Chapter Seventeen

Here I Am


You and the others were in the living room, partying.

“Hyung! That’s mine!” Changmin exclaimed.

“What? I got it first.” Jay said and shoved the chocolate in his mouth.

Changmin pouted.

“Here Changmin-ah, we have a lot of chocolate.” You said and handed a chocolate bar at Changmin.

You smiled. “Wow! Thanks -----ah!” Changmin gladly accepted. *That’s why Yoochun hyung fell for her.*

Later… you went to the kitchen to get more drinks.

Without you knowing Yoochun followed you to help…

You opened the fridge and grabbed cans soda and juice. You placed them on the tray to carry them easier. Then you suddenly hit your elbow at the edge of the table which hurts a lot.

“Ow!” You groaned in pain. You almost dropped the tray.

Out of nowhere Yoochun held the tray for you. “Are you okay?” He asked showing full concern.

“Ouch! It hurts.” You rubbed your painful elbow.

Yoochun placed the try on the table. “Does it hurt a lot?” He asked and took your elbow gently, he looked at it. “It’s turning violet.” 

“It hurts Yoochun-ah.” You said.

“It got scratched; we need to apply ointment on the bruise before it gets worse.” He said.

You saw his worried expression; he cares so much about you. You felt electricity running in you.

“Where is the first aid kit -----ah?” Yoochun asked.

“I think it’s in that cabinet.” You pointed.

Yoochun hurriedly opened it and searched for it. “It’s here.” He said.

He sat you on the chair and he sat beside you. Yoochun gently applied medicine on your elbow.


“What’s taking -----ah so long?” Jay asked.

“Maybe we ran out of drinks.” Mika said.

“No way, we bought a lot yesterday.” Karam said, he stood up and went to the kitchen to check.

YooRin looked around and noticed Yoochun is nowhere to be seen too. *Are they together?*

“I think Yoochun is with her.” She said, then she turned to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong’s face fell hearing this, but then he said, “Maybe.”

*Gotcha! I caught you Jae!* YooRin screamed in her head, then she giggled silently.

…Back in the Kitchen…

“Does it still hurt?” Yoochun asked after the treatment.

“Not anymore. Thank you Yoochun-ah.” You replied.

Yoochun smiled at you, you immediately smiled back.


You and Yoochun turned and saw your one and only brother leaning on the wall.

“I was just wondering, why you took so long in getting the drinks.” Karam said, smiling.

“There was an accident hyung.” Yoochun said.

Karam approached you and Yoochun. “What happened?” He asked.

“It’s nothing. I’m fine now. Thanks to Yoochun-ah” You said.

Karam eyed Yoochun, and Yoochun lowered his head a little.

“Thanks for taking good care of my sister, but because of that,  look what happened to our drinks, it’s not cold anymore.” Karam said.

“I’m sorry oppa.” You said.

“It’s okay! I’ll carry this out.” He said as he took the tray of cans with him and started walking out.

You started to move too, but then again you almost tripped because of the chair.

Luckily Yoochun was fast, he caught your arm. Your eyes widen in surprise.

“You almost fell -----ah. Be careful.” Yoochun said.

You straightened yourself. “Sorry, I’ll be more careful. Thank you Yoochun-ah… again.” You said.

“You’re so clumsy, that’s cute!” Yoochun said as he pinched your cheeks.

Your cheeks turned pink all of a sudden. You looked away and touched your cheeks.

“Ehem!” Another fake cough was heard.

“Oppa, why are you still there?” You asked, embarrassed.

Yoochun also looked down, embarrassed.

“I was just gonna remind you to wash the plates, and also while doing that, prepare some popcorn, okay?” Karam said, he smiled then he really left this time.

…In the Living Room…

“Hyung! What took you so long?” Jay asked as soon as he saw Karam walking in.

“There were accidents…?” He replied almost asking.

Mika and the others grabbed their drinks.

“Where is -----ah?” YoonJi asked.

“Is Yoochun hyung there too?” Changmin asked.

“Oh, they’re having a moment.” Karam replied as he sat down.

Jaejoong, Changmin, YoonJi and Yoorin almost choked on their drinks.

“A moment?...hyung!” Jay shouted.

“Not that moment you’re thinking of, you moron!” He exclaimed.

“Then… what moment?” Changmin asked.

“They’re making popcorn!” Karam replied.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh..” They all said in chorus.

