Chapter Twenty-One

Here I Am

“Well, we’re not sure of that, but Jae… you need to move faster.” YooRin said.

“What do you mean?” Jae asked in confusion.

“You need to show her that you love her, Jae. You can’t just tell her directly, let her feel it.”

“How will I do that?”

“You need to show her your care, let her feel safe and comfortable around you.”

“I think I’ve been doing that for the past few days.” Jae replied.

“Jae, you can do more. Make her feel loved.”… “I will help you Jae.”

“You are already helping me YooRin-ah, thanks!”

“Jaejoong-ah, I think Yoochun will confess soon, and we don’t know, that might be game over for you.”

“I don’t really want to be rivals with Yoochun, he’s my best buddy.”

“Jaejoong-ah, do you really love ------ah?” YooRin asked.

Jae nodded. “I do. Don’t you know that? I do love her… I love ------ah very much.”

“So, if you love her that much, fight for it! Are you scared of Yoochun?”

“I’m not scared of anyone. I…just don’t want our friendship to be ruined because of this.”

“Do you really think Yoochun wants to be your rival too?”

Jaejoong looked at YooRin.

“Yoochun-ah, is not that kind of person… he’s just like you Jae.”

Jaejoong continued to listen.

“He doesn’t want to ruin this decade long friendship with you.”

“I know that.” Jaejoong said.

“I know sooner or later, Yoochun will find out, Changmin will find out also, that you like ------ah too.”

“That’s why… maybe if that happens…” Jaejoong was cut off..

“Do you really think that Yoochun is that shallow, to break ties with you because he’s jealous, because you became his rival in love?”

Jaejoong was stunned. “Yoochun…is not like that.” He said.

“I think so too.. Yoochun is not stupid! And you’re not either! So don’t be scared of this.”

Jaejoong stayed silent.

“Your friendship won’t break Jaejoong-ah. Yes you’re rivals, but you will still be friends. Trust me.”

“Me and Yoochun will stay friends forever… if -----ah chooses Yoochun, I will support him and be happy.”

“And I know Yoochun will do the same.” YooRin agreed.

“Thank you for making me realize this YooRin-ah.” Jaejoong said.

YooRin smiled. “I will support both of you, so be strong Jaejoong-ah! Fighting!”

Jaejoong just smiled back.

*Yoochun will confess soon… what should I do? This is my first ever experience…* Jaejoong thought.


*This is my first experience of these things; I don’t know what to do. I need to stop my feelings*

After some thinking you returned outside. You sat with YoonJi, Mika and Jay.

“Where were you ------ah?” Jay asked.

“I was inside, I was…”

“I see… do you want chips? Chocolate?” Jay asked again.

You laughed at his childishness.

Mika noticed YoonJi’s silence.

“It really feels incomplete when someone’s missing.” Mika said, he decided to tease YoonJi.

“Yeah, Karam hyung’s not here.”Jay said.

YoonJi immediately turned away.

“Do you miss him that much? He just left.” Mika blurted.

“I… I don’t!” YoonJi shot back.

“YoonJi-ah, I’m not asking you, I’m talking to ------ah.” Mika joked.

YoonJi looked away again, blushing in embarrassment.

“Hyung, don’t be like that. YoonJi misses hyung that much too.” Jay teased.

“Hey, don’t be like that to YoonJi-ah. We all miss my brother after all.” You defended.

“Well, we don’t!” Mika and Jay chorused in response.

“Why not?” YoonJi asked.

“No body’s gonna tell us to sleep outside or to walk for the next few days.” Jay answered.

You and YoonJi laughed.

Just a few feet away, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Changmin, and YooRin were sitting too, talking.

You decided to take a look of Jaejoong, as you turned your head, Jaejoong also is…

Again, you locked eyes with him, your eyes widen in shock… Jaejoong stayed calm.

“Hey! Let’s play a game!”Changmin blurted.

You immediately looked away, blushing. Jaejoong’s look stayed on you.

“Yeah! What game?” Jay asked.

“I don’t feel like playing.” YoonJi said.

“Oh, come on!” Mika dragged her again.

“------ah?” Jay called.

You shook your head no.

“Okay, just join us later.” Jay replied.

“How come -------ah is not joining and you just let her?” YoonJi asked.

“It’s no fun without you.” Mika said.

“It’s no fun without -------ah either.” YoonJi protested.

You laughed. But, YoonJi has no choice, so she just joined them to play.

You walked to the big tree in the garden. That big oak tree was planted by your father as a present when you were 10, and now it turned out to be a big and beautiful tree.

You sat under it. “How come you’re bigger than me? When you were planted, I’m much bigger than you.”

You leaned your back on it, and hugged your knees. “I miss dad and mom.” You whispered.

You sniffed. “I think I ignored this tree for the past few years.”

Jaejoong saw you alone, he decided to approach you.

“What are you doing here?” A voice asked.

You turned and saw Jaejoong standing at the side of the tree.

You smiled. Your sadness slowly faded when you saw him.

“Why are you standing there? Come sit here with me.”

Jaejoong’s heart skipped a beat, when he heard you asking him to sit with you.

Slowly Jaejoong sat beside you under the tree.

“Why are you not playing with them?” You asked.

“I am, but I saw you alone. So, I… anyway, why are you here alone?” Jaejoong asked this time.

“I just want to be.” You replied.

