’ll be there very soon. Why? Are you hungry?” Jaejoong asked.

“I’ll be very honest.. I am very hungry. I overslept… so…”

You heard Jaejoong laughed. “Actually I’m hungry too.” He said.

“Jaejoong-ah, where are we going really? I’m really curious… and why do you want to come with me?”

“It’s a surprise. And I want to come with you, because… because I just want to.. uh… show it to you.”

You smiled. “Thank you in advance for whatever this surprise is. But, I really want to eat first.”

“We will.” Then Jaejoong parked the car.

“Why did you stop here?” You looked around and saw a seashore nearby. “Wow!” You exclaimed.

“You said you were hungry. Let’s go.” Jaejoong said as he got out of the car. You followed him.

“It’s so cool here! How did you know this place?” You asked.

“I just do…” Jaejoong simply replied.

You and Jaejoong walked on the shore and you felt the cool breeze touch you.

“Do you see that?” Jaejoong pointed to the wrecked ship designed restaurant near the shore.

“Let’s go.” You and Jaejoong entered the place.

“Wow this is really cool and nice.” You complimented.

“Do you like it here?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yeah. It’s warm.” You said.

“This is owned by Changmin’s family.” Jaejoong said.

“Really? Wow! This is great!”

“What do you want to eat?”

“I don’t know, what do you want to eat?” You asked him too.

“Let’s have Hotpot, okay?” Jaejoong said.


“Excuse me. Can we order a Hotpot, tuna platter, and grilled meat?” Jaejoong told the waiter.

“Woah! No, wait. That’s a lot.” You interrupted.


“I think that’s a lot. It’s a waste if we don’t finish it all.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll finish it all.” Jaejoong said.

Then he instructed the waiter to go.

“Can we really finish all of that?” You asked again.

“Yes.” Jaejoong simply replied.

Soon, the food arrived…

“I will get for you.” Jaejoong offered. He started putting soup and meat in your bowl.

“Be careful, it’s hot.” You said. You looked at him.

“Why are you looking at me like that…again?” He suddenly asked.

“Nothing, I just… I’m not looking at you!” You pouted.

“Here, just eat.” Jaejoong placed the bowl in front of you.

“Wow! It’s delicious!” You exclaimed.

After a while you and Jaejoong walked on the shore again…

“Is this what you want to show me?” You asked.

“Actually no. But we already came here, so yes I want to show this to you too.” Jaejoong replied.

“It’s really nice here, thanks! And thank you for the food too, I’ll treat you later.” You said.

“Aren’t you cold?”

“Not really. But Jaejoong-ah where are we going? What is it that you want to show me that much?”

“Should we go there now? It’s just near here.”

You nodded in response.

…15 minutes later…

“We’re here.” Jaejoong said.

“Really?” You looked around and saw trees around. *A park?* You thought.

You and Jaejoong walked around. You saw only a few people walking around and children playing too.

“This is a tree park. You can do many things here. I want to show you something.” Jaejoong said.

“What is it?” You asked.

“I have my own tree too.” He replied.

“Wow! There are different kinds of trees here. This is cool.”

“Do you like it?” Jaejoong asked.

“Very! I like it very much!” You said.

“Great! The last time I went her was like four years ago with my family, so I wanted to go again.”

“But, why do you want to go with me?” You asked, curious.

“I just want to go with you and I told you, I want to show you my tree too.” He said.

“Should we see it now?” You asked. Jaejoong nodded.

“Uhmm…” You looked at him curiously.

“Can… can I… uh… can I hold your hand?” He asked, shyly.

You were shocked at his request.. you blushed. “O-okay…”

He held your hand and walked to the inner part of the park.

You stared at your linked hands but you didn’t care, it makes you feel safe. You kinda like the feeling, and still your heart can’t stop racing. *Kim Jaejoong and I… we’re holding hands.* You felt comfortable.

*This feels right…I like it…* Jaejoong thought.

*I don’t feel weird around Jaejoong anymore… actually I feel normal, happy… very happy.* You thought.

“Here it is” Jaejoong said.

You saw a big tree in front of you, you also noticed that it is almost the same as your tree.

“It’s like my tree.” You said.

“It is… it’s the same as yours.” Jaejoong replied.


“Yeah, I don’t know why but when I was five my father planted this here for me, he said I’m special.”

“You are special Jaejoong-ah.” You said, smiling at him.

“Do you really think so?” He asked.

“Everyone is. In their own ways.” You answered.

You and Jaejoong sat on the bench under it.

“Don’t sleep here, or else I’ll leave you.” Jaejoong warned.