YooRin noticed Jae spacing out. “Don’t worry too much Jae, they’re just making popcorn.” She said.

Jae looked at her, surprised with what she just said.

YooRin just winked and smiled.

*What is she… talking about?* Jae thought.

…In the kitchen…

You were washing the dishes, while Yoochun prepared the popcorn.

“Let me help you.” Yoochun offered.

“But, that..” You said pointing at the microwave.

“Fifteen minutes ‘till it pops.” Yoochun said.

You and Yoochun silently washed the utensils.

“Thank you Yoochun-ah.” You said.

“I heard you say that so many times already.”

“I just feel thankful to you.”

Yoochun chuckled. You just laughed.

After a while you finished putting the plates and stuffs away and you heard the popping sounds.

“It’s ready.” You said.

You hurriedly grabbed the bowl and rushed… you didn’t notice the small puddle of water on the floor.

You slipped, and as expected Yoochun rushed to you and held your waist to prevent you from falling.

You almost dropped the bowl, but thanks to Yoochun’s fast reflexes, he grabbed it.

“I didn’t know you were this clumsy.” He teased.

You weren’t able to reply, you felt your heart throbbing, you felt tingly.

Then Yoochun’s head turned to the side, you followed. Still holding your position, both your eyes widen.

“I…I didn’t mean to disturb… I was just… checking if the popcorn’s ready.” Jay stuttered.

You and Yoochun immediately pulled.

“Pretend that I wasn’t here!” Jay said before he scrambled off.

You looked at Yoochun and your eyes met… You both immediately looked away. *popping sounds*

“The popcorn!” You both exclaimed, suddenly forgetting about the awkward moment.

“Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!” Jay called…

“What? Is it ready?” Mika asked.

Jay held Karam’s shoulders… Karam turned to him, surprised.

They all turned to him in curiosity.

Jay gulped… “They were having a moment, hyung!” He exclaimed.

This time, Changmin literally choked on his drink.

“What are you talking about?” Karam asked.

“I… I saw them hyung!”

“What exactly are they doing? YooRin asked.

“You know how clumsy my sister is, Jay.” Karam said.

“I bet -----ah slipped and Yoochun caught her by holding her waist to prevent her from falling.” Mika said.

This time YoonJi choked… “You watch a lot of dramas Mika sunbae.” She said.

Jay snapped his fingers. “Exactly!” He exclaimed.

“What?!” They chorused.

“You call that a moment?” Karam asked, with raised eyebrows.

“Well, whatever! I want the popcorn right now!”Jay said with a pout.

Jaejoong was silent all this time, he was surely jealous, but he didn’t know that it was jealousy he was feeling because he knows nothing of it….

*What is this…feeling?* He thought…

YooRin noticed Jae’s uneasy expression… “It’s jealousy, Jae…” She whispered.

“What?” Jaejoong asked. He didn’t hear properly because of the unstoppable laughter.

“You’ll find it out…soon.” YooRin said.

Soon you and Yoochun arrived with the popcorn, you and the others enjoyed it…

…chatting and laughing all night…


HEY THERE MY DEAR READERS!!! ^_____________^

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Chapter 34: Yoochun is really a great friend. ♥him really much kekeke
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: Awwww.....nice story though, done reading this one hehe! They ended up together :D
redblossom07 #3
love love love ^^
Lovely author,i really love ur story...Its so good to read The Boss combined with DB5K in 1 story... I love it when u put Jay&Cgangmin the gluton together as eating buddy...its pretty hard for me to imagined that Karam is older than JaeJoong but i enjoyed this story so much..I'm a Cassie and Master.. My 2 ultimate bias are JaeJoong and Karam...I hope u can write another story about TheBoss&DB5K and YOU(reader) in a story about gangsters...lovely author,Fighting...!!! #AKTF
CassieJYJlhyn #5
amazing mMmm...luv it!
miakay #6
wow~they are all so innocent in this story~
luv it very much!! ^_^
mareta #7
Feeling relief ~
Finally at the end she with Jaejoong. Actually yoochun must be hurt but he`s the best friend. Thumbs up!
im re-reading this, cuz i love it so much!
Yoochun is the greatest friend one can have!:) thanks for updating^^
Superdbskjunior #10
This is the amazing story ever! Yoochun oppa is so nice and caring
I wish he was with __ ah but then he gave her to jaejoong :(
Oh well jaejoong oppa is also nice :)