“So, maybe I’m… disturbing you…so…” Jaejoong was about to stand up…

You suddenly grabbed his arm. “No, you can stay…uhm… if you like.”

Jaejoong looked at you. You smiled at him, he smiled back.

“This tree is big. I’m guessing it was planted a long time ago.” Jaejoong said looking up the tree.

“It is, right? It was planted when I was 10 years old.” You said.

“There must be a story behind this tree then.”

You laughed. “There is.” You replied.

“Do you mind telling me?”

“It was a gift from my dad for my 10th birthday. The morning of my birthday, my father planted this tree. He told me to take care of this tree. It turned out good, right?”

“Yeah, it’s very big now, bigger than you.”

“My brother has his own tree, over there. It’s a little bigger than mine.” You said pointing at it.

Another big tree was standing just a few feet away from your tree.

“It was planted when he was 10 also.” You said.

“Why did your father gave you a tree?”

“I don’t know either. Maybe… I don’t know really.”

Jaejoong laughed. “It must be special.” He said.

“This tree is special, just like the owner.” Jaejoong said.

You looked at him, then you smiled. “Thank you.” You said.

“It turned our pretty too… just like you.” Jaejoong turned to you.

You looked at him too, stunned. But, you managed to say, “Thank you…again.”

“Aren’t you cold? The wind is cold tonight.”

“No, why? Are you?” You asked.

“No, I’m worried about you; you were sneezing earlier, so what if you catch a cold.”

You smiled at Jaejoong, “The person you like, will surely like you back Jaejoong-ah.” You said.

Jaejoong looked at you.

“You are so caring and good-looking too. You will be an ideal boyfriend for her. She’s lucky.”

Jaejoong smiled, he was very happy inside… knowing that’s what you think.

*It’s you ------ah, you’re the girl I like… if I tell you now… will you surely…like me too?* Jaejoong thought.

“Wow! The person, who was never interested in love, finally fell in love.” You said smiling at him.

“Yeah, I did fell in love… I fell hard.” Jae replied looking straight in your eyes.

You looked away and Jaejoong did the same.

“So, this is your first time too.” You said, in a whisper.

“What?” Jaejoong asked.

“Nothing. I wish you the best and the girl you like, I hope everything turns out… great.” You said.

“I hope so too…”

Then you became dizzy, you felt sleepy and your head and eyes seem heavy.

“-------ah, do you like someone?” Jaejoong asked.

You didn’t hear Jaejoong, you eyes were closed, and your head is falling.

“--------ah?” Jaejoong called, but then he felt something leaning on his shoulder.

He turned to see you sleeping, your head safely placed on his shoulder.

Jaejoong felt his heart racing… “This is the second time you did this to me -----ah.” He whispered.

He smiled at you. He removed the strands of hair on your face; Jaejoong touched your cheek with his hand. He felt electricity in him. He caressed your face, touching your fair skin. He placed your arms properly, he held your hands and he felt it cold… “You lied, you said you’re not cold, but you are.”

He decided to take off his jacket, he wrapped it around you. You were still sleeping, while a smile formed on your face. That time, you felt safe and comfortable.

Jaejoong didn’t mind if he was cold, because he is feeling warm inside. “I can’t believe you’re sleeping under a tree.” He said. He looked at you again. He smiled, and he wanted to kiss you. But he knows he can’t, he knows he shouldn’t… but…

*I like you very much -------ah, I want to let you know, I want to shout it to the world, I want to show it to you, I want you to feel my love… I don’t even care if I become rivals with my best friend…I wish that we will stay like this forever…I love you -----ah.* Jaejoong leaned, and he placed a kiss on your forehead gently, not wanting to wake you up.

*Distant laughter*

“We missed all the fun -------ah.” Jaejoong looked up to the sky watching the stars twinkle.

“Well, I don’t care… as long as we’re like this… alone. I’m happy ------ah.” Jaejoong whispered.

You unconsciously moved closer to Jaejoong. “I think I deserve another ice cream from you.”

Jaejoong smiled… “Good night… my princess.” He whispered again before closing his own eyes.


there i added a picture too.. ^^

i hope you like this chapter, i really worked hard on this.

^_______________^ don't hesitate to leave a comment. ^^


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Chapter 34: Yoochun is really a great friend. ♥him really much kekeke
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: Awwww.....nice story though, done reading this one hehe! They ended up together :D
redblossom07 #3
love love love ^^
Lovely author,i really love ur story...Its so good to read The Boss combined with DB5K in 1 story... I love it when u put Jay&Cgangmin the gluton together as eating buddy...its pretty hard for me to imagined that Karam is older than JaeJoong but i enjoyed this story so much..I'm a Cassie and Master.. My 2 ultimate bias are JaeJoong and Karam...I hope u can write another story about TheBoss&DB5K and YOU(reader) in a story about gangsters...lovely author,Fighting...!!! #AKTF
CassieJYJlhyn #5
amazing mMmm...luv it!
miakay #6
wow~they are all so innocent in this story~
luv it very much!! ^_^
mareta #7
Feeling relief ~
Finally at the end she with Jaejoong. Actually yoochun must be hurt but he`s the best friend. Thumbs up!
im re-reading this, cuz i love it so much!
Yoochun is the greatest friend one can have!:) thanks for updating^^
Superdbskjunior #10
This is the amazing story ever! Yoochun oppa is so nice and caring
I wish he was with __ ah but then he gave her to jaejoong :(
Oh well jaejoong oppa is also nice :)