“I won’t” You said.

“Should we get dessert?” Jaejoong asked.

You and Jaejoong entered an ice cream parlor.

“This park is huge, they even have stores here.” You said.

Jaejoong laughed. “Yeah. What should we buy?”

“Sir, you can make your own ice cream flavor. You can add toppings on it.” The girl in the counter said.

“Jaejoong-ah, let’s try!”

“Okay.” Jaejoong agreed.

You got yourself a plain vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and slices of strawberries, with crushed cookies. While Jaejoong got chocolate ice cream with cookies with white chocolate droplets and strawberries.

“Wow! This is yummy!” You exclaimed.

“Wait here, I’ll pay.” Jaejoong said.

You grabbed his arm, “I’ll pay.” You said.

“Why?” Jaejoong questioned.

“You paid for the meal earlier.” You said.

“How can I let the girl pay? Just wait here, okay?” Jaejoong walked to the cashier to pay.

“You’re really lucky. You have a very nice boyfriend, caring and gentleman too.” The girl in the counter said.

“Yes?” You asked.

“You’re a cute couple, best wishes to you guys.” She said, then she left.

You blushed. Then someone poked you from behind, you saw Jaejoong.

“Did she say something?” He asked.

You looked at him and said, “Nothing, she just said to enjoy our ice cream.” Then you walked out.

“Why is she red?” Jaejoong whispered. “Wait for me!” He called.

You and Jaejoong started walking again.

“This is good. Do you want to try some?” Jaejoong asked.

“Uhm, okay. Try some of this too.” You said.

You and Jaejoong exchanged ice cream cups. Without noticing, you forgot to exchange ice cream spoons.

When Jaejoong noticed, he blushed and you did too.

*We just shared an indirect kiss… * Jaejoong thought.

You just acted like you didn’t know, and let it be. *It’s okay, it’s nothing.*

...Later On…

“Jaejoong, look a gifts shop. I want to buy a souvenir.” You dragged Jaejoong in the shop.

“-------------ah, this is a couple gifts shop.” Jaejoong said.

“I know.” You said.

Jaejoong chuckled. “So, what do you want to buy?” Jaejoong asked.

“Look, this is so cute!” You said pointing at the cute bunny animal hat. You tried the white one on.

“It is cute! It looks good on you.” Jaejoong laughed “You’re so cute!” He said.

“Here try this one too.” You helped Jae put the gray one on. “That’s cute! You exclaimed.

Jaejoong blushed. You noticed this and said, “You’re so cute.” Then Jaejoong blushed deeper.

“We’re taking these.” You told the girl attending you and Jae.

“I’ll pay this time.” You said.

“I already paid.” Jaejoong said.

You pouted. Jaejoong chuckled.

“Because you bought couple animal hats, there will be a free photo.” The girl said.

You and Jaejoong posed for a picture. Just a second later you got the photo.

“You are the cutest couple I’ve seen today.” She said again.

“Uhm, but.. uh we…” You were about to protest when she interrupted…

“And you are the luckiest couple today, you guys are the 100th visitor of our store today, for that you won a free ticket to a boat ride.”

“A boat ride?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yes, at the lake over there. It’s exclusive for couples, and you’re lucky to get a free ticket.” She replied.

Jaejoong received the ticket. “Uhm, thank you.” He said.

You and Jaejoong walked again.

“Should we go for this boat ride?” Jaejoong asked.

“Sure, okay. We got it for free, so why not.” You said.

Jaejoong felt happy and you felt the same. You walked to the blue lake.

Jaejoong got in the boat, you were about to step in to when Jaejoong suddenly offered his hand.

“I know how clumsy you are.” He said. He bit his lip and smiled.

You smiled back, taking his hand. You sat across him while Jaejoong rowed the boat.

You stared at him, biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Do I look funny?” Jaejoong asked.

“No, it’s just that, this is the first time I see you like this. You look cute.” You said.

“You look cute too.” Jaejoong said.

“Why is everyone saying we’re a couple? The ice cream girl and the girl in the gifts shop too.”

“That’s because we look like one.” Jaejoong answered.

“Really? Don’t you feel weird?” You asked.

“No, not at all. Why, you do?”

“Uhm, no. It’s okay.” You replied. *Actually I feel happy Jaejoong-ah.* You thought.

*I don’t mind at all. I feel happy and right this way ---------ah.* Jaejoong thought.

You enjoyed the rest of the boat ride.

“That was fun.” You said.

“Yeah, it was.” Jaejoong said.

You and Jaejoong walked around the flower garden, still wearing the cute bunny hats. You noticed couples walking around too. 

“What time is it?” Jaejoong asked.

“4 PM.” You replied.

Then suddenly Jaejoong held your hand again. You were startled but you let him.

“Before this day ends, I want to do something for you.” Jaejoong said.

You and Jaejoong walked to a Music Theater.

“Wow! There is a music theater in this park?” You asked, in surprise.

“Good that there’s no one around here.” Jaejoong said as he walked to the piano on the stage.

“Are you gonna play?” You asked.

“Come here.” Jaejoong said.

You walked to him.

“Sit here, stay still and watch.” Jaejoong said.

You sat beside him on the chair.

Jaejoong started to play; you watched his fingers move on the keys. You stared at his face, relaxed but focused on his hands. The music he’s playing gave you a calm feeling. Your lips formed a smile, your heart wouldn’t stop racing. And you felt your heart just exploded at that moment.

Soon, Jaejoong finished playing, you clapped your hands.

“Wow! That was awesome! You’re really good.” You said.

“Thank you.” Jaejoong said.

“When did you start playing piano?” You asked as you walked out of the theater.

“Uhm, I think when I was 8… yeah.” He answered.

“That’s amazing.”

“I really wanted to play the piano for you.” Jaejoong said.

You blushed. “Thank you. That was great.”

Soon you and Jaejoong decided to leave.

“Did you have fun?” Jaejoong asked.

“I did! Thank you for bringing me here.”

“We will come here again next time.”

You nodded.

Jaejoong started driving.

“I have just one last thing to show you today.”

“Really? What is it?” You asked, curious.

“I hope you will like it. It is a very special place.”

You and Jaejoong walked hand in hand around another park, many people were around and there were lights everywhere.

“Another park?” You asked.

“Yes. Come, it’s this way.”

Soon, you arrived at a lake.

“Woah, it’s so pretty.” You said as you dipped your fingers in the water.

“I want to show you this special lake that only a few people know. Jaejoong said.

“Wow! It’s the sky!” You exclaimed. You looked at the water reflecting the sky.

“This is cool.” You said.

Jaejoong chuckled at your cuteness..

“You can watch the stars in here.”

“This lake is so clear, you can also make a wish here.” Jaejoong said.

“A wish?”

“Yeah, only very few people know that secret, this lake is a wishing lake.”

“A wishing lake?” You giggled. “That’s new.” You looked around and saw no one except Jaejoong.

“Thank you for bringing me here too… because of you I discovered places I never knew before.”

“That’s why I wanted to go with you ----------ah.”

“Oh, Thanks!”

“-----------ah…” Jaejoong called.

You looked at him and saw the serious expression on his face. You looked at him curiously.

“I want to tell you something.” He said.

You continued to listen.

“I expect you to be shocked, but please don’t hate me.”

“What is it? Tell me I won’t hate you.” You said.

“------------ah, I found this girl, and I like her… soon, without knowing, I already fell in love with her.”

Hearing this, your face fell, and then you forced a smile, “Really? That’s good. She’s lucky.”

*What’s wrong with her? Is she sad hearing this?* Jaejoong thought.

“------------ah… you’re the girl I’m talking about.” Jaejoong blurted.

“I like you ---------ah.” 


there, Jae confessed! ^____________^

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Chapter 34: Yoochun is really a great friend. ♥him really much kekeke
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: Awwww.....nice story though, done reading this one hehe! They ended up together :D
redblossom07 #3
love love love ^^
Lovely author,i really love ur story...Its so good to read The Boss combined with DB5K in 1 story... I love it when u put Jay&Cgangmin the gluton together as eating buddy...its pretty hard for me to imagined that Karam is older than JaeJoong but i enjoyed this story so much..I'm a Cassie and Master.. My 2 ultimate bias are JaeJoong and Karam...I hope u can write another story about TheBoss&DB5K and YOU(reader) in a story about gangsters...lovely author,Fighting...!!! #AKTF
CassieJYJlhyn #5
amazing mMmm...luv it!
miakay #6
wow~they are all so innocent in this story~
luv it very much!! ^_^
mareta #7
Feeling relief ~
Finally at the end she with Jaejoong. Actually yoochun must be hurt but he`s the best friend. Thumbs up!
im re-reading this, cuz i love it so much!
Yoochun is the greatest friend one can have!:) thanks for updating^^
Superdbskjunior #10
This is the amazing story ever! Yoochun oppa is so nice and caring
I wish he was with __ ah but then he gave her to jaejoong :(
Oh well jaejoong oppa is also nice :)